I am trying to parse out a text file that looks like the following:
what I would like to see is the data stacked
- 494202320000008
- 336 5 AVE ENT
and so on. If anything, after each comma I would want the text following to go to a new txt line. Ultimatly in regards to the last line where it states date from forward, I would like to have it in a txt file like
- From Date ToDate use Demand BillAmt
- 12/29/2011 1/31/2012 4122520 6,936.00 $293,237.54.
I am using cygwin on a windows XP machine. Thank you in advance for any assistance.
For getting the last line into a separate file:
echo -e "From Date\tToDate\tuse\tDemand\tBillAmt" > lastlinefile.txt
cat originalfile.txt | sed 's/,FromDate/~Fromdate/' | awk -v FS="~" '{print $2}' | sed 's/FromDate,ToDate,use,Demand,BillAmt,//' | sed 's/,/\t/' >> lastlinefile.txt
For the rest:
cat originalfile.txt | sed -r 's/,Fromdate[^\n]+//' | sed 's/,/\n/' | sed -r 's/$/\n\n' > nocommas.txt
Your mileage may vary as far as the first '\n' is concerned in the second command. It if doesn't work properly replace it with a space (assuming your data doesn't have spaces).
Or, if you like, a shell script to operate on a file and split it:
if [ -z "$1" ]
then echo "Usage: $0 filename.txt; exit; fi
echo -e "From Date\tToDate\tuse\tDemand\tBillAmt" > "$1_lastline.txt"
cat "$1" | sed 's/,FromDate/~Fromdate/' | awk -v FS="~" '{print $2}' | sed 's/FromDate,ToDate,use,Demand,BillAmt,//' | sed 's/,/\t/' >> "$1_lastline.txt"
cat "$1" | sed -r 's/,Fromdate[^\n]+//' | sed 's/,/\n/' | sed -r 's/$/\n\n' > "$1_fixed.txt"
Just paste it into a file and run it. It's been years since I used Cygwin... you may have to chmod +x file it first.
I'm providing you two answers depending on how you wanted the file. The previous answer split it into two files, this one keeps it all in one file in the format:
From Date ToDate use Demand BillAmt
12/29/2011 1/31/2012 4122520 6,936.00 $293,237.54.
That's the best I can do with the delimiters have you set in place. If you'd have left it something like "EMPIRE STATE BUILDING CO,494202320000008,336 5 AVE ENT,NEW YORK,NY" it'd be a lot easier.
if [ -z "$1" ]
then echo "Usage: $0 filename.txt; exit; fi
cat "$1" | sed 's/,FromDate/~Fromdate/' | awk -v FS="~" '{gsub(",","\n",$1);print $1;print "FromDate\tToDate\tuse\tDemand\tBillAmt";gsub("FromDate,ToDate,use,Demand,BillAmt","",$2);gsub(",","\t",$2);print $2}' >> "$1_fixed.txt"
again, just paste it into a file and run it from Cygwin: ./filename.sh
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I need to grep through a file, starting at the bottom of the file until I get to the first date that appears "2021-04-04", and then return that date. I don't want to start from the top and work my way down to the first line as there's thousands of lines in each file.
Example file contents:
random text on first line
random text on second line
random text on fourth line
random text on sixth line
Random text on ninth line
tac isn't available on MacOS so I can't use it.
"thousands of lines" are nothing, they'll be processed in the blink of an eye. Once you get into 10s of millions of lines THEN you could start thinking about a performance improvement if it became necessary.
All you need is:
awk '/[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){2}/{line=$0} END{if (line!="") print line}' file
Here's the 3rd-run timing comparison for finding the last line containing 2 or more consecutive 5s in a 100000 line file generated by seq 100000 > file100k, i.e. where the target string is just 45 lines from the end of the input file, with and without tac:
$ time awk '/5{2}/{line=$0} END{if (line!="") print line}' file100k
real 0m0.056s
user 0m0.031s
sys 0m0.000s
$ time tac file100k | awk '/5{2}/{print; exit}'
real 0m0.056s
user 0m0.015s
sys 0m0.030s
As you can see, both ran in a fraction of a second and using tac did nothing to improve the speed of execution. Switching to tac+grep doesn't make it any faster either, it still just takes 1/20th of a second:
$ time tac file100k | grep -m1 '5\{2\}'
real 0m0.057s
user 0m0.015s
sys 0m0.015s
In case you ever do need it in future, though, here's how to implement an efficient tac if you don't have it:
$ mytac() { cat -n "${#:--}" | sort -k1,1rn | cut -d$'\t' -f2-; }
$ seq 5 | mytac
The above mytac() function just adds line numbers to the input, sorts those in reverse and then removes them again. If your cat doesn't have -n to add line numbers then you can use nl if you have it or awk -v OFS='\t' '{print NR, $0}' will always work.
Use tac:
function process_file_backwords(){
tac $1 | while IFS= read line; do
# Grep for xxxx-xx-xx number matching
first_date=$(echo $line | grep '[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}' | awk -F '"' '{ print $2}')
# Check if the variable is not empty, if yes break the loop
[ ! -z $first_date ] && echo $first_date && break
echo $(process_file_backwords $1)
Note: Make sure you add empty line at the of the file so tac will not concatenate the last two lines.
