Can raymarching be accelerated under an SIMD architecture? - parallel-processing

The answer would seem to be no, because raymarching is highly conditional i.e. each ray follows a unique execution path, since on each step we check for opacity, termination etc. that will vary based on the direction of the individual ray.
So it would seem that SIMD would largely not be able to accelerate this; rather, MIMD would be required for acceleration.
Does this make sense? Or am I missing something(s)?

As stated already, you could probably get a speedup from implementing your
vector math using SSE instructions (be aware of the effects discussed
here - also for the other approach). This approach would allow the code
stay concise and maintainable.
I assume, however, your question is about "packet traversal" (or something
like it), in other words to process multiple scalar values each of a
different ray:
In principle it should be possible deferring the shading to another pass.
The SIMD packet could be repopulated with a new ray once the bare marching
pass terminates and the temporary result is stored as input for the shading
pass. This will allow to parallelize a certain, case-dependent percentage
of your code exploting all four SIMD lanes.
Tiling the image and indexing the rays within it in Morton-order might be
a good idea too in order to avoid cache pressure (unless your geometry is
strictly procedural).
You won't know whether it pays off unless you try. My guess is, that if it
does, the amount of speedup might not be worth the complication of the code
for just four lanes.
Have you considered using an SIMT architecture such as a programmable GPU?
A somewhat up-to-date programmable graphics board allows you to perform
raymarching at interactive rates (see it happen in your browser here).

The last days I built a software-based raymarcher for a menger sponge. At the moment without using SIMD and I also used no special algorithm. I just trace from -1 to 1 in X and Y, which are U and V for the destination texture. Then I got a camera position and a destination which I use to calculate the increment vector for the raymarch.
After that I use a constant value of iterations to perform, in which only one branch decides if there's an intersection with the fractal volume. So if my camera eye is E and my direction vector is D I have to find the smallest t. If I found that or reached a maximal distance I break the loop. At the end I have t - from that I calculate the fragment color.
In my opinion it should be possible to parallelize these operations by SSE1/2, because one can solve the branch by null'ing the field in the vector (__m64 / __m128), so further SIMD operations won't apply here. It really depends on what you raymarch/-cast but if you just calculate a fragment color from a function (like my fractal curve here is) and don't access memory non-linearly there are some tricks to make it possible.
Sure, this answer contains speculation, but I will keep you informed when I've parallelized this routine.

Only insofar as SSE, for instance, lets you do operations on vectors in parallel.


Which GLSL Multi Colour Linear/Radial Gradients Strategy to use?

I'm developing using OpenGL ES 2 & GLSL and I'm stuck on how to approach multi coloured / fractioned gradients ( linear and radial ).
I don't know which approach is the best practice:
Get a texture of the gradient colours & sample this in the fragment Shader ( essentially working with a regular texture ).
Computer generate a texture of the gradient first & sample this in the fragment Shader as above ( no need for PNGs etc of the gradient ) - caching this texture to save regeneration.
Use interpolation in the fragment Shader to calculate the fragment value by fragment position - this looks like I'd have to use multiple ifs, a loop, stuff you don't want executed per fragment.
Other strategy I haven't conceived of.
I know this question is a bit on the subjective side, but having looked around online for information I've not found anything concrete about how to proceed...
Well, I can tell you how to proceed, but you may not like the answer. ;) The main two approaches are sampling a texture, or doing shader calculations. To decide which one is more efficient in your case, you need to implement both, and start benchmarking. There are way too many factor influencing the performance of each to give a generic answer.
One of the major factors is of course how complex your calculations are. But modern GPUs have very high raw performance for pure calculations. Not quite as much for the mobile GPUs you're most likely using since you're asking about ES, but even the latest mobile GPUs have become quite powerful. Branches aren't free, but not necessarily as harmful as you might expect.
On the other hand, texture sampling looks like a single operation in the shader, but based on that alone you should not assume that it's automatically faster than executing a bunch of computations. Texture sampling performance can be limited by many factors, including throughput of the texture sampling hardware units, memory bandwidth, cache hit rates, etc. Particularly if your textures need to be fairly large to give you the necessary precision, memory bandwidth can hurt you, and accessing memory on a mobile device consumes significant power. Also, just the additional memory usage is undesirable since you mostly deal with very constrained amounts of memory.
Of course the performance characteristics can vary greatly between different GPUs. So if you want to make reliable conclusions, you need to benchmark on a variety of devices.
For the approach where you implement the computations in the shader, make sure that it is as optimal as it can be. Avoid branches where reasonably possible, or at least benchmark various options to see how much the branches hurt performance. If there are parts of the computation that are the same for each fragment, pre-compute the values and pass them into the shader. Replace expensive operations by cheaper ones where possible. For example, instead of dividing by a uniform value, pass in the inverse as a uniform, and use a multiplication instead. Use vector operations where possible.

