Is it possible to export rules from the URL Rewrite module in IIS 7.5? [closed] - url-rewriting

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I see there's an Import Rules link in the feature's page, but is there a way to export the rules?

I found that the rules are all written to Web.Config. So I just copied them to the new machine from there.
IIS Manager loads the rules from Web.Config, so it's all pretty clean.


Tunnel MTPROTO proxy on whole device [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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Title says all, i need a way or an specific app to tunnel whole device with a MTPROTO proxy.
(No other proxies, they are not useful for me because of some reasons)
Any ideas?

Set authentication user password on windows openvpn server [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is it possible to set authentication with USERNAME/PASSWORD on openvpn WINDOWS server? I only found a guide for Linux but obviously it does not work on Windows.
No, it's impossible, on OpenVpn Windows server you can only set cert authentication

How to configure FTPs on AWS EC2 with windows instance [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to configure FTPs on AWS EC2 with windows instance?
If you are sure that your IIS configuration is correct, you should also edit the inbound rules of the security group of your instance like this:
Change the port number 21 to your own and add your IP address.

AWS - Stop load balancer [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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According to free tier I have 750h of load balancer. I would like to try create more than one load balancer.
Now I want to stop it in order to avoid waste the free plan.
But I don't find any "stop" button.
There is no way to stop a load balancer. To avoid being billed for the time, you need to remove it.

Redirection to unwanted links on all browsers [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I keep on getting redirected to unwanted websites or link mostly to mackeeper and keep on getting alerts thats my mac is not secured.
This is extremely annoying.
You could follow the below link
Happy browsing.
