Playing video in Qt (on a Mac) - macos

This question arises out of a combination of this being my first time working with video and unfamiliarity with Macs. Basically I'm finding it difficult to figure out how to play a video (within a QWidget, or otherwise) using any standard format, e.g. avi, mpeg, mov, etc. In particular,
QMovie::supportedFormats() gives me only .gif and .mng, but I need to use standard formats. Is there a way to increase the number of supported formats?
Phonon requires the presence of a 'backend' which the user has to implement himself. I looked to see if I could somehow do this with Quicktime, but I couldn't get the application to launch--and anyway I didn't really see how to do that. Also, Phonon looks pretty heavyweight, I'd like to avoid it if I could.
While there are plenty of avi (et al.) players floating around on the web, I think it's probably unlikely I'd be able to use them--I need to start, stop, and change the playback speed of videos programmatically i.e. through my C++ program.
I'm not sure why this should be so hard--working with images in Qt is a snap by comparison. So: What's a good way to play videos from within a C++/Qt program?

Stop what you are doing right now: Phonon is the past, Qt Mobility is the future.
After you download, compile and install Qt Mobility, check the examples: videowidget and videographicsitem, located at: qt-mobility-opensource-src-1.2.0/examples/
They pretty much answer all your questions.


Low-latency audio playback from Ruby

I'm building an audio application in Ruby which needs low latency audio playback. So far, I'm using SDL, which is great for a prototype, but it's got nowhere near enough performance for what I need.
I've tried using the ruby-jack gem, but it doesn't seem complete enough to inject any audio into a playback port (and the documentation is wildly incomplete).
If it changes much, I'm on OS X (but I'd like something that's decently cross-platform), and I'm (currently) playing back small WAV files, but more formats would be better. I don't want especially want to call a system application to do this, either.
My application's full source is available on Github; the salient features of it are in a gist, for those who want to have a look.
I'm not too certain if I have the correct answer for you, but I believe it may be worth your time to look into rbSFML. It is a binding for SFML, a multi media library, which has been growing in popularity.
Go here for rbSFML
SFML main page
Wish I had more information for you!

How can I record voice from microphone in wave format in windows RT?

I was able to get the file in mp3 and wma format. But I need wave format.
I know this seems a bit twisted, but can't you install an audio-conversion software (or implement one, if the algorithm isn't too complex)?
Also, I'm not really familiar with this, but I've heard talk about MediaEngine for WinRT, if you don't know about it it might be worth looking into.

Playing background live-streaming audio

Can anybody give me a link to a working example of playing background live-streaming audio in Window Phone 7 (or 7.1)? I saw a lot of examples (in too) and noone of them works correctly for playing a background live-streaming audio.
FYI, here's an url of live-streaming audio
Background audio is not supported on 7.0, only 7.1 (and above).
If you want to play streaming audio in a format/codec which is not natively supported by the phone you must do it with an AudioStreamingAgent. If it is a supported codec, you can use an AudioPlayerAgent (see sample here).
Using an AudioStreamingAgent is a nontrivial task and requires a deep understanding of the codec you need to play so you can convert it to something the phone understands. I know of one person who did this, for a H.264 stream, and it took a long time and much hair pulling to get it working. And before anyone asks: No, they are not able to share code from that project.
If you really must go down this route, the ManagedMediaHelpers (previously here) are a good place to start, but yes, they don't cover all codecs and this is, potentially, very complicated and not something well documented on the web.

