#foreach loop in MVC 3 - asp.net-mvc-3

I am new to MVC 3 and have this question to start with,
I have a class defined as
Class abc
{ public string Id { get; set; }
public string str1 { get; set; }
public string Action { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Title {get; set;}
on my MVC2 aspx viewpage , I was using this class abc as model and had this code
Model.ForEach(a =>
{ %>
<%= Html.ActionLink(a.Title ,
a.Action , // <-- ActionMethod
a.Name , // <-- Controller Name.
new { key = a.Id }, // <-- Route arguments.
new { title = a.str1 })%>
<br /><br />
<% }); %>
can you please help me convert this piece of code to MVC razor view ?,
#model abc
Model.ForEach(a =>
{ %>
<%= Html.ActionLink(a.Title ,
a.Action , // <-- ActionMethod
a.Name , // <-- Controller Name.
new { key = a.Id }, // <-- Route arguments.
new { title = a.str1 })%>
<br /><br />
<% }); %>
when I try to use #foreach ( var abc in Model) , I get error message , need to implement Ienumerable ? How can I implement using #for Please help or give me pointers.Thanks

The model shows only one object, not a list of objects.
Therefore you should not use ForEach but access the properties directly without a loop as Model.Name etc.
If you want a list of objects, then you need to update your controller to return a list of those by using a generic list, for example.
var abcCollection = new List<abc>();
That should point you in the right direction.

a bit of understanding of the Razor syntax will help here. there are plenty of examples out there via Mr google. However, if you have a LOAD of code to convert, then you have a great little 'tool' out there to help (now OSS, originally developed by Telerik). Take a look at:
this is basically a convertor that takes an entire set of aspx views and converts them to Razor. I've tried it on a few test projects now and it works to 99% of my satisfaction, the other 1% is being addressed (or i can live with the minor tweaking).

I'd recommend you using a display template. This way you don't need to write any loops. So:
#model IEnumerable<abc>
and then you define a display template which will automatically be rendered for each element of the model collection (~/Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates/abc.cshtml):
#model abc
new { key = Model.Id },
new { title = Model.str1 }
<br /><br />
Notice that templates work by convention. They must be placed in either the ~/Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates folder or the ~/Views/SomeController/DisplayTemplates folder depending on whether you want to reuse them between views from multiple controllers or a single controller. ASP.NET MVC first looks in the specific folder for a template and then in the Shared. The name of the file is also important. In this case your model consists of an IEnumerable<abc> where abc is the type of the elements in this collection therefore the display template must be called abc.html.
Same rules apply for editor templates. Just replace display by editor. Editor templates, as their name suggests, are suitable for putting input fields for editing a view model.


Populate listbox with associated entities

I'm building my first MVC(3) application which manages snippets.
Obviously I have an edit page for a snippet, which has a programming language (0.* to 0.1).
Now my question is, how can I build a listbox with all the present programming languages to show on my edit page for a snippet?
I think I can create a ViewModel and populate that with all the values by querying them manually and passing them as a list, but I have a feeling that the people who built MVC have a tidier solution to this? I have "Pro MVC 3" and "Pro Entity Framework" at hand by Apress but can't seem to find an answer to this.
When I try:
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Language or model.Language.Name)
I get errors.
Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated!
I think I can create a ViewModel
Straight to the point! That's exactly what I would recommend you doing.
But if you want to stick with your domain models you could do some adaptations in the view in order to be able to use the ListBox helper (totally unrecommended solution, but since you asked for something more tidier according to your criteria):
#model Snippet
new MultiSelectList(
Model.Languages.Select(l => new { Value = l.ID.Tostring(), Text = l.Name }),
Here is what I do in similar cases:
1) Create a View Model for editing language
public class LanguagesModel
public IEnumerable<int> SelectedLanguageIds { get; set; }
public MultiSelectList languages { get; set; }
2) Populate the model in the controller:
public ActionResult Index()
List<Language> languages = _languageService.GetLanguages();//however you get the languages from your datasource
var temp = new MultiSelectList(
languages.Select(l => new { Value = l.LanguageId.ToString(), Text = l.Name }),
LanguagesModel model = new LanguagesModel();
model.languages = temp;
return View(model);
3) Create a view that uses the DropDownListFor helper:
#model LanguagesModel
#using (Html.BeginForm(Html.BeginForm("Index", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" })))
#Html.ListBoxFor(m => m.SelectedLanguageIds, Model.languages)
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
be carefule to replace "Index" and "Home" by the Action and Controllers that you are actually using.
Edit Changed code to use ListBox instead of DropDownList. Inspired by Darin Dimitrov's answer

