I am trying to use Qwt in one of my Qt DLLs.
The thing is that the library does not load if I call a constructor of QwtPlot inside. If I comment it out it loads. Just to note that DLL builds successfully when QwtPlot is uncommented.
I am using Visual Studio 2010.
Any thoughts?
EDIT (code that loads the dll, though the code works just fine for the dll which does not have QWT inside):
typedef bool (*EntryPointPtr)();
EntryPointPtr _pFn;
_pDLL = ::LoadLibrary("..\\MyDll.dll");
_pFn = (EntryPointPtr) ::GetProcAddress(_pDLL, "qtLoader");
Problem solved and here is the solution for anyone who might encounter the same problem again.
Initially I set up the project settings as follows:
VC++ Directories -> Include Directories -> path to QWT src folder
VC++ Directories -> Library Directories -> path to QWT lib folder
Linker -> Input -> Additional dependencies -> qwtd.lib or qwt.lib
(according to debug mode)
What needed to be done is:
C/C++ -> General -> Additional include directories -> path to QWT
src folder
Linker -> General -> Additional library directories -> path to QWT
lib folder
Linker -> Input -> Additional dependencies -> qwtd.lib or qwt.lib (according to debug mode)
Seems like Visual Studio could not link it properly using the initial option.
PS. Thanks for helping. Your answers guided me in the right direction and eventually helped me to figure out what the problem was. Respect to you all.
I try to link Boost libraries in my CMakeList on Windows. Here is my code :
set(BOOST_ROOT C:/lib/boost_1_59_0)
set(BOOST_LIBRARYDIR C:/lib/boost_1_59_0/lib)
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
My folder "lib" contains all the lib build by bjam, including "libboost_system-vc140-mt-1_59.lib" and "libboost_system-vc140-mt-gd-1_59.lib".
It works for headers, but It doesn't find libs. I have this error :
Error:Unable to find the requested Boost libraries.
Boost version: 1.59.0
Boost include path: C:/lib/boost_1_59_0
Could not find the following Boost libraries:
No Boost libraries were found. You may need to set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR to the directory containing Boost libraries or BOOST_ROOT to the location of Boost.
I try a lot of things (this is the first time I ask a question here, I really search a lot before asking) like "add_definitions(-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB)" or change the path to "C:\lib\boost_1_59_0" but I find nothing to fix it.
If anyone have an idea, I will thank him a lot !
CMake Configuration- Boost- Visual Studio - C++
Step 1: Download CMake installation file, install and save it in local disk
Step 2: Create 2 Folders in local disk a) Raw File b)Solution File
Step 3: Raw File folder- Create a Main.cpp file and paste your raw c++ code it it and save. Now in the same folder create a txt file named CMakeLists and paste the following code in it and save.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
project (cmboosttest)
#find_package(Boost REQUIRED)
add_executable(boosttest ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Main.cpp)
Step 4: Open CMake choose Raw File folder in browse source and Solution File Folder in browse build.
Step 5: Click Configure. Once it succeeds, click Generate.
Step 6: When you open the Solution File folder, you can see the built solution file. Click on it and your program will open in Visual Studio. Now, build your program in VS.
Hope this helps!
I used Cmake gui and the FindBoost module to add Boost as a dependency in my visual studio 2010 c++ project. I set the parameter that tells FindBoost to use the win32 thread library instead of pthread (because I'm running on windows). When i build my code, all the calls to boost libraries compile fine, but boost itself is having a compile error. its failing on
boost\thread\pthread\mutex.hpp line 11
cannot open include file: 'pthread.h': No such file or directory
If I could make it use the win32 library, the mutex.hpp (and all the other files) dont call pthread.h
How do I build so that it uses boost\thread\win32 ?
here is the section of my cmakelists.txt
# include boost
set(BOOST_ROOT "E:/boost_1_58_0/boost_1_58_0")
add_definitions( -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB )
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS thread system)
message(STATUS "Boost was found, Success!")
