How to printf a variable length line in fixed length chunks? - bash

I need to to analyze (with grep) and print (with some formatting) the content of an
app's log.
This log contains text data in variable length lines. What I need is, after some grepping, loop each line of this output and print it with a maximum fixed length of 50 characters. If a line is longer than 50 chars, it should print a newline and then continue with the rest in the following line and so on until the line is completed.
I tried to use printf to do this, but it's not working and I don't know why. It just outputs the lines in same fashion of echo, without any consideration about printf formatting, though the \t character (tab) works.
function printContext
rm -f $tmp
echo ""
echo -e "\tLog entries for $str :"
ln=$(grep -F "$str" "$log" &> "$tmp" ; cat "$tmp" | wc -l)
if [ $ln -gt 0 ];
while read line
printf "\t%50s\n" "$line"
done < $tmp
What's wrong? I Know that I can make a substring routine to accomplish this task, but printf should be handy for stuff like this.

Instead of:
printf "\t%50s\n" "$line"
printf "\t%.50s\n" "$line"
to truncate your line to 50 characters only.

I'm not sure about printf but seeing as how perl is installed everywhere, how about a simple 1 liner?
echo $ln | perl -ne ' while( m/.{1,50}/g ){ print "$&\n" } '

Here's a clunky bash-only way to break the string into 50-character chunks
while [[ -n "${y:$((chars*i)):$chars}" ]]; do
printf "\t%s\n" "${y:$((chars*i)):$chars}"


Get first character of each string with BASH_REMATCH

I'am trying to get the first character of each string using regex and BASH_REMATCH in shell script.
My input text file contain :
config_text = STACK OVER FLOW
The strings STACK OVER FLOW must be uppercase like that.
My output should be something like this :
My code for now is :
var = config_text
values=$(grep $var test_file.txt | tr -s ' ' '\n' | cut -c 1)
if [[ $values =~ [=(.*)]]; then
echo $values
As you can see I'am using tr and cut but I'am looking to replace them with only BASH_REMATCH because these two commands have been reported in many links as not functional on MacOs.
I tried something like this :
var = config_text
values=$(grep $var test_file.txt)
if [[ $values =~ [=(.*)(\b[a-zA-Z])]]; then
echo $values
VALUES as I explained should be :
But it seems \b does not work on shell script.
Anyone have an idea how to get my desired output with BASH_REMATCH ONLY.
Thanks in advance for any help.
A generic BASH_REMATCH solution handling any number of words and any separator.
local input="STACK OVER FLOW" pattern='([[:upper:]]+)([^[:upper:]]*)' result=""
while [[ $input =~ $pattern ]]; do
echo "$result"
# Output: "S O F"
Bash's regexes are kind of cumbersome if you don't know how many words there are in the input string. How's this instead?
config_text="STACK OVER FLOW"
sed 's/\([^[:space:]]\)[^[:space:]]*/\1/g' <<<"$config_text"
First Put a valid shebang and paste your script at for validation/recommendation.
With the assumption that the line starts with config and ends with FLOW e.g.
config_text = STACK OVER FLOW
Now the script.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
values="config_text = STACK OVER FLOW"
regexp="config_text = ([[:upper:]]{1})[^ ]+ ([[:upper:]]{1})[^ ]+ ([[:upper:]]{1}).+$"
while IFS= read -r line; do
[[ "$line" = "$values" && "$values" =~ $regexp ]] &&
printf '%s %s %s\n' "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}"
done < test_file.txt
If there is Only one line or the target string/pattern is at the first line of the test_file.txt, the while loop is not needed.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
values="config_text = STACK OVER FLOW"
regexp="config_text = ([[:upper:]]{1})[^ ]+ ([[:upper:]]{1})[^ ]+ ([[:upper:]]{1}).+$"
IFS= read -r line < test_file.txt
[[ "$line" = "$values" && "$values" =~ $regexp ]] &&
printf '%s %s %s\n' "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}"
Make sure you have and running/using Bashv4+ since MacOS, defaults to Bashv3
See How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?
Another option rather than bash regex would be to utilize bash parameter expansion substring ${parameter:offset:length} to extract the desired characters:
$ read -ra arr <text.file ; printf "%s%s%s\n" "${arr[2]:0:1}" "${arr[3]:0:1}" "${arr[4]:0:1}"

Reformatting a csv file, script is confused by ' %." '

