cannot run a .svb file - windows

I am using Windows 7 and have associated .svb files with C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe which is the Windows Script Host program
But when I click the file I get the popup "There is no script engine for file extension .svb"
I have googled it but cold find a solution
Any ideas?

wscript.exe seems to be just a stub which itself calls the interpreter for Visual Basic Script, JavaScript etc. based on the file extension. You have associated the .svb extension with wscript.exe, but wscript.exe does not know what to do with it. That said, you probably have a typo there, and the file should be named .vbs (for Visual Basic Script) instead of .svb.

Create a VBScript file to play the sound.
Open Notepad and paste the following lines into it:
Set oVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
set oSpFileStream = CreateObject("SAPI.SpFileStream")
oSpFileStream.Open "C:\Windows\Media\YourSoundHere.wav"
oVoice.SpeakStream oSpFileStream
Save this file anywhere with a .VBS extension. For example, LogonSound.vbs.
Double-click the file you've created and ensure that it plays your sound file.


Running a selfwritten ruby program outside of an IDE

I was wondering if it was possible to run a selfwritten ruby program just like any other program by double-clicking an icon of some sort.
And if it's possible, how do I do it?
I wrote a little program for a friend but I don't want him to have to use the command line to run it, because that's rather inconvenient (unless there is a way to just double-click and the command line opens the program itself..).
Thanks for your help!
The simple answer that should work for all versions of Windows is to just create a simple batch launcher.
Create a .bat file. I usually just create a new .txt file via "right click > new > text document". Then rename it, highlight everything, including the extension, and rename it to something like run.bat. The .bat part is important. Once you rename it, the icon should change to gears. If you can't overwrite the extension, or Windows is still treating it as a text document, you'll need to either manually save it as a bat, or disable "hide file extensions" in the explorer settings so the extension can be changed.
Edit the bat file, and put into it something like:
#echo off
Paste the command that you would normally run manually where the capital text is. The first line is so it doesn't repeat the commands back, and the pause is so if an error happens, the command prompt doesn't immediately close. This gives you a chance to read the error.
Save it and close it. Now, if you double click on the bat file, your program should run.
Multiple ways
if it's for occasional use and for one script only I would pack it
to a Windows executable with Ocra, then you can double click
the .exe itself or a link to it
same as above but use jRuby and create a .jar file, not for beginners though
the easiest: if you configure Windows to start/run .rb files with your ruby.exe you can double click the .rb files itself and they
will execute, they will have the red Ruby stone icon
if you run a .reg file to enable drap and drop on .rb files you can combine the previous technique to drop files on the script and
they will be the parameters to the script, see my answer here for the reg file
my favorite: copy the .rb to your windows "C:\Users\your_user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\"
folder, then you can right click file(s) or folder(s) and select
sendto and select your script, the files or folder will again be the
parameters for your script
you can create a .bat or .cmd file that starts with the path to your ruby.exe and the script as parameter, use rubyw.exe if you
don't want output

Can't open a .chm file from a batch file

I am trying to open a .chm file from a batch file.
The batch file has only this text in it :
echo off
start "S:\G.T.T\GTT-Vandemecum\Help Danny\GTT.chm"
If I run the batch file, the commandline opens but nothing further happens.
If I copy paste S:\G.T.T\GTT-Vandemecum\Help Danny\GTT.chm in start menu/run then it does works.
If I make a shortcut with target "S:\G.T.T\GTT-Vandemecum\Help Danny\GTT.chm" then it also works.
So the command works everywhere, except from a batch file.
What am I doing wrong here ?
It might also be important to know that when I start it from the shortcut, or start menu/runI always get a dialog
We can't verify who created this file. Are you sure you want to open this file ?
I am using Windows 7
My problem is not the dialog, my problem is that nothing happens when I open the chm file from a batch file
The Start command is probably seeing your doublequoted string as a title, enter Start /? at the command prompt for its usage information.
Try adding an empty title first:
#Echo Off
Start "" "S:\G.T.T\GTT-Vandemecum\Help Danny\GTT.chm"