# telling it to use win32 threads not pthreads
set(Boost_THREADAPI "win32")
CMake comes with a module called FindBoost which i used, and it correctly found the boost directory and set the following
visual studio project settings
C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories:
...bunch of my other dependencies
Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories
Linker -> General -> Link Library Dependencies - No
Linker -> General -> Use LIbrary Dependency Inputs - No
Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies:
...bunch of my other .libs
I fixed the error but I had try what I call the "dumb" way. The "smart" way didnt work. Smart way was reviewing several times the cmakelists code and the visual studio include library settings. i even did a clean and rebuild boost using b2 and manually set threading=multi and link=static because i thought maybe the library just wasnt built correct.
Finally i gave up and tried the dumb way: I cut and pasted the pthread folder and moved it somewhere else, so that it was no longer in the boost/thread folder, only the win32 folder.
I wish i tried it so long ago, because i didnt think that the compilation error would be due to my project's code, but rather an environment setting in the include and linking. But sure enough i got an error showing that in one of my project's files i was directly trying to include that mutex.hpp from the pthread folder. i didnt write this code (its open source) so i couldnt have exactly known, but still i want to slap myself
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/pthread/mutex.hpp>
changing pthread to win32 made the error go away.
I installed boost v1.47 DLL (MT, Debug) for VC9 from boostpro. My code #include's <boost/regex.hpp>. When I try to build, VC gives me LNK1104 cannot open file libboost_regex-vc90-mt-gd-1_47.lib, even though boost_1_47/lib has been added to Additional Library Dependencies (in double quotes). The problem seems to be that the name of the library in the directory is not libboost_regex-vc90-mt-gd-1_47.lib, but simply boost_regex-vc90-mt-gd-1_47.lib.
How do I get VC to omit the leading 'lib' ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
In Boost the lib prefix denotes whether the libraries were built for static or dynamic (shared) linking. To indicate you want to dynamically link the libraries (as the name without the lib prefix implies) define the preprocessor directive of BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK.
In Visual Studio, go to the project's settings, and select Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor page. Add BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK to Preprocessor Definitions.
See also this related question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2521866/483776
I am currently digitizing old VHS cassettes. For post-processing, I would like to implement a custom algorithm with C++ & OpenCV. I have already implemented a promising prototype in Matlab, but it can only process single images (reading / writing video files is not possible in my version (R2010a); also, Matlab is far too slow).
Sadly, I am - over and over again - stuck with CMake. Though I wonder ... this can't be so difficult. I have often had problems with CMake, so I will go into a lot of detail here. I hope that you can not only point out to me what I am doing wrong here, but give general advices towards my usage of CMake as well. Maybe I am doing it all wrong, I don't know.
Here is what I've done so far:
I have downloaded the OpenCV 2.3.1 superpack from sourceforge. The superpack contains OpenCV source code, includes and - most importantly - the .lib and .dll files for all major platforms. For this reason, I need not build OpenCV myself. It is already done. I need only use/link it.
I installed (i.e. extracted to) the superpack in C:\dev\vs2010sp1_win32\opencv\2.3.1.
I have renamed C:\dev\vs2010sp1_win32\opencv\2.3.1\OpenCVConfig.cmake.in to OpenCVConfig.cmake.
I have created a folder for my project C:\dev\VhsDejitterizer with the following structure:
CMakeLists.txt (A)
CMakeLists.txt (B)
CMakeLists.txt (C)
CMakeLists.txt (D)
Here are the contents of the individual CMakeLists.txt files.
/CMakeLists.txt (A)
PATHS "C:/dev/vs2010sp1_win32/opencv/2.3.1"
/src/CMakeLists.txt (B)
/src/libvhsdejitter/CMakeLists.txt (C)
FILE(GLOB_RECURSE source_files "*.h" "*.cpp")
ADD_LIBRARY(libvhsdejitter STATIC ${source_files})
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(libvhsdejitter ${OpenCV_LIBS})
/src/main/CMakeLists.txt (D)
FILE(GLOB_RECURSE source_files "*.h" "*.cpp")
ADD_EXECUTABLE(main ${source_files})
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(main libvhsdejitter ${OpenCV_LIBS})
Configuring and generating the Visual Studio .sln (...) files works well. In fact, I am not getting a single warning or error:
Configuring done
Generating done
However, my attempt to build the 'main' project in Visual Studio fails:
1>------ Build started: Project: main, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Build started 04.04.2012 14:38:47.
1> Touching "main.dir\Debug\main.unsuccessfulbuild".
1> All outputs are up-to-date.
1> main.cpp
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '#CMAKE_LIB_DIRS_CONFIGCMAKE#/libopencv_gpu.so.#OPENCV_VERSION##OPENCV_DLLVERSION##OPENCV_DEBUG_POSTFIX#.lib'
1>Build FAILED.
1>Time Elapsed 00:00:00.59
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 2 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Further details:
Operating system: Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
IDE: Visual Studio 2010 SP1
CMake version: 2.8.4
Target platform (i.e. what am I compiling/building for): Windows 32-bit
My questions:
How do I successfully build the 'main' project? I.e. how to fix that error?
What are these #VARIABLE_OR_SOMETHING#? I have tried to find out where they come from, and they seem to be set up in OpenCVConfig.cmake. But how are they supposed to work? Are they supposed to be evaluated by Visual Studio at "build-time"? If so, how are they evaluated?
You have probably noticed that I have set up quite a sophisticated folder structure. Do you have any advice on this? How do you organize your libraries and projects? Are there best-practices? Where are they documented?
Thank you and best regards, Robert
These variables are probably related to CMake's configure_file command, which allows you to specify a parameterised template document (typically with the extension ending in .in) and you can substitute CMake variables into the file to create it. They are evaluated at the time of the configure_file call, which happens when running CMake. I think what's happening is that there will be a parent CMake script to the one that you've taken which will configure that file with the contents of those variables and then use it in an add_subdirectory call. I would suggest checking for any readme that describes the top level run process (or any file which defines those variables then substitute them manually).
I have fixed it now. I think I can safely say that the whole mess was not my fault. Sorry for answering my own question.
Here is what I tried first (of course, this did not work for me, but it might work for others):
As Martin Foot pointed out in his answer, the *.in files are templates which are supposed to be filled out with proper values during a CMake configuration. However, I am using the OpenCV superpack, which includes all the binaries. For this reason I have, at no point, performed such a configuration step, because I assumed this would only be necessary if you wanted to compile something.
However, it seems that - even if you're using the superpack with prebuilt binaries - you have to configure the project in order to get your OpenCVConfig.cmake generated. Vadim Pisarevsky has stated that in the OpenCV bug tracker.
For some reason, this didn't work for me. I started up the Cmake GUI as usual, pointed it to the OpenCV directory and hit "Configure". I even hit "Generate" out of desperation. Yet, no OpenCVConfig.cmake appeared.
So I had to go on further ...
This is what actually helped:
In a recently filed bugreport related to OpenCVConfig.cmake, Sergiu Dotenco pointed out "that the currently provided OpenCVConfig.cmake is pretty fragile" etc. etc. Fortunately, Sergio has also provided a custom FindOpenCV.cmake script. By using his script I have finally been able to generate a working Visual Studio solution.
By the way, this is my current top-level CMakeLists.txt:
SET(OPENCV_ROOT_DIR "C:/dev/vs2010sp1_win32/opencv/2.3.1")
I have installed Sergio's FindOpenCV.cmake script in a new cmake-modules/ subfolder of the project. It is also important to note that I am using (as opposed to my original setup, where I used the "config mode") the minimal FIND_PACKAGE variant ("module mode"). Only if the minimal variant is used, CMake is looking for Find<package-name>.cmake scripts in the CMake module path. See the CMake documentation for FIND_PACKAGE.
