Time complexity in Big-O - algorithm

What would be the BigO time of this algorithm
Input: Array A sorting n>=1 integers
Output: The sum of the elements at even cells in A
for i=2 to n-1 by increments of 2
return s
I think the function for this equation is F(n)=n*ceiling(n/2) but how do you convert that to bigO

The time complexity for that algorithm would be O(n), since the amount of work it does grows linearly with the size of the input. The other way to look at it is that loops over the input once - ignore the fact that it only looks at half of the values, that doesn't matter for Big-O complexity).

The number of operations is not proportional to n*ceiling(n/2), but rather n/2 which is O(n). Because of the meaning of big-O, (which includes the idea of an arbitrary coefficient), O(n) and O(n/2) are absolutely equivalent - so it is always written as O(n).

This is an O(n) algorithm since you look at ~n/2 elements.

Your algorithm will do N/2 iterations given that there are N elements in the array. Each iteration requires constant time to complete. This gives us O(N) complexity, and here's why.
Generally, the running time of an algorithm is a function f(x) from the size of data. Saying that f(x) is O(g(x)) means that there exists some constant c such that for all sufficiently large values of x f(x) <= cg(x). Easy to see how this applies in our case: if we assume that each iteration takes a unit of time, obviously f(N) <= 1/2N.

A formal manner to obtain the exact number of operations and your algorithm's order of growth:


How is O(N) algorithm also an O(N^2) algorithm?

I was reading about Big-O Notation
So, any algorithm that is O(N) is also an O(N^2).
It seems confusing to me, I know that Big-O gives upper bound only.
But how can an O(N) algorithm also be an O(N^2) algorithm.
Is there any examples where it is the case?
I can't think of any.
Can anyone explain it to me?
"Upper bound" means the algorithm takes no longer than (i.e. <=) that long (as the input size tends to infinity, with relevant constant factors considered).
It does not mean it will ever actually take that long.
Something that's O(n) is also O(n log n), O(n2), O(n3), O(2n) and also anything else that's asymptotically bigger than n.
If you're comfortable with the relevant mathematics, you can also see this from the formal definition.
O notation can be naively read as "less than".
In numbers if I tell you x < 4 well then obviously x<5 and x< 6 and so on.
O(n) means that, if the input size of an algorithm is n (n could be the number of elements, or the size of an element or anything else that mathematically describes the size of the input) then the algorithm runs "about n iterations".
More formally it means that the number of steps x in the algorithm satisfies that:
x < k*n + C where K and C are real positive numbers
In other words, for all possible inputs, if the size of the input is n, then the algorithm executes no more than k*n + C steps.
O(n^2) is similar except the bound is kn^2 + C. Since n is a natural number n^2 >= n so the definition still holds. It is true that, because x < kn + C then x < k*n^2 + C.
So an O(n) algorithm is an O(n^2) algorithm, and an O(N^3 algorithm) and an O(n^n) algorithm and so on.
For something to be O(N), it means that for large N, it is less than the function f(N)=k*N for some fixed k. But it's also less than k*N^2. So O(N) implies O(N^2), or more generally, O(N^m) for all m>1.
*I assumed that N>=1, which is indeed the case for large N.
Big-O notation describes the upper bound, but it is not wrong to say that O(n) is also O(n^2). O(n) alghoritms are subset of O(n^2) alghoritms. It's the same that squares are subsets of all rectangles, but not every rectangle is a square. So technically it is correct to say that O(n) alghoritm is O(n^2) alghoritm even if it is not precise.
Definition of big-O:
Some function f(x) is O(g(x)) iff |f(x)| <= M|g(x)| for all x >= x0.
Clearly if g1(x) <= g2(x) then |f(x)| <= M|g1(x)| <= M|g2(x)|.
For an algorithm with just a single Loop will get a O(n) and algorithm with a nested loop will get a O(n^2).
Now consider the Bubble sort algorithm it uses the nested loop in it,
If we give an already sort set of inputs to a bubble sort algorithm the inner loop will never get executed so for a scenario like this it gets O(n) and for the other cases it gets O(n^2).

Time complexity will two O(n^2) algorithms take the same amount of time?

I am having trouble fully understanding this question:
Two O(n2) algorithms will always take the same amount of time for a given vale of n. True or false? Explain.
I think the answer is false, because from my understanding, I think that the asymptotic time complexity only measures the two algorithms running at O(n2) time, however one algorithm might take longer as perhaps it might have additional O(n) components to the algorithm. Like O(n2) vs (O(n2) + O(n)).
I am not sure if my logic is correct. Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, you are right. Big Oh notation depicts the upper bound of time complexity. There might some extra constant term c or smaller term of n like O(n) added to it which won't be considered for time complexity.
for i = 0 to n
for j = 0 to n
// some constant time operation
for i = 0 to n
for j = i to n
// some constant time operation
Both of these are O(n^2) asymptotically but won't take same time.
The concept of big Oh analysis is not to calculate the precise amount of time a program takes to execute, it's not about counting how many times a loop iterates. Rather it indicates the algorithm's growth rate with n.
The answer is correct but the explanation is lacking.
For one, the big O notation allows arbitrary constant factors. so both n2 and 100*n2 are in O(n2) but clearly the second is always larger.
Another reason is that the notation only gives an upper bound so even a runtime of n is in O(n2) so one of the algorithms may in fact be linear.

What would the big O notation for this function?

