Com client authentication - windows

We have a setup here where every process is signed. We have a process with SYSTEM privilege that exposes COM interfaces. We do not want processes other than the ones signed by us to use the COM interfaces. Is there any way to accomplish this? We are also exploring other Windows IPC mechanisms that could allow this. Feel free to suggest other IPC Mechanisms that makes this possible.
Currently we are sending the pid, along with the request but that can be easily spoofed. Any suggestions?

Register a custom proxy/stub or inproc handler and have the proxy or handler incorporate code which checks the signature on the binary.
Make all access go via an inproc COM object which performs the validation and undergoes a challenge/response process with the server. Of course that can be spoofed too if they are handy with a debugger.
Just give up on it. Even a signed process can be spoofed - use CreateProcess with the suspended flag, inject a DLL, and overwrite the entrypoint with a JMP into the DLL. First call is a Sleep(1000) so allow it to run for 500ms, then replace your jump with the original code. Now you are running code in the DLL but the EXE hasn't been modified.
That's even without using the debugging APIs. Heck, they could patch your service to remove the check!


How to hook any API call on windows x64, x86?

I'm working on a way to hook any API call to perform some verification on the function. (I'm creating a SandBox)
The first way that I think about, is with register key, and implement our own dll into MicrosoftNT to be able to redirect any defined syscall. .
Problem? only work on 32 bit, and if the binarie is loading User32.dll, so it's abig issue.
The second way is to inject a dll into a process? Simple but impossible, most program is defended from those injection, so it's not possible.
The last way that I think was to modify the SSDT to change the function address by mine and redirect to the original by creating a driver. Or by InlineHook and just modify the first byte of each address that I want.
The Problem, only working on 32 bit, because windows add a PatchGuard on the Kernel, so we can't do that.
We can delete de PatchGuard but, anticheat will notice the technique.
For the Sandbox I think it won't be a problem to delete a PatchGuard.
The main problem is for real time analysis, I have no more idea how I can do to hook every API call that I want, on any windows OS. I mean on 32 and 62 bit.
I'm a beginner in this domain I started this week so I'm open to any suggestion.
You say you want to hook every API call for a sandbox but then reference the SSDT? Those are two very different things. Do you want to hook VirtualQuery(Ex) or do you want to hook NtQueryVirtualMemory? From kernel or user mode? Or maybe you're referring to all loaded module exports as well as kernel system services?
Iterate all loaded modules as well as installing an event to hook all future modules loaded. For each one you will iterate all exports and apply a hook of your preference which all jump to some handler. This handler should be raw assembly that preserves the CPU state, calls some method that does the logging and filtering, restores CPU state, before finally jumping to the original.
Disable Patchguard and apply hooks to every method in the service table similar to the WinApi method described above. This is definitely not suitable for production for obvious reasons.
Use an instrumentation callback which uses ZwSetInformationProcess to redirect most syscalls to an arbitrary assembly block. You can extract the syscall id here as well as parameters. Universal support is an issue though as it wasn't introduced until W7 iirc and you have a lot of limitations prior to W10.
Map a wrapper module that has a hook for every syscall into each newly loaded process from kernel. These hooks will apply to ntdll and simply invoke an NtDeviceIoControlFile call with the syscall id and arguments, forwarding it to your kernel driver for processing. This is commonly employed by antivirus software to monitor user mode system calls without disrupting Patchguard.
The most approved method would probably be callbacks. You can register process and thread callbacks in kernel, stripping handle access at your leisure. This will give you full control over process and thread access from external processes, and you can add a file minfilter to similarly restrict access to the file system.

How to prevent my process from CreateToolhelp32Snapshot?

Is there a way to prevent another process from detecting my process by using CreateToolhelp32Snapshot?
If you are in a environment where you need to protect users from themselves then these users need to be non-admin users and you can simply create a service or task that runs as a different user so it cannot be killed.
If you absolutely need to hide the process and your chosen method is injection & hooking then there are at least 6 things you need to hook in user-mode:
The toolhelp API
The NT4 process API in psapi.dll
The undocumented native NT API
The terminal server API
Performance counters
A "better" solution is to remove your process from the PsActiveProcessHead list but you need to be in kernel-mode to do that and that means writing a custom driver. If you go down this route your program will be labeled as malware/rootkit by some security tools (and rightly so).

How to identify/authorize the sender of a message in a named pipe? (CreateNamedPipe)

