I have the following code in my project:
SomeCode.h :
#pragma once
#include "defines.h"
void Function1(int *param1, float *param2, int count);
void Function2(int *param1, float *param2);
void Function3(int *param1, float *param2);
SomeCode.cpp :
#include "SomeCode.h"
void Function1(int *param1, float *param2, int count)
void Function2(int *param1, float *param2)
void Function3(int *param1, float *param2)
#include "SomeCode.h"
int main()
// some Function1, Function2, Function3 usage
All the above files are in the same folder.
The solution compiles fine, but i get Function1, Function2, Function3 unresolved external errors. Cleaning and building again doesn't help. However a magical workaround to make it building successfully is the following:
1) comment all the lines in SomeCode.cpp
2) build the solution and get the same linker errors
3) uncomment the lines
4) build again
I encounter the same problem from time to time when I change something in my project (adding new files, making changes to existing once). However this happens not on a regular basis, so I can't tell precisely when the problem appear.
Any ideas what might cause these troubles?
Do you try to add a
#include "somecode.h
In somecode.cpp ?
For Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10 in a new project I'm getting an unexpected LNK2019 error.
I have a test function calling a function in another project where I've included the necessary *.cpp file into the test project so I can access the internals of a DLL for testing.
#include "dllsubmodule.h"
void TestCountPagesInSomething()
// ... setup ...
int nPages;
nPages = CountPagesInSomething(iCurrentPos, hashFoundPages, hashPageCounts, sFoundData);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#pragma once
int CountPagesInSomething(
int iCurrentPos,
std::map<int, ERPPageInfo>& hashFoundPages,
std::map<std::string, int>& hashPageCounts,
const wxString& sFoundData
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dllsubmodule.h"
int CountPagesInSomething(
int iCurrentPos,
std::map<int, ERPPageInfo>& hashFoundPages,
std::map<std::string, int>& hashPageCounts,
const wxString& sFoundData
// implementation code here...
For whatever reason the linker error seems to be complaining that CountPagesInSomething() doesn't exist. I suspect I'm having trouble with name mangling variations but I've no idea how to diagnose the problem.
Note: CountPagesInSomething() is internal to the DLL and not a DLL export.
Right now this is just a console project. I'm trying to get a basic printf() test working before I figure out what kind of unit test framework to use.
In Visual Studio 2015, the code shown below crashes at the exit of foo(), with this error message: HEAP[NameOfExecutable.exe]: Invalid address specified to RtlValidateHeap( 00520000, 005332D4 )
When I remove the "virtual" keyword from B::bob(), the program works perfectly fine.
The program runs correctly from a command-line (outside of Visual Studio), when compiled with "g++ -std=c++11".
Using std::move() within push_back() didn't change the output.
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
class A
int a;
class B : public A
int b;
virtual void bob() { };
void foo()
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<A>> test;
test.push_back(std::unique_ptr<B>(new B));
int main()
std::cout << "Reached the end\n";
What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help!
If you debug the code, you'll notice that the exception arises at the exit point of foo() - when the destructor for test is called.
Both std::vector and std::unique_ptr manage their memory of course, so somewhere at this point B object that you just allocated will be destroyed.
The problem here is that you store it by an A pointer, so the A class destructor will be called.
To fix that, just introduce public virtual destructor to 'A':
class A
int a;
virtual ~A() {}
Supposedly Arduino's IDE > 1.6.2 has C++11 support.
I have just freshly downloaded and run version 1.6.9 on OSX (and as others have reported, this repros on Windows as well, with 1.6.9/1.6.10).
I cannot get this simple program to compile:
constexpr int get_five() { return 5; }
void setup() {
void loop() {
I receive this error when I try to build or upload:
sketch_jul25a:1: error: 'constexprint' does not name a type
constexpr int get_five() { return 5; }
exit status 1
'constexprint' does not name a type
I've looked at this question and answer, but it is supposedly no longer applicable in 1.6.9 version of the IDE that I am using - error: 'constexpr' does not name a type m- arduino ide
I have dug into the temporary files that are output by the IDE when building, and it seems it is trying to automatically generate headers for functions (I assume for multi-file sketch support), and does the wrong thing when it encounters constexpr:
#include <Arduino.h>
#line 1 "/Users/<my_username>/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jul25a/sketch_jul25a.ino"
#line 1 "/Users/<my_username>/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jul25a/sketch_jul25a.ino"
#line 1 "/Users/<my_username>/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jul25a/sketch_jul25a.ino"
constexprint get_five(); // **** <- This looks to be the culprit
#line 3 "/Users/<my_username>/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jul25a/sketch_jul25a.ino"
void setup();
#line 9 "/Users/<my_username>/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jul25a/sketch_jul25a.ino"
void loop();
#line 1 "/Users/<my_username>/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jul25a/sketch_jul25a.ino"
constexpr int get_five() { return 5; }
void setup() {
void loop() {
Is this a bug in the Arduino IDE? Is it unique to OSX? Is there a workaround that allows constexpr to work?
In googling I have found that some Arduino libraries are using constexpr, so I am assuming it could be made to work in some cases.
This is a known limitation of the arduino-builder.
Until it is fixed, you can add a prototype yourself above the function. This will prevent the IDE from incorrectly generating its own.
constexpr int get_five();
constexpr int get_five() { return 5; }
void setup() {
void loop() {
I have the following files:
#include "SFML\Graphics.hpp"
#include "SpriteControl.h"
using namespace sf;
int main(int argc, char ** argv){...}
#include "SFML\Graphics.hpp"
#include "SpriteControl.h"
using namespace sf;
SpriteControl::SpriteControl(Texture textureIn){
texture = textureIn;}
void SpriteControl::setMoveable(bool in) {
isMoveable = in;}
void SpriteControl::setVelocity(float vx, float vy) {
if (isMoveable) {
velocity.x = vx;
velocity.y = vy;
Vector2f SpriteControl::getVelocity() {
return velocity;}
#pragma once
class SpriteControl{
Texture texture;
Sprite sprite;
bool isMoveable;
Vector2f velocity;
SpriteControl(Texture textureIn);
Vector2f getVelocity();
void setMoveable(bool in);
void setVelocity(float vx, float vy);
When I try to build, I get undeclared identifier errors for "texture" and "velocity", as well as "overloaded member function not found" for my constructor, "left of .x must have class/struct/union", "getVelocity is not a member of SpriteControl", and so on. An error for almost every line of both the SpriteControl.cpp and SpriteControl.h files, none of which make any sense. Any thoughts?
Note: the SFML libraries have all be linked properly. Earlier, simpler versions of the program without any header files compiled and ran just fine.
The following program produces a segmentation fault, although I don't see any undefined behaviour in the code. It has been compiled with GCC 4.7.3. Do you know the reason of the fault or a possible work-around? Also, it seems boost::future does not exist in v1.53 yet, so I should probably rely on boost::unique_future. I cannot upgrade to any version above > 1.53 and I really need the "make_ready_at_thread_exit()" feature.
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/future.hpp>
namespace th = boost;
struct S {
th::packaged_task<void()> task;
th::unique_future<void> future;
void start();
void stop();
void S::start() {
task = th::packaged_task<void()>{ [this] () {}};
future = task.get_future();
void S::stop() {
int main() {
S s;