BLToolKit, Linq Query, SQL Not what I expected - linq

I am using BLToolKit in a project of mine and I was trying to get this to work. What I don't like is that I am trying to average a bunch of temps down to the minute, but the select statement that is being generated groups by the minute but then selects the original time. I think I am doing the linq expression correctly (but then again, i am not getting the results i expect). (this is C#, if you care) Anyone know what is going wrong?
var test = (from r in db.SensorReadingRaws
where r.TimeLogged < DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-2)
group r by new
Sensor = r.SensorNumber,
//group time down to the minute
Time = r.TimeLogged.AddSeconds(-1 * r.TimeLogged.Second).AddMilliseconds(-1 * r.TimeLogged.Millisecond)
} into grouped
select new SensorReading
SensorNumber = grouped.Key.Sensor,
TimeLogged = grouped.Key.Time,
Reading = (int)grouped.Average(x => x.Reading)
textBox1.Text = db.LastQuery;
and the resulting query is this
Avg([r].[Reading]) as [c1]
[SensorReadingRaw] [r]
[r].[TimeLogged] < #p1
DateAdd(Millisecond, Convert(Float, -DatePart(Millisecond, [r].[TimeLogged])), DateAdd(Second, Convert(Float, -DatePart(Second, [r].[TimeLogged])), [r].[TimeLogged])),

I discovered that
BLToolkit.Data.Linq.Sql.AsSql<T>(T obj)
can be used as a workaround for this case.
When applying this function to the required grouped key properties in select statement you get rid of grouping/selecting an original field.
It may look something like:
GroupBy(x => new {
Select(x => new {
Hour = Sql.AsSql(x.Key.Hour),
Minute = Sql.AsSql(x.Key.Minute),
Count = x.Count()
and in your particular case:
var test = (from r in db.SensorReadingRaws
where r.TimeLogged < DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-2)
group r by new
Sensor = r.SensorNumber,
//group time down to the minute
Time = r.TimeLogged.AddSeconds(-1 * r.TimeLogged.Second).AddMilliseconds(-1 * r.TimeLogged.Millisecond)
} into grouped
select new SensorReading
SensorNumber = grouped.Key.Sensor,
TimeLogged = Sql.AsSql(grouped.Key.Time),
Reading = (int)grouped.Average(x => x.Reading)

I got same issue yesterday.
Today I found a workaround. The idea is to write 2 linq queries. First transforming the data and the second grouping the result:
var bandAndDate =
(from r in repo.Entities
select new {Band = r.Score / 33, r.StartTime.Date});
var examsByBandAndDay =
(from r in bandAndDate
group r by new {r.Band, r.Date } into g
select new { g.Key.Date, g.Key.Band, Count = g.Count() }).ToList();
Both this queries run one SQL that do the job:
[t1].[c1] as [c11],
[t1].[c2] as [c21],
Count(*) as [c3]
[r].[Score] / 33 as [c2],
Cast(Floor(Cast([r].[StartTime] as Float)) as DateTime) as [c1]
[Results] [r]
) [t1]


is there a faster way to work with nested linq query?