How to Scale SPICE Matrix so LU-decomposition doesn't Fail

I am implementing a SPICE solver. I have the following problem: say I put two diodes and a current source in serial (standard diodes). I use MNA and Boost LU-decomposition. The problem is that the nodal matrix becomes very quickly near-singular. I think I have to scale the values but I don't know how and I couldn't find anything on the Internet. Any ideas how to do this scaling?
In the perspective of numerical, there is a scale technique for this kind of near-singular matrices. Basically, this technique is to divide each row of A by the sum (or maximum) of the absolute values in that row. You can find KLU which is a linear solver for circuit simulations for more details.
In perspective of SPICE simulation, it uses so-call Gmin stepping technique to iteratively compute and approach a real answer. You can find this in the documents of a SPICE project QUCS (Quite Universal Circuit Simulator).
Scaling does not help when the matrix has both very large and very small entries.
It is necessary to use some or all of the many tricks that were developed for circuit solver applications. A good start is clipping the range of the exponential and log function arguments to reasonable values -- in most circuits a diode forward voltage is never more than 1V and the diode reverse current not less than 1pA.
Actually, look at all library functions and wrap them in code that makes their arguments and results suitable for circuit-solving purposes. Simple clipping is sometimes good enough, but it is way better to make sure the functions stay (twice) differentiable and continuous.

