How to update a recordset - vb6

here is my code
Dim Cn1 As ADODB.Connection
Dim iSQLStr As String
Dim field_num As Integer
Set Cn1 = New ADODB.Connection
Cn1.ConnectionString = _
"Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};" & _
"DefaultDir=" & "C:\path\"
iSQLStr = "Select * FROM " & "file.txt" ' & " ORDER BY " & txtField.Text
field_num = CInt(1) - 1
Set Rs1 = Cn1.Execute(iSQLStr)
While Not Rs1.EOF
Rs1.Fields(field_num).Value = "qaz"
If IsNull(Rs1.Fields(field_num).Value) Then
lstResults.AddItem "<null>"
lstResults.AddItem Rs1.Fields(field_num).Value
End If
The error i get is in this line
Rs1.Fields(field_num).Value = "qaz"
it says "The current recordset does not support updating", what is wrong in the code?

I'm not sure if this is valid for text files but with SQL Server you need to change the LockTypeEnum Value setting to allow editing see this link, the default is adLockReadOnly
According to this link it is not possible to edit a text file via ADO.


Text files handles differently

I am trying to read from a csv.txt file using Ado Recordset
I get no results back when trying..
When I copy the contents of the original file into a new text file, and read from that file, it works just fine.
Any ideas what the reason for this might be?
The second file is smaller in size, about 1/2. That's the only difference I can see. This is driving me mad :-)
Update with code & schema.ini
Sub ImportTextFiles()
Dim objAdoDbConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim objAdoDbRecordset As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strAdodbConnection As String
Dim pathSource As String
Dim filename As String
pathSource = "C:\Users\me\Desktop\Reports\"
filename = "test1.txt"
'filename = "test2.txt"
strAdodbConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" _
& "Data Source=" & pathSource _
& ";Extended Properties=""text;HDR=yes;FMT=Delimited"";"
Set objAdoDbConnection = CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
Set objAdoDbRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With objAdoDbConnection
.Open (strAdodbConnection)
With objAdoDbRecordset
.Open "Select top 10 * FROM " & filename & " WHERE [Date] > #01/01/2000# ", objAdoDbConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
If Not objAdoDbRecordset.EOF Then objAdoDbRecordset.MoveFirst
Do While Not objAdoDbRecordset.EOF
Debug.Print "Field(0): " & objAdoDbRecordset(0).Value
End With
End With
Set objAdoDbRecordset = Nothing
Set objAdoDbConnection = Nothing
End Sub
col1=date text
col2=interval integer
col3=application text
col1=date text
col2=interval integer
col3=application text
notepadd++ gave me the answer, file1 is ucs-2 encoded, the newly created utf-8

VBScript code error when using ActiveX to get data from the database

Here is my code, I am trying to open a connection to our database and then using ActiveX to return all the data from column in a table and then outputting it to a text document. I'm getting this error.
PullData.vbs(41, 1) ADODB.Recordset: Item cannot be found in the
collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
Here is my code, omitting sensitive information:
Const ForReading = 1
Dim sServer
Dim sLogin
Dim sPwd
Dim sDb
Dim oCn
Dim oRs
sServer = ""
sLogin = ""
sPwd = ""
sDb = ""
Set oCn = CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" ) ' set oCn to create an object called ADODB.Connection
Set oRs = CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" ) ' set oRs to create an object called ADODB.Recordset
oCn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB" & _
";SERVER=" & sServer & _
";UID=" & sLogin & _
";PWD=" & sPwd & _
";DATABASE=" & sDb & " "
oCn.ConnectionTimeout=600 'Open the connection to the server
strSelString = "select CallID from dbo.CallLog" 'this is the SQL statement that runs a query on the DB
oRs.Open strSelString,oCn 'This opens the record set and has two parameters, strSelString and oCn
If oRs.EOF Then 'If open record set is at the end of file then...
wscript.echo "There are no records to retrieve; Check that you have the correct record number." 'echo that there is no records to retrieve.
End if
'if there are records then loop through the fields
Do While Not oRs.EOF ' Do while not open record set is not end of file
strfield = ors("Tracker")
if strfield <> "" then 'If strfield doesn't equal "" then
Set objFileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Set objFileSystem to create object Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set objOutPutFile = objFileSystem.CreateTextFile("c:\test.txt", True) 'Set objOutPutFile to create object objFileSystem.CreateTextFile
strcomputer = oRs 'strcomputer is set to read the line
wscript.echo strfield
objOutPutFile.WriteLine strfield &"|"
end if
You ask for the CallID column;
"select CallID from dbo.CallLog"
but then try to read something else:
strfield = ors("Tracker")
so either select Tracker or read CallID.
You could also probably create/open the file outside of the loop.