Note: Remove the awk part if the file contains strings without ".
On MacOS
You can use tail -r which will do the same thing as tac but you may have to supply the number of lines you want tail to output from your file. Something like this should work:
tail -r -n $(wc -l myfile.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 1) myfile.txt | grep -m 1 -o -P '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'
-r tells tail to output its last line first
-n takes a numeric argument telling how many lines tail should output
wc -l outputs the line count and filename of a given file
cut -d ' ' splits the above on the space character and -f 1 takes the first "field" which will be our line count
$ cat myfile.txt
this is a date 2021-04-03
this is another date 2021-04-04 for example
$ tail -r -n $(wc -l myfile.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 1) myfile.txt | grep -m 1 -o -P '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'
grep options:
The -m 1 option will quit after the first result.
The -o option
will return only the string matching the pattern (i.e. your date)
The -P option uses the perl regex engine which is really down to
preference but I personally prefer the regex syntax (seems to use
fewer backslashes \)
On Linux
You can use tac (cat in reverse) and pipe that into your grep. e.g.:
$ tac myfile.txt
this is another date 2021-04-04 for example
this is a date 2021-04-03
$ tac myfile.txt | grep -m 1 -o -P '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'
You can use perl to reverse the lines and grep for the 1st match too.
perl -e 'print reverse<>' inputFile | grep -m1 '[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}'
I have this file where I want to read it starting from a certain line number, until a string. I already used
awk "NR>=$LINE && NR<=$((LINE + 121)) {print}" db_000022_model1.dlg
to read from a specific line until and incremented line number, but right now I need to make it stop by itself at a certain string in order to be able to use it on other files.
I want it to stop after it reaches
# This script is for extracting the pdb files from a sorted list of scored
# ligands
mkdir top_poses
for d in $(head -20 summary_2.0.sort | cut -d, -f1 | cut -d/ -f1)
cd "$d"||continue
# find the cluster with the highest population within the dlg
RUN=$(grep '###*' "$d.dlg" | sort -k10 -r | head -1 | cut -d\| -f3 | sed 's/ //g')
LINE=$(grep -ni "BEGINNING GENETIC ALGORITHM DOCKING $RUN of 100" "$d.dlg" | cut -d: -f1)
echo "$LINE"
# extract the best pose and correct the format
awk -v line="$((LINE + 14))" "NR>=line; /DOCKED: ENDMDL/{exit}" "$d.dlg" | sed 's/^........//' > "$d.pdbqt"
# convert the pdbqt file into pdb
#obabel -ipdbqt $d.pdbqt -opdb -O../top_poses/$d.pdb
cd ..
When I try the
awk -v line="$((LINE + 14))" "NR>=line; /DOCKED: ENDMDL/{exit}" "$d.dlg" | sed 's/^........//' > "$d.pdbqt"
Just like that in the shell terminal, it works. But in the script it outputs an empty file.
Depending on your requirements for handling DOCKED: ENDMDL occurring before your target line:
awk -v line="$LINE" 'NR>=line; /DOCKED: ENDMDL/{exit}' db_000022_model1.dlg
awk -v line="$LINE" 'NR>=line{print; if (/DOCKED: ENDMDL/) exit}' db_000022_model1.dlg
My script (bash shell) extracts some numbers from file *026.s01
seq=` cat $input |awk 'NR>3{print substr($2,5,7)}' | sort -n | head -1`
first_sht=` cat $input | awk 'NR>3{print int($3)}' | head -1`
last_sht=` cat $input | awk 'NR>3{print int($3)}' | tail -1`
echo " $seq $first_sht last_sht" | awk '{printf("%6s%10s%9s\n",$1,$2,$3)}' >> dir_file_SEQ-$seq.txt.
How can I do this on multiple files ${input_dir}/*.s01?
I tried to use :
for file in ${input_dir}/*.s01
echo " $seq $sail_line $src_dir" | awk '{printf("%6s%10s%9s\n",$1,$2,$3)}' >> dir_file_SEQ-$seq.txt
But instead of getting several dir_file_SEQ-???.txt file I only have 1 file only called dir_file_SEQ-.txt with this content:
Date 229
Date 409
Date 589
Date 769
Date 949
Date 1129
I assume "Date" comes from the error and it is nothing I asked to have, the second column has one of the values I asked but I still miss others.
A bash for loop should do it for you in no time:
for FILE in ${SRC_DIR}/*.mp4
It works in this way
for file
in /dir./*.s01
I have a log file (from a customer). 18 Gigs. All contents of the file are in 1 line.
I want to read the file in logstash. But I get problems because of Memory. The file is read line by line but unfortunately it is all on 1 line.
I tried split the file into lines so that logstash can process it (the file has a simple json format, no nested objects) i wanted to have each json in one line, splitting at } by replacing with }\n:
sed -i 's/}/}\n/g' NonPROD.log.backup
But sed is killed - I assume also because of memory. How can I resolve this? Can I let sed manipulate the file using other chunks of data than lines? I know by default sed reads line by line.
