gnumake and pattern rules - makefile

I'm using GNUmake to generate a deployment version of some web content from a source directory. I want to be rules that will run some files through compression tools (e.g. YUI compressor), and then for anything that doesn't have a rule, just copy it.
So for example:
# Rule with all the $(WWW_OUT_DIR)/*.* files as a prerequisite
# Generic rule to perform compression on Javascript files.
$(WWW_OUT_DIR)/%.js: $(WWW_SRC_DIR)/%.js
$(YUI_COMP) $(YUI_COMP_OPTS) $< > $#
# Generic rule to perform compression on CSS files.
$(WWW_OUT_DIR)/%.css: $(WWW_SRC_DIR)/%.css
$(YUI_COMP) $(YUI_COMP_OPTS) $< > $#
# TDB Rule to magically handle everything else? (This doesn't work)
$(WWW_OUT_DIR)/%.%: $(WWW_SRC_DIR)/%.%
cp $< $#
How do I accomplish what that last rule is trying to do? I.e. For everything in $(WWW_OUT_FILES) that's not a .js or .css, just copy it? If possible, I want to retain the dependency on the corresponding input file.

You are almost right, the only thing to fix is the last pattern rule, just remove redundant percent symbol:
cp $< $#
Also keep in mind that as of GNU Make 3.82 pattern search algorithm has been modified a bit (from Changelog):
The pattern-specific variables and pattern rules are now applied in the
shortest stem first order instead of the definition order (variables
and rules with the same stem length are still applied in the definition
order). This produces the usually-desired behavior where more specific
patterns are preferred.
It is exactly what you want in case if you use the most recent version of Make. In order to get your Makefile compatible with other versions of GNU Make (including versions earlier than 3.82), the rule must be defined after other ones (as in the original question).
A good example from here:
Prior to version 3.82, when gmake finds multiple matches during a pattern search, it prefers patterns declared earlier in the makefile over patterns declared later. As of 3.82, gmake instead prefers the pattern that results in the shortest stem. That sounds a bit confusing thanks to the jargon, but I think this will actually cause gmake to better adhere to the principle of least astonishment. Here’s an example:
all: sub/foo.x
#echo "Prefer first match (stem is $*)."
#echo "Prefer most specific match (stem is $*)."
Compare the output from gmake 3.81 and 3.82:
gmake 3.81
Prefer first match (stem is sub/foo).
gmake 3.82
Prefer most specific match (stem is foo).
gmake 3.82 prefers the second pattern because it is a more specific match than the first. Note that this is a significant backwards-incompatibility compared with previous versions of gmake!


Matching a dependency using `subst` function in Makefile

I have a rule for the target
in my makefile such that it has a dependency
Using subst functions, I'm trying to create the dependency by pattern matching as
%/written_*.mp4: \
$(subst processed,raw, $$*)/*.mov \
<do something>
However, the above rule can't find the *.mov dependency. i have tried many versions of $(subst processed,raw, $$*)/*.mov to match the dependency but didn't work.
How to do this? What is the correct syntax?
First, you can't do this:
You can't combine a pattern % with a wildcard *. You have to realize that make works in two very discrete steps: first, all the makefiles are parsed and an internal representation of all the targets and prerequisites are constructed into a graph. Then, make walks that graph figuring out what needs to be built and how to build it, and running recipes.
Make variables, functions, and wildcards in targets and prerequisites are expanded when makefiles are parsed (in the first step). Automatic variables like $* are not set until a recipe is invoked (the second step), and patterns like % are not matched/expanded until make tries to decide how to build something (again in the second step).
So, a rule like:
%/written_*.mp4: $(subst processed,raw, $$*)/*.mov
can't work because the wildcard will expand to files matching the literal filename %/written_*.mp4 which clearly has no matches since you won't have a directory named %. In any event you can't use wildcards in targets because when make is parsing the makefile those targets won't exist (since that's what you want make to build) so the wildcards won't match anything. Also, $$* is the literal string $* and there is no processed string in that so the subst function will do nothing. And, even if /*.mov did match something it would put ALL the files matching that wildcard as prerequisites of every target so they'd all get rebuilt whenever any one changed.
And finally, you definitely should not use a backslash after your prerequisites: this just turns your recipe into prerequisites.
Your problem is very difficult to solve because your target and prerequisite differ in multiple distinct places and make doesn't support multiple % matching. You can get most of the way there with this:
data/processed/%.mp4: data/raw/
<do something>
However this is not quite right because the % in the target is written_... while in the prerequisite it's just ... and this is not possible to represent in make.
If you can rework the filenames so that instead of written_piv21122021.005.exp6.mp4 you can use piv21122021.005.exp6.written.mp4 (or even better you don't need the written_ prefix at all) then you can easily do this. If not you'll need to get very fancy to make this work.
Here is an imperfect kludge.
Delegate the work to another makefile I'll call In the main makefile:
#$(MAKE) -f $#
And in this ugly transformation:
$(MAKECMDGOALS): $$(patsubst data/processed/%,data/raw/%,$$(subst written_,,$$(patsubst %.mp4,,$$#))) whatever with $< and $#...
This incurs the usual cost of recursive Make: it blinds the higher-level Make to the dependency relations being tracked by the lower one. So if your Make must build that mov file, or you try to build the mp4 when the mov does not exist, then this solution will require some more careful pipefitting before it will work correctly.

