Sharing memory between user space and kernel space - winapi

I am trying to share memory between user space and kernel space in windows xp.I want to write into the memory in user level and reading it from the kernel driver program.Is there any available in-build function?

User mode side: There are a couple of ways.
1) The most common / flexible way is to use DeviceIOControl to communicate between user mode and kernel mode, including passing memory.
It's been a long time (six years? XP timeframe) since I wrote my last kernel driver, so this is an overview of the process not exact code. However, your user mode program should be able to obtain a handle to your 'device' or an open instance of your driver working on something by using CreateFile and specifying its name, such as \\.\YourNameHere for example. Use that handle to communicate with it (the first parameter to DeviceIOControl.)
The four parameters you will be interested in are:
__in_opt LPVOID lpInBuffer,
__in DWORD nInBufferSize,
__out_opt LPVOID lpOutBuffer,
__in DWORD nOutBufferSize,
__out_opt LPDWORD lpBytesReturned,
Using these, you can give data to the driver (through the lpInBuffer pointer and nInBufferSize parameter specifying how big it is - what this data is or how to interpret it is up to your driver) and the kernel-mode layer can give data back through lpOutBuffer (a pointer to memory you, in user mode, have already allocated - this is not a pointer that the driver sets!), its size in bytes in nOutBufferSize (again you know this, since you in user mode allocate this buffer) and then the driver will tell you how much of that buffer it actually filled with lpBytesReturned.
This Wikipedia article describes the general concept of ioctl functions, of which DeviceIOControl is an example.
Note: You said "I am trying to share memory between user space and kernel space in windows". This is not exactly shared memory - it's not memory that both user mode and kernel mode are reading from or writing to at the same time, for example. It is memory where, for the duration of the DeviceIOControl function call, kernel mode has access to your user mode-allocated memory for which you pass it pointers (although from memory it's slightly more complicated than that, but that's the effect.) Ie it's only 'shared' while you call that method.
2) Another alternative is to use ReadFile and WriteFile if you only need simple data transfer and the kernel driver accepts it. It doesn't allow you to have two-way communication quite as DeviceIOControl does (where you give the driver data and it gives you something back with an error code) but it's simple and you're probably already familiar with those APIs.
Kernel mode side: Are you writing the kernel driver as well? If so, this article has information about implementing the kernel-mode side of IOCTL. This article series also describes allowing user mode to use ReadFile and WriteFile to communicate if you choose that methods.


How does FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING interact with handles opened to communication devices?

Just as the title says, I am writing a networking program where I open a handle to a network driver using CreateFile, and I have been experimenting with the NO_BUFFERING flag.
Most documentation won't even mention this being used with communication devices, and the ones that do (AKA the MSDN reference, etc), simply mention that you can.
Does anyone have any idea how this may affect communication with the device?
It is a device driver implementation detail, options you specify in the CreateFile() call are passed in the IRP_MJ_REQUEST request. The one I linked is the one for file systems, it is very fancy one. Click through the IrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options link to IoCreateFileSpecifyDeviceObjectHint()'s Options argument to see FILE_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING.
The documentation for the IRP_MJ_REQUEST for serial ports is here. Very simple one, no arguments at all :) In general, the winapi to device driver interface for communication ports is a very straight-forward. There's an (almost) direct mapping between the documented winapi function and its underlying IOCTL. The winapi function doesn't do much beyond basic error checking, then quickly passes the job to the driver.
So there isn't any way to pass the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING option you specify so it simply doesn't get used.
Otherwise the logical conclusion, serial port I/O is interrupt driven, the driver must buffer in order to not lose bytes and keep an acceptable transfer rate. You can technically tinker with the buffer sizes through SetupComm() but, as documented, it is only a recommendation with pretty high odds that the driver simply ignores very low values.

