ActiveMQ with slow consumer skips 200 messages - spring

I'm using ActiveMQ along with Mule (a kind of ESB based on Spring).
We got a fast producer and a slow consumer.
It's synchronous configuration with only one consumer.
Here the configuration of the consumer in spring style:
The biggest requirement is to keep the order of the messages.
However, after hours of running this code, suddenly, ActiveMQ skips 200 messages, and send the next ones.The 200 messages are still there in the activeMQ, they are not lost.
But our client (Mule), does have some custom code to check the order of the messages, using an unique identifier.
I had this issue already a few month ago. We change the consumer by using the parameter "jms.prefetchPolicy.queuePrefetch=1". It seemed to have worked well and to be the fix we needed unti now when the issue reappeared on another consumer.
Is it a bug, or a configuration issue ?

I can't talk about the requirement from a Mule perspective, but there are a couple of broker features that you should take a look at. There are two ways to guarantee message ordering in ActiveMQ:
Message groups are a way of ensuring that a set of related messages will be consumed by the same consumer in the order that they are placed on a queue. To use it you need to specify a JMSXGroupID header on related messages, and assign them an incrementing JMSXGroupSeq number. If a consumer dies, remaining messages from that group will be sent to another single consumer, while still preserving order.
Total message ordering applies to all messages on a topic. It is configured on the broker on a per-destination basis and requires no particular changes to client code. It comes with a synchronisation overhead.
Both features allow you to scale out to more than one consumer.


How can I get the same behaviour From Apache Artemis as I get from the classic ActiveMQ with wildcard JMS listener

First, let me explain what I have tried with classic ActiveMQ which worked perfectly for my requirements:
I have few Queues with naming templates and each queue represents a Tenant(customer). The naming pattern is like queue.<<tenant-id>>.event which, here, I used test1 to test5 for simplicity.
Multiple producers are putting messages on these different queues based on which tenants are requesting it.
My ActiveMQ queues look like this in the web console:
Queues in the classic ActiveMQ
Then I started the Spring JMS listener with the wildcard to be able to read from all of these queues with one listener. the code is like this:
#JmsListener(destination = "queue.>")
public void receiveMessage(Event event) {
//Process the event message
What I have observed which I cannot configure Artemis to do the same is:
Listening on ActiveMQ Queues with wildcard did not create a new queue(listener Queue)
Consuming the messages with a wildcard listener would actually reduce the number of pending messages in the actual queues.
The wildcard listener would actually quite fairly read messages from all queues. It still does respect the FIFO on each queue but would not respect it cross queues. For example, when I put 100 messages in the queue.test1.event and only then add 100 messages in queue.test2.event, then if I start the wildcard listener, it starts to read messages fairly from both queues, although all the messages in queue.test2.event queue are basically added after the 100 messages in queue.test1.event.
I need features #2 and #3. The first one is just the observation which I think is the root cause of my problem in Artemis.
Now, what happened when I moved to Artemis is:
The wildcard pattern is a little different but I did the same scenario. The listener looks like:
#JmsListener(destination = "queue.#")
public void receiveMessage(Event event) {
//Process the event message
As you see the wildcard template is changed to queue.# to be able to read from all those queues.
My Artemis queues look like this in the web console:
Queues in the Artemis,
My observation on the web console shows I cannot achieve the same here:
As you see in the picture, the number of message count in the original queues, in which I put the messages, are still kept, despite only 44 of them are remained for processing(looks at the message count of queue.#) and the rest has been already read by the wildcard listener.
This can cause a storage issue for me since all of my messages are persisted and I can't play with the message expiry too.
As you see in the picture, the listener created another Queue named queue.# which seems Artemis is internally copying the messages from the other ones into it.
Not a problem and just an observation.
It respects the FIFO across all queues, which I guess is because Artemis is doing the copy from the original queues to the wildcard one.
This creates a huge problem for me. Although I still want it to respect the FIFO inside each queue, I also want it to start consuming messages from other queues. Because, if one customer is processing huge tasks, it should not block others to continue theirs.
PS1: I restrict the listeners in both tests to just consume one message at a time to be able to test it properly.
PS2: If you wonder why I don't use classic ActiveMQ if it does exactly what I need, The answer is: Apache will make Artemis its Major version(once it reached a certain level of maturity) in the future and I would like to be aligned with the roadmap.Quote from its website:
Once Artemis reaches a sufficient level of feature parity with the "Classic" code-base it will become the next major version of ActiveMQ
PS3: I am using spring-boot and its starter packages to connect and put/consume messages.
PS4: I am using the default configuration for both solutions and installations.
Simply put, ActiveMQ Artemis doesn't support wildcard consumers. It only supports wildcard addresses which have similar but different semantics (as explained in the answer on this question of yours).
Feel free to open an issue to request this feature be implemented.