Floating point algorithms with potential for performance optimization

For a university lecture I am looking for floating point algorithms with known asymptotic runtime, but potential for low-level (micro-)optimization. This means optimizations such as minimizing cache misses and register spillages, maximizing instruction level parallelism and taking advantage of SIMD (vector) instructions on new CPUs. The optimizations are going to be CPU-specific and will make use of applicable instruction set extensions.
The classic textbook example for this is matrix multiplication, where great speedups can be achieved by simply reordering the sequence of memory accesses (among other tricks). Another example is FFT. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to choose either of these.
Anyone have any ideas, or an algorithm/method that could use a boost?
I am only interested in algorithms where a per-thread speedup is conceivable. Parallelizing problems by multi-threading them is fine, but not the scope of this lecture.
Edit 1: I am taking the course, not teaching it. In the past years, there were quite a few projects that succeeded in surpassing the current best implementations in terms of performance.
Edit 2: This paper lists (from page 11 onwards) seven classes of important numerical methods and some associated algorithms that use them. At least some of the mentioned algorithms are candidates, it is however difficult to see which.
Edit 3: Thank you everyone for your great suggestions! We proposed to implement the exposure fusion algorithm (paper from 2007) and our proposal was accepted. The algorithm creates HDR-like images and consists mainly of small kernel convolutions followed by weighted multiresolution blending (on the Laplacian pyramid) of the source images. Interesting for us is the fact that the algorithm is already implemented in the widely used Enfuse tool, which is now at version 4.1. So we will be able to validate and compare our results with the original and also potentially contribute to the development of the tool itself. I will update this post in the future with the results if I can.
The simplest possible example:
accumulation of a sum. unrolling using multiple accumulators and vectorization allow a speedup of (ADD latency)*(SIMD vector width) on typical pipelined architectures (if the data is in cache; because there's no data reuse, it typically won't help if you're reading from memory), which can easily be an order of magnitude. Cute thing to note: this also decreases the average error of the result! The same techniques apply to any similar reduction operation.
A few classics from image/signal processing:
convolution with small kernels (especially small 2d convolves like a 3x3 or 5x5 kernel). In some sense this is cheating, because convolution is matrix multiplication, and is intimately related to the FFT, but in reality the nitty-gritty algorithmic techniques of high-performance small kernel convolutions are quite different from either.
erode and dilate.
what image people call a "gamma correction"; this is really evaluation of an exponential function (maybe with a piecewise linear segment near zero). Here you can take advantage of the fact that image data is often entirely in a nice bounded range like [0,1] and sub-ulp accuracy is rarely needed to use much cheaper function approximations (low-order piecewise minimax polynomials are common).
Stephen Canon's image processing examples would each make for instructive projects. Taking a different tack, though, you might look at certain amenable geometry problems:
Closest pair of points in moderately high dimension---say 50000 or so points in 16 or so dimensions. This may have too much in common with matrix multiplication for your purposes. (Take the dimension too much higher and dimensionality reduction silliness starts mattering; much lower and spatial data structures dominate. Brute force, or something simple using a brute-force kernel, is what I would want to use for this.)
Variation: For each point, find the closest neighbour.
Variation: Red points and blue points; find the closest red point to each blue point.
Welzl's smallest containing circle algorithm is fairly straightforward to implement, and the really costly step (check for points outside the current circle) is amenable to vectorisation. (I suspect you can kill it in two dimensions with just a little effort.)
Be warned that computational geometry stuff is usually more annoying to implement than it looks at first; don't just grab a random paper without understanding what degenerate cases exist and how careful your programming needs to be.
Have a look at other linear algebra problems, too. They're also hugely important. Dense Cholesky factorisation is a natural thing to look at here (much more so than LU factorisation) since you don't need to mess around with pivoting to make it work.
There is a free benchmark called c-ray.
It is a small ray-tracer for spheres designed to be a benchmark for floating-point performance.
A few random stackshots show that it spends nearly all its time in a function called ray_sphere that determines if a ray intersects a sphere and if so, where.
They also show some opportunities for larger speedup, such as:
It does a linear search through all the spheres in the scene to try to find the nearest intersection. That represents a possible area for speedup, by doing a quick test to see if a sphere is farther away than the best seen so far, before doing all the 3-d geometry math.
It does not try to exploit similarity from one pixel to the next. This could gain a huge speedup.
So if all you want to look at is chip-level performance, it could be a decent example.
However, it also shows how there can be much bigger opportunities.