I have also found this guide, which is about how to properly use CMake if you're a library developer: http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/CMake/Tutorials/How_to_create_a_ProjectConfig.cmake_file
I have fixed it now. I think I can safely say that the whole mess was not my fault. Sorry for answering my own question.
You fixed it?
I am having the same problem, and I followed your solution but it did not work.
When CMake executed the command
It would output:
One or more OpenCV components were not found:
CMake Error at C:/Program Files/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:91 (MESSAGE):
Could NOT find OpenCV (missing: OPENCV_CALIB3D_LIBRARY
OPENCV_VIDEO_LIBRARY) (found version "2.3.1")
Finally, I used the commands
to include all necessary directories or files, and it works, in a awkward way!
I want to use FreeType in a c# project. I found this binding, but I still need a freetype.dll. I usually use a static library in my c++ projects, so I never compiled one. Opening the freetype-solution (VS2010) I noticed that there is no configuration for a dynamic library - just static ones. I tried to make my own configuration and got it to generate a freetype.dll. If I use it with the c#-binding I get an exception, that the FT_Init_FreeType-entry point was not found. Any idea how I must adjust the freetype-project in order to export those functions?
If you're ok with an old version (march 2008), you can go to FreeType for Windows page, download the latest Binaries package, open the .ZIP, and extract FreeType6.dll from the bin directory. Just rename it appropriately.
If you need a more recent version, here is how you can compile the latest:
download the latest source (2.4.6 as of today) from http://sourceforge.net/projects/freetype/files/freetype2/
open Visual Studio 2010, and load freetype.sln from the builds\win32\vc2010 directory.
open the project config, and in the General tab, change Configuration Type to Dynamic Library (.dll)
open the ftoption.h file, and add these lines (near the "DLL export compilation" remarks section for example):
#define FT_EXPORT(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
#define FT_BASE(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
change the project compilation configuration to "Release".
compile the project. You should now have a freetype246.dll in the objs\win32\vc2010 directory.
I'm going to bet that the problem is that your DLL project does not export any symbols, so while all the code is in there the addresses of the symbols are not in the exports table so nobody can get to them from the outside.
This question has a nice solution to export all the symbols in a .dll without having to manually list them.
The future here. This is to future readers of this thread.
FT2 supports creating a static and dynamic library. They have solutions premade and can be found in the builds directory.
If you are forced to use CMAKE, you will have to do what the accepted answer does. However, it is no longer current. I was not able to find said file which references dll (near the "DLL export compilation" remarks section for example):. It is now located at freetype-x.x.x\include\freetype\config\ftconfig.h around line 424. I am using MSVS 2017, so try to follow along.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
Open freetype-x.x.x\include\freetype\config\ftconfig.h and around line 424, patch the __declspec(dllexport)'s in:
/* You can provide your own implementation of `FT_EXPORT` and */
/* `FT_EXPORT_DEF` here if you want. */
/* */
/* To export a variable, use `FT_EXPORT_VAR`. */
/* */
// This is due to FT_EXPORT and FT_BASE not generating a .lib file, just a .dll
#ifdef FT_EXPORT
#undef FT_EXPORT
#define FT_EXPORT(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
#ifdef FT_BASE
#undef FT_BASE
#define FT_BASE(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
#ifndef FT_EXPORT
Open the solution generated by CMAKE called freetype.sln . Select freetype in the Class View. Project -> Properties -> General -> Target Extension -> set to .dll and under Project Defaults -> Configuration Type -> set to Dynamic Library (.dll)
Make sure Release is select and Build -> Build freetype. In the 'build' directory that has the solutions, in Release you will have your freetype.dll and freetype.lib files for use. You will need those and all of freetype-.x.x.x\include.
Good luck :)