Best way to read output of shell command - shell

In Vim, What is the best (portable and fast) way to read output of a shell command? This output may be binary and thus contain nulls and (not) have trailing newline which matters. Current solutions I see:
Use system(). Problems: does not work with NULLs.
Use :read !. Problems: won’t save trailing newline, tries to be smart detecting output format (dos/unix/mac).
Use ! with redirection to temporary file, then readfile(, "b") to read it. Problems: two calls for fs, shellredir option also redirects stderr by default and it should be less portable ('shellredir' is mentioned here because it is likely to be set to a valid value).
Use system() and filter outputs through xxd. Problems: very slow, least portable (no equivalent of 'shellredir' for pipes).
Any other ideas?

You are using a text editor. If you care about NULs, trailing EOLs and (possibly) conflicting encodings, you need to use a hex editor anyway?
If I need this amount of control of my operations, I use the xxd route indeed, with
:se binary
One nice option you seem to miss is insert mode expression register insertion:
C-r=system('ls -l')Enter
This may or may not be smarter/less intrusive about character encoding business, but you could try it if it is important enough for you.
Or you could use Perl or Python support to effectively use popen
Rough idea:
:perl open(F, "ls /tmp/ |"); my #lines = (<F>); $curbuf->Append(0, #lines)


Perl: How is select here behaving? [duplicate]

I am learning Writing CGI Application with Perl -- Kevin Meltzer . Brent Michalski
Scripts in the book mostly begin with this:
#!"c:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" -wT
# sales.cgi
use strict;
use lib qw(.);
What's the line $|=1; How to space it, eg. $| = 1; or $ |= 1; ?
Why put use strict; after $|=1; ?
perlvar is your friend. It documents all these cryptic special variables.
If set to nonzero, forces a flush right away and after every write or print on the currently selected output channel. Default is 0 (regardless of whether the channel is really buffered by the system or not; $| tells you only whether you've asked Perl explicitly to flush after each write). STDOUT will typically be line buffered if output is to the terminal and block buffered otherwise. Setting this variable is useful primarily when you are outputting to a pipe or socket, such as when you are running a Perl program under rsh and want to see the output as it's happening. This has no effect on input buffering. See getc for that. See select on how to select the output channel. See also IO::Handle.
Mnemonic: when you want your pipes to be piping hot.
Happy coding.
For the other questions:
There is no reason that use strict; comes after $|, except by the programmers convention. $| and other special variables are not affected by strict in this way. The spacing is also not important -- just pick your convention and be consistent. (I prefer spaces.)
$| = 1; forces a flush after every write or print, so the output appears as soon as it's generated rather than being buffered.
See the perlvar documentation.
$| is the name of a special variable. You shouldn't introduce a space between the $ and the |.
Whether you use whitespace around the = or not doesn't matter to Perl. Personally I think using spaces makes the code more readable.
Why the use strict; comes after $| = 1; in your script I don't know, except that they're both the sort of thing you'd put right at the top, and you have to put them in one order or the other. I don't think it matters which comes first.
It does not matter where in your script you put a use statement, because they all get evaluated at compile time.
$| is the built-in variable for autoflush. I agree that in this case, it is ambiguous. However, a lone $ is not a valid statement in perl, so by process of elimination, we can say what it must mean.
use lib qw(.) seems like a silly thing to do, since "." is already in #INC by default. Perhaps it is due to the book being old. This statement tells perl to add "." to the #INC array, which is the "path environment" for perl, i.e. where it looks for modules and such.

Is there any character that is illegal in file paths on every OS?

Is there any character that is guaranteed not to appear in any file path on Windows or Unix/Linux/OS X?
I need this because I want to join together a few file paths into a single string, and then split them apart again later.
In the comments, Harry Johnston writes:
The generic solution to this class of problem is to encode the file paths before joining them. For example, if you're dealing with single-byte strings, you could convert them to hex strings; so "hello" becomes "68656c6c6f". (Obviously that isn't the most efficient solution!)
That is absolutely correct. Please don't try to do anything "tricky" with filenames and reserved characters, because it will eventually break in some weird corner case and your successor will have a heck of a time trying to repair the damage.
In fact, if you're trying to be portable, I strongly recommend that you never attempt to create any filenames including any characters other than [a-z0-9_]. (Consider that common filesystems on both Windows and OS X can operate in case-insensitive mode, where FooBar.txt and FOOBAR.TXT are the same identifier.)
A decently compact encoding scheme for practical use would be to make a "whitelisted set" such as [a-z0-9_], and encode any character ch outside your "whitelisted set" as printf("_%2x", ch). So hello.txt becomes hello_2etxt, and hello_world.txt becomes hello_5fworld_2etxt.
Since every _ is escaped, you can use double-_ as a separator: the encoded string hello_2etxt__goodbye___2e_2e uniquely identifies the list of filenames ['hello.txt', 'goodbye', '..'].
You can use a newline character, or specifically CR (decimal code 13) or LF (decimal code 10) if you like. Whether this is suitable or not depends on what requirements you have with regard to displaying the concatenated string to the user - with this approach, it will print its parts on separate lines - which may be very good or very bad for the purpose (or you may not care...).
If you need the concatenated string to print on a single line, edit your question to specify this additional requirement; and we can go from there then.

