KnockoutJs Observable Arrays and Dropdownlists -

I'm new to KnockoutJs and I wonder if anyone can help with this.
I have a viewmodel, populated from a Mvc3 controller, bound to a dropdown and this is working fine.
I have additional data stored in the "platforms" observableArray, and
I would like this data to be displayed in textboxes, dependant on the
selected value in the dropdown.
Here is my code so far:-
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var sampleSubmission = function () {
this.selectedPlatform = ko.observable();
this.platforms = ko.observableArray();
this.showSearch = ko.observable(false);
this.craftText = ko.observable();
this.showSerialNumber = ko.observable(0);
this.selectedPlatform.subscribe(function (platformId) {
} .bind(this));
var sampleSubmissionViewModel = new sampleSubmission();
//Load the platforms
url: '#Url.Action("GetPlatforms", "Home")',
type: 'GET',
success: function (data) {
Does anyone have any ideas how I achieve this?
Thanks in advance.

You can bind the dropdown list's value to the selectedPlatform, like this:
<select data-bind="options: platforms, value: selectedPlatform, optionsText: 'name'"></select>
I modified your code and took some best guesses at what you wanted to do and created a sample.
Here is the fiddle:


There must be an easier way

I am trying to create an JQM app and are doing so by getting a lot of data from database. When I click on a link from a ajax/json generated calendar list I should then be able to get the info for that event by calling the server and get the data. As it is now I do this in 2 steps like this.
My ajax generated event list:
$.each(groupcalendar, function (i, val) {
output += '<li><h2>' + val.matchformname + '</h2><p><strong>' + val.matchday + '</strong></p><p>' + val.coursename + '</p><p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>' + val.matchtime + '</strong></p></li>';
When I click on one of the links I want to goto a page called prematchdata.html and get the data fro that specific event. I do so by first calling the click and get the eventid from data-id like this:
$(document).on('click', '#gotoMatch', function () {
var matchid = $(this).attr("data-id");
$.get(""+matchid, function(data) {
localStorage["matchinfo"] = JSON.stringify(data);
$.mobile.changePage( "prematchdata.html", { transition: "slide", changeHash: true} );
}, "json");
I save the returned data as localStorage and then uses this data in my pageinit like this:
$(document).on("pageinit", "#prematchdata", function() {
var matchinfo = {};
matchinfo = JSON.parse(localStorage["matchinfo"])
var content = '<h2>'+matchinfo["matchname"]+'</h2>';
It works, although for me it seems like the last 2 steps should be done in one, but i am not sure how to do so? It seems a little bit wrong get data, save locally and then use it? Can't this be done without the $(document).on('click', '#gotoMatch', function () {});?
Hoping for some help and thanks in advance :-)
You could try sending it up using a query string. When you're using changePage, change your code like this :
$(document).on('click', '#gotoMatch', function () {
var matchid = $(this).attr("data-id");
$.get("" + matchid, function (data) {
paramData = data[0];
$.mobile.changePage("prematchdata.html", {
transition: "slide",
changeHash: true,
data: paramData //added this extra parameter which will pass data as a query string
}, "json");
When you're getting it back,
$(document).on("pageinit", "#prematchdata", function() {
var url = $.url(document.location);
var name= url.param("matchname");
var content = '<h2>'+ name +'</h2>';
Another easy way would be use a singlepage template instead of a multi page template. Then, you could just use a global variable to get and set data.
That said, what you're doing right now is more secure than this query string method. By using this, anyone can see what you are sending over the URL. So I advise you keep using localStorage. For more info on this, look into this question.

Backbone.Marionette: Pass data down through a CompositeView to its itemView?

I'm wondering if/how a CompositeView can pass data down into its defined itemView. Example (reduced) code:
var TableView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
template: '#table-template',
itemView: TableRowView,
itemViewContainer: 'tbody',
var TableRowView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
tagName: 'tr',
template: '#table-row-template',
serializeData: function () {
var data = {
model: this.model,
// FIXME This should really only be called once. Pass into TableView, and down into TableRowView?
// That way, getDisplayColumns can be moved to the collection as well, where it makes more sense for it to belong.
columns: this.model.getDisplayColumns()
return data;
I'm using the two to render a html table. #table-row-template has some render logic for supporting different types of "columns". This allows me to use the same views for different types of Collections/Models (as long as they follow the API). So far, it's working pretty well!
However, as you can see above, each "row" makes a call to get the same "columns" data every time, when really I just wanted to pass that on down once, and use for all.
You can use itemViewOptions either as an object or a function
var TableView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
template: '#table-template',
itemView: TableRowView,
itemViewContainer: 'tbody',
itemViewOptions: {
var TableView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
template: '#table-template',
itemView: TableRowView,
itemViewContainer: 'tbody',
itemViewOptions: function(model,index){
and then receive the options with:
var TableRowView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
tagName: 'tr',
template: '#table-row-template',
initialize: function(options){
this.columns = options.columns;
(* Note that itemView, itemViewContainer and itemViewOptions are changed in version 2 to childView , childViewContainer and childViewOptions).

How to change columns set of kendo grid dynamically

I am trying to change the columns collection of my Kendo grid in the below way.
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
.success(function (data) {
grid.columns = data;
.error(function (data) {
This is changing the column collection but not reflecting immediately in my grid. But when I try to perform some actions in the grid (like grouping), then my new column set is appearing.
Please let me know how can I achieve this.
Dilip Kumar
You can do it by setting the KendoUI datasource, destroy the grid, and rebuild it
$("#load").click(function () {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var dataSource = grid.dataSource;
url: "/Home/Load",
success: function (state) {
state = JSON.parse(state);
var options = grid.options;
options.columns = state.columns; =;
options.dataSource.pageSize = state.pageSize;
options.dataSource.sort = state.sort;
options.dataSource.filter = state.filter; =;
here you can just do this :
var options = grid.options;
options.columns = state.columns;
where you can retrieve the columns in a session or in a db
This jsfiddle - Kendo UI grid dynamic columns can help you - using kendo.observable.
var columns = data;
var configuration = {
editable: true,
sortable: true,
scrollable: false,
columns: columns //set the columns here
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid(configuration).data("kendoGrid");
kendo.bind($('#example'), viewModel); //viewModel will be data as in jsfiddle
For the ones who are using Kendo and Angular together, here is a solution that worked for me:
The idea is to use the k-rebind directive. From the docs:
Widget Update upon Option Changes
You can update a widget from controller. Use the special k-rebind attribute to create a widget which automatically updates when some scope variable changes. This option will destroy the original widget and will recreate it using the changed options.
Apart from setting the array of columns in the GridOptions as we normally do, we have to hold a reference to it:
vm.gridOptions = { ... };
vm.gridColumns = [{...}, ... ,{...}];
vm.gridOptions.columns = vm.gridColumns;
and then pass that variable to the k-rebind directive:
<div kendo-grid="vm.grid" options="vm.gridOptions" k-rebind="vm.gridColumns">
And that's it when you are binding the grid to remote data (OData in my case). Now you can add or remove elements to/from the array of columns. The grid is going to query for the data again after it is recreated.
When binding the Grid to local data (local array of objects), we have to somehow postpone the binding of the data until the widget is recreated. What worked for me (maybe there is a cleaner solution to this) is to use the $timeout service:
vm.gridColumns.push({ ... });
vm.$timeout(function () {;
}, 0);
This has been tested using AngularJS v1.5.0 and Kendo UI v2016.1.226.
I'm use this code for change columns dynamic: ={
refresh: function () {
var value = this.bindings["columns"].get();
this.element.setOptions({ columns: value.toJSON });
Refresh your grid
.success(function (data) {
grid.columns = data;
Here is what i use
var columns = [];//add the columns here
var grid = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid');
grid.setOptions({ columns: columns });
I think a solution for what you are asking is to call the equivalent remote method inside of the function. This is what I used to change the number of columns dynamically for local js data.
$("#numOfValues").change(function () {
var columnsConfig = [];
columnsConfig.push({ field: "item", title: "Metric" });
// Dynamically assign number of value columns
for (var i = 1; i <= $(this).val(); i++) {
columnsConfig.push({ field: ("value" + i), title: ("201" + i) });
columnsConfig.push({ field: "target", title: "Target" });
columnsConfig.push({ command: "destroy", title: "" });
columns: columnsConfig
});; // This is what reloads the data
Refresh the grid
Instead of looping through all the elements. we can remove all the data in the grid by using a single statement
If your grid is simple and you don't need to configure special column-specific settings, then you can simply omit the columns argument, as suggested in the API reference.
Use autogenerated columns (i.e. do not set any column settings)
... and ....
If this [column] setting is not specified the grid will create a column for every field of the data item.
var newDataSource = new{data: dataSource}); $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").setDataSource(newDataSource);
After fighting this for a day and seeing hints in this thread that Kendo had simplified this problem, I discovered you can just use setOptions with a single property.
.success(function (data) {
columns: data,
Grid Set Options

Getting Hidden Field Values in mvc #Html.TextBox

I am using a autocomplete option for a textbox in mvc3 by calling a controller method to display list of values associated with ids in textbox.
#Html.TextBox("tbxSearch", null,
new { data_url = Url.Action("GetSearchData"), data_maxValues = 10, data_valueHiddenId = "#Id", #class = "searchTextbox" })
Now I want to use Jquery to get data_valueHiddenId value in alert
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnSearchPerson").click(function () {
data-maxValues is an attribute, not an element.
You can write $('#tbxSearch').data('maxValues')
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnSearchPerson").click(function () {

jQuery monitoring form field created by AJAX query

Preface: I am sure this is incredibly simple, but I have searched this site & the jQuery site and can't figure out the right search term to get an answer - please excuse my ignorance!
I am adding additional form fields using jQuery's ajax function and need to then apply additional ajax functions to those fields but can't seem to get jQuery to monitor these on the fly form fields.
How can I get jQuery to use these new fields?
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.lnk').click(function() {
var t =;
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
//This works fine if the field is already present
var name = $('#name');
var email = $('#email');
$('#uid').keyup(function () {
var t = this;
if (this.value != this.lastValue) {
if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
url: 'loader.php',
data: 'action=getUser&uid=' + t.value,
type: 'get',
success: function (j) {
va = j.split("|");
displayname = va[1];
mail = va[2];
}, 200);
this.lastValue = this.value;
So if the is present in the basic html page the function works, but if it arrives by the $.load function it doesn't - presumably because $(document).ready has already started.
I did try:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.lnk').click(function() {
var t =;
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
function prepUid(){
var name = $('#name');
var email = $('#email');
$('#uid').keyup(function () {
But it didn't seem to work...
I think you are close. You need to add your keyup handler once the .load call is complete. Try changing this...
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
To this...
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t, null, prepUid);
What you are looking for is the jquery live function.
Attach a handler to the event for all elements which match the current selector, now or in the future
You can do something like this:
$('.clickme').live('click', function() {// Live handler called.});
and then add something using the DOM
$('body').append('<div class="clickme">Another target</div>');
When you click the div added above it will trigger the click handler as you expect with statically loaded dom nodes.
You can read more here:
