Modification of the server http responses on the client site - windows

I want to modify all http responses (http pages): add some js into server responses before it will appears in browser.
For example "Ad muncher" is doing it. It add js that removes ad from all pages.
How can I do it?
I known only 1 solution:
WFP (Windows Filtering Platform), but it is available only from windows vista.
P.S: I don't want to use proxy server for this purpose. Because I want the cross-browser solution, I don't want to let user change any browser settings. Also user could work througth some other proxy...
Thanks for any help.

Take a look at Komodia's Redirector1. It uses Winsock LSP. And it has WFP module for Windows 7 and 8.


Forwarding HTTP headers using Juniper

I'm working with a sysadmin that uses a Juniper solution that behaves as a proxy. I have no idea what it is, but here's a picture of the web interface:
Through that proxy, I'm trying to use Sharepoint's REST API, unfortunately there are some headers (such as X-RequestDigest) that Juniper's proxy doesn't forward to Sharepoint.
Basically, I need the equivalent of nginx's proxy_pass_request_headers for Junipers' applications.
The sysadmin doesn't seem to know what HTTP header forwarding is, or how to configure it. Can anyone identify the solution he's using from the picture ? Does anyone know where to find documentation about this ?
Further to my comment added above, there appears to be no way to implicitly pass variables around. You can tell the current IVEOS images that the Web URL you're linking to is a Sharepoint Site, and it'll do "clever" things with the URL, but I'm not exactly sure what you want it to do, and whether they'll handle it.
Here are the screen shots for the "Sharepoint" configuration panels on the Web Resources page. As I'm not a Sharepoint Admin, I can't tell you whether these are useful to you or not.
I hope it helps!
You may be looking for the Web Resource custom header policy
Edit: The first resource became a dead link. New link:
Fur custom headers (to send some user information) we've used the "Web Rewriting Resource Policy"
SSO Cookies/Headers > General tab -> Headers and Values
to pass custom user data (user name, role, client certificate).
I assume you have the backend application (sharepoint) configured as the a PTP (PassthroughProxy) we bresource. I am pretty confident that only standard HTTP headers are passed to the backend by default :(
To pass all custom headers I found following book (Juniper(r) Networks Secure Access SSL VPN Configuration Guide):
where it says
Passing custom headers can be enabled by:
Users > Resource Polities > Web > Custom Headers
This option may not be visible on the admin interface by default, it needs to be enabled:
Users > Resource Policy > Web > Web ACL and there's a "Customize" button

Azure and CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin with ajax and php

First I'm not in the web side of our world, so be nice with the backend guy.
A quick background : For a personal need I've developped a google chrome extension. They are basically a webpage loaded in a chrome windows and... yeah that's it. Everything is on the client side (scripts, styles, images, etc...) Only the data are coming from a server through ajax calls. A cron job call a php script every hours to generate two files. One, data.json contains the "latest" datas in a json format. Another one hash.json contain the hash of the data. The client chrome application use local storage. If the remote hash differ from the local one, he simply retrieve the data file from the remote server.
As I have a BizSpark account with Azure my first idea was : Azure Web Site with php for the script, a simple homepage and the generated file and the Azure Scheduler for the jobs.
I've developed everything locally and everything is running fine... but once on the azure plateform I get this error
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:23415' is therefore not allowed access.
But what I really can't understand is that I'm able (and you'll be too) to get the file with my browser... So I just don't get it... I've also tried based on some post I've found on SO and other site to manipulate the config, add extra headers, nothing seems to be working...
Any idea ?
But what I really can't understand is that I'm able (and you'll be
too) to get the file with my browser... So I just don't get it
So when you type in in your browser's address bar, it is not a cross-domain request. However when you make an AJAX request from an application which is running in a different domain (http://localhost:23415 in your case), that's a cross-domain request and because CORS is not enabled on your website, you get the error.
As far as enabling CORS is concerned, please take a look at this thread: HTTP OPTIONS request on Azure Websites fails due to CORS. I've never worked with PHP/Azure Websites so I may be wrong with this link but hopefully it should point you in the right direction.
Ok, will perhap's be little troll answer but not my point (I'm .net consultant so... nothing against MS).
I pick a linux azure virtual machine, installed apache and php, configure apache, set some rights and define the header for the CROS and configure a cron in +/- 30minutes... As my goal is to get it running the problem is solved, it's running.

