Maven Nexus private repository access - maven

I have just set up a nexus repository in my local network. This repository exposes access to the Maven central repository, plus three different private hosted repositories: snapshot, release and ext3rdparty. All these repositories are part of the public group in nexus, which I use as a central access point for all repositories:
My problem is: Using NetBeans as development envirnment, I can access to all repositories except the ext3rdparty. i.e. i got a compilation error when I try to build projects which are based on libraries stored in the ext3rdparty repo, and NetBeans can't find / navigate any of the artifacts available in this repository.
I suspect this is a settings.xml / pom.xml problem and not a NetBeans one because as I said, I can access to artifacts that I've released in other repositories, but I can't figure-out what's the problem.
Here is the FULL content of my settings.xml to redirect maven to my own repository:
And here is the repositories-related part of my parent pom to allow deployment:
Any idea of what's wrong ?
Thanks in advance!
Half of a day lost: I finally ended up with removing all dependencies from the ext3rdparty repository, uploading them again to the repository, and updating all indexes and now everything works fine...
Don't really know what was the problem here, but at least the pom and the settings were OK. Thanks for your help.

If you have that sort of problem you can right click on the affected repository in the Repositories list and activate a Repair Index or Update Index and then check the status in the System Feeds for System updates.

Did you add your ext3rdparty repo to your public group?


Configure jcenter for only downloading artifacts and Artifactory for deploying artifacts

We have Artifactory setup and we use Maven central repo for downloading artifacts, which are then automatically cached in Artifactory. We also upload/deploy our own artifacts in Artifactory.
I now want to replace Maven central repo with jcenter and would like to continue using our Artifactory for uploading/deploying our own artifacts and for also caching the jcenter (and any third-party) artifacts. I can ask all developers to modify their settings.xml file as it will be a one-time activity so that's not a problem.
I saw this link by #helmedeiros which describes making changes in <repositories> and <pluginRepositories> section of settings.xml file. However, those are the sections where i specify URL for our Artifactory server. If i replace my Artifactory URL, then it would mean that i will be able to both fetch and upload artifacts from jcenter which is not what i want.
How can i ensure that all developers are only able to pull (NOT deploy/upload) from jcenter and deploy/upload ONLY to Artifactory?
Here's what we have right now in settings.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<password>${security.getEscapedEncryptedPassword()!"*** Insert encrypted password here ***"}</password>
<password>${security.getEscapedEncryptedPassword()!"*** Insert encrypted password here ***"}</password>
<snapshots />
<snapshots />
I will really appreciate any help in this regard.
I have exactly the same question :)
My solution is to create an Artifactory virtual repository (forgerock-third-party-virtual) to cache most of the public artifacts.
This virtual repository includes a remote repository based on jcenter:
On the virtual repository, there is no default deployment repository:
So with this setting, I hope the developers won't be able to push in this virtual repository.
According to the JFrog documentation, you have select one repository in this drop-down to be able to push into a virtual repository.
Regarding the deployment settings, we also have a parent pom where we specified our own repositories in the <distributionManagement> section.
On my build machines, I've added this profile (in .m2/settings.xml) to cache the artifacts:
<name>ForgeRock Third Party Repository</name>
<name>ForgeRock Third Party Repository</name>
I have other settings in this file to declare our own Artifactory repositories (for pushing/pulling our own artifacts) + some Maven credentials.
I did some tests with one of our Maven projects and it was working fine.
Once the new .m2/settings.xml will be ready, I'll push a template in an internal Artifactory repository, so the developers will be able to get this template with a curl command.
FYI, this is a POC for the moment. We want to move in production with these settings in a few days.

