Mac OS X app sandbox issue - macos

I am writing a command line tool. There I'd like to create a directory in the /Users/user_name/Library directory. When I run that program from Terminal as a root, then everything is ok, but the problem is when I want to use that tool as a backend for cups (that program is called, also as root, when I print something). The program is called, but in the system.log file I found the error: sandboxd: deny file-write-*. I'm a new Mac OS X programmer and I'm not sure how to fix it. Anybody can help me?

Since Snow Leopard cups is running in a sandbox that prevents it from misbehaving - like accessing user's home. Depending on your OS X version you can get away by using another directory, not user's home. On Lion it is even more restrictive than that. The sandboxing rules are built-in to the cups binary (as opposed to sb scripts), so your only luck may be replacing cups with a version that specifically allows access to what you need in the sandbox (if you really want to go there, the rules are defined by cupsdCreateProfile in cups/scheduler/process.c). AFAICT there is nothing you can do in your application, because sandboxing is designed to prevent exactly what you are trying to do.
Another alternative is to not run cups as root, because sandboxing is only used when cups is run as root.


Why does running a clang compiled executable on a network drive, hang all subsequent executions of compiled executables?

I'm perplexed by this one and not sure what's relevant so will include all context:
MacBook Pro with an M1 Pro running macOS 12.6.
Apple clang version 14.0.0, freshly installed by deleting DeveloperTools folder and running xcode-select --install.
Using zsh in Terminal.
Network share mounted using no-configuration Finder method (seems to use standard SMB, but authenticates with my Apple ID)
Network share is my home directory on a iMac with a Core i5 running macOS 11.6.8.
Update: also tried root directory and using the tmp directory, to eliminate one category of doubt. Same result.
The minimum repeatable example of the issue I've managed to find is:
Use gcc from Apple's Developer Tools to compile a “Hello World” C application (originally discovered using ghc to compile Haskell - effect is the same).
Run the compiled executable. No surprises.
cd to the mounted network drive.
Do the same thing there - compiled executable hangs! First surprise, but relatively minor.
Return to the local machine. Original compiled executable still runs fine.
Use the DeveloperTools to compile anything, including the original source - compiled executable on local machine now hangs!
I've created an asciinema recording of the MRE. You can see the key part of the transcript in this still:
I’ve tried killing processes, checking lsof, unmounting the drive, logging in and out, checking the PATH, etc. Nothing gets me back to a working state short of a reboot.
Some more troubleshooting data:
gcc -v is identical for both executables, except for -fdebug-compilation-dir (set to cwd) and the name of the object file (randomly generated).
Just performing the compilation doesn't trigger the issue - running the networked executable does.
Trawling through the voluminous Console log reveals nothing relevant.
system.log shows no entries around the time of the issue.
lsof and ps -axww show reams and reams of output that is hard to spot patterns in, but I'm pretty sure there is no significant before/after differences.
I left the hung process running on the local machine overnight, and there's no change the next day.
Have I triggered some sandboxing or security fault and am being protected from disastrous consequences? Or this some clang/llvm related quirk I'm not familiar with? Or, given that ghc using its native code generator seems to have the same result, is this a bug in the way stdout is provided to executables? I'm at a loss!
Oh boy, avoiding Apple ID authentication of the network share fixed this for me.
I forced Finder to not use it’s magic no-configuration Apple ID login method, by opening the Location in Finder, clicking the "Disconnect" button and then clicking the "Connect As..." button that appears in its place. If I choose "Registered User" and use my username and password, I can then execute exactly the same commands (since the mount name ends up being the same) and execution works without an issue. I can continue to compile and execute to my heart's content.
That the Apple ID method is being used in the first place is not obvious (in true minimal design fashion), but subtly indicated at the top of the Finder window as "Connected as ". The only obvious difference this makes, is the username shown in mount:
Apple ID:
//<UUID>#<HOSTNAME>._smb._tcp.local/<SHARE> on /Volumes/<SHARE> (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by <USERNAME>)
"Registered User":
//<USERNAME>#<HOSTNAME>._smb._tcp.local/<SHARE> on /Volumes/<SHARE> (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by <USERNAME>)
Obviously something far more significant is different, given the fundamental impact, but it's not at all clear to me what that is. So at this stage, this answer is just a workaround to a nasty bug.

how to mach_inject without sudo

I've written a plugin for finder on Mac(mountain lion) and it works perfectly, but I have to run the bundle with sudo. Then I make a package(Packagemaker) to run this bundle and it failed(install correctly and if I run it by clicking desktop icon it failed, if run though commandline with sudo, it works).
Does anybody know how to fix this issue just like installing dropbox (and then sync icon shows)
The problem you're facing is that, internally, mach_inject calls the function task_for_pid.
This function returns the kernel task id for the given process pid and due to security reasons, Apple now requires that use of this function can only take place from users that are members of either the root or procmod groups. This explains why running sudo works for you.
If you're just developing this for just your own use, the simplest method is to add yourself to the procmod group. However, if you want to distribute the application, you'll need to ensure that any installer installs the program to run as a member of the root or procmod groups.
One possibility is to separate your application into two parts, where the second is registered to run with elevated privileges using SMJobBless. If you don't program in Objective-C, don't worry as the actually parts of SMJobBless that are required are just C function calls; look for AuthorizationCopyRights and SMJobBless in the given example code.
Alternatively, if the application is code-signed, that should work too, though it's not something I've tried myself. You can read about that here.
As of OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), task_for_pid is an entitled function call, only available to software with a specific entitlement in its certificate and no longer available to 3rd party developers.
This breaks mach_inject, making it harder to retrieve another process's mach task, whilst SIP (System Integrity Projection) is enabled.