use Razor to fill dropdown with Linq2Sql data

I'm experimenting with ASP.NET MVC3 and want to simply populate a dropdown list with data I get from a LINQ2SQL class, like so
controller (I know, Linq doesn't belong in the controller)
var allUsers = (from u in _userDataContext.Users
select u).ToList();
ViewBag.allUsers = allUsers.ToList();
return View();
<select id="drop_heroes">
#foreach (var u in ViewBag.allUsers)
<option value="#u.pk_userid">#u.email</option>
That works fine, but I would like to use Razor #Html.Dropdownlist to create the same dropdown list, but can't find any info to make this work with Linq data.
I know, Linq doesn't belong in the controller
Then why are you using it in a controller? Anyway, at least it's fine that you know it.
Here's an example. As always in an ASP.NET MVC application you start by defining a view model which will represent the data that you need in the view. So in your case you need to display a dropdown so you define a list of users and a selected user id:
public class MyViewModel
public string SelectedUserId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Users { get; set; }
then you define a controller action which will populate this view model from your repository and handle it to the view:
public ActionResult Index()
var model = new MyViewModel
Users = _userDataContext.Users.ToList().Select(x => new SelectListItem
Value = x.pk_userid.ToString(),
Text = x.email
return View(model);
and finally you will have a view which will be strongly typed to your view model and use HTML helpers to generate the dropdownlist:
#model MyViewModel
#using (Html.BeginForm())
#Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.SelectedUserId, Model.Users)
<button type="submit">OK</button>
Things to notice:
Usage of view models
Usage of a strongly typed view
Usage of strongly typed HTML helpers to generate markup such as form elements and input fields
Getting rid of weakly typed structures such as ViewBag
If you follow these simple rules you will see how much easier your life as an ASP.NET MVC developer will become.

Using ASP.NET MVC 3 with Razor, what's the most effective way to add an ICollection to a Create view?

I'm using Entity Framework Code First to generated my database, so I have an object defined like the following:
public class Band
public int Id { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "You must enter a name of this band.")]
public string Name { get; set; }
// ...
public virtual ICollection<Genre> Genres { get; set; }
Now I'm looking at a create view for this and the default scaffolding isn't adding Genres to my form, which from past experience is about what I expect.
Looking online I've found Using ASP.NET MVC v2 EditorFor and DisplayFor with IEnumerable<T> Generic types which seems to come closest to what I want, but doesn't seem to make sense with Razor and possibly MVC 3, per ASP.NET MVC 3 Custom Display Template With UIHint - For Loop Required?.
At present I've added the listing of genres to the ViewBag and then loop through that listing in my create view:
List<Genre> genreList = ViewBag.Genres as List<Genre>;
// ...
#for (int i = 0; i < genreList.Count; i++)
<li><input type="checkbox" name="Genres" id="Genre#(i.ToString())" value="#genreList[i].Name" /> #Html.Label("Genre" + i.ToString(), genreList[i].Name)</li>
Outside of not yet handling cases where the user has JavaScript disabled and the checkboxes need to be re-checked, and actually updating the database with this information, it does output the genres as I'd like.
But this doesn't feel right, based on how good MVC 3 has become.
So what's the most effective way to handle this in MVC 3?
I don't send lists into my View via the ViewBag, instead I use my viewmodel to do this. For instance, I did something like this:
I have an EditorTemplate like this:
#model IceCream.ViewModels.Toppings.ToppingsViewModel
#Html.HiddenFor(x => x.Id)
#Html.TextBoxFor(x =x> x.Name, new { #readonly="readonly"})
#Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x.IsChecked)
which I put in my Views\IceCream\EditorTemplates folder. I use this to display some html for allowing the user to "check" any particular topping.
Then in my View I've got something like this:
#HtmlEditorFor(model => model.Toppings)
and that will use that result in my EditorTemplate being used for each of the toppings in the Toppings property of my viewmodel.
And then I've got a viewmodel which, among other things, includes the Toppings collection:
public IEnumerable<ToppingsViewModel> Toppings { get; set; }
Over in my controller, among other things, I retrieve the toppings (however I do that in my case) and set my viewmodel's property to that collection of toppings. In the case of an Edit, where toppings may have been selected previously, I set the IsChecked member of the TopingsViewModel and it'll set the corresponding checkboxes to checked.
Doing it this way provided the correct model binding so that when the user checked a few toppings, the underlying items in the collection reflected those selections. Worked well for me, hope it's helpful for you.

