Output several times - ruby

I have the following code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
time = Time.new
url = "http://mobile.bahn.de/bin/mobil/bhftafel.exe/dox?input=Richard-Strauss-Stra%DFe%2C+M%FCnchen%23625127&date=" +
time.strftime("%d%m%Y") +
"&time=" +
time.strftime("%H") +
"%3A" +
time.strftime("%M") +
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
doc.encoding = 'UTF-8'
doc = doc.xpath('//div').each do |node|
text = node.text.gsub(/\n([ \t]*\n)+/,"\n",).gsub(/^\s+|\s+$/,'').gsub("Startseite", '').gsub("Impressum", '')
puts text unless text.empty?
I have two problems:
The code outputs three times and not one time.
The German "umlauts" like äü.

The original HTML is long and not indented, so it is very hard to debug.
But I think you need to replace:
doc = doc.xpath('//div').each do |node|
doc = doc.xpath('//body/div').each do |node|
The first one was also including all <div> elements so it included //body/div and then separately included the <div>s inside //body/div
I had no problems with umlaut characters, using puts, but did have problems writing them to a file. What is your exact problem? It might be best if you create a new question on Stack Overflow for the umlauts issue.


how to post (http-post) content of pdf using ruby?

I am trying to post (raw) content of a PDF in ruby using the following block
require 'pdf/reader'
require 'curb'
reader = PDF::Reader.new('folder/file.pdf')
raw_string = ''
reader.pages.each do |page|
raw_string = raw_string + page.raw_content.to_s
c = Curl::Easy.new('')
c.http_post(Curl::PostField.content('param1', 'value1'),Curl::PostField.content('param2', 'value2'), c.http_post(Curl::PostField.content('body', raw_string)))
Inside the API implementation params[:body] seems to be empty all the time (though puts raw_string confirms that the variable has all the values.
Also, is there a better way to post pdf content?
Regarding how you're building raw_string...
Instead of:
reader.pages.each do |page|
raw_string = raw_string + page.raw_content.to_s
You should be able to do something like one of these:
raw_string = reader.pages.map(&:raw_content).join
raw_string = reader.pages.map{ |p| p.raw_content.to_s }.join
I'd also recommend you write your last line spread across several lines, for clarity and readability:
Curl::PostField.content('param1', 'value1'),
Curl::PostField.content('param2', 'value2'),
c.http_post(Curl::PostField.content('body', raw_string))

Using Nokogiri to scrape a value from Yahoo Finance?

I wrote a simple script:
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
url = "http://au.finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s=MYGN"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
name = doc.at_css("#yfi_rt_quote_summary h2").text
market_cap = doc.at_css("#yfs_j10_mygn").text
ebit = doc.at("//*[#id='yfncsumtab']/tbody/tr[2]/td/table[2]/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr[11]/td[2]/strong").text
puts "#{name} - #{market_cap} - #{ebit}"
The script grabs three values from Yahoo finance. The problem is that the ebit XPath returns nil. The way I got the XPath was using the Chrome developer tools and copy and pasting.
This is the page I'm trying to get the value from http://au.finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s=MYGN and the actual value is 483,992 in the total current assets row.
Any help would be appreciated, especially if there is a way to get this value with CSS selectors.
Nokogiri supports:
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("http://au.finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s=MYGN"))
ebit = doc.at('strong:contains("Total Current Assets")').parent.next_sibling.text.gsub(/[^,\d]+/, '')
puts ebit
# >> 483,992
I'm using the <strong> tag as an place-marker with the :contains pseudo-class, then backing up to the containing <td>, moving to the next <td> and grabbing its text, then finally stripping the white-space using gsub(/[^,\d]+/, '') which removes everything that isn't a number or a comma.
Nokogiri supports a number of jQuery's JavaScript extensions, which is why :contains works.
This seems to work for me
doc.css("table.yfnc_tabledata1 tr[11] td[2]").text.tr(",","").to_i
#=> 483992
Or as a string
doc.css("table.yfnc_tabledata1 tr[11] td[2]").text.strip.gsub(/\u00A0/,"")
#=> "483,992"