Mac SDL+OpenGL App refuses to launch from anything but terminal

We've got a fairly mature cross-platform game engine which we've had running on OSX for several years now without a hitch; we recently upgraded the game from SDL 1.2.15 to 2.0, and at some point in the conversion, I goofed something up and now we have a bizarre problem where the app launches just fine from the terminal, but when you launch the app from a double-click in the Finder, it just bounces once in the dock and just goes away.
We're baffled because insofar as I can tell, there's only a one-liner being printed in Exited with code: 255 (naturally running from the terminal doesn't help here because we can't reproduce the problem there; the app runs fine when launched in a terminal).
So the only thing we can figure is it's either something we're goofing up in our main.cpp, or something we've hosed in how I set up the dylibs/frameworks. It's also possible that it's something to do with the working directory not being set right, but to the best of my abilities, I believe we're doing it right (regardless of your current working directory; the app attempts to forcibly set said directory to be in the Resources folder - this was necessary to get the game to launch, but I don't know if we're doing it wrong). This feels like a somewhat awkward fit for stackoverflow, for which I apologize, since it's not a simple "paste this code and ask what's wrong" job. I have two ways for you to reproduce it; firstly we are an open-source project, and you can get our source code (complete with a mac project file and all dependencies included in the repo, set up and ready-to-go exactly as I've perhaps erroneously created them), at our github page. The one change you'll need to do is open a file at the root level, named master-config.cfg, and remove the // comments from it (so the engine knows you want to launch a simple demo game shipped with the engine).
Alternately, I have a stripped down (~15mb zipped) binary you can directly download and try to run, if that's sufficient to diagnose the problem.
As said before, we're open-source, so we welcome any pull-requests for fixes!
You need to write a minimal Cocoa wrapper so that OS X will not SIGKILL you for not launching properly. I will give you a pull request with that wrapper.

running Mathematica remotely on macs

Here is what I want to do:
I want to run Mathematica on another Mac from my Mac (both Snow Leopards). I want to do this because the remote Mac has multiple cores/processors while my local Mac is rather shabby. I would like to have the front end still locally (i.e. the graphical interface).
What I've learned:
I used to do this type of thing from multiple Linux machines and was expecting to have similar success for Mac-to-Mac operation. However no such luck.
The problem seems to be a display issue (front end).
Mac front end runs in Aqua while X11 is what is really needed (this is why there is no problem on Unix). While Macs have X11, for some reason Mathematica can't use it.
So how do I get around this issue?
Possible solutions that I have had to rule out are: 1. screen sharing. Not practical since someone else will be using the remote Mac on another account. Screen sharing only uses the active screen. 2. Installing Unix on the remote computer. Not possible in my situation.
You should be able to set up a remote kernel on the other Mac. This is done through the Evaluation > Kernel Configurations menu item. The you can set the remote kernel for a given notebook using Evaluation > Notebook's Kernel or globally via Evaluation > Default Kernel.
I haven't done this in a while, and it's sometimes useful to test things from a terminal with something like
ssh <user>#<> </path/to/remote/>
Why not use the command line kernel? I have a script math which does:
rlwrap /Applications/
I built rlwrap from source, but basically that tool gives you readline behaviors. You can just do
ssh remote-machine /Applications/
The only solution, I believe, is for you to upgrade to OS X Lion. It allows simultaneous screen sharing sessions where each user can control the screen for their own account:

What is a "Symbolication warning"?

I've got a user reporting crashes in my Mac OS X application, and their console logs report the following:
Symbolication warning: error parsing FDE at 0x100052649 in:\n
Does anyone have any insight into what this might be? I assume that somehow the symbols have been stripped from my app in a way that gets in the way of Mac OS X's crash reporter, but I've not seen it before.
I can honestly say that I have never seen this one before. I have seen a number of other dynamic linking problems just not this one. If the user is amenable to helping you with this defect, you might want to write a shell script to enable some dynamic linking environment variables and then launch your application.
#! /bin/bash
open -a > /tmp/link-log 2>&1
The output log might provide some hint as to what is going on. You could also capture the output of otool and other command line utilities to check for unexpected libraries and what not.
You might want to google Symbolication to get a better handle of what is going on here. I came across an interesting chunk of code from Darwin that points this to a dynamic symbol lookup warning. There is also a utility called Shark that may be of interest as well.
Good luck...
I just found this topic via Google because I'm having the same problem. The StarCraft installer crashes immediately. It points to /usr/libexec/oah/translate, which seems to work perfectly well. My guess is this has something to do with the fact the computer it doesn't work on runs iDeneb 1.3 (aka Mac OS X 86 for use on non-Apple hardware), whereas the computer that can run the application just fine has a genuine version of Leopard.