What would be the worst time complexity big O notation for the following pseudocode? (assuming the function call is an O(1)) I'm very new to big O notation so I'm unsure of an answer but I was thinking O(log(n)) because the while loop parameters multiplied by 2 each time or would that just be O(loglog(n))? Or am I wrong on both counts? Any input/help is appreciated, I'm trying to grasp the concept of big O notation for worst time complexity which I just started learning. Thanks!
i ← 1
i ← i * 2
If i is doubling every time, then the number of times the loop will execute is the number of times you can double i before reaching n. Or to write it mathematically, if x is the number of times the loop will execute we have 2^x <= n. Solving for x gives x <= log_2(n). Therefore the number of times the loop will execute is O(log(n))
i is growing exponentially, thus loop will be done in logarithmic time, O(log(n))
O(log(n)) is correct when you want to state the time complexity of that algorithm in terms of the number n. However in computer science complexity is often stated in the size of the input, i.e. the number of bits. Then your algorithm would be linear, i.e. in O(k) where k is the input size.
Typically, other operations like addition are also said to be linear not logarithmic. A logarithmic complexity usually means that an algorithm does not have to consider the complete input. (E.g. binary search).
If this is part of an exercise or you want to discuss complexity of algorithms in a computer science context this difference is important.
Also, if one would want to be really pedantic: comparison on large integers is not a constant time operation, and if you are considering the usual integer types, the algorithm is basically constant time as it only needs up to 32 or 64 iterations.

What's the complexity of for i: for o = i+1

for i = 0 to size(arr)
for o = i + 1 to size(arr)
do stuff here
What's the worst-time complexity of this? It's not N^2, because the second one decreases by one every i loop. It's not N, it should be bigger. N-1 + N-2 + N-3 + ... + N-N+1.
It is N ^ 2, since it's the product of two linear complexities.
(There's a reason asymptotic complexity is called asymptotic and not identical...)
See Wikipedia's explanation on the simplifications made.
Think of it like you are working with a n x n matrix. You are approximately working on half of the elements in the matrix, but O(n^2/2) is the same as O(n^2).
When you want to determine the complexity class of an algorithm, all you need is to find the fastest growing term in the complexity function of the algorithm. For example, if you have complexity function f(n)=n^2-10000*n+400, to find O(f(n)), you just have to find the "strongest" term in the function. Why? Because for n big enough, only that term dictates the behavior of the entire function. Having said that, it is easy to see that both f1(n)=n^2-n-4 and f2(n)=n^2 are in O(n^2). However, they, for the same input size n, don't run for the same amount of time.
In your algorithm, if n=size(arr), the do stuff here code will run f(n)=n+(n-1)+(n-2)+...+2+1 times. It is easy to see that f(n) represents a sum of an arithmetic series, which means f(n)=n*(n+1)/2, i.e. f(n)=0.5*n^2+0.5*n. If we assume that do stuff here is O(1), then your algorithm has O(n^2) complexity.
for i = 0 to size(arr)
I assumed that the loop ends when i becomes greater than size(arr), not equal to. However, if the latter is the case, than f(n)=0.5*n^2-0.5*n, and it is still in O(n^2). Remember that O(1),O(n),0(n^2),... are complexity classes, and that complexity functions of algorithms are functions that describe, for the input size n, how many steps there is in the algorithm.
It's n*(n-1)/2 which is equal to O(n^2).

What's wrong with this inductive proof that mergesort is O(n)?

Comparison based sorting is big omega of nlog(n), so we know that mergesort can't be O(n). Nevertheless, I can't find the problem with the following proof:
Proposition P(n): For a list of length n, mergesort takes O(n) time.
P(0): merge sort on the empty list just returns the empty list.
Strong induction: Assume P(1), ..., P(n-1) and try to prove P(n). We know that at each step in a recursive mergesort, two approximately "half-lists" are mergesorted and then "zipped up". The mergesorting of each half list takes, by induction, O(n/2) time. The zipping up takes O(n) time. So the algorithm has a recurrence relation of M(n) = 2M(n/2) + O(n) which is 2O(n/2) + O(n) which is O(n).
Compare the "proof" that linear search is O(1).
Linear search on an empty array is O(1).
Linear search on a nonempty array compares the first element (O(1)) and then searches the rest of the array (O(1)). O(1) + O(1) = O(1).
The problem here is that, for the induction to work, there must be one big-O constant that works both for the hypothesis and the conclusion. That's impossible here and impossible for your proof.
The "proof" only covers a single pass, it doesn't cover the log n number of passes.
The recurrence only shows the cost of a pass as compared to the cost of the previous pass. To be correct, the recurrence relation should have the cumulative cost rather than the incremental cost.
You can see where the proof falls down by viewing the sample merge sort at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort
Here is the crux: all induction steps which refer to particular values of n must refer to a particular function T(n), not to O() notation!
O(M(n)) notation is a statement about the behavior of the whole function from problem size to performance guarantee (asymptotically, as n increases without limit). The goal of your induction is to determine a performance bound T(n), which can then be simplified (by dropping constant and lower-order factors) to O(M(n)).
In particular, one problem with your proof is that you can't get from your statement purely about O() back to a statement about T(n) for a given n. O() notation allows you to ignore a constant factor for an entire function; it doesn't allow you to ignore a constant factor over and over again while constructing the same function recursively...
You can still use O() notation to simplify your proof, by demonstrating:
T(n) = F(n) + O(something less significant than F(n))
and propagating this predicate in the usual inductive way. But you need to preserve the constant factor of F(): this constant factor has direct bearing on the solution of your divide-and-conquer recurrence!