The following uses only functionality built into the shell:
# as long as there exists another } in the file, read up to it...
while IFS= read -r -d '}' piece; do
# ...and print that content followed by '}' and a newline.
printf '%s}\n' "$piece"
# print any trailing content after the last }
[[ $piece ]] && printf '%s\n' "$piece"
If you have logstash configured to read from a TCP port (using 14321 as an arbitrary example below), you can run thescript <NonPROD.log.backup >"/dev/tcp/" or similar, and there you are -- without needing to have double your original input file's space available on disk, as other answers thus far given require.
With GNU awk for RT:
$ printf 'abc}def}ghi\n' | awk -v RS='}' '{ORS=(RT?"}\n":"")}1'
with other awks:
$ printf 'abc}def}ghi\n' | awk -v RS='}' -v ORS='}\n' 'NR>1{print p} {p=$0} END{printf "%s",p}'
I decided to test all of the currently posted solutions for functionality and execution time using an input file generated by this command:
awk 'BEGIN{for(i=1;i<=1000000;i++)printf "foo}"; print "foo"}' > file1m
and here's what I got:
1) awk (both awk scripts above had similar results):
time awk -v RS='}' '{ORS=(RT?"}\n":"")}1' file1m
Got expected output, timing =
real 0m0.608s
user 0m0.561s
sys 0m0.045s
2) shell loop:
$ cat tst.sh
# as long as there exists another } in the file, read up to it...
while IFS= read -r -d '}' piece; do
# ...and print that content followed by '}' and a newline.
printf '%s}\n' "$piece"
# print any trailing content after the last }
[[ $piece ]] && printf '%s\n' "$piece"
$ time ./tst.sh < file1m
Got expected output, timing =
real 1m52.152s
user 1m18.233s
sys 0m32.604s
3) tr+sed:
$ time tr '}' '\n' < file1m | sed 's/$/}/'
Did not produce the expected output (Added an undesirable } at the end of the file), timing =
real 0m0.577s
user 0m0.468s
sys 0m0.078s
With a tweak to remove that final undesirable }:
$ time tr '}' '\n' < file1m | sed 's/$/}/; $s/}//'
real 0m0.718s
user 0m0.670s
sys 0m0.108s
4) fold+sed+tr:
$ time fold -w 1000 file1m | sed 's/}/}\n\n/g' | tr -s '\n'
Got expected output, timing =
real 0m0.811s
user 0m1.137s
sys 0m0.076s
5) split+sed+cat:
$ cat tst2.sh
mkdir tmp$$
cd "tmp$$"
split -b 1m "${pwd}/${1}"
sed -i 's/}/}\n/g' x*
cat x*
rm -f x*
cd "$pwd"
rmdir tmp$$
$ time ./tst2.sh file1m
Got expected output, timing =
real 0m0.983s
user 0m0.685s
sys 0m0.167s
You can running it through tr, then put the end bracket back on at the end of each line:
$ cat NonPROD.log.backup | tr '}' '\n' | sed 's/$/}/' > tmp$$
$ wc -l NonPROD.log.backup tmp$$
0 NonPROD.log.backup
43 tmp10528
43 total
(My test file only had 43 brackets.)
You could:
Split the file to say 1M chunks using split -b 1m file.log
Process all the files sed 's/}/}\n/g' x*
... and redirect the output of sed to combine them back to a single piece
The drawback of this is the doubled storage space.
another alternative with fold
$ fold -w 1000 long_line_file | sed 's/}/}\n\n/g' | tr -s '\n'
I want to get only one word from this txt file: http://pastebin.com/jFDu0Le5 . The word is from last row: WER: 45.67% Correct: 65.87% Acc: 54.33%
I want to get only the value: 45.67 to save it to the file value.txt..I want to create BASH script to get this value. Can you give me an example how to do it??? I am new in Bash and I need it for school. The whole .txt file is saved on my server as text file file.txt.
Try this:
grep WER file.txt | awk '{print $2}' | uniq | sed -e 's/%//' > value.txt
Note that this will overwrite value.txt each time you run the command.
You want grep "WER:" value.txt | cut -???
I have ??? because I do not know the structure of the file. Tab delimited? Fixed Width?
Do man cut an you can get the arguments you need.
There a many ways and instruments to do the task:
tac file.txt | sed -n '/^WER: /{s///;s/%.*//;p;q}' > value.txt
tac file.txt | awk -F'[ %]' '/^WER:/{print $2;exit}' > value.txt
while read a b c
if [ $a = "WER:" ]
echo ${b#* }
done < <(tac file.txt) > value.txt
If the format is as you said, then this also works
awk -F'[: %]' '/^WER/{print $3}' file.txt > value.txt
-F specifies the field separator as one of [: %]
/<PATTERN>/ {<ACTION>} refers to: if a line matches some PATTERN, then do some ACTION
in my case,
the PATTERN is: starts with ^ the string WER
the ACTION is: print field $3 (as split by the -F field separators)
> sends the output to value.txt