xpath search using libxml + ruby

I am trying to search for a specific node in an XML file using XPath. This search worked just fine under REXML but REXML was too slow for large XML docs. So moved over to LibXML.
My simple example is processing a Yum repomd.xml file, an example can be found here: http://mirror.san.fastserv.com/pub/linux/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
My test script is as follows:
require 'rubygems'
require 'libxml'
p = LibXML::XML::Parser.file( "/tmp/dr.xml")
repomd = p.parse
filelist = repomd.find_first("/repomd/data[#type='filelists']/location#href")
puts "Length: " + filelist.length.to_s
filelist.each do |f|
puts f.attributes['href']
I get this error:
Error: Invalid expression.
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/libxml-ruby-2.7.0/lib/libxml/document.rb:123:in `find': Error: Invalid expression. (LibXML::XML::Error)
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/libxml-ruby-2.7.0/lib/libxml/document.rb:123:in `find'
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/libxml-ruby-2.7.0/lib/libxml/document.rb:130:in `find_first'
from /tmp/scripty.rb:6
I have also tried simpler examples like below, but still no dice.
p = LibXML::XML::Parser.file( "/tmp/dr.xml")
repomd = p.parse
filelist = repomd.root.find(".//location")
puts "Length: " + filelist.length.to_s
In the above case I get the output:
Length: 0
Your inspired guidance would be greatly appreciated, and I have searched for what I am doing wrong, and I just can't figure it out...
Here is some code that will fetch the file and process it, still doesn't work...
require 'rubygems'
require 'open-uri'
require 'libxml'
raw_xml = open('http://mirror.san.fastserv.com/pub/linux/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml').read
p = LibXML::XML::Parser.string(raw_xml)
repomd = p.parse
filelist = repomd.find_first("//data[#type='filelists']/location[#href]")
puts "First: " + filelist
In the end I reverted back to REXML and used stream processing. Much faster and much easier XPath syntax implementation.
Looking at your code,it seems you want to collect only those location elements which has href attribute. If that's the case below should work:

Why is Nokogiri returning blank output to excel?

My task
Extract all specifications from http://www.asus.com/Notebooks_Ultrabooks/ASUS_TAICHI_21/#specifications and put it in a spreadsheet (we work on formatting later)
Spreadsheet is created but my output is returning blank.
My Code
require 'Nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'spreadsheet'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("http://www.asus.com/Notebooks_Ultrabooks/ASUS_TAICHI_21/#specifications"))
data = puts doc.css('//div#specifications/div#spec-area/ul#product-spec/li')
Spreadsheet.client_encoding = 'UTF-8'
book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new
sheet1 = book.create_worksheet
sheet1.name = 'My First Worksheet'
sheet1[0,0] = data
book.write 'C:/Users/Barry/Desktop/output.xls'
The following code worked for me
require 'Nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'spreadsheet'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("http://www.asus.com/Notebooks_Ultrabooks/ASUS_TAICHI_21/#specifications"))
data = doc.css('div#specifications div#spec-area ul.product-spec')[0].text
Spreadsheet.client_encoding = 'UTF-8'
book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new
sheet1 = book.create_worksheet
sheet1.name = 'My First Worksheet'
sheet1[0,0] = data
book.write 'C:/Users/Barry/Desktop/output.xls'
There are a few problems here:
It looks like you’re trying to debug by printing out the result of the css call in the line:
data = puts doc.css('//div#specifications/div#spec-area/ul#product-spec/li')
The method puts returns nil, so data will be nil and will result in nothing being shown.
In the page you’re parsing, the product-spec list is in fact a class, not an id, so you need .product-spec (. instead of #).
The syntax you’re using isn’t actually CSS, it looks like you’re mixing CSS and Xpath. You want something like this:
doc.css('div#specifications div#spec-area ul.product-spec li')
(This last point doesn’t seem to actually affect the result. Nokogiri converts CSS selectors to xpath and it appears that the transformation results in valid xpath anyway).

File Creation/Loop Problems in Ruby

EDIT: My original question was way off, my apologies. Mark Reed has helped me find out the real problem, so here it is.
Note that this code works:
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
source_url = "www.flickr.com"
puts "Visiting #{source_url}"
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("http://website/script.php?value=#{source_url}"))
textarea = page.css('textarea')
filename = source_url.to_s + ".txt"
create_file = File.open("#{filename}", 'w')
create_file.puts textarea
Which is really awesome, but I need it to do this to ~110 URLs, not just Flickr. Here's my loop that isn't working:
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
File.open('sources.txt').each_line do |source_url|
puts "Visiting #{source_url}"
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("http://website/script.php?value=#{source_url}"))
textarea = page.css('textarea')
filename = source_url.to_s + ".txt"
create_file = File.open("#{filename}", 'w')
create_file.puts "#{textarea}"
What am I doing wrong with my loop?
Ok, now you're looping over the lines of the input file. When you do that, you get strings that end in a newilne. So you're trying to create a file with a newline in the middle of its name, which is not legal in Windows.
Just chomp the string:
File.open('sources.txt').each_line do |source_url|
# ... rest of code goes here ...
You can also use File#foreach instead of File#open.each_line:
File.foreach('sources.txt') do |source_url|
# ... rest of code goes here
You're putting your parentheses in the wrong place:
create_file = File.open(variable, 'w')
