Message received when Window gets activated - windows

I'm trying to pause a DirectX game when the windows loses focus, but the messages seem to be inconsistent.
When using windows mode WM_SETFOCUS and WM_KILLFOCUS messages are received and everything works fine, but these messages are not received when using full screen mode. WM_NCACTIVATE is received when using full screen mode and it works fine, but in window mode is not received when the application is minimized from the taskbar. WM_ACTIVATEAPP also is not received in several cases.
Is there any consistent way of handling the gain/lose focus problem? I want to use only one message that is received in both full screen and window mode.

You should use WM_ACTIVATE for that.


Visual Studio Time Out

When I debug my program, which consists of looping over thousands of entries in vectors multiple times, it simply freezes the program but does not provide any error messages whatsoever. Does Visual Studio have some sort of auto-time out that I am experiencing?
Check may be your program is going into infinite loop Or doing some heavy task that makes your UI unresponsive(if you have windows form). Since you are debugging this program then why dont you set breakpoint in code and check where your program is causing issue.
And yes there is no time out for Visual Studio,But for program window.This is known as Hang Status.
When an application (or more accurately, a thread) creates a window on the desktop, it enters into an implicit contract with the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) to process window messages in a timely fashion. The DWM posts messages (keyboard/mouse input and messages from other windows, as well as itself) into the thread-specific message queue. The thread retrieves and dispatches those messages via its message queue. If the thread does not service the queue by calling GetMessage(), messages are not processed, and the window hangs: it can neither redraw nor can it accept input from the user. The operating system detects this state by attaching a timer to pending messages in the message queue. If a message has not been retrieved within 5 seconds, the DWM declares the window to be hung. You can query this particular window state via the IsHungAppWindow() API.
Detection is only the first step. At this point, the user still cannot even terminate the application - clicking the X (Close) button would result in a WM_CLOSE message, which would be stuck in the message queue just like any other message. The Desktop Window Manager assists by seamlessly hiding and then replacing the hung window with a 'ghost' copy displaying a bitmap of the original window's previous client area (and adding "Not Responding" to the title bar). As long as the original window's thread does not retrieve messages, the DWM manages both windows simultaneously, but allows the user to interact only with the ghost copy. Using this ghost window, the user can only move, minimize, and - most importantly - close the unresponsive application, but not change its internal state.
A nice article is written in this following link.
How program window works

How to intercept minimize message on WM 6.5

I was trying to intercept the WM_SIZE message sent by the "X" button on windows mobile 6.5. I know that this message along with the minimize value in wParam can be used to do whatever we want.
However, the problem is, even if I implement my own behaviour for this event, the program gets minimized anyway. I tried putting a breakpoint and stopping execution at the WM_SIZE line, but by then the main app window is minimized.
I there a way to prevent it from minimizing on its own when we click the "X" button?
Can you intercept it under WM_SYSCOMMAND? Look for SC_MINIMIZE and eat the message to keep it from minimizing. We do this to keep applications in a Kiosk configuration.
WM_SIZE is too late, its sent AFTER the window has already been resized/maximized/minimized.

DirectX / Windows: Unable to focus on task manager when force-closing application

This question might show a fundamental misunderstanding of DirectX programming in Windows, but I'm having a bit of an issue I can't figure out. My program, when running in full screen, sometimes gets in a weird state and I have to force close the app (CTRL+ALT+DEL).
The problem is that when I hit CTRL+ALT+DEL, task manager appears, but I can't use the mouse; the keyboard works at first, but if I click on the Task Manager window with my mouse, it loses focus and I can no longer regain focus. The app also does not minimize itself (Windows app programming issue?)
Is it possible that my app is stealing the exclusive possession of the mouse? I am using DirectInput, but the mouse input is not handled by the app at all. Furthermore, this problem only happens when running the app fullscreen. If I run it in a Window, everything is fine.
If it matters, the tools I'm using are MS Visual Studio 12, Windows 8, and DirectX 9.
The solution to this was to unacquire all input devices and stop the rendering routines when the focus was lost from the application.
I just set the app to keep track of whether or not it has focus, and to adjust the value appropriately in the Windows message pump for the appropriate messages. Specifically, I set focus to "off" when I receive the following messages:
I set focus back on for the following messages:
WM_SIZE (all other cases), WM_SETFOCUS, WM_EXITSIZEMOVE, WM_ACTIVATEAPP with wParam set to true, and WM_EXITMENULOOP
WM_KILLFOCUS is adequate to solve the problem for ALT-CTRL-DELETE-ing out of the application.

