How to trim text and use it as parameter for next step in watir using ruby - ruby

This may be very simple question but I am very new to ruby or any programming language. I want to trim some text and use it as parameter for next step. Can any one please write me code for doing this. I am testing a web application which is used in financial domain. I need to use the cvv2 and expiry date of card number which is generated in next step as parameter. The text which gets displayed on html is
CVV2 - 657  Expiry - 05/12 (mm/yy)
Now from the above text I should some how get only '657' and '0512' as value to use is in next step.
Request for urgent assistance.

If all your strings will be formatted like this, I suggest using regexp, using String#gsub. There's lots of places to learn about regexp if you don't already, and rubular allows you to test it in your browser, with a short cheat sheet.

To do it quickly you could use
card_details = "CVV2 - 657 Expiry - 05/12 (mm/yy)"
card_details = card_details.scan(/\d{2,}/)
cvv2 = card_details[0]
expiry = card_details[1] + card_details[2]
Probably better ways of doing it as I'm no expert, but you said urgent, so.
For getting the text out of the cell you could try (I don't use the original watir anymore, so I might not be able to remember this):
card_details = => /CVV2/).text
If that doesn't work give this a try (actually on second thought TRY THIS ONE FIRST)
card_details = browser.cell(:text => /CVV2/).text
For these examples I'm assuming your browser object is called "browser".

We can use regular expression to achieve the same,
> "CVV2 - 657 Expiry - 05/12 (mm/yy)".match(/\d{3}/)
=> "657"
>"CVV2 - 657 Expiry - 05/12 (mm/yy)".match(/\d+\/\d+/)
=> "05/12"


Writing Capybara expectations to verify phone numbers

I'm using AWS Textract to pull information from PDF documents. After the scanned text is returned from AWS and persisted to a var, I'm doing this:
phone_number = '(555) 123-4567'
scanned_pdf_text.should have_text phone_number
But this fails about 20% of the time because of the non-deterministic way that AWS is returning the scanned PDF text. On occasion, the phone numbers can appear either of these two ways:
(555)123-4567 or (555) 123-4567
Some of this scanned text is very large, and I'd prefer not to go through the exercise of sanitizing the text coming back if I can avoid it (I'm also not good at regex usage). I also think using or logic to handle both cases seems to be a little heavy handed just to check text that is so similar (and clearly near-identical to the human eye).
Is there an rspec matcher that'll allow me to check on this text? I'm also using Capybara.default_normalize_ws = true but that doesn't seem to help in this case.
Assuming scanned_pdf_text is a string and the only differences you're seeing is in spaces then you can just get rid of the spaces and compare
scanned_pdf_text.gsub(/\s+/, '').should eq('(555)123-4567') # exact
scanned_pdf_text.gsub(/\s+/, '').should match('(555)123-4567') # partial
scanned_pdf_text.gsub(/\s+/, '').should have_text('(555)123-4567') # partial

How to remove special characters, string , number from regax

I have. done paramerization in recorded requests in jmeter , when i rerun it some requests. are failing but i have done capture variables and pass to
next requests but there is issue
format ofresponse is changing dynamically
my regax - stateToken":"(.+?)"
\x2D is. additionalpart is coming some time so i need re write regax to remove this when we getting that
Fail Case
any ideas ?
It looks like your application has a functional issue, if it returns the token which cannot be used for authentication is sounds like a bug so instead of trying to implement a workaround in JMeter you should report it as it needs to be fixed.
JSON is not a regular language hence using regular expressions for extracting data from it is not the best idea, I would recommend considering using JSON Extractor or JSON JMESPath Extractor instead
If you still want to bypass the intermittent issue with tokens and remove the problematic element from the token (I repeat I doubt real user of your application will do this) you can do it using a suitable JSR223 Test Element and the code like:
def before = vars.get('token')'Before: ' + before)
def after = before.replace('\\x2D','')'After : ' + after)
vars.put('token', after)

Can I use Ruby Cucumber Watir to Solve a Key Pass to URL puzzle?