maven getting "Not Authorized" when trying to access nexus private repository

I've set up a private nexus repo manager on an EC2 instance and followed the various instructions floating around the internet on how to set up a maven project to use it. I have also disabled the anonymous account.
I am able to connect and copy repositories via curl -U username:password <the_url>
and it seems to work fine. However when I try to use maven (any goals) The very first thing I get is
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin/maven-metadata.xml from/to nexus (http://MY_NEXUS_HOST:8081/nexus/content/groups/public): Not authorized , ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized.
The mvn command then fails because it can't find the plugin anywhere. So the fact that I can use the rest command and it works as expected, but not through maven indicates to me that it is a problem with the configuration. I think I understand what's going on pretty well, and I've checked and rechecked the files, but I don't see anything wrong.
Here's the settings.xml file
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
<!--Enable snapshots for the built in central repo to direct -->
<!--all requests to nexus via the mirror -->
<!--make the profile active all the time -->
And here is the relevent portion of the pom file
<name>Nexus Release Repository</name>
<name>Nexus Snapshot Repository</name>
I'm wondering if there's a way to see the exact issue I'm running into. For instance, if I'm getting a 401, 403 or (for some reason?) 404.
If someone can please help me I'd be ever so greatful.
Oh, both maven and nexus are the latest versions as of last week.
*edited because no matter how many times you check something before hitting submit...
Oh my funky goat.
The problem was that apparently in settings.xml, the Id field has to be the same as the one in the server field. ie:
<id>nexus-release</id> <---THIS MUST MATCH
<id>nexus-release</id> <---THIS
I guess it doesn't matter which one I use (they're both the same in this case, but that's not necessarily always true).

maven - multiple repository lookup configuration

I'm using maven v3.0.1 for my projects. I've projects which depends on artifacts from a corporate remote repository. Also I had a local archiva repository in company which hold local artifacts, which are not in to corporate remote repository.
I would like to make the settings.xml in such a way that for all projects, it will lookup for the specified artifact first in the corporate remote repository, if not found there, look up for the artifact in the local archiva repository.
I added local repository in <repository> tag and enabled the profile for that <activeProfile>. But the looking up is not happening as expected. On analysis found that mirrorOf setting plays a role there. Following are my settings.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Spring Maven SNAPSHOT Repository</name>
<name>Local Release Repository</name>
How can I modify the settings.xml to do the lookup as I required ? Whether any way to provide two urls in the mirrorOf settings. I tried
No errors in xml parsing, but lookup is not working. Can any one shed light on how to resolve this issue
I experimented with lot of options and finally resolved by tweaking the mirrorOf settings to <mirrorOf>*,!internal</mirrorOf>
So mirror settings are,
* ensures that for all request except internal repo !internal do lookup in corporate repo. For internal repo, do look up in local-repo configured with repository id as internal

Using Nexus repository instead of public Maven in Idea Intellij

How can I force Idea Intellij to download from Nexus repository instead of Maven Public repo?
Where can I configure that in Idea properties?
It's not defined in pom.xml files and I'd prefer not to.
Not sure if it will work also on Idea Intellij ( I am using spring source studio - eclipse clon) , but should because maven configuration is in settings.xml in .M2 directory which is located in your home directory. Just use something like this ( my server is running on nexus-server:8081):
<settings xmlns=""
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
<!--Disable snapshots for the built in central repo to direct -->
<!--all requests to nexus via the mirror -->
<!--make the profile active all the time -->

maven local repository proxy external

I am supporting an Archiva internal repository in an organization where some build environments don't have access to the open internet to fetch dependencies. I thought I could configure Archiva as a mirror for everything external (mirror with mirrorOf set to "external.*,!snapshots") and set it up with proxies so that, if one of my builds asks for something that is not in Archiva, it will use the proxies to go get the dependencies from the external sources I set up with proxies. After that, it would be cached in Archiva and would not have to be fetched from outside.
So I have proxies in my Archiva config for codehaus, sonatype (several), the basic Central, Cloudera for Hadoop stuff etc.; but I can't find a configuration that keeps my builds from trying to go directly to the external sources (which they can't reach) and yet satisfies the things that are not already in my Archiva by using the proxies.
Is there some trick configuration I'm missing here? Or do I need to switch to Artifactory or Nexus to get this kind of functionality?
You need to set the maven settings on each of the build environments to point to your archiva instance.
e.g in $user.home/.m2/settings.xml
<name>Internal Mirror.</name>
I haven't used Archiva before, but I have done this successfully with Nexus
Switching to a nexus will be moer preferable.
I have attached a settings.xml which can be used for nexus....
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""
I recommend you read for configuring your settings.
And I recommend you to use Archiva 1.4 version series which is more performant.
We are currently rewriting the ui see a real sample .
If you want your own version you must download a snapshot from here:
