Zend multiple directories and MVC routing - model-view-controller

I'm building my first personal website using Zend 1.11. To create the directory structure I've used the zf script that comes with the framework. I can use the same script to create controllers/views like so:
Yet where I've come unstuck is trying to encompass multiple directories e.g.
...I just get an error saying the content cannot be found. There is no model, just a controller (route?) and a view. I've tried adding the desired directory structure when I use zf but this results in an error e.g.
zf create controller about/cv/workhistory
Is this even possible in MVC or does it show a lack of understanding of what MVC is on my part? Thanks in advance for any help/tips/pointers

ok you've created some controllers. Now it looks as though you want to add some functions to your controllers.
In order to do /contact/address it would be appropriate to have the addressAction() inside your ContactController().
A controller is a group of actions (read METHODS). When you built your application 2 controllers were built with it, one of them was the IndexController() that also gave you your first action indexAction() and your first view index.phtml located at /application/views/scripts/index:
class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function init()
/* Initialize action controller here */
public function indexAction()
Zend Framework implements the MVC paradigm with actual Models, Views and Controllers. In the controllers are your actions grab data and prepare it to be viewed.
Go ahead and do yourself a favor and run through some tutorials, here are some suggestions.
Rob Allens ZF 1.11 tutorial
Zend Framework Quickstart
The naming conventions are important to understand and can be found at:
Zend Framework Naming conventions


How to call two controllers in one controller folder when using hmvc CodeIgniter?

I have the following folder structure
How can I call the product controller from user controller from one particular function?
When I run this url http://[::1]/stagingweb/index.php/user/product I get the error 'The page you requested was not found'.
it looks like you have a problem to understand the concept of hmvc here
HMVC stands for Hierarchical model–view–controller, which means in Wiredesignz HMVC there is an additional variation called modules added to the classical MVC pattern used by Codeigniter.
in your case if you have users and products, its probably the best to create 2 modules (users and products).
So your folder structure would look like
- users
- controllers
- models
- views
- products
- controllers
- models
- views
in Wiredesignz HMVC Integration there is a class MX_Controller, so every module controller has to extend from it.
an example
class Product extends MX_Controller{}
And if you want to call another modules controller within your specific controller you simply have to call
$return = modules::run('products/product/your_function');
Though in most cases it's probably a cleaner solution to just call the models from the other modules instead of executing a controllers function...
The entire process is very well documented here

base controller zend framework 2

I wonder if someone here can help, I am just starting with Zend Framework 2 and I am find it slightly daunting to get a project started off properly..
I am trying to create a base controller that I can be extended from. I am currently using the Zend Framework 2 skeleton application.
I have created a Resources folder in vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library. Within the the Resources folder, I have a Controllers folder which houses a BaseController.php file.
How do I get my project to autoload the BaseController in the Resources folder for it to be available through out the entire site?
Any help will be most appreciated.
You shouldn't need to create a base controller, ZF2 already provides a number of base controllers for you, such as the RestController and the AbstractActionController
If you are going to create a base controller, create you own module and put it in the vendors directory.
You should never need to go into third party modules and modify code as you should be able to inherit and extend the classes that are provided by such libraries

Overriding Joomla core component file

I am trying to override the com_content/views/article/view.html.php file in joomla using the instructions given in this page
It says I have to create a folder named 'code' in base directory and create the same directory structure. I tried it , but its not working. Can someone confirm whether its working.
Where should I create code folder? Is it on root of joomla installations?
PS- The edit is working correctly when applied on core file
You can override (nearly) any class in Joomla, if your class with the same name is loaded first. To ensure that, you need to create a system plugin.
Here is an example for root/components/com_content/views/article/view.html.php:
class plgSystemOverride extends JPlugin
public function onAfterRoute()
JLoader::register('ContentViewArticle', 'path/to/override.php', true);
CAVEAT: Overriding a core class can lead to problems with other extensions, if you're not very careful. For views, though, any interferrence with other extensions is less likely.
You can't override component controllers, models and views in core Joomla! without using a 3rd party plugin.
The plugin you need can be found here: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/style-a-design/templating/15611
The code folder then goes into your Joomla root unless you're overriding a back-end view in which case it goes into /administrator
Hope this helps :)
You can use the Class Overrider Plugin http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/tools/development-tools/23994
just adding some simple human reading commands