Most reliable way to get text into ruby script

I have a ruby script that’ll do some text parsing (à lá markdown). It does it in a sequence of steps, like
string = string.gsub # more code here
string = string.gsub # more code here
# and so on
what is the best (i.e. most reliable) way to feed text into string in the first place? It’s a script, and the text it’ll be fed can vary a lot — it can be multilingual, have some characters that might trip a shell (like ", ', ’, &, $ you get the idea), and will likely be multi-line.
Is there some trick on the lines of
cat << EOF
bunch of text here
Additional considerations
I’m not looking for a markdown parser, this is something I want to do, not something I want a tool for.
I’m not a big ruby user (I’m starting to use it), so the more detailed the answer you can provide, the better.
It must be completely scriptable (i.e., no interrupting to ask the user for information).
The Kernel#gets method will read a string separated using the record separator from stdin or files specified on the command line. So if you use that you can do things like:
yourscript <filename #read from filename
yourscript file1 file2 # read both file1 and file2
yourscript #lets you type at your script
So to run something like:
cat <<'eof' |ruby yourscript.rb
This' & will $all 'eof' be 'fine'''
Script might contain something like:
s = gets() # read a line
lines = readlines() # read all lines into an array
That's fairly standard for command-line scripts. If you want to have a user-interface then you'll want something more complex. There is an option to the Ruby interpreter to set the encoding of files as they are read.
Just read from stdin (which is an IO object):
As you can see, stdin is provided in the global variable $stdin. Since it’s an IO object, there are a lot of other methods available if read doesn’t suit your needs.
Here’s a simple one-line example in the shell:
$ echo "foo\nbar" | ruby -e 'puts $'
Obviously reading from stdin is extremely flexible since you can pipe input in from anywhere.
Ruby is very adept at encodings (see eg. Encoding docs). To get text into Ruby, one typically uses either gets, or reads File objects, or uses a GUI, which one can build with gtk2 gem or rugui (if already finished). In case you are getting texts from the wild internet, security should be your concern. Ruby used to have 4 $SAFE levels, but after some discussions, now there might be only 3 of them left. In any case, the best strategy to handle strings is to know as much as possible about the properties of the string that you expect in advance. Handling absolutely arbitrary strings is a surprisingly difficult task. Try to limit the number of possible encodings and figure the maximum size for the string that you expect.
Also, with respect to your original stated goal writing a markdown-processor-like something, you might want to not reinvent the wheel (unless it is for didactic purposes). There is this SO post:
Better ruby markdown interpreter?
The answer will direct you to kramdown gem, which gets a lot of praise, though I have not tried it personally.

remove set of characters surrounding value

I'm redirecting output of an API call to file
however I always get the following characters surrounding the value I need
Desired output
I really have no idea how to clean the output and make it look like the above.
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Those are ANSI control characters, or escape sequences, and they typically are used to add colors, underline, and so forth to your output.
First order of business is to check if your API command line tool supports a no-color mode. That would solve your problem at the source.
Barring that, try this Server Fault answer, which has a command to clear ANSI sequences out of a text file using sed.
You could remove the undesired characters by replacing the line with just the submatches you want to keep:
... | sed -r "s/(domainid=).*([0-9a-f]{8}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}).*/\1'\2'/i"

Windows SED command - simple search and replace without regex

How should I use 'sed' command to find and replace the given word/words/sentence without considering any of them as the special character?
In other words hot to treat find and replace parameters as the plain text.
In following example I want to replace 'sagar' with '+sagar' then I have to give following command
sed "s/sagar/\\+sagar#g"
I know that \ should be escaped with another \ ,but I can't do this manipulation.
As there are so many special characters and theie combinations.
I am going to take find and replace parameters as input from user screen.
I want to execute the sed from c# code.
Simply, I do not want regular expression of sed to use. I want my command text to be treated as plain text?
Is this possible?
If so how can I do it?
While there may be sed versions that have an option like --noregex_matching, most of them don't have that option. Because you're getting the search and replace input by prompting a user, you're best bet is to scan the user input strings for reg-exp special characters and escape them as appropriate.
Also, will your users expect for example, their all caps search input to correctly match and replace a lower or mixed case string? In that case, recall that you could rewrite their target string as [Ss][Aa][Gg][Aa][Rr], and replace with +Sagar.
Note that there are far fewer regex characters used on the replacement side, with '&' meaning "complete string that was matched", and then the numbered replacment groups, like \1,\2,.... Given users that have no knowledge or expectation that they can use such characters, the likelyhood of them using is \1 in their required substitution is pretty low. More likely they may have a valid use for &, so you'll have to scan (at least) for that and replace with \&. In a basic sed, that's about it. (There may be others in the latest gnu seds, or some of the seds that have the genesis as PC tools).
For a replacement string, you shouldn't have to escape the + char at all. Probably yes for \. Again, you can scan your user's "naive" input, and add escape chars as need.
Finally if you're doing this for a "package" that will be distributed, and you'll be relying on the users' version of sed, beware that there are many versions of sed floating around, some that have their roots in Unix/Linux, and others, particularly of super-sed, that (I'm pretty sure) got started as PC-standalones and has a very different feature set.
