hash strings get improperly encoded - ruby

I have a simple constant hash with string keys defined:
'key1' => 'value1'
Now, I've noticed that encoding.name on the key is US-ASCII. However, Encoding.default_internal is set to UTF-8 beforehand. Why is it not being properly encoded? I can't force_encoding later, because the object is frozen at that point, so I get this error:
can't modify frozen String
P.S.: I'm using ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570).

The default internal and external encodings are aimed at IO operations:
File data read from disk
File names from Dir
The easiest thing for you to do is to add a # encoding=utf-8 comment to tell Ruby that the source file is UTF-8 encoded. For example, if you run this:
# encoding=utf-8
H = { 'this' => 'that' }
puts H.keys.first.encoding
as a stand-alone Ruby script you'll get UTF-8, but if you run this:
H = { 'this' => 'that' }
puts H.keys.first.encoding
you'll probably get US-ASCII.


`scan': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)

I'm trying to read a .txt file in ruby and split the text line-by-line.
Here is my code:
def file_read(filename)
File.open(filename, 'r').read
puts f = file_read('alice_in_wonderland.txt')
This works perfectly. But when I add the method line_cutter like this:
def file_read(filename)
File.open(filename, 'r').read
def line_cutter(file)
puts f = line_cutter(file_read('alice_in_wonderland.txt'))
I get an error:
`scan': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)
I found this online for untrusted website and tried to use it for my own code but it's not working. How can I remove this error?
Link to the file: File
The linked text file contains the following line:
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
If converting it isn't desired or possible then you have to tell Ruby that this file is ISO-8859-1 encoded. Otherwise the default external encoding is used (UTF-8 in your case). A possible way to do that is:
s = File.read('alice_in_wonderland.txt', encoding: 'ISO-8859-1')
s.encoding # => #<Encoding:ISO-8859-1>
Or even like this if you prefer your string UTF-8 encoded (see utf8everywhere.org):
s = File.read('alice_in_wonderland.txt', encoding: 'ISO-8859-1:UTF-8')
s.encoding # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
It seems to work if you read the file directly from the page, maybe there's something funny about the local copy you have. Try this:
require 'net/http'
uri = 'http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/vip/teach/Algorithms/7_hash_RBtree_simpleDS/hw_hash_RBtree/alice_in_wonderland.txt'
scanned = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri)).body.scan(/\w/)

How to use :replace, :invalid and :undef args for encoding using CSV.read?

Since ruby 1.9, CSV uses a parser that can perform encoding, if you use methods like:
::foreach, ::open, ::read, and ::readlines.
For example: CSV.read('path/to/file', encoding: "windows-1252:UTF-8") tries to read a file in windows-1252 and returns an array with utf-8 encoded strings.
If the encode conversion between charsets has undefined characters it gives an Encoding::UndefinedConversionError.
The String.encode method has some nice args to deal with this undefined characters:
str = str.encode('UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: "" )
Is there a way to use this kind of replace rules for undefined conversions between charsets with CSV parser?
Thank you.
There is, indeed, a way. The trick is to define a custom converter that does the conversion you want using String#encode. Converters are run before CSV tries to do its automatic conversion to UTF-8. We pass the custom converter to CSV.read as the :converters option, along with the original :encoding:
UTF8_CONVERTER = ->(field) { field.encode('utf-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: "") }
CSV.read('foo.csv', encoding: 'windows-1252', converters: UTF8_CONVERTER)
Since there aren't any characters in Windows-1252 that aren't also in UTF-8, I'll demonstrate the other way around. Suppose you have this UTF-8 CSV file:
And suppose I want to convert it to ASCII-8BIT (because reasons?). This gives me an error:
CSV.read('emoji.csv', encoding: 'utf-8:ascii-8bit')
# => Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: U+1F44D from UTF-8 to ASCII-8BIT
But if I define a custom converter that replaces those undefined characters, it works perfectly:
ASCII_CONVERTER = ->(field) { field.encode('ascii-8bit', replace: "#") }
CSV.read('emoji.csv', encoding: 'utf-8', converters: ASCII_CONVERTER)
# => [ [ "foo", "bar" ],
# [ "yes#", "no#"] ]
(Note that encoding: 'utf-8' isn't strictly necessary here, since UTF-8 is the default, but it will be necessary if your file has a different encoding.)
If you want to use the replace behavior of String#encode, you will either have to encode the whole file content with it or do it line by line. You will lose information with this.
This is one way of doing it though:
file = File.open('path/to/file.csv')
file.each do |line|
# keep in mind that the first parameter here is the destination encoding,
# the second is the source encoding
sanitized_line = line.encode('UTF-8', 'windows-1252', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '')
fields_array = CSV.parse_line(sanitized_line)
# do whatever you want with the fields you extracted
If your conversion from one encoding to another is pretty much guaranteed to not loose information (iso-8859-1 to utf-8 for example) I would really recommend to simply convert the file on reading.
Another thing to keep in mind is, that ruby does not try to figure out the encoding of a file you are reading on it's own. If you omit the parameter it only uses the default encoding for it's external and internal encoding. So you have to specify the encoding the file is in yourself. Ruby has no really reliable way of doing this, so in my case I ended up doing this (on a Ubuntu system):
encoding = `file --mime-encoding #{path_to_file} | awk '{print $2}'`.strip
arr_of_arrs = CSV.read(path_to_file, encoding: "#{encoding}:utf-8")

