Mongo ruby driver: Running/getting mongostats/query Graphs - ruby

I am using mongo-ruby-driver, I want to get stats/query graphs to show for Mongo. But don't how can I get Mongostats/Graphs via mongo-ruby-driver.
Any help is highly appreciated.

Rather than righting your own, you can just set up MMS and use that instead.
But, if you do want to pull the data directly, you can do that too - anything that can be run from the shell can be run from the driver. So, for example, to run the stats() command, which translates on the command line to:
db.runCommand({dbstats : 1})
And so, just follow the guidelines at the top of the ruby driver FAQ - the first one includes how to run any of the commands via the driver.


Ruby Cucumber - Running using Cucumber::Runtime(config).run! - 'Officially supported'?

I have a test farm I'm making that can run Cucumber tests and will take the results and write to a database.
Instead of using backticks to run from the command line I'm considering this, which seemed to work rather well from an irb prompt:
config = {paths: ['.\\scenarios\\my.feature'], filters: [], tag_expressions: ['#open_print_pdf'],tag_limits: [], profiles: ['example'], require: []}!
I like that I then get some objects that I can interrogate to write things I need to the db like:
feature and scenario name
Before I considered this I was going to run using the JSON formatter, save the file, and then parse it, make it a hash and send to db.
Is the only supported way to run it through the command line. I find it useful to programmatically run it so I have everything I need without needing to do needless IO.
So, is running using Cucumber::Runtime(config).run! officially supported?

Embedded MongoDB instance?

I've been using MongoDB for a little tool that I'm building, but I have two problems that I don't know if I can "solve". Those problems are mainly related with having to start a MongoDB server (mongod).
The first is that I have to run two commands every time that I want to use it (mongod and my app's command) and the other is testing. For now, I'm using different collections for "production" and "test", but it would be better to have just an embedded / self-contained instance that I can start and drop whenever I want.
Is that possible? Or should I just use something else, like SQLite for that?
Another similar project is
The query syntax is similar to mongodb.
We use this at work - - to fire up embedded Mongo for integration tests. Has worked really well.
I haven't tried it, but I just found this Ruby implementation of an embedded MongoDB:

Desktop SPARQL client for Jena (TDB)?

I'm working on an app that uses Jena for storage (with the TDB backend). I'm looking for something like the equivalent of Squirrel, that lets me see what's being stored, run queries etc. This seems like an obvious thing to need, but my (perhaps badly phrased) google queries aren't turning up anything promising.
Any suggestions, please? I'm on XP. Even a command line tool would be helpful.
Take a look at my Store Manager tool which is part of the dotNetRDF Toolkit which I develop as part of the wider dotNetRDF project I maintain.
It provides a fairly basic GUI through which you can connect to various Triple Stores including TDB provided that you expose your dataset via Joseki/Fuseki. You need to have .Net 3.5 installed to run the apps in the toolkit.
If you don't already expose your TDB dataset via HTTP try using Fuseki as it is ridiculously easy to use and can be run just on your local machine when necessary to make your TDB store available via HTTP for use with my tool e.g.
java -jar fuseki-0.1.0-server.jar --update --loc data /dataset
Please see the Fuseki wiki for more information on running Fuseki and the various options. In the above example Fuseki is run with SPARQL Update enabled (the --update flag), using the TDB dataset located in the directory data (the --loc data argument) and with a base URI of /dataset for the data.
Once running you can use my tool to connect to a Fuseki server by going to File > New Generic Store Manager, selecting the "Fuseki" tab from the dialog that appears, entering the URI http://localhost:3030/dataset/data and then clicking "Connect to Fuseki".
Twinkle is a handy SPARQL client :
As it happens I'm working on something similar myself, but it still needs a lot of work (check back in a month :)
first download jena fusaki from
un-zip the file and copy the "jena-fuseki-1.0.1" to c drive
open cmd
type for accesing the folder
"cd C:\jena-fuseki-1.0.1"
then type
"java -jar fuseki-server.jar --update --loc data /dataset"
at last open a browser and type
remember you must first declear the enviorment verible(located in system poperties then advance tab)
and edit variable name call "Path" in the "System verible" to
I also develop a SPARQL client, Open Source in Java Swing: EulerGUI.
In fact it does a lot more, see the manual:
For the SPARQL feature, better take the EulerGUI minimal build:

Is it possible to run Mongo client shell query/commands from Ruby?

Could I use the Mongo client shell queries/commands from inside Ruby?
I know there is the Ruby driver DSL, but I was thinking about something similar to running a SQL query from within PHP.
Just for the sake of knowing.
You can always work directly with the MongoDB Ruby driver. Read this tutorial for more information.

Formatting shell output into structured data?

Are there any means of formatting the output of shell commands to a structured data format like JSON or XML to be processed by another application?
Use case: Bunch of CentOS servers on a network. I'd like to programatically login to them via SSH, run commands to obtain system stats and eventually run basic maintenance commands. Instead of parsing all the text output myself I'm wondering if there is anything out there will help me return the data in a structured format? Even if only some shell commands were supported that would be a head start.
Sounds like the task for SNMP.
It is possible to use puppet fairly lightly. You can configure it to run it's checks only on what you want to check for.
Your entire puppet config could consist of:
exec { "yum install foo":
unless => "some-check for software",
That would run yum install foo but only if some-check for software failed.
That said there are lots of benefits if you're managing more that a couple of servers to getting as much of your config and build into puppet manifests (or cfengine, bcfg2, or similar) as possible.
Check out Nagios ( for remote system monitoring. What you are looking for may already exist out there.