I am trying to query a table with nested linq query. My query working but is too slow. I have almost 400k row. And this query work 10 seconds for 1000 rows. For 400k I think its about to 2 hours.
I have rows like this
StudentNumber - DepartmentID
n100 - 1
n100 - 1
n105 - 1
n105 - 2
n107 - 1
I want the students which have different department ID. My results looks like this.
StudentID - List
n105 - 1 2
And my query provides it. But slowly.
var sorgu = (from yok in YOKAktarim
group yok by yok.StudentID into g
select new {
liste=(from birim in YOKAktarim where birim.StudentID == g.Key select new { birim.DepartmentID }).ToList().GroupBy (x => x.DepartmentID).Count()>1 ? (from birim in YOKAktarim where birim.StudentID == g.Key select new { birim.DepartmentID }).GroupBy(x => x.DepartmentID).Select(x => x.Key).ToList() : null,
Console.WriteLine(sorgu.Where (s => s.liste != null).OrderBy (s => s.Key));
I wrote this query with linqpad C# statement.
For 400K records you should be able to return the student ids and department ids into an in-memory list.
var list1 = (from r in YOKAktarim
group r by new { r.StudentID, r.DepartmentID} into g
select g.Key
Once you have this list, you should be able to group by StudentID and select those students who have more than one record.
var list2 = (from r in list1 group r by r.StudentID into g
where g.Count() > 1
select new
StudentID = g.Key,
Departments = g.Select(a => a.DepartmentID).ToList()
This should be faster as it only hits the sql database once, rather than hundreds of thousands of times.
You're iterating your source collection (YOKAktarim) three times, which makes your query *O(n^3)` query. It's going to be slow.
Instead of going back to source collection to get content of the group you can simply iterate over g.
var sorgu = (from yok in YOKAktarim
group yok by yok.StudentID into g
select new {
liste = from birim in g select new { birim.DepartmentID }).ToList().GroupBy (x => x.DepartmentID).Count()>1 ? (from birim in g select new { birim.DepartmentID }).GroupBy(x => x.DepartmentID).Select(x => x.Key).ToList() : null,
However, that's still not optimal, because you're doing a lot of redundant subgrouping. Your query is pretty much equivalent to:
from yok in YOKAktarim
group yok by yok.StudentID into g
let departments = g.Select(g => g.DepartmentID).Distinct().ToList()
where departments.Count() > 1
select new {
liste = departments
I can't speak for the correctness of that monster, but simply removing all ToList() calls except the outermost one will fix your issue.

how use multiple join in linq?

var abc1 = from dlist in db.DebtorTransactions.ToList()
join war in db.Warranties on dlist.ProductID equals war.Id
join ag in db.Agents on war.fldAgentID equals ag.pkfAgentID
join sr in db.SalesReps on war.fldSrId equals sr.pkfSrID
where dlist.TransTypeID == 1
select new
name = ag.Name,
salesnam = sr.Name
} into objabc
group objabc by new
var amt1 = abc1.Sum(x => x.Key.Amount);
var abc2 = from dlist in db.DebtorTransactions.ToList()
join cjt in db.CarJackaTrackas on dlist.ProductID equals cjt.pkfCjtID
join ag in db.Agents on cjt.AgentID equals ag.pkfAgentID
join sr in db.SalesReps on cjt.SalesRepId equals sr.pkfSrID
where dlist.TransTypeID == 0
select new
name = ag.Name,
enter code here` salesnam = sr.Name
} into objabc
group objabc by new
var amt2 = abc1.Sum(x => x.Key.Amount);
//var result1=
return View();
i am new to linq, this query is working but i need to get the sum of Amount where dlist.TransTypeID == 0 and where dlist.TransTypeID == 1 by just single query. may anybody help me? thanks in advance
Here's a trimmed down example of how you can do it. You can add the joins if they are necessary, but I'm not clear on why you need some of the extra join values.
var transTypeAmountSums = (from dlist in db.DebtorTransactions
group dlist by dlist.TransTypeId into g
where g.Key == 0 || g.Key == 1
select new
TransTypeId = g.Key,
AmountSum = g.Sum(d => d.Amount)
}).ToDictionary(k => k.TransTypeId, v => v.AmountSum);
int transTypeZeroSum = transTypeAmountSums[0];
int transTypeOneSum = transTypeAmountSums[1];
A couple of things to note:
I removed ToList(). Unless you want to bring ALL DebtorTransactions into memory then run a Linq operation on those results, you'll want to leave that out and let SQL take care of the aggregation (it's much better at it than C#).
I grouped by dlist.TransTypeId only. You can still group by more fields if you need that, but it was unclear in the example why they were needed so I just made a simplified example.

LINQ using Group with Count and Where, easy SQL, harder in LINQ

I'm trying to display cities names where a count is greater than 1. I can do it easy in SQL and am close in LINQ but can't figure out how to use group and also get a count and display a name
var query = (from c in Consumer
group c
by new { c.City, size = c.City.Count() }
into results
select new { Name = results.Key.City })
.Where(a => size > 0);
The size part doesn't work
try this query:
var list= Consumer.GroupBy(s=>s.City)
.Select(s=>new {
City = s.Key,
size = s.Count(),

how can this SQL be done in LINQ?