VBScript/SQL Formatting Issue

Okay so the script that I have written is almost fully functional but I would like to add two things to it. What it currently does is you type in a CallID number that is associated with other data on a database in SQL Server. When you type in the number into the msgbox it retrieves all the other columns that are associated with that particular number and outputs it to the command prompt and also outputs it to a text file on the hard drive. This is good, but the formatting is horrible. How would I go about improving the formatting of the file so it is more reading. Currently it is just a line with space seperating each piece of data. Also what I would like to be able to do is also have the name of each Column under each piece of data that is associated with that column. Any help would be appreciated. Here is my code with sensitive information omitted:
Dim strQuery
strQuery = InputBox("Enter CallID Please:")
Dim sServer
Dim sLogin
Dim sPwd
Dim sDb
Dim oCn
Dim oRs
Dim strFullQuery
Dim strfield
Const ForReading = 1
sServer = ""
sLogin = ""
sPwd = ""
sDb = ""
Set oCn = CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" ) ' set oCn to create an object called ADODB.Connection
Set oRs = CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" ) ' set oRs to create an object called ADODB.Recordset
oCn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB" & _
";SERVER=" & sServer & _
";UID=" & sLogin & _
";PWD=" & sPwd & _
";DATABASE=" & sDb & " "
oCn.ConnectionTimeout=600 'Open the connection to the server
strFullQuery = "select * from dbo.CallLog where CallID=" + strQuery 'this is the SQL statement that runs a query on the DB
oRs.Open strFullQuery,oCn 'This opens the record set and has two parameters, strFullQuery and oCn
If oRs.EOF Then 'If open record set is at the end of file then...
wscript.echo "There are no records to retrieve; Check that you have the correct record number." 'echo that there is no records to retrieve.
End if
'if there are records then loop through the fields
oRs.MoveFirst 'move to the first object in the record set and set it as the current record
Do Until oRs.EOF ' Do while not open record set is not end of file
Set objFileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Set objFileSystem to create object Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set objOutPutFile = objFileSystem.CreateTextFile("c:\test.txt", True) 'Set objOutPutFile to create object objFileSystem.CreateTextFile
objOutPutFile.WriteLine strColumnNames
strfield = oRs.GetString
if strfield <> "" then 'If strfield doesn't equal "" then
WScript.echo strfield
objOutPutFile.WriteLine strfield &"|"
end If
'oRs.MoveNext 'Move to the next object in the record set
You can add space to make fixed-widths. Let's say you know that every field will be 20 characters or less:
objOutPutFile.WriteLine strfield & String(20-Len(strfield)," ") & "|"

