How do i do the following task with quickbase? - quickbase

How do i know the users who added the record in quickbase table or who have the permission to add ,Edit or delete the record or how can i check the flow of adding a data into quickbase tables ?

When you create a table in quickbase, it defaults to creating a field that display which user account has inserted the record. The default names are Record Owner and Last Modified By.
Record Owner is for the user who initially created the record.
Last Modified By is for the user account that last modified the record.
Date Created will tell you when it was created and Date modified will tell you when it was last modified. These fields are not default in reports. I would make a custom report that only the administrators can see to follow the tracking of the flow of records adding and editing.
The help file at this link QuickBase Help for User Control will help you understand how to manage your user accounts and also know who has access to what for which application.
Hope this helps.


In QuickBase, is there a way to make one field have unique user access?

I'm the QuickBase Admin for my QuickBase app. In the app, there's a dashboard report that's used by individuals with viewer access; that way, they can see their students' data, but can't edit the app, tables, structures, etc.
My app's users want to be able to edit one field with notes on that row's data (each row is a student's data, so they'd want to use that field to add notes on that individual), but viewers don't have editing/data entry access tn any column. Is there a way for users to have editing/data entry access to one field, but not the others?
I know with Tableau and other BI software, this isn't possible, but I wanted to ask since my users asked.
Thank you for reading.
Sure you can.
Actually there are more ways to implement this needs.
My opinion better if you create a new table and make a relationship between the student data and a (new) Notes table and you will be able to setup edit rights eg by record owner.
An other way, you can allow the edit right for your users and you can make a restriction on field level. In this case you have to go through on each field and at the Advanced section you will find Permission - Restrict access by role.
Hopefully you do not have a lot of fields :)

How to display record in custom created related list of all users having same manager in servicenow

I want to display the record in custom created related list of all users having saming manager in servicenow. For e.g. Abel, Jack has manager Adel, so when I open Adel record I should be able to see the Abel user and Jack user.
This is the script I used and don't know how it will execute in related list:
var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
I tried this is in Scripts Background option in Application Navigator
You shouldn't need to code for this. If you want to add a related list of user's the current user manages. It will list as "Users" but you can change that label in the related list configuration.
If you meant to do this by code, you'd need to a scripted relationship the data. Here's some information on that.

Laravel: not allow multiple user to update the same database record

In Laravel is there any way to lock particular record with the user and don't allow another user to edit the same record.
For example, User A edit a record R1. This record will lock for the other Users. At the same time, if any other user tries to edit the record R1 then it show the error message at front-end that 'User A is currently editing this record.' and not allow to update the record.
By default MySQL locks the database when one query updates a record and other queries are made in queue to wait for the current query to finish first.
So basically two users cannot update the same record at the same time. It's not possible.
However if you mean like when a user starts editing a form or something, in that very moment you want to lock all fields of the form in the database so that when other users cannot even access the form until the first user stops editing it then you can go with Stony's answer. Just have a field in the table which gets populated with the id of the user currently editing the form, that way you have a way to check if:
some user is editing the form by checking the field if its null or not
also to fetch the user based upon id and show the message who is editing the form
I advise you to make field nullable and foreign key so that you can use an eloquent relationship to fetch the user easily.
I think you don't mean a Transaction where the table is locked in that moment where the user save something that you don't have inconsistency.
I think in your case you have to make a field in your database in_use. When a user open the edit form you write the user id in that field and lock the form. When the next user enter the form you write a message that user XY is editing the record at the moment. But then you have to look that you unlock the record if the user leave the form / record.
Perhaps something like this could help:

How to associate row with a user in

How to create a column in such that I can associate each row with a particular user? Also how to protect each row with the user so that others can not perform data modification on that particular row?
For most purposes, you want a Pointer column to the user.
For securing your data to that particular user, you'll want to look at object-level access control. You should be able to find most of what you need in the guide:
(There are also similar guides for JS and Android)
Per this link: on the parse site, add a column that is a User to the table you want associate. Then use Parse.user.currentUser() to set that value.

How to implement only one user can access a certain the page - MVC 3

I have a page for editing product details. I want to restrict that only one user can edit the product page. When a new user opens it while there is a current user editing it, I would like to place some notification then automatically make it available once the current user leaves the page. Any suggestion on how I should approach this?
I would recommend just letting them both edit at the same time.
If you want to notify the last person to save their document, then you can add a "version" column to the database.
Upon saving, you would check the version column, to ensure that the row had not been changed. If it had been changed, you would notify the user at that point.
If i understand you question correctly it sounds like you need to know about database concurrency,
Here are a couple of articles:
Now if you are asking how to authorize only a single user to edit records then you would need to look at roles and aloow say only admins to edit records.
you can have optimistic lock on your record while it is in edit mode , once it is saved make that record avaliable for other user.
Try something like this:
Create a table something like userAccess with IsAccessColumn
if user 1 access edit page set isAccess to True
So the second user will not access the edit page if records is set to true.
Then Set to False if user 1 finally edited the record
After that user 2 can now open edit page.
