How to save background as UIimage from uiimagepickercontroller - xcode

I have a View to get and set image from photo gallery.
I want to call the image from another view and set the uiimage as background.
What is the best method to make the image stay as a background like iPhone default background feature?
My codes are modified version from here:

The best way is to use a UIImageView :
UIImageView *myImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageWithContentOfFile:#"path/of/myImage.png"]]
You can pass the path to your image as an argument and store it or copy the file under the name "background.png" for example, and each time you change it you delete the file and create the new "background.png".


Add Background Image to UITableView programmatically

I am trying to add a background image to a table view. I am using Xcode and swift.
Use the .backgroundView property on your tableview object and set it with whatever UIImageView you want. UITableView Apple Reference Docs
tableView.backgroundView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "something.png"))
You can also add image like this way also:
tableView.backgroundColor = UIColor(patternImage: UIImage(named: "your_image_name")!)
Add imageView to background layer and set what ever image to that image view .And set table view background color & cell color to clear.

set a pdf file as NSButton's image

i want to set a pdf file as a NSButton's image, and when i clicked the button,the button's color changed, just like the xcode's navigator editor. can some one tell me how to do this? thanks in advance!
![enter image description here][1]
Arguably you're better off converting the pdf to a png so you can handle it more easily.
But, you can create an image from the pdf and use that with the button:
NSPDFImageRep *pdfRep = [NSPDFImageRep imageRepWithData:pdfData];
NSImage *pdfImg = [[NSImage alloc] init];
[pdfImg addRepresentation:pdfRep];

Set Colour Of Vector Image In Xcode 6+

I saw one of the Apple Videos mention that you can colour images via the code. All my searches on how to do this came up blank.
If I have a black vector image (pdf) saved inside Images.xcassets, how can I colour that image at run time?
Ideally it would be something simple like [UIImage setVectorColor:UIColorBlue] but I'm sure there could be more to it!
You have to set all vectors image as Template Image on Render options in the xassets. (
After, you can set the color in the uiimageview which contain your image with method :
[imageView setTintColor:[UIColor redColor]];

NSImage is always being scaled and looks bad

I want to create an NSImage of an NSScrollView object, so I can use the flat graphic for animation purposes.
When I render my scrollview object into a graphic and add it back to my window, it works but looks really bad like it's been scaled to 99% or something. I want the image to not be scaled and 100% pixel accurate. (Note: the image isn't scaled, it's the same size, it just looks like it's been poorly rescaled - the text looks rough and poor compared to the view onscreen in the scrollview)
My code:
(scrollView is my NSScrollView object)
NSData *pdf = [scrollView dataWithPDFInsideRect:[scrollView bounds]];
NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:pdf];
NSImageView *imageView = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:[scrollView bounds]];
[imageView setImage: image];
[mainGUIPanel addSubview: imageView];
I've tried a heap of things, messed with pixel sizes, bounds, used IB to create the destination NSView and put the image inside that but just cannot get the image to not look bad. Any ideas?
I tried writing the pdf data to a pdf file and viewed it, and it looked ok. So the bitmap image is being captured ok, it's just on the display that it looks like it's being scaled somewhat.
Also tried getting the bitmap like this:
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap = [scrollView bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect:[scrollView bounds]];
[scrollView cacheDisplayInRect:[scrollView bounds] toBitmapImageRep:bitmap];
NSImage * image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:[bitmap size]];
[image addRepresentation: bitmap];
Same results - the bitmap looks exactly the same, bad and scaled when displayed.
This leads me to believe that capturing the bitmap data either way works fine, it's creating the view and rendering the image that is doing the scaling. How can I make sure that the view and image are shown at the correct size and scaling?
Ok, I started a new blank project and set this up, and it works perfectly - the new imageview is identical to the grabbed bitmap. So I suspect my issue is stemming from some rendering/compositing issue when drawing the bitmap to the view. Investigating further...
It turns out the issue stems from the scrollView that I am rendering from. This has a transparent background (Draw Background is off in IB) and the text is the scrollView looks good. If I turn "Draw Background ON", with a transparent background color, the text is rendered badly, exactly as it is when I capture the image programatically.
So, in my app, even though Draw Background is off, the scrollView image is captured as though Draw Background is on. So I need to understand why the text is rendered badly when Draw Background is on and set to transparent, and hopefully this will lead me towards a solution.
Also tried creating an NSClipview with background drawing turned off and putting the bitmap view into that, but it sill renders the same. I can't find a way to render the transparent image to the screen without horrible artifacting.
Ok, I've found a solution. Instead of getting a grab of the transparent background scrollview object itself, I'm instead getting a grab of the parent view (essentially the window background), and restricting the bounds to the size of the scrollview object.
This captures both the background, and the contents of the scrollview, and displays correctly without any issues of transparency.

Adding Custom Retina Image To TabBar In iOS5

I am trying unsuccessfully to get my custom retina images to display in my custom iOS5 TabBar.
I have 4 items in my TabBar, I have set the selected/unselected image to contact#2x.png which has a resolution of 160px x 75px. I figured 4 of these 160px width images would accommodate the 640px retina width nicely.
You can view my contact#2x.png here
I have set all the items programtically as seen below.
UIImage *selectedContact = [UIImage imageNamed:#"contact#2x.png"];
UIImage *unselectedContact = [UIImage imageNamed:#"contact#2x.png"];
UITabBar *tabBar = self.tabBarController.tabBar;
UITabBarItem *item0 = [tabBar.items objectAtIndex:0];
UITabBarItem *item1 = [tabBar.items objectAtIndex:1];
UITabBarItem *item2 = [tabBar.items objectAtIndex:2];
UITabBarItem *item3 = [tabBar.items objectAtIndex:3];
[item0 setFinishedSelectedImage:selectedContact withFinishedUnselectedImage:unselectedContact];
[item1 setFinishedSelectedImage:selectedContact withFinishedUnselectedImage:unselectedContact];
[item2 setFinishedSelectedImage:selectedContact withFinishedUnselectedImage:unselectedContact];
[item3 setFinishedSelectedImage:selectedContact withFinishedUnselectedImage:unselectedContact];
At runtime I can see that the scale is set to 1
Why isn’t the 2 being picked up off the image suffix? The tab bar is huge, and isnt scaled.
Please see the simulator screenshot below…
My other retina images for my app icon and default icon are working.
Thoughts? I am driving myself nuts ☺ Thanks in advance.
JoePasq is wrong, he obviously is not up to date with the latest iOS5 appearance customisation API. Your problem could be that you specified the #2x in the filename, just pass "contact.png" to imagedNamed...
[UIImage imageNamed:# "contact.png"]
Have you looked at the documentation for customizing the appearance of UITabBar?
You should consult this tutorial by Ray Wenderlich about using the UIAppearance APIs.
His code is this:
UIImage *tabBackground = [[UIImage imageNamed:#"tab_bg"] resizableImageWithCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0)];
[[UITabBar appearance] setBackgroundImage:tabBackground];
[[UITabBar appearance] setSelectionIndicatorImage: [UIImage imageNamed:#"tab_select_indicator"]];`
Note that the customization happens on the Tab bar, not the tab bar items—assuming it’s the same customization for each one.
As nbransby said you do not use #2x in the filename.
Prior unedited answer:
From the documentation:
The images displayed on the tab bar are derived from this image. If this image is too large to fit on the tab bar, it is scaled to fit. The size of an tab bar image is typically 30 x 30 points. The alpha values in the source image are used to create the unselected and selected images—opaque values are ignored.
Your icons should be 30x30 px for normal resolution and 60x60 px for retina resolution. They should also be a solid color, the tab bar adds the coloring.