Ruby: parse yaml from ANSI to UTF-8

I have the yaml file test.yml that can be encoded in UTF-8 or ANSI:
"eins_Ä": :eins
"zwei_ä": :zwei
When I load the file I need it to be encoded in UTF-8 therefore tried to convert all of the Strings:
require 'yaml'
file = YAML::load_file('C:/Users/S61256/Desktop/test.yml')
require 'iconv'
CONV = Iconv.new("UTF-8", "ASCII")
class Test
def convert(hash)
hash.each{ |key, value|
convert(value) if value.is_a? Hash
CONV.iconv(value) if value.is_a? String
CONV.iconv(key) if key.is_a? String
t = Test.new
converted = t.convert(file)
p file
p converted
But when I try to run this example script it prints:
in 'iconv': eins_- (Iconv:IllegalSequence)
1. Why does the error show up and how can I solve it?
2. Is there another (more appropiate) way to get the file's content in UTF-8?
I need this code to be compatible to Ruby 1.8 as well as Ruby 2.2. For Ruby 2.2 I would replace all the Iconv stuff with String::encode, but that's another topic.
The easiest way to deal with wrong encoded files is to read it in its original encoding, convert to UTF-8 and then pass to receiver (YAML in this case):
▶ YAML.load File.read('/tmp/q.yml', encoding: 'ISO-8859-1').force_encoding 'UTF-8'
#⇒ {:excel=>{"Test"=>{"eins_Ä"=>:eins, "zwei_ä"=>:zwei}}}
For Ruby 1.8 you should probably use Iconv, but the whole process (read as is, than encode, than yaml-load) remains the same.

SmarterCSV and file encoding issues in Ruby

I'm working with a file that appears to have UTF-16LE encoding. If I run
File.read(file, :encoding => 'utf-16le')
the first line of the file is:
If I read the file using something like
csv_text = File.read(file, :encoding => 'utf-16le')
I get an error stating
ASCII incompatible encoding needs binmode (ArgumentError)
If I switch the encoding in the above to
csv_text = File.read(file, :encoding => 'utf-8')
I make it to the SmarterCSV section of the code, but get an error that states
`=~': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)
The full code is below. If I run this in the Rails console, it works just fine, but if I run it using ruby test.rb, it gives me the first error:
require 'smarter_csv'
headers = ["date_of_message", "timestamp_of_message", "sender", "phone_number", "message"]
path = '/path/'
Dir.glob("#{path}*.CSV").each do |file|
csv_text = File.read(file, :encoding => 'utf-16le')
File.open('/tmp/tmp_file', 'w') { |tmp_file| tmp_file.write(csv_text) }
puts 'made it here'
SmarterCSV.process('/tmp/tmp_file', {
:col_sep => "\t",
:force_simple_split => true,
:headers_in_file => false,
:user_provided_headers => headers
}).each do |row|
converted_row = {}
converted_row[:date_of_message] = row[:date_of_message][2..-2].to_date
converted_row[:timestamp] = row[:timestamp]
converted_row[:sender] = row[:sender][2..-2]
converted_row[:phone_number] = row[:phone_number][2..-2]
converted_row[:message] = row[:message][1..-2]
converted_row[:room] = file.gsub(path, '')
Update - 05/13/15
Ultimately, I decided to encode the file string as UTF-8 rather than diving deeper into the SmarterCSV code. The first problem in the SmarterCSV code is that it does not allow a user to specify binary mode when reading in a file, but after adjusting the source to handle that, a myriad of other encoding-related issues popped-up, many of which related to the handling of various parameters on files that were not UTF-8 encoded. It may have been the easy way out, but encoding everything as UTF-8 before feeding it into SmarterCSV solved my issue.
Add binmode to the File.read call.
File.read(file, :encoding => 'utf-16le', mode: "rb")
"b" Binary file mode
Suppresses EOL <-> CRLF conversion on Windows. And
sets external encoding to ASCII-8BIT unless explicitly
ref: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.0.0/IO.html#method-c-read
Now pass the correct encoding to SmarterCSV
SmarterCSV.process('/tmp/tmp_file', {
:file_encoding => "utf-16le", ...
It was found that smartercsv does not support binary mode. After the OP attempted to modify the code with no success it was decided the simple solution was to convert the input to UTF-8 which smartercsv supports.
Unfortunately, you're using a 'flat-file' style of storage and character encoding is going to be an issue on both ends (reading or writing).
I would suggest using something along the lines of str = str.force_encoding("UTF-8") and see if you can get that to work.

