joomla users admin - joomla

In the joomla users admin when a users data is loaded, where is the function to call the users data
$result = parent::getItem($pk);
This is the code that returns the data, but I need to find where this function is? I want to amend the query as I've added some form fields, but I need to know which parent, as there are many getItem functions in Joomla
Thanks in advance

Joomla 1.7 provides a mechanism ( ) for adding extra fields through user plugins. This is a far more robust method than editing core files - for one thing edits to core files risk being overwritten as soon as you update and as updating is a simple push button affair it is likely to be sooner rather than later.

found it libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php


Extending Joomla 2.5 Banner Component

I really hope someone can help me.
I need to be able to serve banners in categories which are dependant on a session variable - and can't find a component which does that. So I'd like to extend the Joomla Banner component in order to select banners based on a session variable which contains the category path.
The correct session variable is being stored correctly.
In order to do this I added an option in the banners module .xml to allow for a session variable and the name of the session variable. This is being stored correctly in the module table within the params field along with the other module parameters.
Then I started on the
components > banners > com_banners > models > banners.php
by adding two lines of code in getListQuery where the SQL is assembled. They are:
$sess_vars = $this->getState('filter.sess_vars');
$sess_vars_name = $this->getState('filter.sess_vars_name');
But both variables contain nothing even though the ones the component already has can be retrieved fine. Without a doubt I need to change something somewhere else as well - but just can't figure out what to do.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The first thing to do is not hack the core files, hacking the core prevents you from using the built-in update feature to apply the regular bug fixes and security patches released by Joomla! (e.g. the recently released 2.5.9 version).
Rather make a copy of them and modify it so it's called something else like com_mybanners. Apart from the folder name and the entry point file (i.e. banners.php becomes mybanners.php) you will also want to update the components banners.xml to mybanners.php.(You will need to duplicate and modify both the front end /components/com_banners/ and /administrator/components/mybanners.php.)
Because of the way Banners work (i.e. banners are displayed in a module) you will also need to duplicate and modify /modules/mod_banners/,/modules/mod_banners/mod_banners.php and /modules/mod_banners/mod_banners.xml. Changing mod_banners to mod_mybanners in each location.
In Joomla! components the state is usually populated when JModel is instantiated, however, in this case the component is really about managing banners and recording clicks the display is handled by mod_banners. So, you will want to add some code to mod_mybanners.php to use the session variables you want to act on. Normally when a models state is queried you will collect the variables via JInput and add them to your object's state e.g.
protected function populateState()
$jApp = JFactory::getApplication('site');
// Load state from the request.
$pk = $jApp->input->get('id',0,'INT');
$this->setState('', $pk);
$offset = $jApp->input->get('limitstart',0,'INT');
$this->setState('list.offset', $offset);
// Load the parameters.
$params = $app->getParams();
$this->setState('params', $params);
// Get the user permissions
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if ((!$user->authorise('core.edit.state', 'com_mycomponent')) && (!$user->authorise('core.edit', 'com_mycomponent')))
$this->setState('filter.published', 1);
$this->setState('filter.archived', 2);
The populateState() method is called when a state is read by the getState method.
This means you will have to change your copy of /components/com_banners/models/banner.php to capture your variables into the objects state similar to my example above.
From there it's all your own code.
You can find all of this information in the Developing a Model-View-Controller tutorial on the Joomla Doc's site

How to make wp plugin auto-refreshing on the public side of view (auto load page)

First have to say that almost every time when searching on technical solutions.. search engine will direct me to this site here. I admit that i have learned such A LOT here just by searching through for answers..
but also have to say that not being a coder.. so don't understand much here at all ;)
Ok, the Problem:
Want to update wordpress tables or calendar within wp admin. These changes should become updated on the public side automatically and more or less instantly (~ few seconds is perfectly fine).
I found solutions about manipulating header.php, i found some ajax plugins I found -too much to count- info on how to implement ajax into wp
Sadly.. none of these could help me through as the plugins mostly either not work, are outdated or require countless file edits. Manipulating header.php seems odd.. as i don't want to loop-refresh the whole page, post etc.. but only get e.g. table or calendar data updated.
So maybe any of you coders know of something to e.g. get the plugin "All-in-One Event Calendar by Timely" to update the public visible part of the calendar once data edited in wp admin?
Greatly appreciate pointers in any direction to solve this.
P.S.: What would you think of plugins like "ajaxify everything" ? don't know if this really the way to go..
Again, thanks for your help, time and contribution!!
additional question:
I now found such plugin to let me chose which parts i want to "ajaxify".
Such plugin would ask me for a specific function name.
Now, where do i start to gather this information?
Below is the instruction from the plugin context inside wordpress admin
Generate Ajaxized DIV for your function
Ajaxize will allow you to ajaxize almost any php function on your
It can be a plugin, a function you wrote, or even a core wordpress
There are some (obvious or less obvious) limitations currently:
Functions must return valid HTML - this will be called in php and returned via the
Ajax call
Functions cannot accept any parameters (at least at the moment)
Enter a function name below.
Function Name: xxx input field xxx what put in here? xxx
The generated div can be inserted to any page/post on the site and
will ajaxize the call to the function automatically.
Please make sure you enter a valid function name, that the function
does not require any parameters, and that it returns valid HTML.
In your context you want to refresh the calendar automaticaly when there is a change in the WP_Admin;
but you can't exactly do this.
You can write a Js method which will check the time of lastest modification of the calendar at the load of the page, stock it in Var.
After you'll have a constant (each 10seconds) Js "daemon" which will get the time of lastest modification of the calendar and compare it to the stocked Var; If change you reload the calendar.
PS: Ajaxify everything is not really a solution due of the developpement you need To Ajaxify and to code for people who has disabled Javascript.
Hope it helps

