Can Apache Pig load data from STDIN instead of a file? - hadoop

I want to use Apache pig to transform/join data in two files, but I want to implement it step by step, which means, test it from real data, but with a small size(10 lines for example), is it possible to use pig that read from STDIN and output to STDOUT?

Basically Hadoop supports Streaming in various ways, but Pig originally lacked support for loading data through streaming. However there are some solutions.
You can check out HStreaming:
A = LOAD '' USING HStream('\n') AS (f1, f2);

The answer is no. The data needs to be out in the cluster on data nodes before any MR job can even run over the data.
However if you are using a small sample of data and are just wanting to do something simple you could use Pig in local mode and just write stdin to a local file and run it through your script.
But the bigger question becomes why are you wanting to use MR/Pig on a stream of data? It was and is not intended for that type of use.


How can Spark take input after it is submitted

I am designing an application, which requires response very fast and need to retrieve and process a large volume of data (>40G) from hadoop file system, given one input (command).
I am thinking, if it is possible to catch such high amount of data in the distributed memory using spark, and let the application running all the time. If I give the application an command, it could start to process data based on the input.
I think catching such big data is not a problem. However, how can I let the application running, and take input?
As far as I know, there is nothing can be done after "spark-submit" command...
You can try spark job server and Named Objects to cache dataset in distributed memory and use it in various input commands.
The requirement is not clear!!!, but based on my understanding,
1) In spark-submit after the application.jar, you can provide application specific command line arguments. But if you want to send commands after the job was started, then you can write a spark streaming job which processes kafka messages.
2) HDFS is already optimised for processing large volume of data. You can cache intermediate reusable data so that they do not get re-computed. But for better performance you might consider using something like elasticsearch/cassandra, so that they can be fetched/stored even faster.

Downloading list of files in parallel in Apache Pig

I have a simple text file which contains list of folders on some FTP servers. Each line is a separate folder. Each folder contains couple of thousand images. I want to connect to each folder, store all files inside that foder in a SequenceFile and then remove that folder from FTP server. I have written a simple pig UDF for this. Here it is:
dirs = LOAD '/var/location.txt' USING PigStorage();
results = FOREACH dirs GENERATE download_whole_folder_into_single_sequence_file($0);
/* I don't need results bag. It is just a dummy bag */
The problem is I'm not sure if each line of input is processed in separate mapper. The input file is not a huge file just couple of hundred lines. If it were pure Map/Reduce then I would use NLineInputFormat and process each line in a separate Mapper. How can I achieve the same thing in pig?
Pig lets you write your own load functions, which let you specify which InputFormat you'll be using. So you could write your own.
That said, the job you described sounds like it would only involve a single map-reduce step. Since using Pig wouldn't reduce complexity in this case, and you'd have to write custom code just to use Pig, I'd suggest just doing it in vanilla map-reduce. If the total file size is Gigabytes or less, I'd just do it all directly on a single host. It's simpler not to use map reduce if you don't have to.
I typically use map-reduce to first load data into HDFS, and then Pig for all data processing. Pig doesn't really add any benefits over vanilla hadoop for loading data IMO, it's just a wrapper around InputFormat/RecordReader with additional methods you need to implement. Plus it's technically possible with Pig that your loader will be called multiple times. That's a gotcha you don't need to worry about using Hadoop map-reduce directly.

Hadoop Load and Store

When I am trying to run a Pig script which has two "store" to the same file this way
store Alert_Message_Count into 'out';
store Warning_Message_Count into 'out';
It hangs, I mean it does not proceed after showing 50% done.
Is this wrong? Cant we store both the results in the same file(folder)?
HDFS does not have append mode. So in most cases where you are running map-reduce programs, the output file is opened once, data is written and then closed. Assuming this approach you can not write data simultaneously onto the same file.
Try writing to separate files and check if the map-red programs do not hang. If they still do, then there are some other issues.
You can obtain the result and map-reduce logs to analyze what went wrong.
You can not write to the same file or append to an existing file. The HDFS Append feature is a work in progress.
To work on this you can do two things:
1) If you have the same schema content in both Alert_Message_Count and Warning_Message_Count, you could use union as suggested by Chris.
2) Do post processing when the schema is not the same. That is write a map reduce program to merge the two separate outputs into one.
Normally Hadoop MapReduce won't allow you to save job output to a folder that already exists, so i would guess that this isn't possible either (seeing as Pig translates the commands into a series of M/R steps) - but i would expect some form of error message rather than it just to hang.
If you open the cluster job tracker, and look at the logs for the task, does the log yield anything of note which can help diagnose this further?
Might also be worth checking with the pig mailing lists (if you haven't already)
If you want to append one dataset to another, use the union keyword:
grunt> All_Count = UNION Alert_Message_Count, Warning_Message_Count;
grunt> store All_Count into 'out';

Is it possible to use Pig streaming (StreamToPig) in a way that handles multiple lines as a single input tuple?

I'm streaming data in a pig script through an executable that returns an xml fragment for each line of input I stream to it. That xml fragment happens to span multiple lines and I have no control whatsoever over the output of the executable I stream to
In relation to Use Hadoop Pig to load data from text file w/ each record on multiple lines?, the answer was suggesting writing a custom record reader. The problem is, this works fine if you want to implement a LoadFunc that reads from a file, but to be able to use streaming, it has to implement StreamToPig. StreamToPig allows you to only read one line at a time as far as I understood
Does anyone know how to handle such a situation?
If you are absolutely sure, then one option is to manage it internally to the streaming solution. That is to say, you build up the tuple yourself, and when you hit whatever your desired size is, you do the processing and return a value. In general, evalfuncs in pig have this issue.

How do you deal with empty or missing input files in Apache Pig?

Our workflow uses an AWS elastic map reduce cluster to run series of Pig jobs to manipulate a large amount of data into aggregated reports. Unfortunately, the input data is potentially inconsistent, and can result in either no input files or 0 byte files being given to the pipeline or even being produced by some stages of the pipeline.
During a LOAD statement, Pig fails spectacularly if it either doesn't find any input files or any of the input files are 0 bytes.
Is there any good way to work around this (hopefully within the Pig configuration or script or the Hadoop cluster configuration, without writing a custom loader...)?
(Since we're using AWS elastic map reduce, we're stuck with Pig 0.6.0 and Hadoop 0.20.)
(For posterity, a sub-par solution we've come up with:)
To deal with the 0-byte problem, we've found that we can detect the situation and instead insert a file with a single newline. This causes a message like:
Encountered Warning ACCESSING_NON_EXISTENT_FIELD 13 time(s).
but at least Pig doesn't crash with an exception.
Alternatively, we could produce a line with the appropriate number of '\t' characters for that file which would avoid the warning, but it would insert garbage into the data that we would then have to filter out.
These same ideas could be used to solve the no input files condition by creating a dummy file, but it has the same downsides as are listed above.
The approach I've been using is to run pig scripts from a shell. I have one job that gets data from six different input directories. So I've written a fragment for each input file.
The shell checks for the existence of the input file and assembles a final pig script from the fragments.
It then executes the final pig script. I know it's a bit of a Rube Goldberg approach, but so far so good. :-)
