query from different oracle connections in sqldeveloper - oracle

I have 2 connections with different tables in sqldeveloper.
let's say:
ConnectionA with tables: A,B,C
ConnectionB with tables: D,E,F
Now I want to have a query that looks like this:
select aa.name,dd.id
from A aa,D dd;
How can i do this?

If you want to query objects in two different databases using a single SQL statement, you would need to create a database link between the two databases. A database link is an object that resides in the database and is independent of the query tool. In database A, for example, you could create the database link
CONNECT TO username IDENTIFIED BY password
USING tns_alias_on_a_pointing_to_b
And then when you connect to A, you could do something like
SELECT aa.name, dd.id
FROM a aa,
d#to_b dd
WHERE aa.some_key = dd.some_key

Apparently TOAD Data Point supports Cross-Connection Queries , see:
Also Oracle SQL Developer seems to support something similar. (see this blog post: Cross Connection Queries)

I found this helpful and to the point of the OP question for Oracle 11g rel 2 and later: http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_how_create_database_link.htm . Basically, right-click on the connection in the Connections pane in SQL Developer, click Properties, and you get the hostname, port, and service name that you can plug into the "USING" part of the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement. Whether you put in Service Name or SID I assume depends on which you used in your connection. example:
create public database link
connect to
identified by
using 'myserver:1521/MYSID';


How to use synonym of a DBlink in Oracle?

I have created a synonym for a dblink.
create synonym dblink2 for dblink1
But when I query anything using the synonym instead of the dblink, I'm getting connection description for remote database not found error.
How do I query using the synonym?Edit: I know that it'll work if I create a view of the table using dblink. But my requirement is the above question.
Unfortunately creation of synonyms for dblinks is not supported. If you read the documentation on synonyms, you will find that the permitted objects for synonyms are only:
Use the CREATE SYNONYM statement to create a synonym, which is an
alternative name for a table, view, sequence, procedure, stored
function, package, materialized view, Java class schema object,
user-defined object type, or another synonym.
The reason why your second query fails is that the synomym you have created is not functioning correctly. It is not being validated properly at creation time, and you can create any sort of incorrect synonyms like that. To verify, just test the following statement:
create synonym dblink3 for no_object_with_this_name;
You will still get a response like this:
*Synonym DBLINK3 created.*
But of course nothing will work via this synonym.
I don't see the point in creating a synonym for the dblink itself. Ideally you create the synonym for the remote table using the dblink.
CREATE SYNONYM my_table FOR remote_table#my_db_link;
Now, you could query the remote table using the synonym:
SELECT * FROM my_table;
I'm trying to think of the business issue that gets solved by putting a synonym on a db_link, and the only thing I can think of is that you need to deploy constant code that will be selecting from some_Table#some_dblink, and although the table names are constant different users may be looking across different db_links. Or you just want to be able to swap which db_link you are operating across with a simple synonym repoint.
Here's the problem: it can't be done that way. db_link synonyms are not allowed.
Your only solution is to have the code instead reference the tables by synonyms, and set private synonyms to point across the correct db_link. That way your code continues to "Select from REMOTE_TABLE1" and you just can flip which DB_LINK you are getting that remote table from.
Is it a pain to have to set/reset 100+ private synonyms? Yep. But if it is something you need to do often then bundle up a procedure to do it for you where you pass in the db_link name and it cycles through and resets the synonyms for you.
While I understand that this question is 3+ years old, someone might be able to benefit from a different answer in the future.
Let's imagine that I have 4 databases, 2 for production and 2 for dev / testing.
The "APP2" databases are running procedures to extract and import data from the APP1 databases. In these procedures, there are various select statements, such as:
insert into tbl_impdata1
select sysdate, col1, col2, substr(col3,1,10), substr(col3,15,3)
from tbl1#dblink2; -- Where dblink2 points to DEVAPP1DB1
<more statements here>
<exception handling code here>
Now that is okay for development but the dblink2 constantly needs to be changed to dblink1 when deploying the updated procedure to production.
As it was pointed out, synonyms cannot be used for this purpose.
But instead, create the db links with the same name, different connection string.
E.g. on production:
And on dev:
And then in the procedures, change all "#dblink1" and "#dblink2" to "#mydblink" and it all should be transparent from there.
If you are trying to have the DB link accessible for multiple schemas (users) the answer is to create a public db link
After that any schema can issue a:

Details of other databases accessing our Oracle database using DB links

Is there a way to find the details of the databases accessing our Oracle database using the DB links? Dba_db_links holds the information about the DB links that we have in our database to access other databases, but is there a similar kind of table from where we can find the DB links accessing our database or is that getting recorded some where?
Thanks in Advance.
I agree with Justin, that there's no way to determine an explicit list of all databases that have database links into a given database.
However, it is possible to monitor active database links. You can use the following query to see what sessions are via database links and from which databases:
-- who is querying via dblink?
-- Courtesy of Tom Kyte, via AskTom
-- this script can be used at both ends of the database link
-- to match up which session on the remote database started
-- the local transaction
-- the GTXID will match for those sessions
-- just run the script on both databases
Select /*+ ORDERED */
substr(s.ksusemnm,1,10)||'-'|| substr(s.ksusepid,1,10) "ORIGIN",
substr(g.K2GTITID_ORA,1,35) "GTXID",
substr(s.indx,1,4)||'.'|| substr(s.ksuseser,1,5) "LSESSION" ,
0, decode( bitand(ksuseflg,4096) , 0,'INACTIVE','CACHED'),
) "S",
substr(w.event,1,10) "WAITING"
from x$k2gte g, x$ktcxb t, x$ksuse s, v$session_wait w, v$session s2
where g.K2GTDXCB =t.ktcxbxba
and g.K2GTDSES=t.ktcxbses
and s.addr=g.K2GTDSES
and w.sid=s.indx
and s2.sid = w.sid;
Hope that helps.
When you create a database link in database A that points at database B, there is no notification sent to database B so there is no data dictionary table in B that will tell you that A has a link to it. As far as B is concerned, database A is simply another client that periodically opens a connection to the database.
Generally, when A wants to create a database link to B, a user will be created in B for this purpose (assuming the database link uses a fixed user rather than the current user) since you don't want the password for this account to expire regularly and you don't want the database link to be broken if a particular human leaves the company and has his or her accounts removed. You can audit connections on B, either for the particular accounts that have been created for database links or across all users, and then look through the audit logs to identify connections that are coming from servers that house other databases.
You might be looking out for this.
Step 1: Check the hash_value of the session in X database.
select sql_hash_value from v$session where sid=&sid;
Step 2: Check the full SQL of the session in X database where the SQL is fired.
select sql_fulltext from v$sql where hash_value=&hash_value;
Step 3: Make a note of all the DB links invloved in the SQL and identify the hosts for those DB links.
select * from dba_db_links where db_link like upper('&db_link');
Step 4: In each host (say only one remote host, pointing to database Y) and database X itself, fire the above query (Tom Kyte's) to gather the session details of sessions coming from remote DBs.
Step 5: In database X, check the SID of interest and its corresponding GTXID. Look for the same GTXID in the remote host Y.
Step 6: Get the session ID from the database Y for this GTXID and check the session waits or other details.

Query multiple oracle schemas in LINQPAD with IQ driver

Is it possible to query multiple schemas in Linqpad with the IQ connection driver for oracle?
E.G. I have a user that can see two schemas ,users and customers. Currently I have to specify the schema I want to use when setting up the connection. So, I can only query one schema per session. It would be great if I could do something like the following:
var customers = from c in *customers*.sometable
select c;
var users = from u in *users*.sometable
select u;
in a single session. Is such a thing possible with any existing oracle drivers in LINQPad?
This cannot be done at the moment: when the driver builds a typed datacontext, it creates objects for just one schema. Why don't you register a request in linqpad.uservoice.com - a few other people have asked about this.

Run a Query from Linked Server (Oracle) in SQL Server2008 R2

I have the linked server set up in SQL Server 2008. But I could not run any query against the linked server.
I tried to run this simple command but it's not working
This is the error I got when I run the above command.
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MYSERVER" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7312, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid use of schema or catalog for OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MYSERVER". A four-part name was supplied, but the provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog or schema.
Could anyone help me to connect to the OracleLinkedServer? Thanks very much.
you can be that way too:
You can write the query like this:
Important: In this case, the fully qualified table name must be written in upper case.
You might try the fix from this article.
Also, this could be a problem with naming. From an MS KB article
If you receive these error messages, a table may be missing in the
Oracle schema or you may not have permissions on that table. Verify
that the schema name has been typed by using uppercase. The
alphabetical case of the table and of the columns should be as
specified in the Oracle system tables.
On the Oracle side, a table or a column that is created without double
quotation marks is stored in uppercase. If the table or the column is
enclosed in double quotation marks, the table or the column is stored
as is.
First make sure the tnsping utility works from client server, then use the below string in linked server database source setup
Check this link for more details :
Try something like this:
In this case I'm selecting ALL_TABLES from a linked server called SOME.SERVER.NAME.
Richard's post above was critical.
I am using v12 ODP.NET odbc drivers and had to ensure that "Zero Level Only" was NOT checked and that the names supplied for table and schema were the correct case. All of the schemas and tables I access are uppercase only.
Use the query below to determine what the correct table name is, though you will have to supply the schema name in the correct case for the query to work. Try all uppercase, try all lowercase, try mixed case, or better yet get the actual name from the dba (I've heard that only table/schema names that are "" quoted will be allowed mixed case, otherwise in oracle it's all uppercase.)
sp_tables_ex #table_server=InsertLinkedServerHere, #table_schema=InsertSchemaNameHere

need to connect to two different db from sqlplus

I need to take information from two different data bases.
select * from TABLE_ONDB2 where column_on_db2 in ( select column_on_db1 from TABLE_ONDB1 );
Problem is both are on different db instances so I am not able to figure out how to put table names and column names etc.
I hope my question is clear.
I'd try to do it with a Database Link:
That is, however, not a SQL*Plus feature. It works by makeing a connection from DB2 to DB1 (the database is doing that).
You can then query both tables from DB2 with the '#db-link' name notation. e.g.,
select *
where column_on_db2
in (select column_on_db1 from TABLE_ONDB1#DB_LINK_NAME);
The benefit is that you can access the table in all different ways, also as a join.