WM_TOUCH is not immediately sent with touch down event

I am working with a touch screen and using Windows 7 built in drivers (as it never prompted me to install any). it works fine, except for one small issue. When I touch the screen, it will not send the WM_LBUTTONDOWN until I move my finger off the screen. It appears to do this to determine if I intend to hold down to emulate WM_RBUTTONDOWN or not. (Also, I tried to disable the hold down emulate gesture, but it never disables in practice.)
So I thought I would just receive the WM_TOUCH messages. And I found that WM_TOUCH (0x240) is also not sent to my window until I move my finger off the screen. I sort of thought that defeats the purpose of WM_TOUCH altogether.
Both before and after registering to receive WM_TOUCH messages, I received three messages immediately upon touching the screen:
1. Send: 0x02CC (undocumented tablet messages)
2. Post: 0x011B (undocumented)
3. Send: 0x011A (WM_GESTURENOTIFY)
0x011A is WM_GESTURENOTIFY, which my code is to respond to (perhaps I am not responding correctly?). I reply with a standard response (using sample code from MS) to receive full notifications.
Another thing, I began getting WM_TOUCH when I register for touch messages, but I continue to get the WM_GESTURENOTIFY message as well. According to the MS documentation, once I register to get WM_TOUCH, I no longer get gesture messages.
If anyone can tell me how to get WM_TOUCH messages immediately (e.g. when I am getting the WM_GESTURENOTIFY messages), and not after I let my finger up off the touch scree, I would appreciate it much.
Check out this tutorial on touch events:
What you want to use is the RegisterTouchWindow function, as such:
RegisterTouchWindow(handle, 0);
Windows will now send WM_TOUCH messages instead of WM_GESTURE messages to your window. Keep in mind that you will have to compile against Windows SDK version 7.0 or newer for this to work.
I almost got the same issue and solved it by using :
RegisterTouchWindow( hWnd, TWF_WANTPALM );

How do I send key strokes to a window without having to activate it using Windows API?

I have made an application already that sends commands to an activated window. I want to be able to use the computer while my process is running because as soon as I switch focus to another window the key strokes being sent via send keys will go to the window I just switched to.
Currently I use FindWindow, IsIconic, and ShowWindow from the Windows API. I have to check to see if the window is there with FindWindow and set my object to the specific window that is returned with that call, I then check if it's minimized with IsIconic and call ShowWindow if it is, and then finally I have to call Interaction.AppActivate to set focus to that window. All of this is done before I even send key strokes. Seems like there should be a way to just send key strokes without having to show the window and activate it. The big thing is while my application is running the key strokes I can't do anything on my computer.
Alright, this is kind of disappointing I'm sure, but you fundamentally cannot do this with 100% reliability.
Windows assumes that the active window is the one getting keyboard input. The proper way to fake keyboard input is with SendInput, and you'll notice that it sends messages to the active window only.
That being said, you can SendMessage WM_KEYUP, WM_CHAR, and WM_KEYDOWN messages and (depending on the WndProc receiving them) maybe get away with it. But remember, its going to break under some circumstances, period.
Sounds like you are using keybd_event() or SendInput(), which both send keystrokes to the currently active window. To direct keystrokes to a specific window, regardless of whether that widnow is focused or not, you need to find its HWND handle first, and then post appropriately-formatted WM_KEYUP/DOWN and WM_CHAR messages directly to it.
once you have the windows HWND, you can directly SendMessage() the WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP messages to its message queue. The window does not have to be active.
However, understand that this depends on how the target application processes keyboard input. There are several different ways to handle it.
WM_KEYUP/WM_KEYDOWN is most common and some applications only process one or the other (usually WM_KEYDOWN).
WM_CHAR is also fairly common
Some programs use GetAsyncKeyState, GetKeyState, or GetKeyboardState. This is extremely unusual, but effectively prevents keypress injection with SendMessage(). If this is the case fall back to keybd_event() which is directly handled by the keyboard driver. Of course the window will have to be active