vb6 read and write a text file in win 7

I am trying to execute a .exe file (created by VB6) on Windows 7.
What the application will do is to simply create a text file, and then read the text for a text file.
All the functions are being tested successfully on Windows XP. When I execute the .exe file on Win 7, the functions act as usual but the file I created doesn't exist on the specific path (C:\test.txt). The most weird thing is that I can still read the content from the text file (through the .exe file) despite being unable to find the text file on file explorer.
Then I discovered that I have to choose [run as Administrator] to execute the .exe file, so that the file (test.txt) will be created on the C: drive. I am very curious how the .exe file can still read the text file even it is not existed, and how can I force the .exe file to run as Administrator?
Here is the coding to write and read a file.
Open "C:\" & "test.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, cDrive.Text
Close #1
Open "C:\" & "test.txt" For Input As #1
Input #1, msg
Close #1
cDrive.Text = msg
Exit Sub
To answer the third remark:
Windows Vista and Windows 7 User Access Control (UAC) introduced a feature called the VirtualStore which is designed to add an extra layer of security protection for applications installed under the Program Files folder. If you search for the file on you hdd you might find a second instance of the file in /User/AppData/Local/VirtualStore
So that's why it is still able to read text.txt allthough is doesn't excist in the location you mentioned.
I suggest that you run the program as an administrator by using the feature in the shortcut (after compiling and installing).
If you asked about it when in debug mode - I believe that if the user that you use to debug is an admin - it's enough.
I have no answer for your question "I am very curious how the .exe file can still read the text file even it is not existed"
You should not specify open as #1 directly, use FreeFile() function instead Look here for a sample.
Good luck
Drive C is being protected by Win7, you can still write to it, but you really shouldn't.
If you want to run the app as admin:
right click on the EXE
click OK
Now every time you run the app, it will run as administrator

Running exe file behind a txt file

Was reading about ADS(Alternate data streams) in windows, so came across this thing.
Working on Windows XP to test the following.
I created a file with name - sample.txt with the content - "hello there"
Created another file with name - second.txt with content - "I am hidden"
At command prompt did the following:-
type second.txt > sample.txt:newfile.txt
It executes successfully
Now, if i type this:-
notepad sample.txt:newfile.txt
Notepad opens newfile.txt with the content - "I am hidden"
Till here, its normal
Now, I tried to hide an exe file,lets say - notepad.exe behind a txt sample like this:--
(i have copied notepad.exe in the same folder)
type notepad.exe > sample.txt:newexe.exe
Above command runs successfully.
Question is, now how can i run that exe file which is now behind text file. My guess is I need some form of interpreter (like notepad.exe in the first example) to make my exe run. Does exe files require some sort of interpreter to run(like text files need some editor)??
I know, exe files can be run directly, but here in this case thats not working. Even tried:--
start second.txt:newexe.exe
but it doesnt work. Help will be greatly appreciated, as I dont know much about windows internals.
Sensibly, Windows will not allow this and will throw an Access Denied if you try to execute it, similarly there is no easy way to copy a binary stream.
With administrative privs you can mklink blah.exe sample.txt:newexe.exe which would create a symlink to the executable ADS, executable via blah.exe.
Under Windows XP you must give the full qualified name of the ADS to start (in this case I have 'hidden' depends.exe in dbgview.exe):

Windows PATH variable

My program needs .bat file to run because the .bat file is changing some language settings, so .bat file looks like:
set lang=en
start ap.exe
It is working great but when I made installer for my app and pointed .bat file as main file, it creates a shortcut on the desktop to that .bat file. So far everything is great but when I launch that shortcut it cannot open app.exe because it can't find it on desktop.
So my question is: How can I get path to folder of .bat file so I could set proper start command? Something like:
set lang=en
start S/app.exe
It is just pseudocode but I think you get point.
You can write %~dp0 to get the directory containing the batch file.
Therefore, you can write