What is a way to share a drop down inside a layout for use in all views?

I am becoming more familiar with MVC 3 and the RAZOR view engine. I have a question regarding layouts and shared controls on pages.
Let’s say I have a header section defined in my main layout. In that header is a dropdown I need to populate with project names. This dropdown will serve as a context for the entire site and is present on all pages. As an example, if the user selects “Project A” from the drop down, all of the views for the site will be based on “Project A”. Since this dropdown control is rather static and is used by the entire site, where is the best place to put the code to pull all the projects to display in the dropdown? In a Partial View? In a HTML helper? Another thought is, if a user selects a new value, they would be taken to a dashboard or similar page for that newly selected project. I am trying to figure out how to reuse this control on every page in the site without having to keep wiring it up in every possible controller.
You could use a child action along with the Html.Action helper. So you start by defining a view model:
public class ProjectViewModel
[DisplayName("Project name")]
public string ProjectId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> ProjectNames { get; set; }
then a controller:
public class ProjectsController: Controller
private readonly IProjectsRepository _repository;
public ProjectsController(IProjectsRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
public ActionResult Index(string projectId)
var projects = _repository.GetProjects();
var model = new ProjectViewModel
ProjectId = projectId,
ProjectNames = projects.Select(x => new SelectListItem
Value = x.Id,
Text = x.Name
return PartialView(model);
then the corresponding view (~/views/projects/index.cshtml):
#model ProjectViewModel
#Html.LabelFor(x => x.ProjectId)
x => x.ProjectId,
new {
id = "projects",
data_url = Url.Action("SomeAction", "SomeController")
Now all that's left is to render this widget inside the _Layout.cshtml:
#Html.Action("Index", "Products", new { projectid = Request["projectId"] })
And now we could put some javascript so that when the user decides to change the selection he is redirected to some other action:
$(function() {
$('#projects').change(function() {
var url = $(this).data('url');
var projectId = encodeURIComponent($(this).val());
window.location.href = url + '?projectid=' + projectId;
Another possibility is to put the dropdown inside an HTML form:
#model ProjectViewModel
#using (Html.BeginForm("SomeAction", "SomeController", FormMethod.Get))
#Html.LabelFor(x => x.ProjectId)
x => x.ProjectId,
new {
id = "projects",
so that inside the javascript we don't have to worry about building urls when the selection changes and simply trigger the containing form submission:
$(function() {
$('#projects').change(function() {
We just did a similiar thing on a project.
First, you can't really put it in a section because you have to put that section on every view, you could put it in a partial but you would still have to call it from every view.
Second, you can't really put it in the Layout page because the layout page isn't passed any kind of model. So I created an html helper and referenced that in the layout page. There are lots of tutorials on creating html helpers so I won't put the code here. But essentially in your html helper you can make a database call to get all of your projects. Then you can create a select list using string builder in the html helper and return that to the layout page. We then used jquery to add an on change event to the select list. When the select list changed it loaded a new page. So for example, in your select list the value of each item could be the project id, then on change it redirects them to a page like /Projects/View?id=234 where 234 is your project id.
So things to research. 1. Creating HTML Helpers 2. JQUERY change event.
That should get you in the right direction. Let me know if you need any other help and I can post some code.

