Joomla 2.5 frontpage override - joomla

I'm just getting into Joomla. I've successfully overridden article pages by creating an html/com_content/article directory within my template and copied the necessary files from the /com_content directory.
I've read that this is also possible for the frontpage. It seems however I'm missing the frontpage directory from my /com_content directory. Is this still supported in Joomla 2.5. I don't really want to have to use a different template for my frontpage, but it looks like this may be my only option.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

'frontpage' is now called 'featured'.
Override the files in /components/com_content/views/featured/tmpl

The 'front page' is simply a collection of articles that you deem to be on the 'frontpage'. I'm not sure what you mean when you say you've "overridden" article pages... are you referring to the template? You don't have to do that for each article (if that's what you're implying you did).
I think perhaps you're misunderstanding how the templating system of Joomla works with regards to the site if you're overriding each article you create? There is no 'frontpage' directory because there is no real 'frontpage'; the main template you assign with address the frontpage and all other pages on the site (every article) unless otherwise told not to.
So adjust your main template to adjust your frontpage. I think you're using template overrides in the wrong way.


Joomla - Modifying default category list view (through overrides?)

I'm building a site for a friend and I should state that this is not what I'm doing for living. I just started working with Joomla a few days ago.
Everything is good so far, except I'm stuck at one point.
This is a site for a construction company and I need to create articles for on-going and completed projects. I will create an article for each project and each article will belong to a category, 'Completed' and 'On-Going', respectfully.
I plan to create menu links for 'Completed' and 'On-Going' categories in main menu. I also want to present a thumbnail of the article on the category list. Problem is, standard look of the category list is kinda ugly, and I have no idea how to change it. I'm using a template named PixelDot, but it does not seem to do any good for my problem.
During my research, I stumbled upon concepts 'Layout Overrides' and 'Alternative Layouts'. I have basic html and css knowledge, also some PHP, but I am totally lost on which file(s) to modify. I also need a little help on get the entry text picture as a thumbnail on the category list (this is the list where you see 'articles' aka projects which belongs to the category (completed or on-going), when you clicked on relevant menu button)
Any help will be highly appreciated. My Joomla version is 3.4.1. (which I believe most up-to-date version as today)
I'm sometimes making it more complex while I try to make things detailed and clear, I hope this is not one of those cases.
First, I would suggest using tags rather than categories to manage this. Tags are much better suited for temporary labelling or dividing into groups.
Second, go to the template manager, template view for your template.
Go to the create over ride tab and select the view that you want to override (i.e. tagged items).
This will automatically copy all the files to the correct location in your template.
At that point you can play around with the layouts to your heart's content.
Also ... some pieces of the layout you may want to override may not be in the traditional layout but may be in a jlayout. You can do the same thing with them. THis is all documented in the site as well as around the web.
I also would do this with Tags. One reason is, assuming you are using SEF URLS, that the projects article pages will have a unique URL. If you move a project's article from "on-going" to "completed" then you may be changing that SEF url. This will cause your search engine ranking for that page to be lost.
I would tag each article "on-going", "completed", etc and then create a menu item to display only that specific tag. The project's article would stay in its original category, that could be my project type, project location, etc; which also will increase the SEO for that given project's article.