Capture sound output on mac

I am trying to port my screensaver from windows to mac and one of its features was reacting on system sound output. On windows it was easy using Direct Sound, but I can't find any example of capturing sound output on mac. Is it possible even possible without writing something like kernel extension? Using flash it is also very easy — it even gives computeSpectrum method to get raw data or even fft transformed data.
All programs that I have already found use Soundflower or their own kernel extension. But I don't think that asking to install separate program or using kernel extension is a good way.
One thing you can do, considering that Soundflower is open source, is take a look at how they did it. You can't copy & paste GPL code, but you can surely study the techniques used and create your own solution (point you in the right direction).
You won't find Apple being very helpful here. Sound capturing, in this manner, can be used for all kinds of nefarious purposes. I'm not even sure if Core Audio lets you do this without hacks. In any case, you have a working implementation of what you're trying to accomplish. I'd take advantage of it.
I'm not on my Mac right now, but I'm pretty sure that Quartz Composer has a patch for just this thing. Depending on what language you're writing your screen saver in, it may be fairly easy for you to port your code into a QC patch. Well... it probably won't be easy, but it may be doable.

Capturing the desktop with Windows Media Format(WMF)

I am using Windows Media Format SDK to capture the desktop in real time and save it in a WMV file (actually this is an oversimplification of my project, but this is the relevant part). For encoding, I am using the Windows Media Video 9 Screen codec because it is very efficient for screen captures and because it is available to practically everybody without the need to install anything, as the codec is included with Windows Media Player 9 runtime (included in Windows XP SP1).
I am making BITMAP screen shots using the GDI functions and feed those BITMAPs to the encoder. As you can guess, taking screen shots with GDI is slow, and I don't get the screen cursor, which I have to add manually to the BITMAPs. The BITMAPs I get initially are DDBs, and I need to convert those to DIBs for the encoder to understand (RGB input), and this takes more time.
Firing a profiler shows that about 50% of the time is spent in WMVCORE.DLL, the encoder. This is to be expected, of course as the encoding is CPU intensive.
The thing is, there is something called Windows Media Encoder that comes with a SDK, and can do screen capture using the desired codec in a simpler, and more CPU friendly way.
The WME is based on WMF. It's a higher lever library and also has .NET bindings. I can't use it in my project because this brings unwanted dependencies that I have to avoid.
I am asking about the method WME uses for feeding sample data to the WMV encoder. The encoding takes place with WME exactly like it takes place with my application that uses WMF. WME is more efficient than my application because it has a much more efficient way of feeding video data to the encoder. It doesn't rely on slow GDI functions and DDB->DIB conversions.
How is it done?
The source to CamStudio, a GPL'd screencasting app that's been around for years (commercially and then open-srcd later) might be useful?
I'd suggest looking at the guts of VNC clients too, though they're probably very simplistic (I think just grabbing screenshots then jpg'ing the tiles that have changed since the last capture).
You might want to consider not using WMV9 as the encoder for on-the-fly encoding if it is too cpu-heavy? Maybe use an older, less efficient compressor (like MS RLE) as used by HyperCam and then compress to WMV afterwards? MS RLE has been a default install since at least Win2000 I believe:
CamStudio's Lossless codec is GPL (same link as above), that offers pretty good compression (though you'd need to bundle the dll in your installer) and could be used on the fly, it works well with high compression on all modern systems.
It's been ages since I've done any Win32 coding, but AFAIK, WMF as a format is basically a list of GDI commands and their parameters which would explain why it is much more efficient to encode...
You'd probably need to hook into the top level GDI context (just as Remote Desktop does, I guess) and capture the GDI commands as they are called. I seem to remember there being some way of creating a WMF output GDI context which means you may be able to just delegate calls to it in some way.
I'm guessing here, but you may be able to find example code for the above in the TightVNC/QuickVNC for Windows projects as they would have to do something like that to capture changes on screen in an efficient way.
Have you checked out the BB FlashBack library?
I am on a similar hunt, and I have just started evaluating the BB FlashBack library.
I am not sure about the external dependencies or install footprint. It appears to have a proprietary codec that has to be installed, but the installation of the codec can be handled by the exposed BB FlashBack API.
Beware, there are licensing restrictions (Runtime setting of license keys, ...)
I can send you the CHM from the SDK via e-mail if you want to evaluate the API before committing to a licensed download.
Things I am in the midst of evaluating:
Proper captures of WPF views
mouse cursor tracking
Size of stored movie
How to display stored movie without proprietary codec (i.e. SWF export)