Why does GNU Make have a default rule to create file.out from file?

If you read the Catalog of Rules section of the GNU Make manual, it turns out that one of the suffixes that it recognizes is .out and there is a built-in rule:
%.out: %
# commands to execute (built-in):
#rm -f $#
cp $< $#
This means that if you have a file xyz in a directory, you can create xyz.out by simply typing make xyz.out.
My question is (two variants of the same question):
Who benefits from this rule?
In what circumstances is this used by people?
Obviously, I'm asking because I managed to run foul of the rule. I had some rules like:
test.01: ${PROGRAM} ${DRIVER} test.01.tst test.01.out ${DATA.01}
where the name test.01 is a phony target, but one of the dependencies is test.01.out. When actively run (not using make -n; that works fine), this gives me lots of errors like:
make[1]: Circular test.01 <- test.01.out dependency dropped.
I also tried dropping the .out suffix with:
and that didn't seem to neuter the .out rule like I expected. Is that an expected feature of GNU Make?
I guess I'm going to have to work around this bug feature of GNU Make by changing my suffix to .req or something similar, but it is a nuisance and I'm left puzzled about why the .out rule is part of the standard GNU Make rule set.
I don't know the answer to your questions about the use of this rule. All I can say is that this rule already existed when GNU make was first checked into source control, in Jan 1992. It's not mentioned in any ChangeLog so probably it dates back to the very earliest versions.
The actual rule is defined as a pattern rule, so changing .SUFFIXES won't help. To get rid of it you can use:
%.out : %
(no recipe) which will delete the pattern rule.

GNU make - how to set an implicit pattern as a prerequisite

I have this implicit rule:
qnx_ln $< $#
I realized that for another target, I have to make all .so files the prerequisite for that target.
I tried this:
makegen: $(TEAM_ROOT)HMI_FORGF/src/ module_dirs
But I got the output
*** No rule to make target '', needed by 'makegen'. Stop.
% prerequisite patterns can only be used in static and implicit pattern rules, where they match the respective % part of the target; when used in a regular rule % is a literal character.
You'll need to specify the dependencies literally, unless there is some correspondence between certain source filenames and the .so filenames that you can leverage, presumably you're already doing either of these to link the .so files in the first place.
As pointed out previously, no you can't do that because this is not how prerequisite patterns work. Maybe you gave the following a thought and rejected it but I suspect you might find the following a close-enough fit:
echo $< >> $(BUILD)/so.targets
SO_TARGETS=$(basename $(shell cat $(BUILD)/so.targets))
makegen: $(TEAM_ROOT)HMI_FORGF/src/ module_dirs $(SO_TARGETS)
Maybe you are looking for a rule to match on every existing *.so file?
makegen: $(TEAM_ROOT)HMI_FORGF/src/ module_dirs $(wildcard *.so)
However, if there are patterns which could generate *.so files which have not yet generated those files, they will (obviously) not be matched by the wildcard, which simply examines existing files. If that's what you actually want to accomplish, you'll probably want to enumerate the actual files, one way or another.

