TSKILL not always terminating program in terminal service - vb6

Background: We have a VB6 application [1] that runs on terminal services. As part of the update scripts, tskill [2] is used to kill off any running apps so that the application may be updated. Sometimes tskill cannot kill the process, although remoting in, and using task manager can take care of it.
Questions: what could cause a VB6 mdiform app to hang and not get shut down? Is there anything we can add to the app to make it shut down more gracefully?
1 - It was supposed to be replaced already, but the SAP replacement is more than 1 year behind schedule.
2 - The script command is basically tskill theApp /server:theServer as it iterates across all the servers.

The app could actually have code to ignore the shutdown/kill request and cancel the unload.
I've seen where message boxes being open will cause an application to not respond to shutdown requests.
It's possible the main form is unloading, but there are other forms resident in memory that cause the EXE to continue running without a UI.


Automatically force quit frozen applications in OSX maybe using a ruby script?

I built an application using openframeworks that is live 24/7 on a kiosk. Every now and then (every few weeks) it will randomly go unresponsive and I still can't get to the bottom of it because it's so random and infrequent it is hard to debug.
I wrote a ruby script that looks for the application running and if it doesn't exist it will start it up. This works in all cases where the application name doesn't show up in activity monitor. Meaning if the app crashes and completely force quits itself or something. It works just fine.
However, if the app just freezes and goes unresponsive (red highlight in activity monitor) the app doesn't quit out completely unless I force quit manually. Is there some kind of script I can write to look for all "unresponsive apps/processes" every few seconds and force quits them automatically? That way my app launcher script will be able to detect that the app isn't running and boot it up again.
I suggest you look at Monit because it's solid, well tested, well documented, and easy to learn.
If you still want to write your own monitoring script, Monit is a good example to follow.
The most reliable way to detect an unresponsive app is to have a "vital sign" which is a generic term for a signal that an app emit to prove it's healthy. Some people call this a "pulse" or "heartbeat" or "brainwave". Your external script watches the vital sign. If your external script sees the vital sign flatline, then the script takes action to cure the app or restart it.
An alternate way is to have a "ping" which is a generic term for your external script sending a signal to the app or the system, then listening for a reply. You can use tools such as the Unix ps command for processes, or AppleScript Activity Monitor. As far as I know, these do a pretty good job of catching common cases, but have trouble catching apps that are soaking up resources, such as being caught in endless loops.

Task Scheduler WorkItem Not Running

I have a very specific problem that I need fixing. The major issue is that I don't exactly know how to properly search the remnants of my problem on google. Therefore I am coming to StackOverflow for advice in hopes that someone will assist me.
So I am writing an application which is to be PCI-compliant for the company which I am starting. The application involves IPC (Inter-process communication) and two "watch-dog" apps which monitor the status of the main application. One of these "watch-dog" applications is an updater (sends an HTTP Request to the server looking for updates of the application).
So! This method which I am using to check the server if the application is up-to-date is using the WinInet library and InternetOpen() to send the request. Then read the response of the page and use GetCookie() to store the response in a buffer. It shall then parse the response accordingly.
If the response says that the current version of my application is less than the version located on the server. It will then tell the customer (user) that their application is out of date, and ask them whether or not they want to update the software. If they choose to update the software, it will perform a Download And Execute from the internet and launch the update-installer on the user's PC.
The Problem
Unfortunately, windows is very "secure" when it comes to having an "unauthorized" application send an HTTP Request to an outgoing url, let alone download something from the server then execute it on the users PC.
My conclusion to this issue was to add the watch-dog programs to the Task Scheduler. That way after the main application is run, it will spawn the watch-dog programs and check if they are running with NTAUTHORITY privileges (which are granted by the Task Scheduler).
After implementing the code to create the task and point it to the location of the watch-dog programs, naming it, writing a description and everything. I executed the program. It ran without errors though here the REAL PROBLEM:
1) Programs executes
2) Spawns watch-dog programs
3) Watchdog program checks for new version
4) Version is found
5) Installer is downloaded, execute ... but
6) The installer does not appear on the screen!
When I run my 'Process Hacker' application to monitor all process actions. I can see that the new installer is download & executed. It is running as NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM just like the watch-dog programs but it doesn't appear on the system.
I made sure that in my code the status of the window is set to SW_SHOWNORMAL not SW_HIDE. I also made sure that all flags are set accordingly. Though it doesn't appear on the screen!
When I run the application without adding it to the Task Scheduler as my user without NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM status and just regular user status. It executes (obviously since I am already running as administrator) -- everything works fine. But after adding it to Task Scheduler and having it run with SYSTEM level privileges. The window doesn't appear on the screen visually. Why's that?
I would greatly appreciate anyone that is able to assist me with this problem. Thank-you!
edit 1
Can anyone help me understand how this user applied his fix in the registry? By reading the problem I can somewhat interpret that he had the same issue as me.
App is invisible if started from Task Scheduler without any user logged in
In any case, I am trying to use the advice that Gisley gave me to run the application in Interactive Mode. Possibly going to try to give that a try. Still looking for more answers but I am going to be working no this none-the-less in the meantime.
edit 2
I tried setting the INTERACTIVE FLAG and it had no effect unfortunately.
Allow me to just emphasize my problem:
For example I write a program which has message boxes and put it in a loop.
message box
get current pid
make process in the task scheduler
spawn new process as the task scheduler proc with NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM
kill last proc pid
end for
Then when I execute it:
I get the message box. Then after new process opens with NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM the message box does not appear anymore.
Same for if I open a calculator for example.
System("cmd.exe start /c calc.exe")
Program runs... opens calculator
Program gets NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM status
ON the next loop it executes the calc.exe
I see it in my task manager but it doesnt appear on the screen
I hope the above helped emphasize the core of my issue. I dont see the processes opened by the task scheduler process id with NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM rights... I dont see the procs executed by it on my screen, though I see them in the task manager | process hacker and they are running with NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM privileges too.
A shot in the dark - try running the task in interactive mode, but you'll need to have a user logged on.
Alternatively, or additionally, pass parameters to the installer so that it installs silently.
Silent installation of a MSI package