MassTransit consumers didn't acknowledge some messages

I have a question about some strange behaviour of consumer.
Recently we had strange situation on production environment. Two consumers on two different microservices were stuck at some messages. The first one was holding 20 messages from rabbitMQ queue and the second one 2 messages and they weren't processing them. These messages were visible as Unacked in RabbitMQ for two days. They went back to Ready state just when that two microservices were restarted. At that time when consumers took this messages the whole program was processing thousands messages per hour, so basically our Saga and all consumers were working. When these messages went back to Ready state they were processed in one second after that so I don't think that it's problem with them.
The messages are published by Saga to Exchange and besides these two stucked consumers we have also EventLogger consumer subscribed to all messages and this EventLogger processed this 22 messages normally without any problems (from his own queue). Also we have connected Application Insights to consumers and there is no information about receiving these 22 messages by these two consumers (there are information about receiving it by EventLogger).
The other day we had the same issue with one message on test environment.
Recently we updated version of MassTransit in our project from version 6.2.0 to 7.1.6 and before that we didn't notice any similar issues with consumers but maybe it's just coincidence. We also have retry, redelivery, circuit breaker and in memory outbox mechanisms but I don't think that's problem with them because the consumer didn't even start to process these 22 messages.
Do you have any suggestions what could happened to this consumers?
Usually when a consumer doesn't even start to consume the message once it has been delivered to MassTransit by RabbitMQ, it could be an issue resolving the consumer from the container, such as a dependency to another backing service (database, log server, file, network connection, device, etc.).
The message remains unacknowledged on the broker because the transport/delivery mechanism to the consumer is waiting for a resource to become available. If there isn't anything in the logs for that time period indicating an issue with a resource, it's hard to know what could have blocked those messages from being consumed. The fact that they were ultimately consumed once the services were restarted seems to indicate the message content itself was fine.
Monitoring the lack of message consumption (and likely an associated queue depth increase) would give an indication that the situation has occurred. If it happens again, I'd increase the logging detail levels to see if the issue occurs again and can then be identified.

JMS consumer inside a Netty handler?

I'm designing a quite complicated system and was wondering what the best way is to put a jms consumer (activemq, vm protocol, non persitent) inside a netty handler.
Let me explain, i have several clients connecting to my netty server using websockets. For every client connection i create a jms consumer that listens for interesting messages on one or more topics. If a interesting message arrives i need to do a extra step (additional filtering) before sending the message to the client using the websocket.
Is the following a good way to do this:
inside a SimpleChannelInboundHandler i declare a private non static consumer
the consumer is initialized in channelActive
the consumer is destroyed in channelInactive
when a message is received by consumer i do the extra filter a send it using
In this setup i'm a bit worried that the consumer might turn into slow consumer and slow everything down, cause the websocket goes over the internet.
I came up with a more complex one to decouple the "receiving of message by consumer" and "sending of message through a websocket".
inside a SimpleChannelInboundHandler i declare a private non static consumer
the consumer is initialized in channelActive
the consumer is destroyed in channelInactive
when a message is received by consumer i put it in a blockedqueue
every minute i let a thread (created for every client) look in the queue and send the found messages to the client using
At this point i'm a bit worried about the extra thread per client.
Or is there maybe a better way to accomplish this task?
This is a classic slow consumer problem and the first step to resolving it is to determine what the appropriate action is when a slow consumer is detected. If it is acceptable that the slow consumer misses messages then the solution is some variation on dropping messages or unsubscribing them from the feed. For example, if it's acceptable that the client misses messages then, when one is received from JMS, check if the channel is writable. If it isn't, drop the message. If you want to give yourself a bit more of a buffer (although OS buffers are quite large) you can track the number of write completion future's that haven't completed (ie the messages haven't been written to the OS send buffer) and drop messages if there are too many outstanding write requests.
If the client may not miss messages, and is consistently slow, then the problem is more difficult. One option might be to divert messages to a JMS queue with a specific header value, then open a new consumer that reads messages from that queue using a JMS selector. This will put more load on the JMS server but might be appropriate for temporary slowness and hopefully it won't interfere with you main topic feeds. Alternatively you might want to stash the messages in a different store, such as a database, so you can poll for messages when they can be sent. If you do this right a single polling thread can cope with many clients (query for clients which have outstanding messages, then for each client, load a bunch of messages). However this isn't as convenient as using JMS.
I wouldn't go with option 2 because the blocking queue is only going to solve the problem temporarily, and you can achieve the same thing by tracking how many write operations are waiting to complete.

