com_zoo related items depend on category - joomla

What I really want is to have in my com_zoo app items description page a custom block what is showing the related items to clicked one. So one I found out, that it can be made it manually adding to every specific item the related items. The problem is that is not generated dynamically.
My question would be:is it possible from the actual administration tasks to handle this or it has to be coded. If it has to be code, what is the shortest way to achieve results. should I build a custom element or there is another way to do it?

Your related products module may be based on your product tags, for example.


Dynamic content display

when I select (say customer) using Dropdown I would want to show users all the properties on a side table or division. Essentially, displaying the selected customer's fields on the same page for the users to verify/read.
I am using laravel-backpack for development and finding it difficult to implement. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'm afraid there's no existing way to achieve that, you'd have to code it.
But you don't have to start from scratch, you can use the code for the select2 field (or whatever field you prefer) and create a new field type, say select2_and_preview by tweaking the Javascript inside that one file.
There's recently been a Feature Request for a similar feature (see here), you might want to pitch in with your opinion if you want it created by the team, and included in the official build.

On Joomla, how to show multiple editable articles on the same page?

I have a static website, which I want to make editable by the client. So, I decided to rebuild the website using Joomla. The current static home page uses Zurb's Foundation to display the contents in the following layout.
1st Row: 1 column,
2nd Row: 2 columns,
3rd Row: 1 column
Using Joomal, I have thought of the following options.
the whole page is 1 article: the client would need to understand html, to be able to maintain div's and classes. Isn't it?
Each column on the page (1 column on the 1st row + 2 columns on the 2nd row + 1 column on the 3rd row) is an article that the client can edit. In effect, the page displays the full contents of 4 articles in the above layout.
I think the 2nd option is the way to go. However, I could not figure out how to display multiple, FULL, EDITABLE articles on the same page. I looked at the extension (Articles Anywhere - However, it seems that although this extension can display articles, they won't be editable by authorised users.
Your effort and time to answer my question are highly appreciated...
Throughout the last few days, I managed to achieve what I asked about. I thought of documenting it here for the benefit of others.
Let's say we want to create a page, which looks like the following.
1st Row has 1 column: Part-r1-c1
2nd Row has 2 columns: Part-r2-c1 & Part-r2-c2
3rd Row has 1 column: Part-r3-c1
Basically, you need to do the following.
Create a template having module positions for each "Part" of your page layout. Let's call this template "Custom Template". So, you will need to create 4 positions:
Creating a custom template is an involved process with quite a learning curve. You need to be patient until you understand how Joomla templates work. I suggest referring to the official documentation and some tutorial videos/articles. I found the following useful.
Convert an HTML Template to Joomla 2.5/3.0 (3-parts YouTube Video):!_template
As an alternative to creating your own template, you can use a Template Extension (or framework). I like T3-Framework
However, in my opinion, investing time in understanding how Joomla templates work has much higher return on investment than understanding how to customise/customize an existing framework. To build your own template, you need to be comfortable with changing php and xml files though.
Create an empty article, and call it something like "Dummy Article".
Create a menu item for your page, e.g. "Services". The type of this menu item should be "single article". Choose the "Dummy Article", which you created above, as the article to be displayed. Assign "Custom Template" to this menu item.
Create an article for each Part of your page, in which you will write the contents, which your customer would be able to change.
Create a module for each Part, and assign it to the related position of the layout, and insert the related article into this module. Inserting articles into modules is not part of standard Joomla (at the current version 3.6.4). To insert articles into modules, you need to use a Joomla extension, like
That's it.
I discovered the need for another feature, which I missed asking about in my question. I wanted to make some Parts, which are not editable by the customer. Here's how I did it.
Create a category for articles, which you don't want your customer to change. Let's call it "Protected". Change the permissions for this category to Deny access to Editors (with the assumption that you are going to provide your customer with an Editor User ID.)
Create articles for each Part of your page, in which you will write the contents, which your customer CANNOT change. Categorise these articles as "Protected."
Good Luck!
To display multiple articles on a page you can use the category blog view or the featured view or (with customization) the tagged items view. However you must not use "read more" within the articles. Make sure that the option to display edit icon is turned on and that you are logged in as a user with edit privileges for all of the articles in question. If you are an administrator, publisher or editor by default you will have these.

Sitecore item deletes image on save

We have a pretty large website running on sitecore 7.2.
On a couple of items we noticed a certain problem.
Everytime we link a picture to the item and we save it,
the item is saved without the image.
The items are of the same template of 900 other items, so i don't think it's a template problem.
I can link the images on other items without a problem, so i can exclude these too. (i think)
When i search the logs, nothing is found. No ERROR can be found.
Can someone help me in this problem?
After searching in the database for the records, i found these:
You need to get the ghost value out of Sitecore's "shared fields". For the item ID's in question, take a look at the [SharedFields] table in your "master" database.
SELECT * FROM [SharedFields] WHERE [ItemId]='your item id' AND [FieldId]='your field id'
If I am right, you will find values here. If the field is no longer shared, these should be safe to remove.
Always though, when messing directly with the database, backup etc. :)

PHP:Magento How to show configurable product's option like grid in place of default dropdown

I want to change the default behavior of the configurable products option. By default it shows options in a dropdown box; I want to show that on a grid in place of the dropdown.
Creating a new product selector is a pretty big undertaking. I cannot tell you how to turn it into a grid because you have to handle multiple selections, etc. But what I can tell you is that the file you are going to spend a lot of time in is:
I have done something similar.
The main Problem you will face is to make it work with the magento javascript components, so you can still use all functions which are provided by Magento.
As this is nearly impossible not to breake, i used a script, which places an own html control over the selectbox.
This is mainly for customice Design of a DropDown box, but you can "misuse" it to have arbitary structures, as you have usual html elements you can place how you wish with CSS.
You could try looking at using a plugin such as this one by Magento Mechanics which will do all the hard work for you:
I have used and recommend there plugin.

Search View For Admin In magento

I have created a Sample Module (Admin Side) in Magento.. I managed To created a form and Then Stored the form field values in Database. Now I am trying To create a search view for that. to show me all the values which i have stored in my table. however i am not able to get it. when i press the tab I directly get the form view. I want the search view first and a button there which ll direct me to this form. I want it the same way as it is for product, category or any other module. Do anyone Know How can I do it.
It's called a grid. The process is kind of long to explain here, but if you search online there are a few tutorials that explain how to do it (here's one that I found useful: Keep in mind that you can also model your own code after core code. If you want to make a grid like the Category grid, then go look in the code how its made.
