accessing array values in view - zend-form-element

I have the following code in zend:
if (!empty($this->post['submit']))
// Each time theres an error, add an error message to the error array
// using the field name as the key.
if (empty($this->post['client_name']))
$arrErrors['client_name'] = "Please Enter Client's name as it appears in the carrier software";
if i set $this->view->arrErrors=$arrErrors in the controller,
Can I access it as $this->arrErrors['client_name'] in the view?

i aplogize for a silly question.
Here is right approach:
Use the above code in the controller


Laravel custom request validation

i have been trying in create check on form validation on laravel
i need to query input with date and check more than check with many messages
$this->errorSchema->addError($error, $name); //symfony 1 way
how and where should i do that i have been thinking in creating custom validtaion but it returns true or false i need the date in the query to display like "this place is used for user XXX" XXX is data i got in the query
i want to return multi error if some record exist like
$resultset = 'select person form events where date < "some date"';
if ($resultset[enddate] > 'somedate'){
my error message should be "you cant add this event as $resultset['person'] overlape in this date "
}elseif($resultset[startdate] > 'somedate'){
i need here to return deffrent error message like "start date is overlapping with resultset['person']"
i am using requests class in laravel so please recommend me a method to override or any other way to this in laravel
thanks in advance
You can try to SELECT data which you'd like to return, your "XXX", from table by user's input.
Simple SELECT *** FROM table WHERE smth = user's_input;
If it return smth, you can just add it to your validator such as: "this place is used for user".$smth;
Else (if nothing returned, you send to user your default answer.)
Also if you add more code it will be easier to help you :)

ALERT SESSION VALUE FROM first page to 2nd page using JQuery,ajax, or javascript

hi guyz this is my first time here. ahmmm i'd like to ask some question regarding session. ahmm
how i cant alert session value from first page to 2nd page using jquery,ajax, or javascript??
please help, im new on that language. ):
You can pass value from one page to other using url query string.
one link to second page add data as parameter like
in the second page call the below javascript function in onload or where you need value
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(;
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
you can alert the value like alert(getParameterByName('data'));
In this way your data will show in url. if you don't want to show it then use localstorage. But you need to be in same domain. I mean u can't pass data from one website to other.
In page one just set the data in local storage like localStorage.setItem('data', 'user-session-value');To alert the data in second page call alert(localStorage.getItem('data'));
Hope this can solve your issue... Happy coding...

Displaying an array element in a View - Laravel

I am trying to output a variable like this: <h1>{{ $unitcode }}</h1>
I have this code making that variable:
// Validation was successful.
$inputcode = Input::get('unitcode');
// First validation is successful. Next to check that it is a correct unit code.
$unitcode = DB::table('unitcodes')->where('unitcode', $inputcode)->first();
if(!$unitcode) {
// Input code is wrong. The unit does not exist.
return Redirect::route('get-buy')
->with('global', 'That unit code does not exist. Try again.');
} else {
// Success! Unit code exists!
return View::make('showbooks')
->with('unitcode', $unitcode);
When I run everything it gives me this:
ErrorException (E_UNKNOWN)
Array to string conversion (View: ..BLAH goes on to display path to view.
How can I get it to display the variable I want that was pulled from the DB?
In Laravel's DB abastraction layer a row from a database table (result of a SELECT ... LIMIT 1 - DB::...->first()) is an array.
You can send any kind of variables using View::...->with but you need to use them properly in the template itself ('showbooks').
You most probably are doing a {{{ unitcode }}} in the template which is actually similar to executing an echo $unitcode. Now if $unitcode is an array and echo requires a string then PHP automatically tries to convert it and fails (ErrorException (E_UNKNOWN)
Array to string conversion...).
What you need to do is use it correctly:
{{{ unitcode['unitcode'] }}}
And this will work because $unitcode is a key-value dictionary where each key is a column from the DB table with its associated value.

