nice way to kill piped process? - shell

I want to process each stdout-line for a shell, the moment it is created. I want to grab the output of (a long process). My current approach is this:
./ >tmp.txt &
tail -f tmp.txt | while read line; do
echo $line
ps ${PID} > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "exiting.."
But unfortunately, this will print "exiting" and then wait, as the tail -f is still running. I tried both break and exit
I run this on FreeBSD, so I cannot use the --pid= option of some linux tails.
I can use ps and grep to get the pid of the tail and kill it, but thats seems very ugly to me.
Any hints?

why do you need the tail process?
Could you instead do something along the lines of
./ | while read line; do
# process $line
or, if you want to keep the output in tmp.txt :
./ | tee tmp.txt | while read line; do
# process $line
If you still want to use an intermediate tail -f process, maybe you could use a named pipe (fifo) instead of a regular pipe, to allow detaching the tail process and getting its pid:
./ >tmp.txt &
mkfifo tmp.fifo
tail -f tmp.txt >tmp.fifo &
while read line; do
# process $line
kill -0 ${PID} >/dev/null || kill ${PID_OF_TAIL}
done <tmp.fifo
rm tmp.fifo
I should however mention that such a solution presents several heavy problems of race conditions :
the PID of could be reused by another process;
if the process is still alive when you read the last line, you won't have any other occasion to detect its death afterwards and your loop will hang.


Kill bash command when line is found

I want to kill a bash command when I found some string in the output.
To clarify, I want the solution to be similar to a timeout command:
timeout 10s
Which will execute the script: and kill the script after 10 seconds of execute.
Instead I want something like:
regexout "^Success$"
Which will execute the script until it matches a line that just says Success in the stdout of the program.
Note that I'm assuming that this does not exit at the same time it outputs Success for whatever reason, so simply waiting for the program to exit would waste time if I don't care about what happens after that.
So something like:
bash -e > /tmp/output &
PID="$(ps aux | grep | head -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')"
echo $PID
while :; do
echo "$(tail -1 /tmp/output)"
if [[ "$(tail -1 /tmp/output)" == "Success" ]]; then
kill $PID
exit 0
sleep 1
Where is something like:
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Success"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
But that is not very robust (uses a single tmp file... might kill other programs...) and I want it to just be one command. Does something like this exist? I may just write a c program to do it if not.
P.S.: I provided my code as an example of what I wanted the program to do. It does not use good programming practices. Notes from other commenters:
#KamilCuk Do not use temporary file. Use a fifo.
#pjh Note that any approach that involves using kill with a PID in shell code runs the risk of killing the wrong process. Use kill in shell programs only when it is absolutely necessary.
There are more suggestions below from other users, I just wanted to make sure no one came across this and thought it would be good to model their code after.
looping_program() {
for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; sleep 1; done
echo Success
coproc looping_program
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ Success ]]; then
done <&${COPROC[0]}
exec {COPROC[0]}>&- {COPROC[1]}>&-
kill ${COPROC_PID}
wait ${COPROC_PID}
Do not use temporary file. Use a fifo.
Do not use tail -n1 to read last line. Read from the stream in a loop.
Do not repeat tail -1 twice. Cache the result.
Wait for pid after killing to synchronize.
When you're using a coprocess, use COPROC_PID to get the PID
When you're not using a coprocess, use $! to get the PID of a background process started from the current shell.
When you can't use $! (because the process you're trying to get a PID of was not spawned in the background as a direct child of the current shell), do not use ps aux | grep to get the pid. Use pgrep.
Do not use echo $(stuff). Just run the stuff, no echo.
With expect
#!/usr/bin/env -S expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn ./
expect "Success"
send -- "\x03"
expect eof
Call it looping_killer:
$ ./looping_killer
spawn ./
To pass the program and pattern:
./looping_killer some_program "some pattern"
You'd change the expect script to
#!/usr/bin/env -S expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn [lindex $argv 0]
expect -- [lindex $argv 1]
send -- "\x03"
expect eof
Assuming that your looping program exists when it tries to write to a broken pipe, this will print all output up to and including the 'Success' line and then exit:
./looping_program | sed '/^Success$/q'
You may need to disable buffering of the looping program output. See Force line-buffering of stdout in a pipeline and How to make output of any shell command unbuffered? for ways to do it.
See Should I save my scripts with the .sh extension? and Erlkonig: Commandname Extensions Considered Harmful for reasons why I dropped the '.sh' suffix.
Note that any approach that involves using kill with a PID in shell code runs the risk of killing the wrong process. Use kill in shell programs only when it is absolutely necessary.