I'm using bash on cygwin.
I have to take a .csv file that is a subset of a much larger set of settings and shuffle the new csv settings (same keys, different values) into the 1000-plus-line original, making a new .json file.
I have put together a script to automate this. The first step in the process is to "clean up" the csv file by extracting lines that start with "mme " and "sms ". Everything else is to pass through cleanly to the "clean" .csv file.
This routine is as follows:
# clean up the settings, throwing out mme and sms entries
cat extract.csv | while read -r LINE; do
if [[ $LINE == "mme "* ]]
printf "$LINE\n" >> mme_settings.csv
elif [[ $LINE == "sms "* ]]
printf "$LINE\n" >> sms_settings.csv
printf "$LINE\n" >> extract_clean.csv
My problem is that this thing stubs its toe on the following string at the end of one entry: 100%." When it's done with the line, it simply elides the %." and the new-line marker following it, and smears the two lines together:
... 100next.entry.keyname...
I would love to reach in and simply manually delimit the % sign, but it's not a realistic option for my use case. Clearly I'm missing something. My suspicion is that I am in some wise abusing cat or read in the first line.
If there is some place I should have looked to find the answer before bugging you all, by all means point me in that direction and I'll sod off.
Syntax for printf is :
printf format [argument]...
In [ printf ] format string, anything followed by % is a format specifier as described in the link above. What you would like to do is :
while read -r line; do # Replaced LINE with line, full uppercase variable are reserved for the syste,
if [[ "$line" = "mme "* ]] # Here* would glob for anything that comes next
printf "%s\n" $line >> mme_settings.csv
elif [[ "$line" = "sms "* ]]
printf "%s\n" $line >> sms_settings.csv
printf "%s\n" $line >> extract_clean.csv
done<extract.csv # Avoided the useless use of cat
As pointed out, your problem is expanding a parameter containing a formatting instruction in the formatting argument of printf, which can be solved by using echo instead or moving the parameter to be expanded out of the formatting string, as demonstrated in other answers.
I recommend not looping over your whole file with Bash in the first place, as it's notoriously slow; you're extracting lines starting with certain patterns, which is a job at which grep excels:
grep '^mme ' extract.csv > mme_settings.csv
grep '^sms ' extract.csv > sms_settings.csv
grep -v '^mme \|^sms ' extract.csv > extract_clean.csv
The third command uses the -v option (extract lines that don't match) and alternation to exclude lines both starting with mme and sms.

Running math, ignoring non-numeric values

I am trying to do some math on 2nd column of a txt file , but some lines are not numbers , i only want to operate on the lines which have numbers .and keep other line unchanged
txt file like below
1 2
3 4
How can I do this?
Doubling the second column in any line that doesn't contain any alphabetic content might look a bit like the following in native bash:
# iterate over lines in input file
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ $line = *[[:alpha:]]* ]]; then
# line contains letters; emit unmodified
printf '%s\n' "$line"
# break into a variable for the first word, one for the second, one for the rest
read -r first second rest <<<"$line"
if [[ $second ]]; then
# we extracted a second word: emit it, doubled, between the first word and the rest
printf '%s\n' "$first $(( second * 2 )) $rest"
# no second word: just emit the whole line unmodified
printf '%s\n' "$line"
This reads from stdin and writes to stdout, so usage is something like:
./yourscript <infile >outfile
thanks all ,this is my second time to use this website ,i find it is so helpful that it can get the answer very quickly
I also find a answer below
while read f1 f2 ;do
if[[$f1 != *[!0-9]*]];then
f2=`echo "$f2 -1"|bc` ;
echo "$f1 $f2"
echo "$f1 $f2"
done< %FILE