Propel ORM Version 1.6.4 -understanding validators

(reworded the question hours later to be more descriptive)
I need a little advice on understanding Propel setters/validators in a standalone (non-framework) development.
The documentation on validation states:
Validators help you to validate an input before persisting it to the database.
... and in validator messages we can provided coherent advice on where users can correct entries that don't pass Propel validation.
The sample usage of a validator reads:
$user = new User();
$user->setUsername("foo"); // only 3 in length, which is too short...
if ($objUser->validate()) {
The problem I have found with this is 'what if you cannot setXXX() in order to validate it?'
I have a column type DATE and I invite a visitor to enter a date in a web form. They mistype the date and submit 03/18/20q2
I would hope that one of my custom validators would be able to report a validator message and return the form once more to the user to be amended, however this occurs first:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PropelException' with message 'Error parsing date/time value: '03/18/20q2' [wrapped: DateTime::__construct() [<a href='datetime.--construct'>datetime.--construct</a>]: Failed to parse time string (03/18/aaa) at position 5 (/):
In my tests I couldn't get any simple or CustomValidator to fire once I'd written (for example):
$event= new Event();
$event->setDateStart($form_value_for_date); // where values is "03/18/20q2"
I understand why this is so - it would not make sense to be able to create and try to manipulate a new object if you cannot rely on its fields, even before you save it.
The dilemma this gives me is:
If a fatal error can result from invalid entry preventing Propel validation from handling it for me (and therefore the user) and sending back a useful message, should I bother with Propel validation as well as my own security/courtesy validation ?
I cannot find any mention in the docs of what happens if you give Propel - for whatever reason - a value it doesn't anticipate for the field, or how to handle it.
I do hope this makes sense and that someone can point me at a method that will mean I only need to validate input in one place.
I've hacked together a rough ready solution that will allow me to:
Pre-validate a field against a CustomValidator without setting it in the new object
Retrieve the validator's message for return to the user
I take the form input, sanitise it of course, and then create an object:
$event = new Event();
With my user form in mind, I then pre-check the field I know will fatally fall over if the content's bad, and only set the field in my new object if it would validate:
if ($check = $event->flightCheckFail('StartingDate','DateValidator',$sanitisedFormVal))
echo $check;
Method flightCheckFail() will return false if the data from the form would validate against the field, it returns the validator's error message if it would fail.
The method's added to my Event class as follows. Its arguments are the field name, the class of the CustomValidator (which simply runs an strtotime check), and the sanitised form value:
public function flightCheckFail($name,$validatorClass,$value) {
$colname = $this->getPeer()->getTableMap()->getColumnByPhpName($name)->getName();
$validators = $this->getPeer()->getTableMap()->getColumn($colname)->getValidators();
foreach($validators as $validatorMap)
if ($validatorMap->getClass() == $validatorClass) {
$validator = BasePeer::getValidator($validatorMap->getClass());
if ( $validator->isValid($validatorMap, $value) === false)
$failureMessage = $validatorMap->getMessage();
} // if $validatorMap->getClass() == $validatorClass
return $failureMessage;
return false;
I should be able to use this to work around handling dates in forms, but I'll need to check what other types in Propel might require this sort of handling.
I can stop the form handling wherever this reports a validator error message and send it back. When the user enters valid data, Propel (and normal Propel Validation) gets to continue as normal.
If anyone can improve on this I'd love to see your results.
You could also use a MatchValidator, with a date RegExp, no need for extra functions

Error when I try to read/update the .Body of a Task via EWS Managed API - "You must load or assign this property before you can read its value."

I am using the Exchange Web Services Managed API to work with Tasks (Exchange 2007 SP1). I can create them fine. However, when I try to do updates, it works for all of the fields except for the .Body field. Whenever I try to access (read/update) that field, it gives the following error:
"You must load or assign this property before you can read its value."
The code I am using looks like this:
//impersonate the person whose tasks you want to read
Me.Impersonate(userName); //home-made function to handle impersonation
//build the search filter
Exchange.SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection filter = New Exchange.SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection();
filter.Add(New Exchange.SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(Exchange.TaskSchema.Categories, "Sales"));
//do the search
EWS.Task exTask = esb.FindItems(Exchange.WellKnownFolderName.Tasks, filter, New Exchange.ItemView(Integer.MaxValue));
exTask.Subject = txtSubject.Text; //this works fine
exTask.Body = txtBody.Text; //This one gives the error implying that the object isn't loaded
The strange thing is that, inspecting the property bag shows that the object contains 33 properties, but {Body} is not one of them. That property seems to be inherited from the base class .Item, or something.
So, do I need to re-load the object as type Item? Or reload it via .Bind or something? Keep in mind that I need to do this with thousands of items, so efficiency does matter to me.
Calling the Load method solved my problem :)
foreach (Item item in findResults.Items)
string subject = item.Subject;
string mailMessage = item.Body;
I had the same problem when using the EWS. My Code is requesting the events(Appointments) from the
Outlook calendar, at the end I couldn't reach to the body of the Event itself.
The missing point in my situation was the following "forgive me if there is any typo errors":
After gathering the Appointments, which are also derived from EWS Item Class, I did the following:
1- Create a List with the type Item:
List<Item> items = new List<Item>();
2- Added all appointments to items list:
if(oAppointmentList.Items.Count > 0) // Prevent the exception
foreach( Appointment app in oAppointmentList)
3- Used the exchanged service "I have already created and used":
oExchangeService.LoadPropertiesForItems(items, PropertySet.FirstClassProperties);
now if you try to use app.Body.Text, it will return it successfully.
Enjoy Coding and Best Luck
I forgot to mention the resource:
He mentioned the use of Linq to save the intermediate step, it will help you avoid using the List items and save some memory!
You can load properties using a custom property set. Some properties are Extended properties instead of FirstClassProperties.
Little example:
_customPropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties, AppointmentSchema.MyResponseType, AppointmentSchema.IsMeeting, AppointmentSchema.ICalUid);
_customPropertySet.RequestedBodyType = BodyType.Text;