Efficiency/speed for trigonometric functions

In a game I'm making, I've got two points, pt1 and pt2, and I want to work out the angle between them. I've already worked out the distance, in an earlier calculation. The obvious way would be to arctan the horizontal distance over the vertical distance (tan(theta) = opp/adj).
I'm wondering though, as I've already calculated the distance, would it be quicker to use arcsine/arccosine with the distance and dx or dy?
Also, might I be better off pre-calculating in a table?
I suspect there's a risk of premature optimization here. Also, be careful about your geometry. Your opposite/adjacent approach is a property of right angle triangles, is that what you actually have?
I'm assuming your points are planar, and so for the general case you have them implicitly representing two vectors form the origin (call these v1 v2), so your angle is
theta=arccos(dot(v1,v2)/(|v1||v2|)) where |.| is vector length.
Making this faster (assuming the need) will depend on a lot of things. Do you know the vector lengths, or have to compute them? How fast can you do a dot product in your architecture. How fast is acos? At some point tricks like table lookup (probably interpolated) might help but that will cost you accuracy.
It's all trade-offs though, there really isn't a general answer to your question.
[edit: added commentary]
I'd like to re-emphasize that often playing "x is fastest" is a bit of a mugs game with modern cpus and compilers anyway. You won't know until you measure it and grovel the generated code. When you hit the point that you really care about it at this level for a (hopefully small) piece of code, you can find out in detail what your system is doing. But it's painstaking. Maybe a table is good. But maybe you've got fast vector computations and a small cache. etc. etc. etc. It all amounts to "it depends". Sorry 'bout that. On the other hand, if you haven't reached the point that you really care so much about this bit of code... you probably shouldn't be thinking about it at this level at all. Make it right. Make it clean (which means abstraction as well as code). Then worry about the overhead.
Aside from all of the wise comments regarding premature optimization, let's just assume this is the hotspot and do a frigg'n benchmark:
Times are in nanoseconds, scaled to normalize 'acos' between the systems.
'acos' simply assumes unit radius i.e. acos(adj), whereas 'acos+div' means acos(adj/hyp).
System 1 is a 2.4GHz i5 running Mac OS X 10.6.4 (gcc 4.2.1)
System 2 is a 2.83GHz Core2 Quad running Red Hat 7 Linux 2.6.28 (gcc 4.1.2)
System 3 is a 1.66GHz Atom N280 running Ubuntu 10.04 2.6.32 (gcc 4.4.3)
System 4 is a 2.40GHz Pentium 4 running Ubuntu 10.04 2.6.32 (gcc 4.4.3)
Summary: Relative performance is all over the map. Sometimes atan2 is faster, sometimes its slower. Very strangely, on some systems doing acos with a division is faster than doing it without. Test on your own system :-/
If you're going to be doing this many times, pre-calculate in a table. Performance will be much better this way.
Tons of good answers here.
By the way, if you use Math.atan2, you get a full 2π of angles out of it.
I would just do it, then run it flat out. If you don't like the speed, and if samples show that you're actually in that code most of the time and not someplace else,
try replacing it with table lookup. If you don't need precision closer than 1 degree, you could use a pretty small table and interpolation.
Also, you may want to memoize the function. Why recompute something you already did recently?
Added: If you use a table, it only has to cover angles from 0-45 degrees (and it can be hard-coded). You can get everything else by symmetry.
From a pure speed standpoint, a precalculated table and a closest-match lookup would be best. It involves some overhead, of course, depending on how fine-grained you need the angle to be, but it's more than worth it if you're doing this calculation a lot (or in a tight loop), as those are going to be expensive calculations.
Get it right first !
And then profile and optimize. Table lookup is a good candidate for sure, but be sure to have your calculation right before doing anything fancy
If you're interested in big-O notation, all the methods you might use are O(1).
If you're interested in what works fastest, test it. Write a wrapper function, one that calls your preferred method but can be easily changed, and test with that. Make sure that your application spends a noticeable amount of time doing this, so you aren't wasting your own time. Try whatever ways occur to you. Ideally, run it on more than one different CPU.
I've become very leery of predicting what will take more or less time on modern processors. Lookup tables used to be the answer if you needed speed, but you don't know a priori the effects on caching or how long it's going to take to normalize and look up versus how long it's going to take to do a trig function on a particular CPU.
Given that this is for a game, you probably care about speed. A lookup table is definitely the fastest but you trade accuracy for speed with this method. So how accurate must you be to meet requirements? Only you can answer that. Before you trade accuracy, determine first if you have a speed problem. All of the trigonometric functions are calculated using numerical methods (research numerical analysis to learn more). Some trig functions are have more expensive methods than others because they rely on series that converge more slowly and who knows, your computer may have different implementations for these functions than another computer. At any rate, you can find out for yourself how expensive these functions are by writing some small programs that loop through as many iterations as you desire, with increments of your choosing, all the while timing the outcomes. Then you can pick the fastest method.
While others are very right to mention that you are almost certainly falling into the pit of premature optimization, when they say that trigonometric functions are O(1) they're not telling the whole story.
Most trigonometric function implementations are actually O(N) in the value of the input function. This is because the trig functions are most efficiently calculated on a small interval like [0, 2π) (or, for the best implementations, even smaller parts of this interval, but that one suffices to explain things). So the algorithm looks something like this, in pseudo-Python:
def Cosine_0to2Pi(x):
#a series approximation of some kind, or CORDIC, or perhaps a table
#this function requires 0 <= x < 2Pi
def MyCosine(x):
if x < 0:
x = -x
while x >= TwoPi:
x -= TwoPi
return Cosine_0to2Pi(x)
Even microcoded CPU instructions like the x87's FSINCOS end up doing something like this internally. So trig functions, because they are periodic, usually take O(N) time to do the argument reduction. There are two caveats, however:
If you have to calculate a ton of values off the principal domain of the trig functions, your math is probably not very well thought out.
Big-O notation hides a constant factor. Argument reduction has a very small constant factor, because it's simple to do. Thus the O(1) part is going to dominate the O(N) part for just about every input.

Improving raytracer performance

I'm writing a comparatively straightforward raytracer/path tracer in D (, but even with full optimization it still needs several thousand processor cycles per ray. Is there anything else I can do to speed it up? More generally, do you know of good optimizations / faster approaches for ray tracing?
Edit: this is what I'm already doing.
Code is already running highly parallel
temporary data is structured in a cache-efficient fashion as well as aligned to 16b
Screen divided into 32x32-tiles
Destination array is arranged in such a way that all subsequent pixels in a tile are sequential in memory
Basic scene graph optimizations are performed
Common combinations of objects (plane-plane CSG as in boxes) are replaced with preoptimized objects
Vector struct capable of taking advantage of GDC's automatic vectorization support
Subsequent hits on a ray are found via lazy evaluation; this prevents needless calculations for CSG
Triangles neither supported nor priority. Plain primitives only, as well as CSG operations and basic material properties
Bounding is supported
The typical first order improvement of raytracer speed is some sort of spatial partitioning scheme. Based only on your project outline page, it seems you haven't done this.
Probably the most usual approach is an octree, but the best approach may well be a combination of methods (e.g. spatial partitioning trees and things like mailboxing). Bounding box/sphere tests are a quick cheap and nasty approach, but you should note two things: 1) they don't help much in many situations and 2) if your objects are already simple primitives, you aren't going to gain much (and might even lose). You can more easily (than octree) implement a regular grid for spatial partitioning, but it will only work really well for scenes that are somewhat uniformly distributed (in terms of surface locations)
A lot depends on the complexity of the objects you represent, your internal design (i.e. do you allow local transforms, referenced copies of objects, implicit surfaces, etc), as well as how accurate you're trying to be. If you are writing a global illumination algorithm with implicit surfaces the tradeoffs may be a bit different than if you are writing a basic raytracer for mesh objects or whatever. I haven't looked at your design in detail so I'm not sure what, if any, of the above you've already thought about.
Like any performance optimization process, you're going to have to measure first to find where you're actually spending the time, then improving things (algorithmically by preference, then code bumming by necessity)
One thing I learned with my ray tracer is that a lot of the old rules don't apply anymore. For example, many ray tracing algorithms do a lot of testing to get an "early out" of a computationally expensive calculation. In some cases, I found it was much better to eliminate the extra tests and always run the calculation to completion. Arithmetic is fast on a modern machine, but a missed branch prediction is expensive. I got something like a 30% speed-up on my ray-polygon intersection test by rewriting it with minimal conditional branches.
Sometimes the best approach is counter-intuitive. For example, I found that many scenes with a few large objects ran much faster when I broke them down into a large number of smaller objects. Depending on the scene geometry, this can allow your spatial subdivision algorithm to throw out a lot of intersection tests. And let's face it, intersection tests can be made only so fast. You have to eliminate them to get a significant speed-up.
Hierarchical bounding volumes help a lot, but I finally grokked the kd-tree, and got a HUGE increase in speed. Of course, building the tree has a cost that may make it prohibitive for real-time animation.
Watch for synchronization bottlenecks.
You've got to profile to be sure to focus your attention in the right place.
Is there anything else I can do to speed it up?
D, depending on the implementation and compiler, puts forth reasonably good performance. As you haven't explained what ray tracing methods and optimizations you're using already, then I can't give you much help there.
The next step, then, is to run a timing analysis on the program, and recode the most frequently used code or slowest code than impacts performance the most in assembly.
More generally, check out the resources in these questions:
Literature and Tutorials for Writing a Ray Tracer
Anyone know of a really good book about Ray Tracing?
Computer Graphics: Raytracing and Programming 3D Renders
raytracing with CUDA
I really like the idea of using a graphics card (a massively parallel computer) to do some of the work.
There are many other raytracing related resources on this site, some of which are listed in the sidebar of this question, most of which can be found in the raytracing tag.
I don't know D at all, so I'm not able to look at the code and find specific optimizations, but I can speak generally.