Couldnt connect to Oracle Database using VB script

Hi Please help me with the following. I used the below VB code to upload a text file to my oracle database.When i run my script i have the error message "Class not defined ADODB"
Set Obj_DBConn = New ADODB.Connection
Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Obj_DBConn.ConnectionString ="Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; " & _
"(HOST=##test##)(PORT=##test##))" & _
"(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=##test##))); " & _
Obj_DBConn.Open Database_Path
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim fso, f
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = Nothing
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Documents and Settings\test.txt", ForReading, True)
For i = 1 To 10000
v_Line_String = f.ReadLine
v_Output_Each_part = Split(v_Line_String,";",-1,1)
v_Col_A = v_Output_Each_part(0)
v_Col_B = v_Output_Each_part(1)
v_Col_C = v_Output_Each_part(2)
Obj_DBConn.Execute "INSERT INTO test_me (ID_Q, NAME, ROLLNO) VALUES ('" & v_Output_Each_part(0) & "','" & v_Output_Each_part(1) & "','" & v_Output_Each_part(2) & "')"
Please provide ur insights Thanks in advance
Set Obj_DBConn = New ADODB.Connection
is VBA, not VBScript. Use
Set Obj_DBConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
to get this line passed the interpreter.
If you promise to delete the evil "On Error Resume Next", you may obtain further inspiration from here.
If you google for something like "80004005 odbc oracle" you'll find this trouble shooter with detailed step by step instructions to deal with connectivity problems. Next stop probably should be

crystal reports 8 - set location dynamically in vb6

I have a VB6 front end, SQL Server 2005 as the back end and Crystal Reports 8.5 for reports.
I need to set the location at run time in my application as I have 2 databases. My problem is that when I change database, but the location remain the same. It will be great if anyone can help me out. Thanks in advance for your time, and here is my code.
Private Sub prin_Click()
With CrystalReport1
.Connect = MDI1.txtcn --> this is my connection info "driver={sql server};server=server;database=database;uid=user;pwd=password"
.DiscardSavedData = True
.Action = 1
End With
Try some code like this:
Private Sub cmdSetLocations_Click()
Dim CrxApp As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim CrxRep As CRAXDRT.Report
Dim CrxSubRep As CRAXDRT.Report
Dim strReport As String
Dim i As Integer, ii As Integer
strReport = "[Path to report file]"
Set CrxRep = CrxApp.OpenReport(strReport)
SetReportLocation CrxRep
For i = 1 To CrxRep.Sections.Count
For ii = 1 To CrxRep.Sections(i).ReportObjects.Count
If CrxRep.Sections(i).ReportObjects(ii).Kind = crSubreportObject Then
Set CrxSubRep = CrxRep.OpenSubreport(CrxRep.Sections(i).ReportObjects(ii).SubreportName)
SetReportLocation CrxSubRep
End If
Next ii
'open your report in the report viewer
Set CrxApp = Nothing
Set CrxRep = Nothing
Set CrxSubRep = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub SetReportLocation(ByRef RepObj As CRAXDRT.Report)
Dim CrxDDF As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable
Dim CP As CRAXDRT.ConnectionProperties
For Each CrxDDF In RepObj.Database.Tables
Set CP = CrxDDF.ConnectionProperties
CP.Add "Connection String", "[Your connection string goes here]"
Set CrxDDF = Nothing
Set CP = Nothing
End Sub
With CR
.ReportFileName = App.Path + "\Labsen2.rpt"
.SelectionFormula = "{PersonalCalendar.PersonalCalendarDate}>= Date(" & Year(DTPicker1) & "," & Month(DTPicker1) & "," & Day(DTPicker1) & ") and {PersonalCalendar.PersonalCalendarDate}<=date(" & Year(DTPicker2) & "," & Month(DTPicker2) & "," & Day(DTPicker2) & ") and {Department.DepartmentName}= '" & Combo1.Text & "'"
.Formulas(0) = "tglAwal = '" & DTPicker1.Value & "'"
.Formulas(1) = "tglAkhir = '" & DTPicker2.Value & "'"
.Password = Chr(10) & "ithITtECH"
.WindowState = crptMaximized
.Action = 1
End With
Try formatting the connection string like this:
The meanings of DSN, UID, DSQ are counter-intuitive, they are overloaded by Crystal.
Also check you have no subreports whose Connect properties would need to be similarly changed.
Why not pass the recordset to your report? In this way you will be able to get data from any supported (i mean VB6 can connect to) databases dynamically, you can even merge data from multiple databases, your report will require the data(recordset) only and report will be created with Data Field Definition.