codeigniter extra url segments

I am making a site for a client and decided i would use code igniter.
The site essentially has two backends, one for designers, and one for a sales team. So after logging in, the user will be redirected to either
The sales team for example can view orders, containers, products, therefore i need a controller for each of these.
The sales need to be able to view, edit, delete certain orders...
Basically my problem is i dont have enough url segments to play with.
My thoughts on solving my problem
removing the orders, containers, products classes and making ALL of their methods as methods of the sales class, although this would mean a large number of methods and loading all models so it seemed kind of pointless.
removing the sales/designer classes and controlling what each kind of user has access to based on a user type stored in session data.
a way of having an extra url segment?
I appreciate any advice, I just dont want to get 3 weeks into the project and realise i started wrong from the beginning!
Use folders.
If you make a subfolder in /application/ called sales you can put different controllers in there:
orders.php /* Controller */
Then in orders.php you will put your vieworders($id) method and so on, and you will be able to acces it with
You can also make subfolders in the /models/ and /views/ to organize your files.
Now, Access Control is something apart and it depends more in the auth system you are using.
Give the user/designer a privilege, a column in the user table for example, check the permission of the user at the beginning of the function, then prevent or execute it.
This would be the exact way i would do it.
Seems like you should have a look into the routing class. Might be a dirty solution but rerouting the sales/(:any) to something like sales_$1 would mean you'd make controllers with names like sales_orders.
Same for the design part.
(FYI: $routing['sales/(:any)'] = 'sales_$1'; should do the trick; see application/config/routing.php).

Displaying specific content to specific user in Joomla 1.5

To be short, It's a website for an investigations lab.
I need to display specific content (lab report) to specific user. Users will be given a username and a password when leaving and will be asked to login on the website to access his/her report with the credentials given to him.
So , it's a "specific content" for "specific user" - Moving to 1.6 is not an option.
I have a solution in mind but involve a lot of core hacking and will take some time ... If any one been in a similar situation or have an idea in mind I would appreciate your help.
Ok, this can be done but it's going to take a little trickery to get there. First, you are going to need a way to post the lab reports and associate them with a user. I would use K2 for this since you can add the report as an attachment to an item. You can also add extra fields to K2, which would be the next step. You'll need an extra field where you can enter a user ID number that you will use to determine if a user is allowed to view the content.
There are several steps you will need to take to now filter the content so only the associated user can see it.
You will need to get the user ID once the user is logged in:
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$usr_id = $user->get('id');
You'll need a menu item that links to a K2 Category where all the lab reports go.
You'll need a subtemplate with a modified category_item.php for that category that only displays the associate reports:
all the category item stuff
You'll need a subtemplate with a modified item.php for the category that again blocks users other than the associated user, basically the same code as #3 to either display the content or an error message.
The only other way I can think of that you can accomplish this would be to use an ACL component with a group for each user.
The K2 method with subtemplates would not require any core hacks and will work with a little work.
You can achieve what you want with Flexicontent and Flexiaccess
Flexicontent is a K2 type component and I use them interchangeably. With Flexiaccess you can create items that are only available to certain users.
No hacks required.
Bad News: That cant be done with standard Joomla 1.5 (without hacking)
Good News: You can use one of the free or commercial Extensions for Joomla to accomplish that. I would suggest for example:
Or you can search for yourself:

Modifying view based on ACL in CakePHP

I want to be able to show or hide certain elements in a view based on ACL. For instance, if a user is looking at my Users/index view, I don't want to show a 'Delete User' element if he doesn't have permission to delete users. If he does have permission to edit users, I do want to show a 'Edit User' link.
I can hack this together, but being very new to Cake I'm hoping that there is an elegant solution. The best I've done involves keeping logic in two places, so it's hell to maintain.
I know this is an old question now but for anyone looking for a way like I was...
In AppController::beforeFilter you can assign the ACL component to a view variable and then use it in your view:
$this->set('user', $this->Auth->user());
$this->set('acl', $this->Acl);
And then in you view just juse it like thie:
if($acl->check(array('User' => $user), 'controllers/groupd/admin_delete')) {
This is't necessarily the most correct way to do it but it does work nicely
There is no generic "elegant solution" :) I've always wanted to make such thing as well. Anyway how you could do it:
Overwrite the Html Helper in your app directory - make a copy from /cake/libs/views/helpers/html.php to /app/views/helpers/html.php and made some changes in the Html::link function.
For example you can check if the url contain action edit or delete.
The other part is to pass the proper parameters from the controller. In AppController::beforeFilter you can read the rights of the user (it's better to be cached) and to pass it in a special Auth variable to the View.
So when you have the rights in your View it's easy to modify the link. :)
As I said I haven't did it in real example, but this is the way I would do it.
There is 1 bad point in that - if the original Html helper is changed, your one will remain the same. But I believe that Html helper is mature enough so for me is not a big issue.
I do it like this in app_controller.php, although you could just as well do it in specific controllers. The view variables $usersIndexAllowed and $configureAllowed are then used in conditional statements in the view.
function beforeRender()
$usersIndexAllowed = $this->Acl->check($user,"users/index");
$configureAllowed = $this->Acl->check($user,"siteAdmins/configure");
In case you don't want to mess around with overriding core helpers and you want a more automatic way of checking (without hard-coding user group names and users or setting separate link-specific variables) here's my suggestion:
Store all user permissions as session vars when the user logs in (clear on logout) and create a permissions helper to check if logged on user has permissions for a specific action.
code and example here
hope that helps
There's multiple approaches to this scenario. As Nik stated, using a helper to do the checks for you is a quick way to "outsource" the logic and centralize it for ease of use.
Actually, have a look at the AclLinkHelper - it does exactly what you're looking for, however restricted to links only.