It really depends on your requirements. One of the simplest optimizations is just to reduce the number of reflections/refractions that any particular ray can follow, but then you start to lose out on the "perfect result".
Raytracing is also an "embarrassingly parallel" problem, so if you have the resources (such as a multi-core processor), you could look into calculating multiple pixels in parallel.
Beyond that, you'll probably just have to profile and figure out what exactly is taking so long, then try to optimize that. Is it the intersection detection? Then work on optimizing the code for that, and so on.
Some suggestions.
Use bounding objects to fail fast.
Project the scene at a first step (as common graphic cards do) and use raytracing only for light calculations.
Parallelize the code.
Raytrace every other pixel. Get the color in between by interpolation. If the colors vary greatly (you are on an edge of an object), raytrace the pixel in between. It is cheating, but on simple scenes it can almost double the performance while you sacrifice some image quality.
Render the scene on GPU, then load it back. This will give you the first ray/scene hit at GPU speeds. If you do not have many reflective surfaces in the scene, this would reduce most of your work to plain old rendering. Rendering CSG on GPU is unfortunately not completely straightforward.
Read source code of PovRay for inspiration. :)
You have first to make sure that you use very fast algorithms (implementing them can be a real pain, but what do you want to do and how far want you to go and how fast should it be, that's a kind of a tradeof).
some more hints from me
- don't use mailboxing techniques, in papers it is sometimes discussed that they don't scale that well with the actual architectures because of the counting overhead
- don't use BSP/Octtrees, they are relative slow.
- don't use the GPU for Raytracing, it is far too slow for advanced effects like reflection and shadows and refraction and photon-mapping and so on ( i use it only for shading, but this is my beer)
For a complete static scene kd-Trees are unbeatable and for dynamic scenes there are clever algorithms there that scale very well on a quadcore (i am not sure about the performance above).
And of course, for a realy good performance you need to use very much SSE code (with of course not too much jumps) but for not "that good" performance (im talking here about 10-15% maybe) compiler-intrinsics are enougth to implement your SSE stuff.
And some decent Papers about some Algorithms i was talking about:
"Fast Ray/Axis-Aligned Bounding Box - Overlap Tests using Ray Slopes"
( very fast very good paralelisizable (SSE) AABB-Ray hit test )( note, the code in the paper is not all code, just google for the title of the paper, youll find it)
"Ray Tracing Deformable Scenes using Dynamic Bounding Volume Hierarchies"
if you know how the above algorithm works then this is a much greater algorithm:
"The Use of Precomputed Triangle Clusters for Accelerated Ray Tracing in Dynamic Scenes"
I'm also using the pluecker-test to determine fast (not thaat accurate, but well, you can't have all) if i hit a polygon, works very pretty with SSE and above.
So my conclusion is that there are so many great papers out there about so much Topics that do relate to raytracing (How to build fast, efficient trees and how to shade (BRDF models) and so on and so on), it is an realy amazing and interesting field of "experimentating", but you need to have also much sparetime because it is so damn complicated but funny.
My first question is - are you trying to optimize the tracing of one single still screen,
or is this about optimizing the tracing of multiple screens in order to calculate an animation ?
Optimizing for a single shot is one thing, if you want to calculate successive frames in an animation there are lots of new things to think about / optimize.
You could
use an SAH-optimized bounding volume hierarchy...
...eventually using packet traversal,
introduce importance sampling,
access the tiles ordered by Morton code for better cache coherency, and
much more - but those were the suggestions I could immediately think of. In more words:
You can build an optimized hierarchy based on statistics in order to quickly identify candidate nodes when intersecting geometry. In your case you'll have to combine the automatic hierarchy with the modeling hierarchy, that is either constrain the build or have it eventually clone modeling information.
"Packet traversal" means you use SIMD instructions to compute 4 parallel scalars, each of an own ray for traversing the hierarchy (which is typically the hot spot) in order to squeeze the most performance out of the hardware.
You can perform some per-ray-statistics in order to control the sampling rate (number of secondary rays shot) based on the contribution to the resulting pixel color.
Using an area curve on the tile allows you to decrease the average space distance between the pixels and thus the probability that your performance benefits from cache hits.
