Does Visual Studio 2010 support Windows Metro style applications? - visual-studio-2010

Does Visual Studio 2010 support Windows Metro style applications?
I am going to build a Microsoft WP7 application. I have Visual Studio 2010 and I have installed SDK7.1. I am not getting Metro style as an option so what do I have to do?

You will need to get the Visual Studio 11 Dev Preview to start working on Metro apps. The Express version can be downloaded in the Windows 8 Dev Preview.

If you want to build a Windows Phone application, you can use Visual Studio 2010. If you want to build a Windows 8 Metro application, you need the Windows 8 and Visual Studio 11 developer previews as #Kenneth-Funk mentioned.
You can't convert your WP7 app to Win 8 Metro. You have to rewrite since you're moving from Silverlight to WinRT development.


Options to work with Visual Studio 2008 project targeting Windows Mobile 6 platform

I have an old app that was developed in Visual Studio 2008 targeting Windows Mobile 6 devices (Intermec Handhelds). I needed to make few enhancements to the app and tried to open it in Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition but it is not supported. I thought of installing either VS2008 or VS2008 SP1, but I was unable to find the installers on Unfortunately, we are unable to upgrade our devices and so we are stuck with the Windows Mobile 6.
Any suggestions? Does anyone know if it is possible to develop Windows Mobile 6 apps using VS2015?

Developing Windows Phone 8.1 apps in Visual Studio Express

I want to dive in into developing windows store apps. I am using visual studio express 2013 for desktop and my OS is windows 8.1. But when I want to follow a simple hello world project and I want to create a new project I am already limited in some way. I have to go to Installed > (I want to use C#) Visual C# > Universal or Windows Apps or Windows Phone Apps. But none of these 3 points are available when I want to follow the tutorial. Do you have any suggestions why this might be the case ?
To develop Windows Phone 8.1 apps, you need Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows. You're using the version for Desktop which is why you don't see the necessary templates.
You can use the tools in Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows to
create innovative and compelling Windows Phone and Windows Store apps
on Windows 8.1.
You can find and download the Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows here.

Windows Mobile app development using VS2010

I am starting to develop Windows Mobile 6 apps using Windows Mobile SDK. I do not have Visual Studio 2008. Is there a way or work around to program using windows mobile SDK in Visual Studio 2010?
There is no support or work around for developing for Windows Mobile 6.x or 5.x in Visual Studio 2010 (w or wo SP1)

Which platforms will support Visual Studio 11?

We all know that windows 8 will be released very soon, and that Visual Studio 11 will be released too. With Visual Studio 11 you can make Metro UI apps exactly like WP7.
My question is that if we program with VS 11, is it supported on Windows 7, Vista and XP?
You can install VS11, but you will not be able to develop Metro UI unless you're in Windows 8.
That is why they are giving you the Win8 Dev Preview image that you can install VS11 Ultimate and test it out.
Windows 8 Developer Preview Downloads Page
VS11 Developer Preview
Here is the best way to install VS11 and develop Metro apps:
Visual Studio 11 Beta will only run on Windows 7 or Server 2008 and above.
Targeting depends on the project type. Windows 8 Metro app projects can only be built when running VS11 on the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. But the MFC/CRT etc. can target down to Vista.
What sort of application were you thinking of building?

Metro style apps in visual studio 2010?

I was wondering if it is possible to create metro style apps (Html5 etc) for Windows 8 using templates for Visual visual studio 2010?
I know there is a download for Visual Studio Express 11.
VS2010 can not be used to create Metro style applications you need to use Visual Studio that came with the Windows Developer Preview.
