Is it possible to run Silverlight 5 on hosting? - hosting

Is it possible to run Silverlight 5 application on hosting ?
After deploying the files and after browsing in place of the silverlight application I got the button "Get XML".
What I am doing wrong ?
According to the .xap is supported.

After contacting the support it turned out that I had the old Windows Hosting with Silverlight disabled.
After enabling it my application started without problems.
So yes. Silverlight 5 works only if you have Silverlight 5 plugin installed on your machine.
It seems that depends on the ability to download the .xap and to initialize the Silverlight object.


How to handle a wp8 and a wp8.1 in the app store

A user recently reported a problem in regards to not being able to answer "quizzes" in some of the web pages I display in my app. The first thing that popped to mind was that it could be a bug with my app, a bug with the web browser control or some unreliable CSS & Javascript code provided in the web pages.
After investigating it some more i.e. tried it on my web browser on pc in mobile mode and tried it in the regular browser, I noticed that it worked as expected, so I thought it was fair to assume that it wasn't the web pages that were the problem. So it left my app or the web browser control as potential problem.
My app was originally created as a windows phone app for Windows Phone 8 so it would be compatible with both windows phone 8.0 and windows phone 8.1 but to my surprise, after taking a backup and then converting my app from 8.0 to 8.1 the problem got resolved which means that the bug must be coming from the web control itself rather than in my code.
I don't know how popular these questionaires/quizzes are but so far that seems to be the only thing that's affecting the app in regards to web pages, so what do I do?
Now, to my questions (sorry for the long history!):
Will a WP Silverlight 8.1 app work on both Windows Phone 8.0 and 8.1? Sorry if it's a silly question but I've got to ask. If it will, please ignore the other questions.
Should I leave the app as a Windows Phone 8.0 app as it could be affecting a minority of users that want to answer questionnaires/quizzes?
Upgrade the app to Windows Phone 8.1? Not everyone is on 8.1 or 8.1 preview for developers, so this could be a problem??
Upload 2 different versions? Maybe specifically name them as app 8.0 and app 8.1? Feels odd, no? This would also entail maintaining 2 different versions which is a complete pain or is there a better way to handle this i.e. Linked file in the second project?? I haven't checked yet what's changed between the 2. All I know for now is that once I converted my project from 8.0 to 8.1, it worked.
Is there a way to upload both versions to the store as one app and will Windows Phone download the relevant version?
Internet Explorer in Windows Phone 8.1 is newer, this is why it works better.
1) No.
2) No.
3) Yes.
4) Yes. You can link files from the one project to another (use add as link feature in Visual Studio).
5) Yes. Windows Phone store can handle 7.5, 8 and 8.1 version very well.

VS2010 published project cannot be viewed in E

I just converted an app from VS2008 to VS2010. But when I try to view the site in IE I get the message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". This same app worked perfectly when I published the VS2008 version to the same folder. Any ideas?
The app uses .NET 4.0 which requires an IIS 7 App Pool using .Net 4, not 2. When I created a .Net 4 App Pool and assigned it to the app website the problem was resolved.

Porting Windows Phone7 application to Windows 8

I ported my windows phone7 application to windows 8(just copy paste the xaml and c# code in visual studio 2012->new->project->WPFApplication) and made changes in UI sizes.The problem is the .exe file(after building wpf application) runs only in the system with .NET framework installed.I want to run my application in all system running windows(7(32/64),xp,vista).I am newbie to windows application basically wp7 developer.Thank u.
If you really want to port a windos phone 7 app to windows 8, You should go through the following resources. They provide most of the information.
WPF is a part of the .NET framework, so you can't write a WPF application that can run without the framework on the machine.
If you want to create a binary that run on the classic windows runtime you can't use WPF/C#/VB etc.
Best thing if you want to port your Windows Phone app to Windows 8 is to create a Microsoft Store app, File > New Project > Blank App in VS2012. The app won't run on anything except Windows 8 but the Microsoft Store for Windows 8 is probably the best place to have your app if it's ported from Windows Phone.
Migrating application to WP7 is not that easy as it sounds. There is lot of different APIs and also limited async/await in WP7 when using this extension.
I would probably recommend starting with this MSDN article. It describes basic problems and challenges and also contains useful namespace and API mapping:
Migrate/port a Windows Phone 7 app to a Windows Store app

Windows 8 metro style HTML5 development

I want to know can i develop metro style windows 8 HTML5 application without windows8 OS installed ?
I understand working on VS2012 , but Since it is web application i think it doesn't make sense to have the windows 8 OS installed.
Please confirm if it is required, if not tell me how to make it work on windows7 and VS 2012
Visual Studio 2012 requirements doc says that you can use it on Windows 7 SP1. However, you will not be able to develop/debug HTML5 apps developed with it as Windows 8 HTML5 applications are not simple web applications, they run on top of the WinRT runtime which is not available on Windows 7.
So bottom line, to develop/debug HTML5 applications for Windows 8, you need to have VS2012 installed on a Windows 8 machine.
If you are thinking about developing regular HTML5 web application (that will be used from a browser and not as a Windows 8 application, then you should be able to do so using Windows 7 SP1 as the host.
See lets know more about your application.
In W8 Metro Style Apps with HTML5/JavaScript and CSS3 , you can make great apps as you can take an example of Cut The Rope .
Making a website with HTML 5 /JS/CSS3 doesnt need you to select the Windows Store App option as it is only used to create an app that would you later upload to windows store whereas a website would be uploaded on a server

Deploy MVC 2 app in IIS7 404 error

I am trying to publish an MVC 2 application to my local Win 7 IIS 7.
The app pool is Integrated 2.0, not classic.
The app is .net 3.5.
The project was originally started in VS2008, but I have upgraded to 2010.
I publish the app through the VS wizard to a file location, I have also tried publishing again in VS, but web deploy to localhost - neither makes a difference.
The app spins up fine when I just hit F5 in VS and work in debug mode.
Any ideas? I have googled about, but nothing has sorted it.
Thanks in advance.
Did you make sure the AppPool is set to allow 32bit apps?