searchpath for prereqisites, like vpath, but only for some pattern rules

I'm trying to build several executables in one make instance, as suggested by
Recursive Make Considered Harmful.
The arguments of that paper apply to my project because some of my source files are generated, and go into multiple executables.
The object files for each of these executables go into separate directories, because they are compiled with different preprocessor flags.
How can I specify separate vpath settings for each of these executables, so that source files with duplicate filenames in separate directories go into the executables where I want them to go?
Setting vpath before the rules to build the object files for one executable, and erasing it afterwards (by not giving any directories) doesn't have the desired effect. Apparently, the last setting is used for all the rules.
Solutions I see currently:
Rename source filenames to use unique names so that I can use a global vpath setting
Instead of vpath, use separate rules for each source directory, with the source directory in the prerequisite pattern (*)
Recursive make, with separate vpath settings in each make instance, and somehow deal with the resulting trouble.
Use something different than make.
Is there a better solution, or which one of the above would you prefer?
(*) The solution with separate rules looks like this:
build/$(PROGRAM)/%.o: %.c
build/$(PROGRAM)/%.o: $($(PROGRAM)_SOURCE_DIR)/%.c
Ok for my current project, but would become ugly fast, if there where more than one directory different in the source paths of the executables
Edit: Test for suggestion of #Etan, which shows that $^ is empty, when the prerequisites appear only in pattern rules (y/y.c) - this only works if each dependency is given directly, as for x/x.c.
.PHONY: all
all: build/x.o build/y.o
build/x.o: x/x.c
# the following rule is ignored:
build/%.o: y/%.c
# because there is a matching pattern rule with a recipe:
#echo \"$#\" from \"$^\"
#touch $#
The files x/x.c, y/y.c and the directory build exist.
"build/x.o" from "x/x.c"
"build/y.o" from ""
Tested with GNU Make 3.82.90
First, it's never correct to use VPATH or vpath to find derived files (files that are built by make)... that includes "source files that are generated" (if they are generated by make, and not before make is invoked somehow). VPATH/vpath can only be used to find source files (files that are not built by make). See How not to use VPATH for more information.
Second, vpath is a global setting, not a per-target setting. Whenever make wants to find a prerequisite and that prerequisite doesn't exist "normally", make will use the vpath settings to find it. There's no facility in vpath to say "for this target use these vpath settings, for that target use those". In an ideal world, you would be able to set VPATH as a target-specific variable but this doesn't work.
There are various ways to generate prerequisites based on a target: you might find some of the suggestions on metaprogramming in make helpful.
Lastly, the makefile example you give regarding $^ is not correct:
# the following rule is ignored:
build/%.o: y/%.c
# because there is a matching pattern rule with a recipe:
#echo \"$#\" from \"$^\"
#touch $#
You cannot specify a pattern rule without any recipe and have it "add" prerequisite patterns to some other existing pattern rule. It works for explicit rules, to add more prerequisites to a target, but specifying a pattern rule with no recipe simply deletes the pattern rule.
So, $^ is empty for build/y.o because there are no prerequisites defined in the pattern rule and you've not defined any explicit prerequisites for build/y.o like you did for build/x.o.
ETA: The reference to metaprogramming was to suggest that you can use it to make your second option, which is the one I would use, be less typing and easier maintenance. Pick the method you prefer and auto-generate the various pattern rules. This might be termed a "fifth option".
Other than that any of the four you suggest are fine, and there isn't another option you're missing that I'm aware of.

How such makefile works? (is it normal?)

I encountered such pattern in makefile
CXXOBJ = f1.o f2.o f3.o
$(CXXOBJ): %.o: %.cpp
g++ -c $< -o $#
f1.o: f1.cpp f1.hpp f2.hpp
f2.o: f2.cpp f2.hpp f3.hpp macros.h
f3.o: f3.cpp f3.hpp
It works (at least with GNU make 4.0).
It uses generic recipe from 4th line,
but in addition uses dependencies defined at the bottom.
Is it standard make behavior? (or is it specific to GNU-make?)
Is it standard way to write make file? (i.e. are people usualy doing it this way or is it something 'exotic'?)
How exactly does it work?
How does make combine 2 distinct rules for same file? (just append dependency list or something more?)
(I was browsing through GNU-make manual, but could not find relevant part)
This is called static pattern rules ( It is specific to GNU make. It might be useful when different targets require different recipes to build, but match the same pattern.
As for third question, there are no distinct rules for the same file. Everything is quite well defined, each target have corresponding .cpp file.
GNU Make manual:
One file can be the target of several rules. All the dependencies
mentioned in all the rules are merged into one list of dependencies
for the target....
There can only be one set of commands to be executed for a file. If
more than one rule gives commands for the same file, make uses the
last set given and prints an error message...
