CodeIgniter installation questions - codeigniter

When I upload the CodeIgniter package to my web server on Bluehost, I can get into the main page, but not sure if this is all I have to do.
I've read many questions here about the same issue, but nothing worked for me. As I understand that I have to add some code .htaccess codeignitor code to the root .htaccess, but that made a mess in my url redirection.
I verified that mod_rewrite is working fine through some php code, but still unsure about the installation procedure. did any have this framework works on his Bluehost webserver??
I found the installation guide on this site, but the test fails back to 404 page.
By the way, I uploaded the package on a subdomain folder
Any comments are appreciated.

That's nothing wrong with Bluehost.. I've upload my CI into a subdomain folder in Bluehost. and nothing wrong.. It work perfectly..
Some questions :
Do you set your base_url correctly? or you can leave it blank.
Are you sure you've write the right .htaccess, and put it in the right place? make sure the index page in the config file is blank.


Moved joomla site to another host but doesn't work

I have recently moved my joomla site to another hosting. But now the site doesn't work. Shows blank page. Though the administrator's page (/administrator) is shown and works correctly. Have any ideas for what reason it can be?
Remove the .htaccess altogether
clear the cache and tmp folders
make sure db name, login and password are correct in the configuration.php
make sure the server path (tmp and logs folders) are correct
if you still get an empty page, make sure you're looking at the right log file. Turn php error logging on or display them.
post some more details here...

nginx codeigniter subdomain gives error 500

So my main site, is using codeigniter, on nginx and everything works perfectly, I got the redirect and all working perfect.
So I do the same for a codeigniter project I am working on, and I put it to my test subdomain, and create the A zone like I should in Linode's dns manager and when I have just a flat html file, it all resolves and works nice, otherwise with the codeigniter project, I get error 500.
Where should I start looking for the problem?
So it turns out that if you need something (like a database) and codeigniter does not have access to it, it will throw out error 500.
Hopefully this helps someone in the future

How do i fix these wrong URL's in my broken magento deployment?

This is my first attempt at using Magento to develop a site. I have to admit the learning curve has been steep, but i have been able to navigate most of the challenges thus far. Here at the final hurdle, however, i have stumbled.
Apache version 2.2.22
PHP version 5.3.10
MySQL version 5.1.65-cll
Magento is located in a folder on the server named magento one directory down, as in
No images are displayed in the front end or backend. It is as if it cannot access the stylesheets. When viewing the source, i can see that the paths are wrong. It searches for the stylesheets in and not in the magento folder. I can access the backend by typing in and that brings up the backend without any styling. After that however, every request results in 404. The URL looks like without a slash between admin and index. Introducing that slash manually after every 404 results in correct page being displayed (still without styling). So clearly the problem is here, but i can't seem to fix it. And YES, i do have the slash after the path in the database for both secure and unsecure.
Attempts to solve:
Changed the url’s in database link
Changed app/etc/local.xml to use correct database
Changed .htaccess to include this line: RewriteBase /magento/ (but i
removed it again)
Deleted the appropriate cache and sessions folders
Tried some of the suggestion given here link
Now, i am stuck. I have worked my way through error upon error (no fault of Magento, just the learning curve) and i am tired… :-( If someone can please give me some advice as to what to try next, it would be greatly appreciated.
I found these links of the (seemingly) similar problem. Clearly there is something happening here. The other thread never solved the issued, just found a work around. Is it possible that we have run into a bug? Something is stripping that slash out and it isn’t any of the usual suspects… dum dum dum

Magento links not working

I migrated my website from one server to another. I am able to visit the home page on main website(, but other then that no links are working, not even the admin
Strangely, the indian version website( is running fine with all links working properly.
When i migrated, I was seeing a 500 error so the hosting provider asked me to delete the .htaccess file which was auto-created simultaneously. Then the site worked but now this problem has arised.
What should i do. When replace the .htaccess file with the earlier one, I get a 500 server error.
The .hatccess file is necessary for the rewrites. Speak with your hosts and make sure that it is configured properly for Magento.

Error 404 while loading images in drupal

My Server's PHP has updated to version 5.3 recently. After this upgrade the drupal which is installed on my site doesn't load the pictures which are located in the '/sites/default/files/' directory. It throws 404 error for every picture stored in this path.
I am pretty confused with this. Do I have to make any change to my .htaccess file?
Is it possible directory permissions were changed when php was upgraded? That would be the simplest explanation, since I'm not aware of a reason why php 5.3 would itself cause this to happen.
I found that there was another .htaccess file in my 'sites/default/files/' folder. My web hosting company has obligated me to remove FollowSymLink. But I didn't know that there was another .htaccess file in my drupal folder. I removed that and now everything is working smoothly.