Separate Admin and Front in codeigniter

What is the best way to separate admin and front-end for a website in codeigniter where as I was to use all libraries, models, helpers etc. in common, but only controllers and Views will be separate.
I want a more proper way, up for performance, simplicity, and sharing models and libraries etc.
I highly suggest reading the methods outlined in this article by CI dev Phil Sturgeon:
My advice: Use modules for organizing your project.
Create a base controller for the front and/or backend. Something like this:
// core/MY_Controller.php
* Base Controller
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {
// or MX_Controller if you use HMVC, linked above
function __construct()
// Load shared resources here or in autoload.php
* Back end Controller
class Admin_Controller extends MY_Controller {
function __construct()
// Check login, load back end dependencies
* Default Front-end Controller
class Public_Controller extends MY_Controller {
function __construct()
// Load any front-end only dependencies
Back end controllers will extend Admin_Controller, and front end controllers will extend Public_Controller. The front end base controller is not really necessary, but there as an example, and can be useful. You can extend MY_Controller instead if you want.
Use URI routing where needed, and create separate controllers for your front end and back end. All helpers, classes, models etc. can be shared if both the front and back end controllers live in the same application.
I use a very simple approach: file folders. Check out the CI User Guide section, Organizing Your Controllers into Sub-folders.
I have my public-facing website built as any other would be built with CodeIgniter. Then I have two additional folders, controllers/admin and views/admin.
The admin controllers are accessed via http://[hostname]/admin/controller, and behave just as any other controller except they have specific authentication checks. Likewise, the views are simply called with the folder name included: $this->load->view('admin/theview');.
I haven't found a reason to do anything more complicated than that.
You all can find complete solution over here, https://github.com/bhuban/modular
Module separation for admin and front-end using HMVC and template separation using template libraries
I am using two third party libraries, you can find it in zip file.
HMVC for modular developed by wiredesignz
Template engine for templating by Phil Sturgeon
Just unzip it into your webserver root directory and run
localhost/modular for front-end
localhost/modular/admin for back-end
application/back-modules, it is for the back-end modules
application/front-modules, it is for the front-end modules
templates/admin for the back-end templates
templates/front for the front-end templates
themes/admin for the back-end themes
themes/front for the front-end themes
Nothing hacked in original code just configured using config.php and index.php

Codeigniter HMVC and CMS

I am using Codeigniter with the HMVC Modular extension and have a backend CMS area for managing website content. I am routing the base URL + "admin" (http://localhost/cms/admin) to controller methods with the prefix "admin_".
e.g. function admin_index() {...}
And here is my routing:
$route['admin/([a-zA-Z]+)/(:any)'] = "$1/admin_$2";
$route['^admin/(:any)(/)?'] = "$1/admin_index";
$route['^admin(/)?'] = "dashboard/admin_index";
$route['admin/logout'] = "login/admin_logout";
With the HMVC it is not routing correctly now. Here is what happens:
URL: http://localhost/cms/admin/faqs
Directory: modules/faqs/controllers/faqs - index method
here is where it breaks
URL: http://localhost/cms/admin/faqs/categories
Directory: modules/faqs/controllers/faqs - categories method (does not exits)
Desired: modules/faqs/controllers/categories - index method
How can I use HMVC while maintaining the "admin" are of the website?
You are making life a bit too tricky by putting frontend and backend functions in the same controllers. Have a look at my article on how to create an admin structure in CodeIgniter.
I'm working on something similar, and implemented a swapping like you did (3rd option) and it worked fine.
I tried to implement a front controller to handle the admin section, and run modules with HMVC modules::run() and buffer the output as I wish, but then I have faced another issue, you will have to change the URI schemes from / to _ or something else, since you wont be able to send module segments as parameter to your controller because CI relies on "/" for it's routing mechanism.
The only way is to emulate the admin section as Phil suggested, but there is another option to still have control over the code implemented by anyone using your CMS.
You could extend CI_Controller (or MX_Controller in case you are using HMVC) and add an Admin_Controller which will handle your logic and control what modules can do.
Have a look at this CodeIgniter Base Classes: Keeping it DRY
