how RestClient gem work in ruby - ruby

I'm using Rest-client gem in ruby.My code is as follows..,
require 'rest_client'
puts RestClient.get 'http://localhost:3000/articles'
puts RestClient.put 'http://localhost:3000/', {:params => {:Bat => 'ball'}} 'http://localhost:3000/articles', {:params => {:Name => 'list1', 'Content' => 'Article1'}}
I refer the URL which runs in rails application, the user can can create, delete, edit,list the articles using the above url.For put,delete,post,get methods it produces the html code of the URL in my prompt.But it cannnot able to insert the post/delete an item from the list via ruby code.
It is possible in RestClient?

I think the problem here is that you need to be authenticated. You can do that with RestClient but you will need to chain your calls. See the rest_client Readme how to do that.


How to parse and send whole complicated XML from code in Rails

So I have this complicated XML and want it to parse it to array and send by Savon to the server. The question is how can I parse parameters?
<oas:UsernameToken oas1:Id="UsernameToken-1"
<oas:Nonce EncodingType="">Nonce</oas:Nonce>
<oas:Password Type="">HashedPassword</oas:Password>
<UserID AgentDutyCode="DA" RequestorType="BO" PseudoCityCode="HIATRA67" POS_Type="5"/>
I know how to parse for example add:Action without parameter:
"add:Action" => "http://google/FMP"
And I know that parameter should be written with # prefix.
But I dont know how to write it together. Is this right?
"add:Action" => {
"#xmlns:add" => "",
To find out this information, you need to go and have a look at the Gyoku gem: the gem that Savon uses to translate Ruby hashes into XML. Specifically, the documentation on using explicit XML attributes. Looking at that, we can get the XML you're looking for with the following hash:
"add:Action" => {
"#xmlns:add" => "",
:content! => "http://google/FMP"
We can test this in IRB directly with Gyoku:
irb> require 'gyoku'
# => true
irb> Gyoku.xml({"add:Action" => { "#xmlns:add" => "", :content! => "http://google/FMP" } })
# => "<add:Action xmlns:add=\"\">http://google/FMP</add:Action>"

DELETE method with a payload using Ruby Rest:Client?

While I don't think it is very restful to have to include a payload in a DELETE request. I ran into an instance where I am testing a service that requires a payload for DELETE. Might there be a way using Ruby's Rest Client to accomplish this? Unfortunately, I am having a hard time with this one.
#json_request = '{"user_id": 5, "meta_data": "foo"}'
resource = ""
#response_update = resource.delete(#json_request, :content_type => :json, :accept => :json)
wrong number of arguments (2 for 0..1)
Try this
RestClient::Request.execute(:method => 'delete', :url => "", :payload => json_data)
Currently it's not possible with that gem. You can see a PL addressing that. Maybe you could fork it and pull those changes to your own fork of the rest-client gem.
The pull request
As a very modern update, from the ReadMe
RestClient::Request.execute(method: :delete, url: '',
payload: 'foo', headers: {myheader: 'bar'})

Koala and Omniauth-twitter don't go together

I posted the same in github of Koala but noone answered to me so I put here.
So when I try to login with Twitter with Omniauth:
I, [2013-11-15T18:57:12.371006 #28412] INFO -- omniauth: (twitter) Request phase initiated. - - [15/Nov/2013 18:57:13] "GET /auth/twitter HTTP/1.1" 500 144366 0.9355
I have also a Koala login to facebook I don't use Omniauth for Facebook I just use Omniauth for twitter, If I don't require Koala is ok, but if I have both it generates:
undefined method `[]=' for #<Koala::Facebook::OAuth:0x00000001b03348>
~>In oauth.rb line 31
I'm using 1.6.0 version of Koala and Sinatra.
My code is:
get '/loginfb' do
session['oauth'] =$APP_ID, $APP_SECRET, "#{request.base_url}/callbackfb")
redirect session['oauth'].url_for_oauth_code(:permissions => ["publish_stream"])
get '/callbackfb' do
session['access_token'] = session['oauth'].get_access_token(params[:code])
registerUserFB() #Just register the user function
redirect '/accounts'
#By defualt logs in with /auth/twitter
get '/auth/twitter/callback' do
erb "<h1>#{params[:provider]}</h1><pre>#{JSON.pretty_generate(request.env['omniauth.auth'])}</pre>"
p auth['credentials']['token']
get '/auth/failure' do
erb "<h1>Authentication Failed:</h1><h3>message:<h3> <pre>#{params}</pre>"
Thanks guys in advance.
I used another gem for logging with twitter called twitter_oauth yo can find here
For use with sinatra is quite simple:
#Sinatra stuff
require 'twitter_oauth'
#more sinatra stuff
$CONSUMER_KEY = '32423...'
$CONSUMER_SECRET = '...adads...'
$CALLBACK_URL = 'http://....'
tw_client =
:consumer_key => $CONSUMER_KEY,
:consumer_secret => $CONSUMER_SECRET
$request_token = tw_client.request_token(:oauth_callback => $CALLBACK_URL)
#sinatra routes
get '/logintw' do
redirect $request_token.authorize_url
get '/callbacktw' do
#access_token = $request_token.get_access_token :oauth_verifier => params[:oauth_verifier]
p #access_token.params[:oauth_token]
p #access_token.params[:oauth_token_secret]
p #access_token.params[:screen_name]
p #access_token.params[:user_id]
redirect '/accounts'
#more sinatra routes
Is not the best solution but is one and for me works!
Thanks anyway.