dropdownlist set selected value in MVC3 Razor

Here is my model:
public class NewsCategoriesModel {
public int NewsCategoriesID { get; set; }
public string NewsCategoriesName { get; set; }
My controller:
public ActionResult NewsEdit(int ID, dms_New dsn) {
dsn = (from a in dc.dms_News where a.NewsID == ID select a).FirstOrDefault();
var categories = (from b in dc.dms_NewsCategories select b).ToList();
var selectedValue = dsn.NewsCategoriesID;
SelectList ListCategories = new SelectList(categories, "NewsCategoriesID", "NewsCategoriesName",selectedValue);
// ViewBag.NewsCategoriesID = new SelectList(categories as IEnumerable<dms_NewsCategory>, "NewsCategoriesID", "NewsCategoriesName", dsn.NewsCategoriesID);
ViewBag.NewsCategoriesID = ListCategories;
return View(dsn);
And then my view:
#Html.DropDownList("NewsCategoriesID", (SelectList)ViewBag.NewsCategoriesID)
When i run, the DropDownList does not select the value I set.. It is always selecting the first option.
You should use view models and forget about ViewBag Think of it as if it didn't exist. You will see how easier things will become. So define a view model:
public class MyViewModel
public int SelectedCategoryId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Categories { get; set; }
and then populate this view model from the controller:
public ActionResult NewsEdit(int ID, dms_New dsn)
var dsn = (from a in dc.dms_News where a.NewsID == ID select a).FirstOrDefault();
var categories = (from b in dc.dms_NewsCategories select b).ToList();
var model = new MyViewModel
SelectedCategoryId = dsn.NewsCategoriesID,
Categories = categories.Select(x => new SelectListItem
Value = x.NewsCategoriesID.ToString(),
Text = x.NewsCategoriesName
return View(model);
and finally in your view use the strongly typed DropDownListFor helper:
#model MyViewModel
x => x.SelectedCategoryId,
just in case someone comes with this question, this is how I do it, please forget about the repository object, I'm using the Repository Pattern, you can use your object context to retrieve the entities. And also don't pay attention to my entity names, my entity type Action has nothing to do with an MVC Action.
ViewBag.ActionStatusId = new SelectList(repository.GetAll<ActionStatus>(), "ActionStatusId", "Name", myAction.ActionStatusId);
Pay attention that the last variable of the SelectList constructor is the selected value (object selectedValue)
Then this is my view to render it:
<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.ActionStatusId, "ActionStatus")
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.ActionStatusId)
I think it is pretty simple, I hope this helps! :)
I drilled down the formation of the drop down list instead of using #Html.DropDownList(). This is useful if you have to set the value of the dropdown list at runtime in razor instead of controller:
<select id="NewsCategoriesID" name="NewsCategoriesID">
#foreach (SelectListItem option in ViewBag.NewsCategoriesID)
<option value="#option.Value" #(option.Value == ViewBag.ValueToSet ? "selected='selected'" : "")>#option.Text</option>
Well its very simple in controller you have somthing like this:
-- Controller
ViewBag.Profile_Id = new SelectList(db.Profiles, "Id", "Name", model.Profile_Id);
--View (Option A)
--View (Option B) --> Send a null value to the list
#Html.DropDownList("Profile_Id", null, "-- Choose --", new { #class = "input-large" })
Replace below line with new updated working code:
#Html.DropDownList("NewsCategoriesID", (SelectList)ViewBag.NewsCategoriesID)
Now Implement new updated working code:
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.NewsCategoriesID, ViewBag.NewsCategoriesID as List<SelectListItem>, new {name = "NewsCategoriesID", id = "NewsCategoriesID" })
I want to put the correct answer in here, just in case others are having this problem like I was. If you hate the ViewBag, fine don't use it, but the real problem with the code in the question is that the same name is being used for both the model property and the selectlist as was pointed out by #RickAndMSFT
Simply changing the name of the DropDownList control should resolve the issue, like so:
#Html.DropDownList("NewsCategoriesSelection", (SelectList)ViewBag.NewsCategoriesID)
It doesn't really have anything to do with using the ViewBag or not using the ViewBag as you can have a name collision with the control regardless.
I prefer the lambda form of the DropDownList helper - see MVC 3 Layout Page, Razor Template, and DropdownList
If you want to use the SelectList, then I think this bug report might assist - http://aspnet.codeplex.com/workitem/4932
code bellow, get from, goes
int DefaultId = 1;
ViewBag.Person = db.XXXX
.Select(x => new SelectListItem {
Value = x.Id.ToString(),
Text = x.Name,
Selected = (x.Id == DefaultId)
ViewBag.Person and #Html.DropDownList("Person") name should be as in view model
To have the IT department selected, when the departments are loaded from tblDepartment table, use the following overloaded constructor of SelectList class. Notice that we are passing a value of 1 for selectedValue parameter.
ViewBag.Departments = new SelectList(db.Departments, "Id", "Name", "1");
For anyone that dont want to or dont make sense to use dropdownlistfor, here is how I did it in jQuery with .NET MVC set up.
Front end Javascript -> getting data from model:
var settings = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.GlobalSetting.NotificationFrequencySettings));
function SelectNotificationSettings(settings) {
$.each(settings, function (i, value) {
$("#" + value.NotificationItemTypeId + " option[value=" + value.NotificationFrequencyTypeId + "]").prop("selected", true);
In razor html, you going to have few dropdownlist
notificationFrequencyOptions, optionLabel:=DbRes.T("Default", "CommonLabels"),
htmlAttributes:=New With {.class = "form-control notification-item-type", .id = Convert.ToInt32(NotificationItemTypeEnum.GenerateSubscriptionNotification)})
And when page load, you js function is going to set the selected option based on value that's stored in #model.