Magento - template displays correctly once Layouts in Cache Storage is Disabled

I have created a custom mini-header & mini-footer phtml file that I use within a Magento installation but only on the checkout pages. (These are basically very minimal header/footers with very little content)
IF (any CHECKOUT page)
Use mini-header & mini-footer
Use the default header/footer files for that theme.
I have a CMS static block called 'Footer Links' that will sometimes seem to override my own 'mini-footer.phtml' - it is inconsistent, sometimes on a checkout page I will see my mini-footer and another times it obvious that the 'Footer Links' static block is appearing (with 15+ html links).
At the moment the only I way I can force Magento to use my custom mini-footer.phtml is to DISABLE the 'Blocks HTML output' Cache Storage Management within the Magento Admin, however I want to have this option ideally turned on for a live site for extra speed performance.
Can anyone suggest what to do?
File this one under Works as Designed, although your question is a little unclear. Using stateful information within a cached block or the template of a cached block will lead to one state being added to the cache, and your conditional won't run again until the cache expires the entry.
As for a solution, it's not 100% clear from your question how you've set this up. You say you have a
Then you have some conditional logic, but you don't mention where this conditional logic is.
Then you say you have a CMS static block called Footer Links.
You don't mention how mini-header.phtml or mini-footer.phtml are added to your layout.
You don't mention how you're adding the CMS static block.
All these details will matter if you want to find a solution to your question.
I have the same issue here. After installing a theme extension, I have come to notice that things go haywire when I click on a category: Static blocks appear in random locations. To sum it up, I got better results by disabling "Blocks HTML Output" cache.
I am tempted to try to install a different cache implementation.
My theme designer mentioned to me that this is a well known bug and that patching would help solve the problem. Although I was not able to solve the problem with a patch, I was able to solve the problem by upgrading C.E. from to

Wrong URL used when accessing article through a module

I have an annoying problem and am hoping someone will be able to help.
We use quite a few extensions on our Joomla site (Roksprocket mainly but also Global News Filter for instance).
The modules themselves are working fine however when I click on an article in one of these modules the article opens but it doesn't use the nice URL that should be displayed (we have Search Engine Friendly URLs set to Yes and Use URL rewriting set to Yes). This happens for all modules that draw off a category (so I don't think its linked to a specific extension).
For instance on our Case Studies page if you click on Read More on the RSA Case Study you get this URL
but what you should get is the menu item URL associated with this article which is this
I don't think there is anything wrong with our .htaccess as I reverted back to the default Joomla one and it still occured.
Also this used to work perfectly. I first noticed it around October or November last year.
If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it, I've googled the problem many times and not found any help.
Due to a Joomla bug. Fixed by overwriting the route.php file as described in this post:

Where to find the tags used in theme short codes? As well as the general tags used in pyroCMS?

I was wondering where to find the tags to type to take advantage of shortcodes programmed in themes. Many themes have them, such as the one below. However I can never find the information required to make use of them in the read me's or on site documentation. Which makes using them impossible for me. Is there a specific html, css, or php file that is consistent to each theme and shows them?
Given the lack of write ups on what tags to use suggests that theme creators expect people to know which file to find them in.
On a more PyroCMS rather than theme specific note, is there a list of all tags and their uses? Such as {{ settings:site_name }}, or the page body tag. Every link I have found to a list says that the list has been moved.
Thank you for your time once again.
Open up your file directory and navigate to:
Each one you can use is listed here along with an example in the function description. Each plugin in this folder is lined out the same way (files, session, asset, etc). You should be able to view each one and play with how to incorporate them into your project.
Edit: Also, you can find more information here:
Notice that this is specific to version 2.1. If you are not using 2.1, in the top navigation add click on documentation and then select your version.

Making a different type of home page in Orchard

I've just started with the Orchard CMS and I can see that I can create a page and have different widgets on them, but I need the homepage to have a different layout.
I'd like to have some sort of different cshtml file for the homepage, but I can't seem to work out how to do it from the documentation. I also need to have four text areas on the home page that aren't on the main page.
Can someone who has done this point me in the right direction?
You should use designer tools module if you are using Orchard 1.1 +. Just search for Shapes in the admin and install the tools. Then you can create Alternates by reviewing the shapes in-browser.
In your case you should be able to create a view with the name: Content-url-homepage.cshtml
This may help you, it's a post I found about making your own themes and is a fairly simple example but covers what you are looking for:
I wanted to display the content on my
homepage slightly differently than
other pages. My homepage has an ID of
11 so I was able to reference it with
a file called Content-11.cshtml. I
could also have created a template for
all blog post content using a file
called Content-BlogPost.cshtml had I
needed to do so.
You can try this to vary the homepage layout:
Orchard 1.1 will also give you a homepage alternate out of the box.