bash: Wait for process substitution subshell to finish

How can bash wait for the subshell used in process substitution to finish in the following construct? (This is of course simplified from the real for loop and subshell which I am using, but it illustrates the intent well.)
for i in {1..3}; do
echo "$i"
done > >(xargs -n1 bash -c 'sleep 1; echo "Subshell: $0"')
echo "Finished"
Subshell: 1
Subshell: 2
Subshell: 3
Instead of:
Subshell: 1
Subshell: 2
Subshell: 3
How can I make bash wait for those subshells to complete?
The reason for using process substitution is that I'm wanting to use file descriptors to control what is printed to the screen and what is sent to the process. Here is a fuller version of what I'm doing:
for myFile in file1 file2 file3; do
echo "Downloading $myFile" # Should print to terminal
scp -q $user#$host:$myFile ./ # Might take a long time
echo "$myFile" >&3 # Should go to process substitution
done 3> >(xargs -n1 bash -c 'sleep 1; echo "Processing: $0"')
echo "Finished"
Downloading file1
Downloading file2
Downloading file3
Processing: file1
Processing: file2
Processing: file3
Processing each may take much longer than the transfer. The file transfers should be sequential since bandwidth is the limiting factor. I would like to start processing each file after it is received without waiting for all of them to transfer. The processing can be done in parallel, but only a with a limited number of instances (due to limited memory/CPU). So if the fifth file just finished transferring but only the second file has finished processing, the third and fourth files should complete processing before the fifth file is processed. Meanwhile the sixth file should start transferring.
Bash 4.4 lets you collect the PID of a process substitution with $!, so you can actually use wait, just as you would for a background process:
case $BASH_VERSION in ''|[123].*|4.[0123])
echo "ERROR: Bash 4.4 required" >&2; exit 1;;
# open the process substitution
exec {ps_out_fd}> >(xargs -n1 bash -c 'sleep 1; echo "Subshell: $0"'); ps_out_pid=$!
for i in {1..3}; do
echo "$i"
done >&$ps_out_fd
# close the process substitution
exec {ps_out_fd}>&-
# ...and wait for it to exit.
wait "$ps_out_pid"
Beyond that, consider flock-style locking -- though beware of races:
for i in {1..3}; do
echo "$i"
done > >(flock -x my.lock xargs -n1 bash -c 'sleep 1; echo "Subshell: $0"')
# this is only safe if the "for" loop can't exit without the process substitution reading
# something (and thus signalling that it successfully started up)
flock -x my.lock echo "Lock grabbed; the subshell has finished"
That said, given your actual use case, what you want should presumably look more like:
download() {
for arg; do
scp -q $user#$host:$myFile ./ || (( retval |= $? ))
exit "$retval"
export -f download
printf '%s\0' file1 file2 file3 |
xargs -0 -P2 -n1 bash -c 'download "$#"' _
you could have the subshell create a file that the main shell waits for.
for i in {1..3}; do
echo "$i"
done > >(xargs -n1 bash -c 'sleep 1; echo "Subshell: $0"'; touch $tempfile)
while ! test -f $tempfile; do sleep 1; done
rm $tempfile
echo "Finished"
You can use bash coproc to hold a read-able filedescriptor to be closed when all process' children die:
coproc read # previously: `coproc cat`, see comments
for i in {1..3}; do
echo "$i"
done > >(xargs -n1 bash -c 'sleep 1; echo "Subshell: $0"')
exec {COPROC[1]}>&- # close my writing side
read -u ${COPROC[0]} # will wait until all potential writers (ie process children) end
echo "Finished"
If this is to be run on a system where there is an attacker you should not use a temp file name that can be guessed. So based on #Barmar's solution here is one that avoids that:
for i in {1..3}; do
echo "$i"
done > >(xargs -n1 bash -c 'sleep 1; echo "Subshell: $0"'; rm "$tempfile")
while test -f "$tempfile"; do sleep 1; done
echo "Finished"
I think you are making it more complicated than it needs to be. Something like this works because the internal bash executions are a subprocess of the main process, the wait causes the process to wait until everything is finished before printing.
for i in {1..3}
bash -c "sleep 1; echo Subshell: $i" &
echo "Finished"
Unix and derivatives (Linux) have the ability to wait for child (sub) processes but not grandchild processes such as occurred in your original. Some would consider the polling solution where you go back and check for completion to be vulgar since it does not use this mechanism.
The solution where the xargs PID was captured was not vulgar, just too complicated.

