Joomla Loadmodule plugin - joomla

With Joomla, I'm using LoadModule plugin to inlude a auhentication module into an article, like this: {loadposition user10}. So, I have created an authentication module in position user10. Its working, but not as I would like.
I set LoadModule plugin to "Wrapped by divs". However, the authentication form is not wrapped by anything. Starts with and ends with . Plus... a normal menu that points to authentication page, wrapps form fields in a diferent way...
I have to style this form in a different way, and even Module Class Sufix, in this authentication module that I've created, is not working...
Any ideas?

You can either wrap the code in a container in the article (switch to HTML mode) i.e.
<div id="myWhatever">{loadposition xxx}</div>
Or you can create a template override for the module and add your markup there.


Joomla Advertisement issue

I am using Joomla 3.0.I want to show banners on the basis of articles.
I really wants that admin can add banner for an particular article and will show on front on that article.
Please suggest me any plugin
You don't need a 3rd party solution for that.
You could use the default banner module:
Extensions -> Module Manager -> New -> Banners
And import it to article using loadmodule method: How do you put a module inside an article?
{loadmodule mod_banners, banner1}
* banner1 is the title of module

Module assignment in joomla 3.0

How will we assign a particular module for particular page in joomla 3.0? I have no particular menu item for that page?I know that if i have a particular menu ,then assign that module to that particular menu item,but i dont have menu
This is not possible:
You cannot assign a module to a URL link. This is because URL links do not have Itemids assigned to them.
You cannot directly assign modules to pages that are only linked via
content (for example, a link from one article to another) or other,
non-menu modules (for example, a link to an article from a module),
because these also do not have Itemids. One work-around for this
problem is to have an unpublished menu that contains links to the
items you wish to link through non-menus. This will create an itemid
that can be included in the url you link to.
Source: Joomla Docs
In only case that this page is an article or a component that you could load content via plugin you could use loadposition / loadmodule method.
Here is the official documentantion how you could do that.
Hope this helps

Why isn't loadposition working to load a module within a custom HTML module in Joomla 3.2?

I am developing a website with Joomla 3.2. I want to put a search box inside a custom HTML module. I have the module loading plugin enabled, a module position defined for the search box ('searchbox'), created the module instance, assigned it to the correct position, enabled it, and made sure it was assigned to all pages.
Inside my custom HTML module I inserted the following:
{loadposition searchbox}
As you can see here - - it isn't working (look in the upper right hand corner).
Why isn't it working? I've looked over everything to make sure there were no typos and everything looks fine.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to enable the "Prepare Content" parameter in the options of the module. Then it should work.

how do i remove registration link in joomla 3.2 - login module

i need to remove the registration link inside the login view without completely disabling the registration functionality.
We are using js Jobs on the site and the regular registration is not providing all fields, therefore i need to find the code where i simply can delete the registration link.
I looked inside the modules and plugins, but couldn't find it
Anyone has an idea where i can find that code?
You'll find the registration-link in /components/com_users/views/login/tmpl/default_login.php on the bottom of the file. You can override this file in your own template by copying it to /templates/yourtemplate/html/com_users/login/default_login.php. Then you can remove the registration-line from the file in your template,
regards Jonas

How to add a menu to login form module in Joomla 1.7?

I am intrested in changing the joomla default Login module to show a menu as a greeting in the login module,
so that menu will contain links for profile management and stuff from that sort.
I have tried to add a module position inside the module (dawg!)
But that went down the drain.
And i'm not intrested in adding manual links to pages because they might change.
Any ideas guys?
Thanks in advance,
put this code in login module template where you want to show the menu
$module = JModuleHelper::getModules('xxxx');
// xxxx is any virtual position, no need to create it anywhere.
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module[0]);
and enable a menu module at position 'xxxx'.
I hope this will work.
You are going to have to create a custom module to do that. There is no way to do it with the parameters you have given. You could use the module alternative layout to add in some links to the login module, but you can't add a menu to it without rewriting the entire module.