JMS Messages not consumed till producer connection close :-(

I am relatively new to JMS and have encountered a weird problem implementing my first real application. I'm desporate for any help or advice.
Background: I use AtiveMQ (java) as the message broker with non-transacted, non-persitent queues.
The Design: I have a straight forward producer/consumer system based around a single queue. A number of nodes(currently 2) place messages onto/ consume from the queue. Selectors are used to filter which messages a node recieves.
The Problem: The producer succesfully places its items on to the queue (i have verified they are there using the web interface) however the consumers remain blocked and do not read them. Only when i close the JMS connection in the producer do the consumers jump into life and consume the messages as expected.
This bevaior seems very weird to me, surely you shouldnt have to completely hang up the producer connection for the consumers to be able to read from the queue. I must have made a mistake somewhere(possibly with sessions) but the at the moment the number of things that could be wrong is to large and i have no idea what would cause this behaviour.
Any hints as to a solution, the cause of the problem or just how to continue debugging would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time,
P.S If you requrie any additional information i am happy to provide it
Hard to say without seeing the code, but it sounds like the producer is transacted. You should not have to close the producer in order for the consumers to receive a message but a transacted producer won't send it messages until you call commit. Other things to check is that the connection has been started. Also if you have many consumers you should look at the prefetch setting to ensure that one consumer doesn't hog all the messages, setting to prefetch of 1 might be needed, but hard to say without further insight into your use case.

activemq, jms topics and subscribers with selectors

I need some help with topics and selectors.
I have a scenario with a topic having multiple durable subscribers (each with a selector)
not all messages going into the topic aren't read by the consumers - because of unmatching selectors.
This is correct behavior.
However the problem occurs when the unmatched messages reach a certain quantity threshold, because at that point no other messages are being delivered to the consumers
activemq tries to dispatch those old unmatchable messages, but since there is no consumer for them everything is stuck
can anybody help with this?
My setup is ActiveMq 5.5
is there some configuration option, or is it just a flawed design?
I'd say this is a flawed design given there are better alternatives and perhaps a bug in ActiveMQ.
First question: is your producer publishing to this topic setting the JMSExpiration header on those messages?
If yes, the first thing I'd do is create a Jira issue detailing the scenario you described above, because it does seem incorrect that ActiveMQ will continue hold on to and continue send messages for which no selectors apply.
As for flawed design, the minute you hear yourself saying "I need durable subscribers" and you are using ActiveMQ, you should immediately turn to using Virtual Destinations instead. Virtual Destinations have the advantages of topics in that a producer can send a message to a destination and have that message propagated to N number of other destinations for consumption, but doesn't have the disadvantages that come with having durable subscribers on a topic. Read more about Virtual Destinations here.
This is related to the way that ActiveMQ handles sparse selectors. The current implementation doesn't page into the store to look for message matching sparse selectors so you need to make some configuration changes to try and work around this. You can set the maxBrowsePageSize in the configured destination policy, the default is 400. See this page.
Virtual destinations in ActiveMQ is probably the better choice, it almost always is when thinking about using durable subscribers. You could however add some message expiration to you messages and configure the policy to expire messages on inactive durable subscribers if you use a SNAPSHOT version of ActiveMQ 5.6.
It does seem like a bug, (or dashedly inconvenient at the least) but there is a work around using Virtual Destinations.
Note that making a topic virtual does add a small CPU overhead when
sending messages to the topic but it is fairly small. From version
5.4, dispatch from virtual topics to subscription queues can be
selectorAware such that only messages that match one of the existing
subscribers are actually dispatched. Using this option prevents the
build up of unmatched messages when selectors are used by exclusive