Thor & YAML outputting as binary?

I'm using Thor and trying to output YAML to a file. In irb I get what I expect. Plain text in YAML format. But when part of a method in Thor, its output is different...
class Foo < Thor
include Thor::Actions
desc "bar", "test"
def set
test = {"name" => "Xavier", "age" => 30}
puts test
# {"name"=>"Xavier", "age"=>30}
puts test.to_yaml
# !binary "bmFtZQ==": !binary |-
# WGF2aWVy
# !binary "YWdl": 30
File.open("data/config.yml", "w") {|f| f.write(test.to_yaml) }
Any ideas?
All Ruby 1.9 strings have an encoding attached to them.
YAML encodes some non-UTF8 strings as binary, even when they look innocent, without any high-bit characters. You might think that your code is always using UTF8, but builtins can return non-UTF8 strings (ex File path routines).
To avoid binary encoding, make sure all your strings encodings are UTF-8 before calling to_yaml. Change the encoding with force_encoding("UTF-8") method.
For example, this is how I encode my options hash into yaml:
options = {
:port => 26000,
:rackup => File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../sveg.rb"))
utf8_options = {}
options.each_pair { |k,v| utf8_options[k] = ((v.is_a? String) ? v.force_encoding("UTF-8") : v)}
puts utf8_options.to_yaml
Here is an example of yaml encoding simple strings as binary
>> x = "test"
=> "test"
>> x.encoding
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
>> x.to_yaml
=> "--- test\n...\n"
>> x.force_encoding "ASCII-8BIT"
=> "test"
>> x.to_yaml
=> "--- !binary |-\n dGVzdA==\n"
After version 1.9.3p125, ruby build-in YAML engine will treat all BINARY encoding differently than before. All you need to do is to set correct non-BINARY encoding before your String.to_yaml.
in Ruby 1.9, All String object have attached a Encoding object
and as following blog ( by James Edward Gray II ) mentioned, ruby have build in three type of encoding when String is generated:
One of encoding may solve your problem => Source code Encoding
This is the encoding of your source code, and can be specify by adding magic encoding string at the first line or second line ( if you have a sha-bang string at the first line of your source code )
the magic encoding code could be one of following:
# encoding: utf-8
# coding: utf-8
# -- encoding : utf-8 --
so in your case, if you use ruby 1.9.3p125 or later, this should be solved by adding one of magic encoding in the beginning of your code.
# encoding: utf-8
require 'thor'
class Foo < Thor
include Thor::Actions
desc "bar", "test"
def bar
test = {"name" => "Xavier", "age" => 30}
puts test
#{"name"=>"Xavier", "age"=>30}
puts test["name"].encoding.name
puts test.to_yaml
#name: Xavier
#age: 30
puts test.to_yaml.encoding.name
I have been struggling with this using 1.9.3p545 on Windows - just with a simple hash containing strings - and no Thor.
The gem ZAML solves the problem quite simply:
require 'ZAML'
yaml = ZAML.dump(some_hash)
File.write(path_to_yaml_file, yaml)