i have this simple SQL query...
-- BestSeller
SELECT TOP(1) v.make, v.model, COUNT(v.make) AS NoSold
FROM Vehicles v
group by v.make, v.model
order by NoSold DESC
Im using entity framwork and want to do the same thing using linq. so far i have...
var tester = (from v in DB.VP_Historical_Vehicles
group v by v.make into g
orderby g.Count() descending
select new { make = g.Key, model = g, count = g.Count() }).Take(1);
foreach(var t in tester)
BestSeller.Make = t.make;
BestSeller.Model = t.make;
BestSeller.CountValue = t.count;
i keep getting timeouts, the database is large but the SQL runs very quick
any sugestions?
Group by a compound key.
var t = (
from v in DB.VP_Historical_Vehicles
group v by new { v.make, v.model } into g
orderby g.Count() descending
select new { make = g.Key.make, model = g.Key.model, count = g.Count() }
BestSeller.Make = t.make;
BestSeller.Model = t.make;
BestSeller.CountValue = t.count;
Check what queries it performs when you run it with LINQ.
I suspect that you orderby g.Count() descending might be executing a COUNT query for each row and that would take a toll on performance to say the least.
When working with EF, always check what your LINQ statements produce in terms of queries. It is very easy to create queries that result in a n+1 scenario.
thanks to Scott Weinstein answer i was able to get it working
please comment if there is a more efficiant way of doing this...
VehicleStatsObject BestSeller = new VehicleStatsObject();
using (var DB = DataContext.Get_DataContext)
var t = (from v in DB.VP_Historical_Vehicles
group v by new { v.make, v.model } into g
orderby g.Count() ascending
select new { make = g.Key.make, model = g.Key.model, count = g.Count() }).OrderByDescending(x => x.count).First();
BestSeller.Make = t.make;
BestSeller.Model = t.model;
BestSeller.CountValue = t.count;
return BestSeller;

Is there a better way to code this LINQ fragment?

I have this fragment of code:
SmsDataClassesDataContext dc = new SmsDataClassesDataContext();
// Get the customer
Customer currentCustomer = dc.Customers.Single( c => c.Hash1 == forThisHash );
// Get from Name (LINQ to XML)
var q = from c in thisSmsPack.Descendants("from")
select c;
string from = q.First().Value;
foreach ( XElement element in thisSmsPack.Descendants("to") )
// Create the queue
SmsQueue sq = new SmsQueue();
sq.CustomerId = currentCustomer.CustomerId;
sq.MsgFrom = from;
sq.MsgTo = element.Attribute("name").Value;
sq.MsgPhone = element.Attribute("phone").Value;
sq.MsgBody = element.Attribute("msg").Value;
sq.Priority = currentCustomer.SendsSmsAtPriority;
sq.DontSendUntil = GetNextSendDate();
// sq.TimeCreated = System.DateTime.Now;
I am creating new instances of "SmsQueues", populating the values and when the foreach loop is finished I submit the changes. Given the new lambda/linq/anonymous types that .NET 3.5 has, is there a more "modern" way to accomplish the above?
As a side question, maybe related, can I return an existing type composed of different columns in the select part of the linq expression?
Suppose you have three tables:
T1 == T1.Id, T1.Name
T2 == T2.Id, T2.Phone
T3 == T3.Name, T3.Phone, T3.SomethingElse
Can I perform a LINQ query that returns:
T1.Name, T2.Phone, SomethingElseNew
And let .NET know that that is of Type T3 (and it's a new instance of it)?
That way when I SubmitChanges, new T3 instances are inserted in the DB?
I don't know if I make myself clear :S
I don't have a system available to test this, but I think this (or something very close) should work.
CustomerId = currentCustomer.CustomerId;
var sqrange = from element in thisSmsPack.Descendants("to") )
select new SmsQueue
// Create the queue
MsgFrom = from,
MsgTo = element.Attribute("name").Value,
MsgPhone = element.Attribute("phone").Value,
MsgBody = element.Attribute("msg").Value,
Priority = currentCustomer.SendsSmsAtPriority,
DontSendUntil = GetNextSendDate()
// TimeCreated = System.DateTime.Now
EDIT: Fixed the numerous syntax errors (as delineated in the comments)
You could do something like this (syntax may be off slightly, no intellisense here):
var q = T1.Join(T2, t => t.Id, t2 => t2.Id)
select new T3{Name=t.Name,Phone=t2.Phone,SomethingElseNew="Chickens"};