Proxy the right way to go for external REST Api?

We have a need to consume an external REST Api and dynamically update content on our website and have ran into the age old problem of cross site scripting and Ajax.
I've read up on JSONP however I don't want to go down that route in a million years as it seems like really a rather dirty hack.
As a solution to this issue is it "right" and "proper" to have a local service that acts as a proxy for any requests to an external Api? So on the client there would be an Ajax call to ../RestProxy/MakeRequest passing it the details of the request it needs to make to the external api, it performs the request and returns anything passed back.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
There are three ways to do this:
This is accepted by many popular APIs and frameworks. JQuery makes it easy. I would recommend this.
2. Proxy
Works pretty much as you described. Adds an extra step and server code and server load for you. However, it does allow you to filter or otherwise manipulate the results before sending them to the client.
3. Rely Access-Control-Allow-Origin
This is a header that the server can set to allow you to read json directly from their server even though you aren't on the same domain. This eliminates the need for the jsonp hack, but it requires the the server be setup to support it and it requires a web browser that supports it.
Access-Control-Allow-Origin is supported in:
Firefox 3.6+
Safari 4.0+
Chrome 6+
iOS Safari 3.2+
Android browser 2.1+
If you need to support IE7, then this option isn't for you.

localhost :: cross domain ajax

Is there any way to tell your localhost that it can do cross domain ajax calls?
I need this for my testing.
If it is a browser specific issue i am using google chrome.
It's very possible. Let's start with a dev browser.
Step 1: Download Chromium
Windows --
Mac --
There should be a build ready to go, but these locations change over time. So if these end up with 404's do a Google search for Windows Chromium Download and you'll find it.
Step 2: Then run the executable with this flag after it. --disable-web-security
Windows -- Create a shortcut to the executable and tag this in the Properties. Or run from [CMD].
Mac -- Open up a terminal and run this straight from there with the flag.
And, you should be good to go. I also setup a quick Apache service and run through a configured domain, but localhost should be just fine. Here's proof.
I hope this helps you!
No, it's absolutely not possible. If it could be disabled by the user then it would be the main target for anyone with nefarious or dubious intent, and as prone as any other software to exploitation. It's difficult enough making secure software, without painting on even more attractive targets.
The only way to implement cross-domain Ajax is to route requests via a server-side script.
It's worth mentioning that there is, perhaps, a glimmer of hope for you: in the form of cross-window messaging with HTML 5 postMessage
It's probably worth your having a read of some related (though I'm not sure they're duplicate) questions:
Why the cross-domain Ajax is a security concern?
Firefox Cross Domain Request
Edited in response to comment:
So you mean have a script that takes the params, adds them to the request, sends it out, and then echos out the response object?
Essentially yes. In picture format:
client |--------------> | server side |-----------------------> | remote domain
browser | <----ajax------| script | <------------------------|--/
Edited to add that this is now sort of possible, using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS); in which a script from one domain sends an Origin HTTP header stating the URL of the page, and the server can respond (if configured to do so) with either an error (if CORS is disabled, or unsupported) or with any requested data.
CORS compatibility.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, at the
Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.

VB6 Inet control: possible to not use IE cookies?

I'm using the standard VB6 internet transfer control (Inet).
A great feature of it is that it uses IE cookies, so it is possible to authenticate into a website using IE. I can then use my app to download authenticated pages.
However, is it possible to do the opposite, to get the control to ignore any IE cookies?
Not to my knowledge, however you could use a different HTTP stack altogether.
All windows platforms currently in support have the WinHTTP component installed. This component is designed for lightweight server use and as a result does not use the local cache or cookie store. IOW if you receive a Set-Cookie in a response you would need to add that cookie manually to subsequent requests if you need it otherwise the cookie is simply lost.
Open references on your VB6 project and reference "Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5.1".