Ruby RestClient converts XML to Hash

I need to send a POST request as an XML string but I get odd results. The code:
require 'rest_client'
response = "", "<tag1>text</tag1>", :content_type => "text/xml"
I expect to receive "<tag1>text</tag1>" as the parameter on the request server. Instead, I get "tag1"=>"text". It converts the XML to a hash. Why is that? Any way around this?
Try this:
response = "",
{:accept => :xml, :content_type => :xml}
I think you just needed to specify the ":accept" to let it know you wanted to receive it in the XML format. Assuming it's your own server, you can debug on the server and see the request format used is probably html.
Hope that helps.
Instead of using RestClient, use Ruby's built-in Open::URI for GET requests or something like Net::HTTP or the incredibly powerful Typhoeus:
uri = URI('')
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => 'ruby', 'max' => '50')
In Typhoeus, you'd use:
res =
:params => {
:title => 'test post',
:content => 'this is my test'
Your resulting page, if it's in XML will be easy to parse using Nokogiri:
doc = Nokogiri::XML(res.body)
At that point you'll have a fully parsed DOM, ready to be searched, using Nokogiri's search methods, such as search and at, or any of their related methods.

How to Send a Multidimensional Array using Rack::Test post

I am sending a multidimensional array using the post method given by the Rack::Test like
post "#{url}.json",:data => [["Company","Website"],["this is the dummy text, with,comma",""],["some company",""]]
But in my controller when check my params params[:data] i am receiving it as a single dimensioned array ["Company", "Website", "this is the dummy text, with comma", "", "some company", ""]
But i want it to retain it's property as a multi-dimensional array. I need help to do this.
The Rack::Test methods all have the same signature... and the second param is a hash of params
post '/path', params={}, rack_env={}
This is because they're just URL params - which are typical key/value structures (i.e. a hash)
Why do you need it to be a multi-dimensional array?
EDIT: oh, I get it - you have a single hash with one key (:data)
If it's still causing you grief you could explicitly call to_param in there
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :003 > h = {:data => [["Company","Website"],["this is the dummy text, with,comma",""],["some company",""]]}
=> {:data=>[["Company", "Website"], ["this is the dummy text, with,comma", ""], ["some company", ""]]}
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :004 > h.to_param
=> "data[][]=Company&data[][]=Website&data[][]=this+is+the+dummy+text%2C+with%2Ccomma&data[][][][]=some+company&data[][]"
A workaround if you really need nested arrays is to change the request content type to JSON:
post url, JSON.dump([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), { "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json" }
This will correctly send a nested array through to the rack app.
Neither of the above worked too well for me but this did (see my original answer here).
The problem is body is sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded by default, which doesn't handle multi-dimensional arrays too well. You can send it as application/json, but Sinatra probably won't merge the data into the request params. I use a middleware from rack-contrib which parses a json body from a POST request and merges it for you:
# Gemfile
`gem 'rack-contrib'`
require 'rack/contrib'
require './app'
use Rack::PostBodyContentTypeParser
run Sinatra::Application
This won't be used in testing by default, but you can specify it:
# spec_helper.rb
OUTER_APP = Rack::Builder.parse_file("").first
module RSpecMixin
include Rack::Test::Methods
def app
OUTER_APP # typically this might just be Sinatra::Application
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include RSpecMixin
And example usage:
it 'is ok' do
post '/', { key: 'value' }.to_json, { 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json' }
expect(last_response).to be_ok
