Error in using Embeded Firebird - visual-studio-2010

I used telerik OpenAccess to connect to firebird Database with this ConnectionString :
and when i want to select my tables i get this error :
I download and copy the following File in my output folder:

Use ClientLibrary connection string parameter to specify where the fbembed.dll is (or put it into working dir of Telerik OpenAccess.

Is Telerik OpenAccess also 64-bit? If not, you need to use the 32-bit firebird embedded.


Oracle endeca property not displaying in jsp ref app

I am trying to implement partial update in Oracle Endeca. I have a property named "depth" in developer studio. The full update works fine but in partial update I get the error that "Unable to parse value 15.1 for property depth". Why does this happen. Please ask for any information you might need.
Can you please check property type of depth. Also check mapping for partial update pipeline.
The property were not showing as MDEX engine had different datatype from the updates. To fix this I used a perl manipulator to format the properties .

Trying to get an Oracle report to run to file

I am on Oracle Reports 10g, and I have an RDF that I would like to schedule to run and create a PDF on my local folder. I thought this URL would work:\temp\GL573.pdf+desformat=pdf+P_unit=26014+P_TTLCOMP_YN=N
My report is on an app server. If I changed the DESTYPE from FILE to CACHE and removed the DESNAME in the URL above, it would create a report in the browser.
Please advise, what am I missing?
OR, is there some way to create a report executable that I can run from my Windows 7 PC to create a PDF? (I was able to do this on Windows XP with RWRUN.)
Only problem is of using wrong concatenation operator + which should be &, instead, before parameter names as in the following string :
P.S. without spaces inside string as in your case.

always seeing an empty database after running my application

I am using Vb 2010 in designing my apps. I've connected my database with my application but I didn't use any code in the connection. I used Data source and Databinding property and when I save the data the database is always empty. Please help me with a solution.
Place a BindingNavigator component in your form and set it's binding source property to the same datasource of your other component.

ADO.NET Entity Data Model forcecloses after "Choose Your Data Connection"

So I am trying to create my ADO Entity data model, and i cant seem to get past the "choose your data connection" page. I choose the correct connection, then click either no or yes for sensitive data, and i click next. However, nothing appears. There is no error message like the common "your project references the latest version of entity framework however an entity framework database provider." It just closes the prompt and returns me to my project.
Has anyone ever seen this before?
If you have such a problem, make sure that the version of the NuGet MySQL EF package matches the version of the MySQL Connector for NET

Oracle forms 11g get windows user login

how can I get the windows user login or Windows environment variables in Oracle Forms 11g of my Windows client (not from the application server)?
You need WebUtil functionality:
With WebUtil pll library you can e.g. get Windows client username like this:
you can start your forms application with a batch file, and pass system environment parameters to the forms application URL.
iexplore.exe http://yourserver:1234/forms/servlet?config=yourconfig&windowsuser=%USERNAME%
after that you can just access the "GET" parameter windowsuser from within your forms fmb (don't forget to set up the forms parameter windowsuser)
