Is there a Vim plugin for Ruby which provides a "switch to/from test" command outside of Rails? - ruby

Tim Pope's rails.vim provides a command :A (and a set of related commands) which opens the "alternate" file. For most classes, that's the test, and for the test, the class.
It would sure be nice to have that functionality in non-Rails Ruby projects. Is there a plugin which provides that? Bonus points if it helps me create the test file when I create the implementation file. :)

Our hero tpope wrote rake.vim too. It does the very same things rails.vim does but in Ruby projects.

I created the following command that makes it possible to do
:E /pattern/replace
to jump to the file that is the current filename and substituting pattern by replace
For example, if your tests files are in /test/code.js and your src files in /src/code.js you could write the following command:
command! -nargs=* Es :call EditSubstitute("/test/src")
command! -nargs=* Et :call EditSubstitute("/src/test")
to have the command :Es to jump from testfile to source file and the command :Et to jump from source file to testfile.
Here's the function that does that :
function! EditSubstitute(args)
if (len(a:args))<2
let s:delimiter = (a:args[0])
let s:split = split(a:args,s:delimiter,1)[1:]
let s:fullpath = expand('%:p')
let s:bar = substitute(s:fullpath, s:split[0], s:split[1], "")
echo (s:bar)
silent execute('edit '.s:bar)
command! -nargs=* E :call EditSubstitute(<q-args>)

I know this doesn't really answer your question at all... but I use VIM buffers to provide easy accessibility to a file and its tests.
I keep my test on top, and the file on the bottom. Then I can view both at the same time.
I use NERDTree to make browsing easier too, but that is not a per-requisite.
You can get a full reference of what I use here:
If you like it I'd recommend NOT using my dotfiles from the above repo, but start with something like RyanB's dotfiles and build your own sets based on your own preferences. :)

Have a look at the vimrc of the guy from 'Destroy all software'
pressing <leader>. will switch you between your code and the spec code.


How to set processing_root in rp5rc

I'm attempting to install ruby processing. I followed this tutorial:
After I rake ( before I install jruby ), all of the tests fail. I get the following result before every print out and not sure how to fix it.
WARNING: you need to set PROCESSING_ROOT in ~/.rp5rc
Following the tipp by Oscar here is an easy Copy & Paste solution for Mac Users:
echo PROCESSING_ROOT: "/Applications/" > ~/.rp5rc
The instructions on the wiki have been updated since you asked this question.
As is now suggested, you can use this gist to create your .rp5rc file. Create a new sketch in Processing using the contents of SetProcessingRoot.pde in the gist, and it will suggest the correct PROCESSING_ROOT value for your system and create the file. Note that you'll have to delete the default text ("enter your processing root here") and enter the suggested (or another) path.
Or, if you know the correct PROCESSING_ROOT path for your system, do the following:
echo PROCESSING_ROOT: \"correct_path\" > ~/.rp5rc

Unable to figure out ruby method "directory" and what it does

I am very new to ruby and was trying to understand some code when I got stuck at this snippet:
directory "test_dir" do
action :create
recursive true
I tried googling directory class but was unsuccessful. I found a class Dir but its not the same. I see that intuitively this snippet should create a new directory and name it test_dir but I do not want to assume things and move forward.
This was a part of a chef-recipe which is used to launch a particular task. For the purposes of launching, it needs to create a directory and download some jars to it. There is an execute method below which goes like this:
execute 'deploy' do
action :nothing
# ignore exit status of storm kill command
command <<-EOH
set -e
storm kill #{name} -w 1 || true
sleep 3
storm jar #{points to the jar}
Sorry I have to be a bit obfuscated as some of the things are not open sourced.
It is the Directory resource of the Chef framework. (DSL stands for domain-specific language. Ruby is well suited for them.)
It's the Chef internal DSL for Directory management. Read more here:
PS: The recursive true tells it to create the folder much like mkdir -p.
The snippet you pasted is not really enough information to go on (need context; where is the snippet from?)
That said directory looks more like a method than a class. First, it's lowercased and classes are CamelCased.
If it's a method, it's defined somewhere within the application. Have you tried something like this:
grep -r "def directory" ./ or
grep -r "directory" ./| grep "def"
If not in the application itself, it would be defined in one of the application's dependencies (grep -r "..." $GEM_HOME/gems instead)
directory is not a class, it is a method. I do not know what module it is a part of, but that snippet is about equivalent to this:"test_dir",lambda {action :create; recursive true})
That snippet uses some gem that adds a directory method to the Kernel object.
As others have mentioned, it is part of the directory management DSL Chef. A DSL is a set of methods integrated into the Kernel object; because of the very flexible method calling syntax of Ruby, method calls can look a lot like language keywords. That makes task specific commands (Domain Specific Languages: DSL) look very nice in Ruby; easy to use and flexible. Thus gems that add DSLs are very common.