bypassing tty layer and copy to user

I would like to copy data to user space from kernel module which receives data from serial port and transfers it to DMA, which in turn forwards the data to tty layer and finally to user space.
the current flow is
serial driver FIFO--> DMA-->TTY layer -->User space (the data to tty layer is emptied from DMA upon expiration of timer)
What I want to achieve is
serial driver FIFO-->DMA-->user space. (I am OK with using timer to send the data to user space, if there is a better way let me know)
Also the kernel module handling the serialFIFO->DMA is not a character device.
I would like to bypass tty layer completely. what is the best way to achieve so?
Any pointers/code snippet would be appreciated.
In >=3.10.5 the "serial FIFO" that you refer to is called a uart_port. These are defined in drivers/tty/serial.
I assume that what you want to do is to copy the driver for your UART to a new file, then instead of using uart_insert_char to insert characters from the UART RX FIFO, you want to insert the characters into a buffer that you can access from user space.
The way to do this is to create a second driver, a misc class device driver that has file operations, including mmap, and that allocates kernel memory that the driver's mmap file operation function associates with the userspace mapped memory. There is a good example of code for this written by Maxime Ripard. This example was written for a FIQ handled device, but you can use just the probe routine's dma_zalloc_coherent call and the mmap routine, with it's call to remap_pfn_range, to do the trick, that is, to associate a user space mmap on the misc device file with the alloc'ed memory.
You need to connect the memory that you allocated in your misc driver to the buffer that you write to in your UART driver using either a global void pointer, or else by using an exported symbol, if your misc driver is a module. Initialize the pointer to a known invalid value in the UART driver and test it to make sure the misc driver has assigned it before you try to insert characters to the address to which it points.
Note that you can't add an mmap function to the UART driver directly because the UART driver class does not support an mmap file operation. It only supports the operations defined in the include/linux/serial_core.h struct uart_ops.
Admittedly this is a cumbersome solution - two device drivers, but the alternative is to write a new device class, a UART device that has an mmap operation, and that would be a lot of work compared with the above solution although it would be elegant. No one has done this to date because as Jonathan Corbet say's "...not every device lends itself to the mmap abstraction; it makes no sense, for instance, for serial ports and other stream-oriented devices", though this is exactly what you are asking for.
I implemented this solution for a polling mode UART driver based on the mxs-auart.c code and Maxime's example. It was non-trivial effort but mostly because I am using a FIQ handler for the polling timer. You should allow two to three weeks to get the whole thing up and running.
The DMA aspect of your question depends on whether the UART supports DMA transfer mode. If so, then you should be able to set it using the serial flags. The i.MX28's PrimeCell auarts support DMA transfer but for my application there was no advantage over simply reading bytes directly from the UART RX FIFO.

What happens when I printk a char * that was initialized in userspace?

I implemented a new system call as an intro exercise. All it does is take in a buffer and printk that buffer. I later learned that the correct practice would be to use copy_from_user.
Is this just a precautionary measure to validate the address, or is my system call causing some error (page fault?) that I cannot see?
If it is just a precautionary measure, what is it protecting against?
There are several reasons.
Some architectures employ segmented memory, where there is a separate segment for the user memory. In that case, copy_from_user is essential to actually get the right memory address.
The kernel has access to everything, including (almost by definition) a lot of privileged information. Not using copy_from_user could allow information disclosure if a user passes in a kernel address. Worse, if you are writing to a user-supplied buffer without copy_to_user, the user could overwrite kernel memory.
You'd like to prevent the user from crashing the kernel module just by passing in a bad pointer; using copy_from_user protects against faults so e.g. a system call handler can return EFAULT in response to a bad user pointer.

Ring level shift in Win NT based OS

Can anyone please tell me how there is privilege change in Windows OS.
I know the user mode code (RL:3) passes the parameters to APIs.
And these APIs call the kernel code (RL:1).
But now I want to know, during security(RPL) check is there some token that is exchanged between these RL3 API and RL1 Kernel API.
if I am wrong please let me know (through Some Link or Brief description) how it works.
Please feel free to close this thread if its offtopic, offensive or duplicate.
RL= Ring Level
RPL:Requested Privilege level
Interrupt handlers and the syscall instruction (which is an optimized software interrupt) automatically modify the privilege level (this is a hardware feature, the ring 0 vs ring 3 distinction you mentioned) along with replacing other processor state (instruction pointer, stack pointer, etc). The prior state is of course saved so that it can be restored after the interrupt completes.
Kernel code has to be extremely careful not to trust input from user-mode. One way of handling this is to not let user-mode pass in pointers which will be dereferenced in kernel mode, but instead HANDLEs which are looked up in a table in kernel-mode memory, which can't be modified by user-mode at all. Capability information is stored in the HANDLE table and associated kernel data structures, this is how, for example, WriteFile knows to fail if a file object is opened for read-only access.
The task switcher maintains information on which process is currently running, so that syscalls which perform security checks, such as CreateFile, can check the user account of the current process and verify it against the file ACL. This process ID and user token are again stored in memory which is accessible only to the kernel.
The MMU page tables are used to prevent user-mode from modifying kernel memory -- generally there is no page mapping at all; there are also page access bits (read, write, execute) which are enforced in hardware by the MMU. Kernel code uses a different page table, the swap occurs as part of the syscall instruction and/or interrupt activation.