How to restart program automatically if it crashes in Windows?

How can I start my program automatically if it crashes on windows 2003 server? Sometimes my program just crashes, is there a way in windows or settings that I can set?
There are several ways to create a process supervisor/guardian process on Windows.
First, is to leverage windows command line capabilities. Create a bat file:
#echo off
start /w "your app to watch.exe"
goto start
start /w will wait for the process to exit. When the process crashes and exits, the bat script will relaunch it.
Another option is to use free supervisor tool https://github.com/chebum/Supervisor. It allows to restart the crashed app, plus it allows to monitor two or more apps at once and it will automatically close these apps when supervisor's window is closed.
The usual approach is to run what is known as a guardian process. This is a separate process, often a service, that monitors the state of the main process. When the guardian detects that the main service has died, it re-spawns it.
To the very best of my knowledge, there is not built in Windows functionality to do this for you.
Notice: running self-looping bat files can be useful, but unless you know what you're doing, they can wreak all kinds of havoc. This goes especially if you run them on startup. You have been warned.
Anyway. I just remembered something from my 286 days, when I played around a lot with BAT files. If you write the file
some other event
the BAT file will run yourprogram, and then pause and wait around in the background until the program exits. After that it will run "some other event". This used to be kind of annoying if you wanted to run multiple things at once, but here it's actually useful. Using this, it's possible to make it run a loop that restarts the program (and reruns the bat file) as soon as it exits. Combine this with https://superuser.com/questions/62525/run-a-completly-hidden-batch-file, and you'll never even see it happening.
The final BAT file ("restart.bat" in this example) will look something like:
wscript "C:\[location]\invisible.vbs" "C:\[location]\restart.bat"
That's about it. Start the program (on startup via task or even just startup folder) with line 2, and this ought to solve your problem :)
Oh, if you want to stop the loop, just rename the bat file or put "// " in front of the two lines, save it, and exit the program.
If the program you are running requires admin rights, the solution I found was using psexec (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx) to run both the program and the bat with elevated privileges. In that case the BAT will look like:
c:\[location]\psexec -h c:\[location]\yourprogram.exe
c:\[location]\psexec -h wscript "C:\[location]\invisible.vbs" "C:\[location]\restart.bat"
Then you run the bat as administrator, or run the second line (without the psexec part) from task scheduler with elevated privileges. BEWARE: running it as a normal user and clicking "no" on the UAC prompt gave me a BSOD, probably because it looped "can't run program because of lacking privileges" a couple of billion times or something :)
You can use RegisterApplicationRestart.
"If you register for restart and the application encounters an
unhandled exception or is not responsive, the user is offered the
opportunity to restart the application; the application is not
automatically restarted without the user's consent. "
For automatic restart without user intervention, there is also RestartOnCrash. Works with all Windows versions.
I was looking for something similar. There are two options to handle this - either you can write a small script by yourself or use something that is already existing.
After some googling I came across this nice list. The blogger has compiled about 8 tools to automatically restart a crashed or closed application.
Unfortunately there are no settings in Windows to automatically restart a regular program when it crashes.
Do you need to actively interact with your application's GUI? Some of the Service Wrappers (designed to run any application as a Windows Service) will monitor your application and restart it when it fails, but be sure investigate Session 0 Isolation to ensure that it won't get in the way.
You may use some special app like BDV SystemEvents or any other. It allows you to specify application which will be started if some another application is closed. Specify the same application as a Condition and as an Action and you will get expected results.

