jQuery address plugin, pathname change when using AJAX - ajax

I have a Wordpress blog at http://themes.visualise.ca/visualise and when a user clicks on a thumbnail the post is loaded with AJAX (using the jQuery address plugin) . I would like the URL to change at the same time to i.e. for the second thumbnail the url should change to http://themes.visualise.ca/visualise/portfolio/samuel but with the following code it changes to http://themes.visualise.ca/visualise/visualise/portfolio/samuel.
1) So my question is there a way to make the jQuery address replace the current pathname by the destination url's pathname instead of simply adding it at the end? I would like the solution to work also with http://themes.visualise.ca/ to http://themes.visualise.ca/visualise/portfolio/samuel because the blog might not be hosting in a folder like it is right now.
2) Or maybe there is another way to achieve this?
Here is the jQuery code:
$('.ajaxed,li.menu-item-object-page a').live('click', function(event) {
var link = $(this).attr('href');
var rewritepath = $(this)[0].pathname;
$("html,body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 300);
$('#content,.plus').stop().fadeOut('slow', function(){
$('#board').fadeOut('slow', function(){
$('#board').stop().load(link, function(){
$('#board').delay(1000).fadeIn('slow', function(){
var board_h2 = $('#board').height();
$('#board-wrapper').css('height', board_h2 + 'px');
return false;
Many thanks for your time and help.

What I did is that I removed the root site url from link url and it works.
$('.ajaxed,li.menu-item-object-page a').live('click', function(event) {
var link = $(this).attr('href');
var toRemove = MySettings.url;
var url_pathname = MySettings.url[0].pathname;
var rewritepath = link.replace(toRemove,'');


Jquery -> prototype translate

Can anyone help me translate this to prototype
var btn = $('#onestepcheckout-button-place-order');
var btnTxt = $('#onestepcheckout-button-place-order span span span');
var fewSeconds = 10;
btn.prop('disabled', true);
btnTxt.text('Even geduld A.U.B.');
btn.prop('disabled', false);
btnTxt.text('Bestelling plaatsen');
}, fewSeconds*1000);
Prototype is confusing the sh*t out of me
Try this:
var btn = $('onestepcheckout-button-place-order');
var btnTxt = $$('onestepcheckout-button-place-order span span span')[0];
var fewSeconds = 10;
Event.observe(btn, 'click', function(){
btn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
btnTxt.innerHTML = 'Even geduld A.U.B.';
btnTxt.innerHTML = 'Bestelling plaatsen';
}, fewSeconds*1000);
I haven't tested it though.
I'm not going to give you the direct copypasta snippet for your problem but you only probably just need to do the following swaps:
$(selector) with $($$(selector))
prop to attr
addClass to addClassName
I'm omitting one more replacement so you can look for it yourself, for added challenge! Protip: search google for "Prototype to jQuery equivalent". So many resources!
Alternatively, you can just use jQuery in jQuery.noConflict mode and wrap the above in a jQuery closure.
(function($) {
// your code above goes here.

