Maven for multiple modules - maven

How do I run selected modules using parent pom in Maven like I have
sometimes as developer if I want to build first module only so how should I achieve this task in parent pom?

First you have to make a decision.
Assuming that some of your child modules depend on other child modules you have to decide if you want to:
a) build one or more modules by themselves using the last built version of the dependent modules located in your ~/.m2/repository directory. This is super useful if you want to, say, rebuild the web_2 module which depends on the service_2 module, but service_2 is currently busted and won't compile. In this case do this:
mvn clean install --projects module-directory-name
b) you want to build a module and have maven recursively check all dependent modules to see if they need to be rebuilt. This is slower and safer typically. This command is:
mvn reactor:make -Dmake.artifacts=com.yourgroup:module-name
I use both of these at different times every day.

mvn reactor:make -Dmake.folders=barBusinessLogic
as described here


Make maven output show progressed sub-modules only

I am working with an automatic build script in maven 3.x. The parent project contains of more than 60 modules. The compilation is done in a shell script simplified this way:
for each module:
cd module
mvn clean install > compile.$module.log
echo "Compiled $module"
I like to see a list of compiled modules in order to see the progress or the build. I like to have a big maven command and avoid the manual for loop. I hope to speed up the build this way, since splitting the parent project into more independent modules is not a short time option, yet.
The --quiet flag might be enough already. Alternatively a user defined logging implementation would be fine as well, as described in the manual (
The questions are:
What is the prefered way to modify maven log output?
Does anyone already know a ready-to-use plugin for my purpose?

Conditionally ordering tasks in Gradle

Consider a Gradle plugin that adds three tasks to a project - a buildZip task to create a distributable zip of the project, a publishZip task to publish that zip to a shared repository, and a cleanZip task to clean up any local version of the zip. For local development, cleanZip buildZip will be used frequently, but the automated build system will be running buildZip publishZip cleanZip.
One of the projects in which this plugin is being used wants to run their build using Gradle's parallel flag to allow the different parts of the project to be built in parallel. Unfortunately, this runs into a problem with the zip tasks - buildZip depends on the project actually building, but cleanZip doesn't have any dependencies so it can run right away, leading to the automated build system not being able to clean up.
Declaring any dependencies between these tasks isn't a good idea because they should be able to be run separately. Also, I can't specify mustRunAfter (at least between buildZip and cleanZip) because sometimes clean should be first and sometimes build should be first.
How can I tell Gradle what order to run these tasks in, in a way that will be honored by --parallel and isn't hardcoded to have a particular one always run before the other?
What you can do is: detect if gradle is run with --parallel and based on this configure dependencies between tasks appropriately. It can be done in the following way:
println project.gradle.startParameter.parallelProjectExecutionEnabled

maven, package without recompile a module

I have a war module (C) that depends on two other modules (A,B). When I change A and do repackaging for C mvn package then B got recompiled as well (although nothing in it changes), and takes a lot of time. How do I tell maven to skip that?
Use the new compiler plugin version 3.1. It conducts an incremental compile which works marvellously for me. It does a complete compile when it finds changes in a module, else it does not compile anything.
Incremental mode is the default, so in fact there is nothing else to do than updating the version!
Of course you should not perform a clean in advance. This would lead to a full compile always.
Remove B from the project by excluding it from the relevant parent POM. You could do so in a development profile. This way, it is loaded from the maven cache rather than recompiled every time.
You can also use the option -pl. Pl stands for "project list". You type
mvn -pl myProjA,myProjB clean install
This would build only those two projects. But beware, you might oversee necessary projects to build.
I was not able to find this on the maven docs, but I'm sure it's there, too.

Which Maven goal to use as no-op (for scripting purposes)?

I have a script on Jenkins CI which optionally does dependency:go-offline. The other option should be to do nothing. But I can't put "" in there - it must be a goal.
So - which one would you pick? It should:
Be in central, always reachable
Take minimum time
Have minimal output
Have no side effects
I was thinking of some help:... goal but those tend to have a lot of output. Any better?
You can use this goal and option:
mvn --quiet help:help
the -q,--quiet option causes the output to only show errors.
Note that Jenkins allows you to add options like --quiet as diplayed in the usage: mvn [options] [<goal(s)>]. You configure these in the Jenkins job’s “Goals and options” field.
Check mvn --help output for further information.
I know this is an old question, but I came across it when I had the same requirement and it's still unanswered, so I'm posting for anyone who needs it in future.
This still depends on the current project, but could be useful if you don't want to hardcode a specific plugin for some reason:
mvn -pl ./ validate
-pl ./ means only current project, ignore submodules. Alternatively you could specify specific project by relative path or [groupId]:artifactId.
validate is the first phase of the Default Lifecycle. Doesn't change or build anything.
Alternatively, if you don't have a maven project at all, some maven plugins, or rather specific plugin goals, can be executed without it. E.g.:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:help
It would still scan projects if it sees a POM in the current directory. And of course you still need to have the plugin in your local repository.

Maven, how to trigger install of parent from child module? (command prompt)

This is more of aesthetic question since I want to make my life easier. I have maven project structure like this:
foo-project (parent)
foo-business (child-module)
foo-dao (child-module)
foo-app (child-module)
I run my maven commands from command prompt, I want to trigger install of all project from maven module, meaning if I am in module dir I want to trigger install from there and not to navigate to parent pom dir.
Thank you
If you really want to make your life easier, separate your parent project (i.e. the one where you put common settings for your other projects) from your aggregator project (i.e. the one that has your other projects as modules). At that point the sole purpose of your aggregator project will be to let you build all your projects together, so run your builds from there.
With Maven, doing as Maven likes is always going to make your life easier than any other option.
Consider using Buildozer - an utility that I wrote some time ago in order to cleverly perform builds of given module, but building all "outdated" dependencies first.
It can be downloaded here:
It requires that you first register your modules (= create mapping between dir and GAV for each module), like this:
zer reg /home/pkozelka/my-common-modules /home/pkozelka/my-projects
cd /home/pkozelka/other-modules
zer reg .
then you go into any module and perform the build:
zcd my-server # this is 'chdir by artifactId', with bashcompletion on Linux
zer . # compiles all (transitive) dependency modules and then this one