How to make Vim detect filetype from the shebang line?

Sometimes I write scripts without any filename extension. For example:
#!/usr/bin/env node
console.log('hello world!');
I hope that Vim can detect the filetype from the shebang line (e.g. #!/usr/bin/env node is javascript). What should I put into filetype.vim?
Following the instructions listed in :help new-filetype-scripts,
create the scripts.vim file in the user runtime directory (~/.vim/
on Unix-like systems), and write the following script in it:
if did_filetype()
if getline(1) =~# '^#!.*/bin/env\s\+node\>'
setfiletype javascript
create this file ~/.vim/ftdetect/node.vim
with this contents
fun! s:DetectNode()
if getline(1) == '#!/usr/bin/env node'
set ft=javascript
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * call s:DetectNode()
If you're interested in a plugin, one does exist for this:
This contains a pattern for node -> javascript highlighting.
AddShebangPattern! javascript ^#!.*\s\+node\>
A little late to the party, but Node.vim handles detecting such JavaScript files for you. And then some. :-)

Ruby - Is there a way to overwrite the __FILE__ variable?

I'm doing some unit testing, and some of the code is checking to see if files exist based on the relative path of the currently-executing script by using the FILE variable. I'm doing something like this:
blah blah blah ...
raise "Can't find directory"
I'm trying to find a way to make it fail in the unit tests without doing anything drastic. Being able to overwrite the __ FILE __ variable would be easiest, but as far as I can tell, it's impossible.
Any tips?
My tip? Refactor!
I didn't mark this as the real answer, since refactoring would be the best way to go about doing it. However, I did get it to work:
wd = Dir.getwd
# moves us up two directories, also assuming Dir.getwd
# returns a path of the form /folder/folder2/folder3/folder4...
Dir.chdir(wd.scan(/\/.*?(?=[\/]|$)/)[0..-3].join) tests...
I had tried to do it using Dir.chdir('../../'), but when I changed back, File.expand_path(File.dirname(__ FILE __)) resolved to something different than what it was originally.
Programming Ruby 1.9 says on page 330 that __FILE__ is read only. It also describes it as a "execution environment variable".
However, you can define __FILE__ within an instance_eval. I don't think that'd help with your problem.

Extraordinarily Simple Ruby Question: Where's My Class?

[I'm just starting with Ruby, but "no question is ever too newbie," so I trudge onwards...]
Every tutorial and book I see goes from Ruby with the interactive shell to Ruby on Rails. I'm not doing Rails (yet), but I don't want to use the interactive shell. I have a class file (first_class.rb) and a Main (main.rb). If I run the main.rb, I of course get the uninitialized constant FirstClass. How do I tell ruby about the first_class.rb?
The easiest way is to put them both in the same file.
However you can also use require, e.g.:
require 'first_class'
You can also use autoload as follows:
autoload :FirstClass, 'first_class'
This code will automatically load first_class.rb as soon as FirstClass is used. Note, however, that the current implementations of autoload are not thread safe (see
There's another point worth noting: you wouldn't typically use a main file in ruby. If you're writing a command line tool, standard practice would be to place the tool in a bin subdirectory. For normal one-off scripts the main idiom is:
if __FILE__ == $0
# main does here
# `__FILE__` contains the name of the file the statement is contained in
# `$0` contains the name of the script called by the interpreter
# if the file was `required`, i.e. is being used as a library
# the code isn't executed.
# if the file is being passed as an argument to the interpreter, it is.