There must be an easier way

I am trying to create an JQM app and are doing so by getting a lot of data from database. When I click on a link from a ajax/json generated calendar list I should then be able to get the info for that event by calling the server and get the data. As it is now I do this in 2 steps like this.
My ajax generated event list:
$.each(groupcalendar, function (i, val) {
output += '<li><h2>' + val.matchformname + '</h2><p><strong>' + val.matchday + '</strong></p><p>' + val.coursename + '</p><p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>' + val.matchtime + '</strong></p></li>';
When I click on one of the links I want to goto a page called prematchdata.html and get the data fro that specific event. I do so by first calling the click and get the eventid from data-id like this:
$(document).on('click', '#gotoMatch', function () {
var matchid = $(this).attr("data-id");
$.get("http://mypage.com/json/getmatchinfo.php?matchid="+matchid, function(data) {
localStorage["matchinfo"] = JSON.stringify(data);
$.mobile.changePage( "prematchdata.html", { transition: "slide", changeHash: true} );
}, "json");
I save the returned data as localStorage and then uses this data in my pageinit like this:
$(document).on("pageinit", "#prematchdata", function() {
var matchinfo = {};
matchinfo = JSON.parse(localStorage["matchinfo"])
var content = '<h2>'+matchinfo["matchname"]+'</h2>';
It works, although for me it seems like the last 2 steps should be done in one, but i am not sure how to do so? It seems a little bit wrong get data, save locally and then use it? Can't this be done without the $(document).on('click', '#gotoMatch', function () {});?
Hoping for some help and thanks in advance :-)
You could try sending it up using a query string. When you're using changePage, change your code like this :
$(document).on('click', '#gotoMatch', function () {
var matchid = $(this).attr("data-id");
$.get("http://mypage.com/json/getmatchinfo.php?matchid=" + matchid, function (data) {
paramData = data[0];
$.mobile.changePage("prematchdata.html", {
transition: "slide",
changeHash: true,
data: paramData //added this extra parameter which will pass data as a query string
}, "json");
When you're getting it back,
$(document).on("pageinit", "#prematchdata", function() {
var url = $.url(document.location);
var name= url.param("matchname");
var content = '<h2>'+ name +'</h2>';
Another easy way would be use a singlepage template instead of a multi page template. Then, you could just use a global variable to get and set data.
That said, what you're doing right now is more secure than this query string method. By using this, anyone can see what you are sending over the URL. So I advise you keep using localStorage. For more info on this, look into this question.

"Load More Posts" with Ajax in wordpress

I am trying to create ajax pagination on Blog Page..
What I need to do is to display 5 posts initially and then load 5 more when "load more posts" link is clicked.
Below is the javascript I am using:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// ajax pagination
jQuery('.nextPage a').live('click', function() {
// if not using wp_pagination, change this to correct ID
var link = jQuery(this).attr('href');
// #main is the ID of the outer div wrapping your posts
// #entries is the ID of the inner div wrapping your posts
jQuery('.blogPostsWrapper').load(link+' .post')
}); // end ready function
The problem is that when I click the link the old posts get replaced by the new ones, I need to show old posts as well as the new posts...
Here is the Updated jQuery Code which enables the ajax pagination.
jQuery('.nextPage a').live('click', function(e){
var link = jQuery(this).attr('href');
jQuery('.blogPostsWrapper').load(link+' .post');
The only problem now is the old posts get removed, i need to keep both old and new posts..
Here is the final code I used and now everything works perfectly...
// Ajax Pagination
$('.nextPage a').live('click', function(e) {
$('.blogPostsWrapper').append("<div class=\"loader\"> </div>");
var link = jQuery(this).attr('href');
var $content = '.blogPostsWrapper';
var $nav_wrap = '.blogPaging';
var $anchor = '.blogPaging .nextPage a';
var $next_href = $($anchor).attr('href'); // Get URL for the next set of posts
$.get(link+'', function(data){
var $timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var $new_content = $($content, data).wrapInner('').html(); // Grab just the content
$('.blogPostsWrapper .loader').remove();
$next_href = $($anchor, data).attr('href'); // Get the new href
$($nav_wrap).before($new_content); // Append the new content
$('#rtz-' + $timestamp).hide().fadeIn('slow'); // Animate load
$('.netxPage a').attr('href', $next_href); // Change the next URL
$('.blogPostsWrapper .blogPaging:last').remove(); // Remove the original navigation
}); // end ready function
Could you maybe try the following code? This is how I got this working on my own site.
jQuery('.blogPostsWrapper').load(link+' .post')
$.get(link+' .post', function(data){
You should use jQuery append() to add the new posts without using the old ones.
jQuery load() Will replace the data found in your element . Quoted from jQuery API:
.load() sets the HTML contents of the matched element to the returned
data. This means that most uses of the method can be quite simple:

jquery: bind click event to ajax-loaded elmente? live() won't work?