I am a NEWBIE. Any help is appreciated.
I've been given the challenge of automating a Key Pass challenge.
a URL is provided (this is an example, I don't think the creator of the challenge wants it in public):
When you visit the site, the body text simple returns, Key Denied:
If you add the following path, www.guessmypasskey/?key=a the site will return: Key Denied:00
The key is only alphanumeric and of unknown length...through manual testing I was able to find the key by determining that the binary code returns meant the following: 00 not a character used, 01 character used, wrong position, 11 correct character, correct position.
I envision, opening a browser to the URL with watir, checking a-a, A-Z, 0-9, in the first position...if 00 is displayed on page, delete character from possibility, if 01 is present write the number to a file (this will determine the character length needed.
Basic question, Am I going the wrong direction? Trying to automate with Ruby Cucumber Watir?
I know additional steps will be needed t determine the order of the characters....I'm just trying to get started on the first step, confirming the validity of the characters and the length of the pass key.
Kind of disappointed that the URL the real one. =p
Anyways, that approach would work... but I would imagine it being massive overkill.
Instead, what I would do is simply create a simple Node.js script (using JavaScript) which basically just loops through all possible combinations for each character, stepping through as you move.
You can just use the simple "request" module to request the web page. Then just build up your string like that.
var request = require('request');
// Gets content of one call... add this to your loop somehow.
request({uri: '' + key}, function (err, response, body) {
// body has the result to check
This is probably going to be infinitely easier than setting up the tech stack you were talking about... not to mention a lot faster.
Your general approach (ignoring technology) sounds pretty spot on.

Yahoo Pipes: Extracting number from feed item for use in URL builder

Been looking all over the place for a solution to this issue. I have a Yahoo Pipe ( that I've created to pull back image content from the Bing Search API. The URL builder includes a $skip attribute that takes an integer and uses it to select the starting (index) point for the result set that the query returns.
My initial plan had been to use the math engine in the Wolfram Alpha API to generate a random number (randomInteger[1000]) that I could use to seed the $skip value each time that the pipe is run. I have an earlier version of the pipe where I was able to get the query / result steps working using either "XPath Fetch" and "Fetch Data". However, regardless of how I Fetch the result, the response returns as an attribute / value pair in a list item.Even when I use "Emit items as string" in XPath Fetch, I still get a list with a single item, when what I really want is the integer that I can plug into my $skip attribute.
I've tried everything in Pipes I can think of, and spent a lot of time online looking for an answer. Is there anyway to extract text (in this case, a number) from a single list item and then use the output as input to "wire" a text parameter in another Pipes block? Any suggestions / ideas welcome. In the meantime, I'm generating a sorta-random number by manipulating a timecode hash, but it just feels tacky :-)
All the sources are for repeated items. You can't have a source that just makes a single number.
I'm not really clear what you're trying to do. You want to put a random number into part of the URL string that gets an RSS feed?

Ruby and Excel Data Extraction

I am learning Ruby and trying to manipulate Excel data.
my goal:
To be able to extract email addresses from an excel file and place them in a text file one per line and add a comma to the end.
my ideas:
i think my answer lies in the use of spreadsheet and
What I am looking for is direction. I would like to hear any tips or rather hints to accomplish my goal. thanks
Please do not post exact code only looking for direction would like to figure it out myself...
thanks, karen
So, regex seems to be able to find all matching strings and store them into an array. I´m having some trouble setting that up but should be able to figure it out....but for right now to get started I will extract only the column labeled "E Mail"..... the question I have now is:
`parse_csv = CSV.parse(read_csv, :headers => true)`
The default value for :skip_blanks is set to false.. I need to set it to true but nowhere can I find the correct syntax for doing so... I was assumming something like
`parse_csv = CSV.parse(read_csv, :headers => true :skip_blanks => true)`
But no.....
save your excel file as csv (comma separated value) and work with Ruby's libraries
besides spreadsheet (which can read and write), you can read Excel and other file types with with RemoteTable.
gem install remote_table
require 'remote_table'
t ='/path/to/file.xlsx', headers: :first_row)
when you write the CSV, as #aug2uag says, you can use ruby's standard library (no gem install required):
require 'csv'
puts [name, email].to_csv
Personally, I'd keep it as simple as possible and use a CSV.
Here is some pseudocode of how that would work:
read in your file line by line
extract your fields using regex, or cell count (depending on how consistent the email address location is), and insert into an arry
iterate through the array and write the values in the fashion you wish (to console, or file)
The code in the comment you had is a great start, however, puts will only write to console, not file. You will also need to figure out how you are going to know you are getting the email address.
Hope this helps.