Why does bash script stop working

The script monitors incoming HTTP messages and forwards them to a monitoring application called zabbix, It works fine, however after about 1-2 days it stops working. Heres what I know so far:
Using pgrep i see the script is still running
the logfile file gets updated properly (first command of script)
The FIFO pipe seems to be working
The problem must be somewhere in WHILE loop or tail command.
Im new at scripting so maybe someone can spot the problem right away?
tcpflow -p -c -i enp2s0 port 80 | grep --line-buffered -oE 'boo.php.* HTTP/1.[01]' >> /usr/local/bin/logfile &
trap "rm -f $pipe" EXIT
if [[ ! -p $pipe ]]; then
mkfifo $pipe
tail -n0 -F /usr/local/bin/logfile > /tmp/fifopipe &
while true
if read line <$pipe; then
unset sn
for ((c=1; c<=3; c++)) # c is no of max parameters x 2 + 1
URL="$(echo $line | awk -F'[ =&?]' '{print $'$c'}')"
if [[ "$URL" == 'sn' ]]; then
sn="$(echo $line | awk -F'[ =&?]' '{print $'$c'}')"
if [[ "$sn" ]]; then
zabbix_sender -z nuc -s $host -k serial -o $sn -vv
You're inputting from the fifo incorrectly. By writing:
while true; do read line < $pipe ....; done
you are closing and reopening the fifo on each iteration of the loop. The first time you close it, the producer to the pipe (the tail -f) gets a SIGPIPE and dies. Change the structure to:
while true; do read line; ...; done < $pipe
Note that every process inside the loop now has the potential to inadvertently read from the pipe, so you'll probably want to explicitly close stdin for each.

Cannot terminate a shell command with Ctrl+c

Would someone please tell me why below bash statement cannot be terminated by Ctrl+c properly?
$( { ( tail -fn0 /tmp/a.txt & )| while read line; do echo $line; done } 3>&1 )
I run this statement, then two bash processes and one tail process are launched(got from ps auxf), then input Ctrl+c, and it won't quit to the bash prompt, at this moment, I see the two bash processes stopped, while the tail is still running, then I input something into /tmp/a.txt, then we could get into bash prompt.
What I want is, input Ctrl+c, then just quit into bash prompt without any relevant process left.
It will be more appreciative that someone explains the exact process of this statement, like a pipe causes the bash fork, something redirect to somewhere, etc.
Updated at Oct 9 2014:
Here provide some update in case it's useful to you.
My adopt solution is alike with 2 factors:
use a tmp pid file
( tail -Fn0 ${monitor_file} & echo "$!" >${tail_pid} ) | \
while IFS= read -r line; do
use trap like: trap "rm ${tail_pid} 2>/dev/null; kill 0 2>/dev/null; exit;" INT TERM to kill relevant processes and remove remain files.
Please note, this kill 0 2 is bash specific, and 0 means all processes in the current process group.
This solution used a tmp pid file, while I still expect other solution without tmp pid file.
It works to trap the INT signal (sent by Ctrl-C) to kill the tail process.
$( r=$RANDOM; trap '{ kill $(cat /tmp/pid$;rm /tmp/pid$;exit; }' SIGINT EXIT; { ( tail -fn0 /tmp/a.txt & echo $! > /tmp/pid$ )| while read line; do echo $line; done } 3>&1 )
(I use a random value on the PID file name to at least mostly allow multiple instances to run)

How to do "tail this file until that process stops" in Bash?

I have a couple of scripts to control some applications (start/stop/list/etc). Currently my "stop" script just sends an interrupt signal to an application, but I'd like to have more feedback about what application does when it is shutting down. Ideally, I'd like to start tailing its log, then send an interrupt signal and then keep tailing that log until the application stops.
How to do this with a shell script?
For just tailing a log file until a certain process stops (using tail from GNU coreutils):
do_something > logfile &
tail --pid $! -f logfile
UPDATE The above contains a race condition: In case do_something spews many lines into logfile, the tail will skip all of them but the last few. To avoid that and always have tail print the complete logfile, add a -n +1 parameter to the tail call (that is even POSIX tail(1)):
do_something > logfile &
tail --pid $! -n +1 -f logfile
Here's a Bash script that works without --pid. Change $log_file and $p_name to suit your need:
tail -n10 $log_file
curr_line="$(tail -n1 $log_file)"
last_line="$(tail -n1 $log_file)"
while [ $(ps aux | grep $p_name | grep -v grep | wc -l) -gt 0 ]
curr_line="$(tail -n1 $log_file)"
if [ "$curr_line" != "$last_line" ]
echo $curr_line
echo "[*] $p_name exited !!"
If you need to tail log until process exited, but watch stdout / sdterr at the same time, try this:
# Run some process in bg (background):
some_process &
# Get process id:
# Tail the log once it is created, but watch process stdout/stderr at the same time:
tail --pid=$pid -f --retry log_file_path &
# Since tail is running in bg also - wait until the process has completed:
tail --pid=$pid -f /dev/null