hey guys,
I have an input field that looks for matched characters on a page. This page simply lists anchor links. So when typing I constantly load() (using the jquery load() method) this page with all the links and I check for a matched set of characters. If a matched link is found it's displayed to the user. However all those links should have e.preventDefault() on them.
It simply won't work. #found is the container that shows the matched elements. All links that are clicked should have preventDefault() on them.
/*Animated scroll for anchorlinks*/
var anchor = '',
pageOffset = '',
viewOffset = 30,
scrollPos = '';
$(function() {
$("a[href*='#']").each(function() {
$(this).bind('click', function(e) {
anchor = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];
pageOffset = $("#"+anchor).offset();
scrollPos = pageOffset.top - viewOffset;
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:scrollPos}, '500');
Well, I'm looking for all href's that contain a #. So I know those elements are anchors that jump to other elements. I don't want my page to jump, but rather scroll smoothly to this element with this specific #id.
This works fine when I use bind('click', ... for normal page-elements that have been loaded when the page is opened. It doesn't work for anchors that have been loaded via ajax! If I change the bind to live nothing does change for the ajax loaded elements - they still don't work. However normal anchors that have always been on the page are not triggering the function as well. So nothing works with live()!
When you say "it won't work" do you mean that your function is not been called or that you can not cancel out of the function? As far as I know you can not cancel out live events. With jQuery 1.4 you can use return false to cancel out live event propagation. Calling e.preventDefault() won't work.
Edit: right so this code should in principal work. What it still won't do is, it won't add the 'anchorLink' class to your new anchors. However if the clicks work then let me know and I will give you the right code to add the class too!
var anchor = '',
pageOffset = '',
viewOffset = 30,
scrollPos = '';
$(function() {
$("a[href*='#']").each(function() {
$("a").live('click', function(e) {
if ($(this).attr("href").indexOf("#") > -1) {
anchor = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];
pageOffset = $("#" + anchor).offset();
scrollPos = pageOffset.top - viewOffset;
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollPos }, '500');
//nikhil: e.preventDefault() might not work, try return false here

jQuery monitoring form field created by AJAX query

Preface: I am sure this is incredibly simple, but I have searched this site & the jQuery site and can't figure out the right search term to get an answer - please excuse my ignorance!
I am adding additional form fields using jQuery's ajax function and need to then apply additional ajax functions to those fields but can't seem to get jQuery to monitor these on the fly form fields.
How can I get jQuery to use these new fields?
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.lnk').click(function() {
var t = this.id;
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
//This works fine if the field is already present
var name = $('#name');
var email = $('#email');
$('#uid').keyup(function () {
var t = this;
if (this.value != this.lastValue) {
if (this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
url: 'loader.php',
data: 'action=getUser&uid=' + t.value,
type: 'get',
success: function (j) {
va = j.split("|");
displayname = va[1];
mail = va[2];
}, 200);
this.lastValue = this.value;
So if the is present in the basic html page the function works, but if it arrives by the $.load function it doesn't - presumably because $(document).ready has already started.
I did try:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.lnk').click(function() {
var t = this.id;
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
function prepUid(){
var name = $('#name');
var email = $('#email');
$('#uid').keyup(function () {
But it didn't seem to work...
I think you are close. You need to add your keyup handler once the .load call is complete. Try changing this...
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t);
To this...
$('#form').load('loader.php?val=' + t, null, prepUid);
What you are looking for is the jquery live function.
Attach a handler to the event for all elements which match the current selector, now or in the future
You can do something like this:
$('.clickme').live('click', function() {// Live handler called.});
and then add something using the DOM
$('body').append('<div class="clickme">Another target</div>');
When you click the div added above it will trigger the click handler as you expect with statically loaded dom nodes.
You can read more here: http://api.jquery.com/live/
