Regex add special characters - ruby

I have this regex:
var characterReg = /^\s*[a-zA-Z0-9,\s]+\s*$/;
How do I include the letters: Å, Ø, Æ, å, ø, æ ?

Use the unicode values:
for perl, use:
will match the 1234 unicode character twice.
There is much more information on this here:
In ruby, looks like unicode support is half-baked:


Dealing with special character in Nokogiri / Regex

I am getting the text from the body of an HTML doc as below. When I try to regex scan for the term "Exhibit 99", I get an no matched, i.e, an empty array. However, in the html, I do see "Exhibit 99", although inspect element shows it with &nbsp99. How can I get rid of these HTML characters and search for "Exhibit 99" as if it were a regular string?
url = ""
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
body = doc.css("body").text
body.scan(/exhibit 99/i)
Unicode character space
You can use :
From the documentation about Unicode character’s General Category:
/\p{Z}/ - 'Separator'
/\p{Zs}/ - 'Separator: Space'
It matches a whitespace or a non-breaking space, but no tab or newline. The string should be encoded in UTF-8. See this related question for more information.
non-word character
A more permissive regex would be :
This allows any character other than a letter, a digit or an underscore between exhibit and 99. It would match a whitespace, a nbsp, a tab, a dash, ...

Replace all characters other than english letters and numbers to underscore

I have a string, and I would like to replace all special characters with underscores.
In other words, I just want 26 english letters (lower and upper cases) and 0-9 and the "_" character.
Also note that there are the non-english characters and they need to be replaced with "_" as well.
What is the most elegant way to do this in Ruby?
It sounds like you want to replace all non-word characters with underscores. Therefore,
result = subject.gsub(/[^\w]/, '_')
But are you okay that this would also replace newlines and other whitespace characters?
If not, change it to
result = subject.gsub(/[^\w\s]/, '_')
Explain Regex
[^\w\s] # any character except: word characters (a-
# z, A-Z, 0-9, _), whitespace (\n, \r, \t,
# \f, and " ")
As #CarySwoveland mentions, the [^\w] can also be written with the shorthand \W.

Regexp non alphanumerical but not German characters

I would like to remove all non alpha numerical characters from a string. Except space, - and some German characters.
regexp = "mönchengladbach."
regexp.gsub(/[^0-9a-z \-]/i, '')
=> mnchengladbach
I need this:
=> mönchengladbach
It should also not replace other German characters such as:
ä ö ü ß
It was just me not testing properly. The IRB did not accept special characters. This works for me:
regexp.gsub(/[^0-9a-z \-äüöß]/i, '')
To remove all that is not a letter or a space you can use this:
str.gsub(/[^\p{L}\s]+/, '')
I use here a negated character class, [^\p{L}\s] means all that is not a letter (in all language you want) or a white charater (space, tab, newlines)
\p{L} is an unicode character class for Letters.
You can easily add other characters you want to preserve like -:
str.gsub(/[^\p{L}\s-]+/, '')
example script:
# encoding: UTF-8
str = "mönchengladbach."
str = str.gsub(/[^\p{L}\s]+/, '#')
puts str
I think you want:
/[^[:alnum:] -]/
Note the //i is not necessary and no need to escape - when it's at the end of a []

How to match any quoted strings containing Cyrillic symbols

Need parse a lot of text files and replace any quoted strings containing cyrillic symbols. They are may contains new lines, non-alphabetic characters and special symbols (for example '$' or escaped quote).
Can anyone help with regex?
From comments:
for example php code
function hello($word) {
$word2 = "ха-ха!";
echo "Привет, $word $word2\n";
I need match "ха-ха!", "Привет, $word $word2\n" and 'Мир'
This should work:
str = 'The cat is under the "таблица"'
regex = /"\p{Cyrillic}+.*?\.?"/ui
str.match(regex){|s| do_stuff_with_each_matching s}
# or...
str.gsub!(regex){|s| method_that_translates_russian s}
Check it out on live at
".*[^a-zA-Z\d]+.*" matches any quoted character sequence containing at least one non-alphanumeric character.
i.e. it matches "aa$bb" and "a1$b1"
It doesn't match "aabb" or a$b.
Hope that this is what you want (Add required escaping).

how to remove whitespace but not utf-8 character in ruby

I want to prevent users to write an empty comment (whitespaces, , etc.). so I apply the following:
var.gsub(/^\s+|\s+\z|\s* \s*/.'')
However, then a smart user find a hole by using \302 or \240 unicode characters so I filtered out these characters too.
Then I ran into problem as I introduced several languages support, then a word like Déjà vu becomes an error. because part of the à character contains \240. is there any way to remove the whitespaces but leave the latin characters untouched?
A way around this is to use iconv to discard the invalid unicode characters (such as \230 on its own) before using your regexp to remove the whitespaces:
require 'iconv'
var1 = "Déjà vu"
var2 = "\240"
ic ='UTF-8//IGNORE', 'UTF-8')
valid1 = ic.iconv(var1) # => "D\303\251j\303\240 vu"
valid2 = ic.iconv(var2) # => ""