printing line numbers that are multiple of 5

Hi I am trying to print/echo line numbers that are multiple of 5. I am doing this in shell script. I am getting errors and unable to proceed. below is the script
y=$wc -l $1
while [ $x -le $y ]
sed -n `$x`p $1
x=$(( $x + 5 ))
When executing above script i get below errors
#./ sample.h
./ line 3: -l: command not found
./ line 4: [: 0: unary operator expected
Please help me with this issue.
For efficiency, you don't want to be invoking sed multiple times on your file just to select a particular line. You want to read through the file once, filtering out the lines you don't want.
while IFS= read -r line; do
(( ++i % 5 == 0 )) && echo "$line"
done < "$1"
$ i=0; while read line; do (( ++i % 5 == 0 )) && echo "$line"; done < <(seq 42)
A funny pure Bash possibility:
mapfile ary < "$1"
printf "%.0s%.0s%.0s%.0s%s" "${ary[#]}"
This slurps the file into an array ary, which each line of the file in a field of the array. Then printf takes care of printing one every 5 lines: %.0s takes a field, but does nothing, and %s prints the field. Since mapfile is used without the -t option, the newlines are included in the array. Of course this really slurps the file into memory, so it might not be good for huge files. For large files you can use a callback with mapfile:
callback() {
printf '%s' "$2"
mapfile -c 5 -C callback ary < "$1"
We're removing all the elements of the array during the callback, so that the array doesn't grow too large, and the printing is done on the fly, as the file is read.
Another funny possibility, in the spirit of glenn jackmann's solution, yet without a counter (and still pure Bash):
while read && read && read && read && IFS= read -r line; do
printf '%s\n' "$line"
done < "$1"
Use sed.
sed -n '0~5p' $1
This prints every fifth line in the file starting from 0
y=$wc -l $1
wont work
y=$(wc -l < $1)
You need to create a subshell as bash will see the spaces as the end of the assignment, also if you just want the number its best to redirect the file into wc.
Dont know what you were trying to do with this ?
x=$(( $x + 5 ))
Guessing you were trying to use let, so id suggest looking up the syntax for that command. It would look more like
(( x = x + 5 ))
Hope this helps
There are cleaner ways to do it, but what you're looking for is this.
y=`wc -l $1`
y=`echo $y | cut -f1 -d\ `
while [ "$y" -gt "$x" ]
sed -n "${x}p" "$1"
x=$(( $x + 5 ))
Initialize x to 5, since there is no "line zero" in your file $1.
Also, wc -l $1 will display the number of line counts, followed by the name of the file. Use cut to strip the file name out and keep just the first word.
In conditionals, a value of zero can be interpreted as "true" in Bash.
You should not have space between your $x and your p in your sed command. You can put them right next to each other using curly braces.
You can do this quite succinctly using awk:
awk 'NR % 5 == 0' "$1"
NR is the record number (line number in this case). Whenever it is a multiple of 5, the expression is true, so the line is printed.
You might also like the even shorter but slightly less readable:
awk '!(NR%5)' "$1"
which does the same thing.

Read user given file character by character in bash

I have a file which is kind of unformatted, I want to place a new-line after every 100th character and remove any other new lines in it so that file may look with consistent width and readable
This code snippet helps read all the lines
while read LINE
echo "Line length is : $len"
done < $file
but how do i do same for characters
Idea is to have something like this : (just an example, it may have syntax errors, not implemented yet)
while read ch #read character
chcount++ # increment character count
if [ "$chcount" -eq "100" && "$ch"!="\n" ] #if 100th character and is not a new line
echo -e "\n" #echo new line
elif [ "$ch"=="\n" ] #if character is not 100th but new line
ch=" " $replace it with space
done < $file
I am learning bash, so please go easy!!
I want to place a new-line after every 100th character and remove any
other new lines in it so that file may look with consistent width and
Unless you have a good reason to write a script, go ahead but you don't need one.
Remove the newline from the input and fold it. Saying:
tr -d '\n' < inputfile | fold -w 100
should achieve the desired result.
bash adds a -n flag to the standard read command to specify a number of characters to read, rather than a full line:
while read -n1 c; do
echo "$c"
done < $file
You can call the function below in any of the following ways:
wrap $line_length <<< "$string"
wrap $line_length < file_name
wrap $line_length < <(command)
command | wrap $line_length
The function reads the input line by line (more efficiently than by character) which essentially eliminates the existing newlines (which are replaced by spaces). The remainder of the previous line is prefixed to the current one and the result is split at the desired line length. The remainder after the split is kept for the next iteration. If the output buffer is full, it is output and cleared otherwise it's kept for the next iteration so more can be added. Once the input has been consumed, there may be additional text in the remainder. The function is called recursively until that is also consumed and output.
wrap () {
local remainder rest part out_buffer line len=$1
while IFS= read -r line
line="$remainder$line "
(( part = $len - ${#out_buffer} ))
if (( ${#out_buffer} >= $len ))
printf '%s\n' "$out_buffer"
while [[ $rest ]]
wrap $len <<< "$rest"
if [[ $out_buffer ]]
printf '%s\n' "$out_buffer"
while read -r word ; do
for (( i = 0 ; i <= $len - 1 ; ++i )) ; do
let chcount+=1
if [ $chcount -eq 100 ] ; then
printf "\n${word:$i:1}"
let chcount=0
printf "${word:$i:1}"
done < $w
Are you looking for something like this?