Stop VB application from running in background

I have a console application (written in VB6 ) which is behaving strangely on my machine. I kick it off from the command line and what should be a two minute job drops straight back to the prompt - if I run this on another machine the executable will sit and wait until the job finishes before returning control back to the prompt. If I check process explorer I can see that the executable is running as a background process and other than this strange background-ness is running as expected.
Any thoughts on why this could be happening? (Running on 32-bit Windows XP Pro SP3.)
It's totally unclear whether this is an application you wrote and have the source code for. If that's the case, you need to get in and start debugging. At the least, use OutputDebugString to send information about what's going on to any number of potential viewers. Taking that a step further, consider rewiring the app using the Console module I wrote, along with vbAdvance to recompile. This combination will allow you the full power of the VB6 IDE to debug within. No more guessing about what's going on.
Then again, if it's not your app, I'm not sure what VB6 has to do with it and wish you the best of luck trying to figure out what's up.
It sounds to me as though the app isn't being recognised as a console app on one of your machines. Console apps weren't officially supported in VB6, although there are some well-known hacks for creating them (particularly the free add-in vbAdvance). Possibly your console app is a bit unreliable? If Windows thinks your app is a GUI rather than a console app, it won't wait for it to finish.
As a pragmatic workaround: try launching with start /wait rather than just using the exename. That forces the command prompt to wait for the program to finish, whether it's a GUI app or a console app.
Sounds like an error is occurring that is being 'swallowed' by the application. Do you have the source code?
Errors in VB6 apps are often due to some COM component not installed and/or registered.
Download SysInternals Process Monitor and this will show up accesses to ProgIDs that fail (uninstalled/unregistered COM components).
Check out: Process Monitor - Hands-On Labs and Examples.
Have you checked permissions? Is the application accessing any network based resources?

How to reload a crashed process on Windows

How to reload a crashed process on Windows? Of course, I can run a custom monitoring Win service process. But, for example, Firefox: it doesn't seem to install such a thing, but still it can restart itself when it crashes.
On Vista and above, you can use the RegisterApplicationRestart API to automatically restart when it crashes or hangs.
Before Vista, you need to have a top level exception filter which will do the restart, but be aware that running code inside of a compromised process isn't entirely secure or reliable.
Firefox constantly saves its state to the hard disk, every time you open a tab or click a link, or perform some other action. It also saves a flag saying it shut down safely.
On startup, it reads this all back, and is able to "restore" based on that info.
Structured exception handling (SEH) allows you to catch program crashes and to do something when it happens.
See: __try and __except
SEH can be very dangerous though and could lead to your program hanging instead. Please see this article for more information.
If you write your program as an NT service then you can set the first, second and subsequent failure actions to "Restart the service".
For Windows 2008 server and Windows Vista and Windows 7 you can use the Win32 API RegisterApplicationRestart
Please see my answer here for more information about dealing with different types of program crashes.
If I recall correctly Windows implements at least some subset of POSIX and so "must" have the signal interface (things like SIGKILL, SIGSEGV, SIGQUIT etc.).
I've never done this but on linux, but you could try setting the unexpected termination trap with signal() (signal.h).
From quick scan of docs it seems that very few things can be done while handling signal, it may be possible that even starting a new process is on forbidden list.
Now that I've thought about it, I'd probably go with master/worker pattern, very simple parent thread that does nothing but spawns the worker (that does all the UI / other things). If it does not set a specific "I'm gonna die now" bit but still dies (parent process always gets message / notification that spawned process died) then master respawns the worker. The main theme is keep master very simple and hard to die due to own bugs.
