I'm looking to find the add-on which will draw a tooltip window at the top or bottom of the text editor whenever the cursor is next to a bracket.
The tooltip showed the lines of code surrounding the other bracket.
It was helpful to see method names whenever the methods where to big to fit on one screen.
I've done a clean install of vs2010, i think it was ether resharper or the productivity power tools. Although i can't find the option in ether of the two.
I think Resharper will do that for you.
How can I enable to select only one character by mouse in Visual Studio 2013?
It's comfortable after a typo to select it by mouse, but here I must select at least two or three characters to make a selection for editing.
to be clear let's say the cursor is already far away from that typo and VS have default setting with added opencv. Still it won't select only one character, I must click, hold, move for at least three to make a selection (or more rows).
It's already enabled and you shouldn't modify anything. Visual Studio does not interfere with mouse settings and you should be able to use it just like you would with any other text editor.
I know it is annoying!
To select a single character
double click it with the left mouse.
If the character is in a word, unfortunately,
you will have to click in front of the character, then holding shift select past the character.
It's a pity you only got rude responses.
Not a very good solution but will still help your workflow if you are used to selecting a single character via the mouse :)
Is it possible to change the width of the text editor in VS2012 - I've got a fairly wide screen and use fairly small text so I end up with a lot wasted real-estate in the middle of my screen.
I don't want to turn off word wrap - I just want the wrap to start further right on the line. If that makes sense!?
You can set this with HTML in Visual Studio 2012 but there is no global setting and it's missing in quite a few languages.
You can just put another "dummy" window next to the one you are writing in, so the actual editor window will be smaller. You can put it on the left if you want to pan the text to the right, and to the right if you want to shorten the lines.
I actually found the answer elsewhere; VS doesn't appear to provide this functionality but Resharper does. Resharper -> Options -> Code Editing -> C# -> Formatting Style -> Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Right margin (columns)
I put mine to 200 which fixed the issue
I know that this is not what you are looking for, but I believe it solves the same problem. I too have a fairly large screen and try to make use of it as optimally as possible.
I hate tabbing between code or design tabs and try to avoid that as much as possible.
VS has a feature that permits the user to create Horizontal or Vertical Tab groups and ever since I have started using it, I have found it very helpful. These options are present in the context menu by right clicking the tab or in the VS Window Menu (Menus are seen only if the tab groups feature is not active).
I have created a screenshot with Vertical Tab Groups created as shown below. In this example, I have a overview of both the designer and the code view at the same time.
We can use tab groups whenever there is a dependency such as comparing code, redesigning a module, etc. I know it takes a little time to get used to this feature but try it out and see :)
I would like to show a vertical line, next to the linenumbers, in my visual studio 2010 between parentheses when my courser is between those 2 parantheses.
I alread had that option enabled, but somehow its gone.
edit: is nobody using that feature? one of the very nice things when you are debugging
Is no one using that feature??
Edit: so last push!! there must be a way to see where the space between parentheses starts and ends.
edit: here is an image
EDIT: I still haven't found what i'm looking for. VS is so powerful there must somewhere an option or a plugin. It is really useful when you can see where your { begins and ends }.
Anyone a clue?
I haven't seen the horizontal line feature since 2008. I hated it so I haven't been looking for it either.
You should however be able to see the braces being highlighted when your cursor is on them. If not, perhaps you've changed your theme or possibly some colors in your Options menu.
Here's what you should try:
Tools ->
Options(down at the bottom of the drop-down) ->
Environment ->
Fonts and Colors
Make sure the Show settings for: selector is showing Text Editor.
The one(s) you're looking for are Brace Matching (Highlight/Rectangle).
Attempt to change it to your choosing and see if the changes take place. If not, reset to the defaults and re-check it's enabled.
Another suggestion that can be handy to get a temporary look at the extents of the body you can hover your mouse just along the margin it will highlight the most nested body. You may have to do some tweaking of your colors to make it vibrant. I use a darker color and have my code block highlighting white. I know it's not what you're looking for but it might be somewhat of a band aid.
There is a command in Visual Studio 2005 called Edit.SelectToLastGoBack (bound to Ctrl + =).
I presume it is supposed to select all the text between the current cursor position and the last 'Go Back' point, but I can't work out the algorithm it's using for deciding what that point is.
Does anyone know how to use this potentially very useful command?
Selects to the last juimp point ...
Try using the navigation bar to jump to another method in class. Then press Ctrl + "="
It will select from the start of method you jumped to all the way back to where you jumped from.
I have yet to find a use for it though TBH,
I use it for recording macros.
Frequently I want to select everything from this brace to that brace and cut it in a macro. Go to the first brace, hit ctrl-f (ctrl-i doesn't work right in macros), search to the second brace, close search with escape, and hit ctrl-= to get everything between the braces selected. This is much more reliably repeatable in a macro than something like using ctrl arrows to navigate a word at a time while holding down shift, and is similar to the emacs concept of setting a mark point.
I'm not sure what all starts a new 'location in navigation history', but I'm sure starting a search does and that's all I need.
I just discovered this command is available in Visual Studio 2012. I've been looking for it ever since I got VS 2012. I kept thinking it was something like anchor, like select everything between the anchor and point. I was disappointed that macro recording and playing are no longer available. But I am glad this command still exists.
Another useful command is ctrl+k ctrl+a, which is Edit.SwapAnchor. So, you could be someplace in the code, then do a find. Now you have the point and anchor (maybe also known as the cursor and last goback). You can do ctrl+= to select, then ctrl+k ctrl+a then extend from the other end using another find--or something like that.
The scrollbar scrolls way past the end of my class. Is there any way to adjust this? Is it just the VS convention? I can't delete the space, so it isn't carriage returns.
The reason I don't like this is that I keep accidentally scrolling past the end of my class!
I'd especially like to hear from people who actually have Visual Studio 2008 installed ;)
Either you have extra newlines (the cr/lfs Jim Anderson was talking about) in which case you can just select all the blank lines and hit delete to get rid of the extra space. The other possibility is that what you think is blank space is just the IDE letting you scroll down one page past the end of the file (until the last line of the file is at the very top of the screen). This is to let you scroll to the bottom of the file and start typing without causing the screen to scroll every time you start a new line.
A quick glance at the other editors on my computer shows that this sort of thing is common - CodeWright will let you keep scrolling down as far as you want (pages and pages past the end of text) - although it does show the scroll bar as being all the way to the bottom when the bottom of the file is in the middle of the screen of text.
Even basic tools like Query Analyzer have this.
This is a feature (no, not a bug relabeled a "feature").
Reboot? No seriously, more information is needed.
I am guessing you have CR/LFs you you need to delete.