Server side paging in MVC3 telerik Grid -

I am working with telerik radGrid with MVC3 Aspx engine with partial view an my grid data are binding with ViewModel but i am facing issue with Paging and sorting on server side.
please help me out to acheive this task.
please tell me steps, which i have to follow.

The documentation contains pretty extensive examples. You may also take a look at the following thread.


Kendo ui datagrid

I am just trying to use keno ui into my project. But Kendo is new to me. So I am not sure how to proper use it. Some of the widgets like dialog window, datepicker, timepicker etc. are easy to use but I am having problem with datagird. Could anybody let me know how can we use datagrid widget server databound and xml as datatype. Please give me little bit give me an example. If possible. Let me know how xml file will look. How can we get page number, number of rows on the server side. I am using with c# as server side language.
Is there a reason why you want to bind to an xml file? Generally speaking you should be using JSON for the dataSource. For an example of using an xml datasource have you looked at this:
Binding to xml DataSource
If you haven't used these before and have access to the MVC Wrappers then I would suggest looking at this demo as a good starting place for the Grid:
Kendo Grid bound to local data
Kendo Grid bound to remote data
If you use the demo from the first example and apply it to the "local data" example this should get you going. If you get stuck please provide some code showing what you have tried and any issues you are faced with.

Postback in report viewer using MVC3

I am using Report Viewer control with the MVC3. When I create a report say Report2.rdlc , and there are 150 records , the pagination of the Report viewer is done. When I click on the page 2 button, a postback function is called , which throws an error as i am using MVC3. Is there any workaround to achieve the records in the page 2 to be displayed.
Or is it possible to display all the records in one page itself? I tried
1) Increasing the height of the Report VIewer and the Report.
2) Setting the ShowPageNavigation to false.
Please Help.
Thankyou in advance.
You have the ReportViewer control inside an MVC view? I have only seen a basic implementation work with hacks/workarounds, often advanced functionality is broken as ReportViewer relies on things from WebForms that aren't available in MVC.
You best approach would be to use an iframe and a WebForm page to get the full functionality or have you tried turning on/off async rendering?

Drag and drop functionality of Radscheduler control with MVC

I have added telerik's rad-scheduler control for my MVC application.I have to apply the drag and drop functionality with the scheduler.I can see thet its already with the AJAX .How can i incorporate with my MVC application.I am new in MVC.Please provide a step by step solution.It will very helpful for me.
Use OnClientAppointmentMoveStart funntion on your javascript.
function OnClientAppointmenMoving(sender, eventArgs){
//your code.
and refer it in your radcontrol in HTML.

AJAX loader on page navigation - Oracle Apex 4

I am pretty new to apex development and am having trouble finding documentation on AJAX implementation. I have a few buttons that navigate to different pages. Some of these pages run very expensive sql statements and it takes a while to load. I would like to add an ajax loader just to give the user some feedback that the system is currently loading the next page.
How can I do something like this? Does Apex 4 include AJAX or do I need to load a framework such as JQuery? Any help or direction would greatly be appreciated.
Apex 4.0 includes jQuery. It also has a concept called Dynamic Actions that would enable you to achieve your requirement very easily.

Binding a Telerik Menu to a stored procedure in MVC3 with Razor

I am using the Telerik menu control in MVC3 with Razor. I noticed that the documentation on the Telerik website says it is possible but does not show how to bind the menu control to a stored procedure.
Has anyone had success doing this?
Data binding to a model seems the best way. So just design a view model that will represent your menu data and simply have your controller action call the stored procedure and populate this view model from the results of it.
It depends which ORM you are using. What telerik controls required is a model you populate you model using stored procedure as described by the ORM you are using and rest is the same. This link may give you some starting idea