I've created a communication between two applications using named pipes.
The first application creates a named pipe with CreateNamedPipe and reads the received messages with ReadFile sent by the second application. Both applications are able to communicate that way as intended.
Is it somehow possible to identify the sender of a received message?
Without some sort of identification (like getting the sender exe path) or authorization every other application could use that pipe to send messages to my application.
(Edit) Further details, because it seems it's important in this case:
The application that creates the pipe is running as a Windows service.
Both applications run locally on the same system.
The GetNamedPipeClientProcessId() will give you the process ID of the client process. You can then open a handle to the process with OpenProcess() and call GetModuleFileNameEx() to determine what application is running in that process. You can then vet the application in whatever way you think best, e.g., you might want to check the identity of the digital certificate or you might prefer to just check that the pathname is as you expect it to be.
Note that attempting to restrict access to a particular application rather than a particular user is never going to be robust; an attacker could always take control of the approved application and replace its code with their own. Basically it isn't going to be more than a speed bump, but if you feel it is worth doing, it can be done.
If what you really want to know is what user has connected, you should instead be using ImpersonateNamedPipeClient() as already suggested in the comments, followed by OpenThreadToken() and so on. Or better still, set the permissions when creating the named pipe so that only the authorized users are able to connect in the first place.
Now that you've clarified that the client runs with elevated privileges, I can make a more concrete recommendation: do both of the above. Configure the permissions on the named pipe so that only members of the Administrators group can access it; that will ensure that only applications running with elevated privilege can access it. Checking the executable as well won't hurt, but it isn't sufficient by itself, because an attacker could launch a copy of your application, suppress the requested elevatation, and inject their own code into the process. (Or, as conio points out, modify their own process to make it look as if they are running your executable; GetModuleFileNameEx() is not intended to be used as a security measure, so it makes no effort to avoid spoofing.)

Hooking or Monitoring Service Creation

I am at the end of my rope here. I have been trying for three weeks now to get this information. Before I continue I want you to know I am not writing malware here. I am however writing a binary analysis tool that monitors the behavior of malware.
What I am trying to accomplish is either to hook or monitor CreateServiceW and CreateServiceA. The reason is I want to know what process invoked CreateService and what the binary is that is being registered as a service by the call.
I am tried everything from writing hook ZwRequestWaitReplyPort to intercept the LPC message, to writing a proxy DLL for advapi32.dll, and writing an inline hook for the CreateService function. None of these approaches have yielded results though. The proxy DLL was promising in testing, but didn't work when the official DLL in system32 was replaced with the proxy (BSOD). The inline hook would work if I could gain write access to the mapped area of memory the DLL lies in. But regardless my time is running out and I am desperately in need of an alternative.
I have looked at SetWindowsHookEx and it seems plausible that it might be able to intercept messages sent from the process to services.exe ...but I am not certain.
Can anyone point me in a good direction...I'm begging you.
"The inline hook would work if I could gain write access to the mapped area of memory the DLL lies in."
If it's a system that you fully control, why don't you have write access to the memory?
Use VirtualProtect to change the permissions to RWX and put your hook in. The ADVAPI32 CreateService routines are just stubs forwarded to sechost.dll via api-ms-service-management-l1-1-1.dll (due to MinWin) so there is already easy call instruction to hook.

Does COM activation of LocalServer32 EXE from the same user account share an existing process or not?

I have a COM server LocalServer32 EXE started when a client application calls c_com_ptr::CreateInstance (using ATL wrappers.)
On Windows 7, when a second client application running under the same user account also calls c_com_ptr::CreateInstance, a second copy of the EXE is launched running under the same user account. I was under the impression, from a past life, that the second client would share the first EXE.
Is the LocalServer32 process shared, or not? When, or when not? Googling for an answer gives me a huge noise to signal ratio and I can't find the answer.
My CLSID registry key has the LocalServer32 value giving the EXE path, ProgID, Programmable (empty string), TypeLib (GUID), and a VersionIndependentProgId. I have an AppID key.
I do not want to run the EXE as a service, and I don't mind that the process is not shared. I just want to know the rules so I know what to expect (on Windows Server 2003 onwards.)
EDIT: Following Chris' answer below, I examined the CoRegisterClassObject call in my server. I'm using ATL, and I overrode MyServer::RegisterClassObjects to hook into the calling chain to CAtlExeModuleT::RegisterClassObjects and see that ATL is using CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER and REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE.
Changing this to CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER and REGCLS_SINGLEUSE causes more processes to be started, depending on the number of COM objects created by the client, as expected.
Still, going back to REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, I get one COM server process per COM client process, each server process containing all of the COM objects for its client, as expected, except that if two COM clients are running under the same user account, they each get their own server which is not how I understood REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE.
Could the difference be that the clients themselves are actually Windows services? (They are.) When a Windows service process running as a user account creates a COM object under REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, is this treated differently, causing the observed behavior? Why am I getting more than one process? (And just to clarify, I do not want my COM server to run as a Windows service, but the clients that use it do run as Windows services.)
Also, running the clients as either Local System, or Network Service, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE works as I would have expected: only a single COM server EXE process is started. The multiple processes are started when the COM clients are Windows services running under user accounts.
The routing of out-of-process activation requests is controlled by the registration of class objects with the COM Service Control Manager. If the SCM has a usable registered class object, that will be used to service the request. If it doesn't, it will start an exe process instance of the COM server to get one. Whether multiple activation requests are routed to a single COM server exe process therefore depends on the following factors at least (I'm not sure if this is a complete list):
the activation flags specified by the COM server when it calls CoRegisterClassObject to register with the SCM can cause future activation requests to result in a new exe process instance being started, the simplest and commonest case being the use of the flag REGCLS_SINGLEUSE, which allows the registered class object to be used for a single activation only.
Depending on how the class is registered, activation requests from different security contexts may be serviced by different COM server exe instances (it seems this won't apply in your scenario as your client applications run under the same security contexts).