Win32 DDK: Is calling API from driver interrupt wrong?

Note: This is not a problem i'm experiencing, but it is something i'd
like to understand (just because i
want to be a better person, and to
further the horizon of human
In the bonus chapter of Raymond Chen's book,
Raymond gives the example of a bug in a sound card driver:
The original function, called at
hardware interrupt time, looks like
this in the DDK:
void FAR PASCAL midiCallback(NPPORTALLOC pPortAlloc, WORD msg,
DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParm2) {
if (pPostAlloc->dwCallback)
DriverCallBack(pPortalloc->dwCallback, HIWORD(pPortalloc->dwFlags),
pPortalloc->hMidi, msg, dwParam1, dwParam2);
Their version of the function looked
like this:
void FAR PASCAL midiCallback(NPPORTALLOC pPortAlloc, WORD msg,
DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParm2) {
char szBuf[80];
if (pPostAlloc->dwCallback) {
wsprintf(szBuf, " Dc(hMidi=%X,wMsg=%X)", pPortalloc->hMidi, msg);
#ifdef DEBUG
DriverCallBack(pPortalloc->dwCallback, HIWORD(pPortalloc->dwFlags),
pPortalloc->hMidi, msg, dwParam1, dwParam2);
Not only is there leftover debug stuff in retail code, but it is
calling a noninterrupt- safe function
at hardware interrupt time. If the
wsprintf function ever gets
discarded, the system will take a
segment-not-present fault inside a
hardware interrupt, which leads to a
pretty quick death.
Now if i'm looking at that code i wouldn't have guessed that a call to the library function wsprintf would be a problem. What happens if my driver code needs to make use of the Win32 API?
What is a segment fault? i understand the concept of a page-fault: the code i need is sitting on a page that has been swapped out to the hard-drive, and will need to get back from the hard drive before code execution can continue. What is a segment fault when we're inside a device-driver's interrupt?
Is page-faults the protected mode equivalent of a segment-fault? How does one avoid segment faults? Does Windows ever swap out device driver code? How would i stop "wsprintf from being discarded"? What would cause wsprintf to be "discarded"? What is "discarded"? What is the virtue of discarding? When it something undiscarded
Why is calling an API call from inside a driver bad, and how would one work around it?
A segmentation fault normally refers to an invalid memory access. In most modern operating systems the mechanism which generates seg-faults is also used to provide the demand paging mechanism. What they tend to do is "swap" pages of memory out to disc and mark them as invalid, the next time an instruction accesses that bit of memory the kernel recognises that it isn't really an error and will page in memory.
Windows cannot handle page-faults in certain contexts, one of them being in an interrupt. That is just the way it is designed. For example imagine you get a page fault in the code which reads memory pages data from the disk drive, how could it possible handle such an occurrance? So they define certain limitations on what modes of operation are allowed to page and what are not. If you cause a page fault in an interrupt the kernel will force a BSOD.
What you are supposed to do in an interrupt context if you need to do something which might need paging is to queue what is called a Deferred Procedure Call (DPC) in the interrupt handler. The DPC is then executed at DPC level (something you will see mentioned if you read some of the descriptions of DDK functions). DPC level can page and so you can use any function you need.
As for driver stuff, you can mark some of your code as non-pageable and you can allocate non-paged-pool which is memory you can access without causing page-faults. wsprintf could be paged out because no-one has used it and the kernel reclaims the memory.
