Spring 3.1.1 java based configuration issue of FreeMarkerConfigurer - spring

I am using Spring 3.1.1 with Freemarker.
After I have successded to use the new concept of java based configuraion of the new spring 3.1.
Now I try to use Freemarker with it.
However,I got that exception:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not resolve view with name
'/welcome' in servlet with name 'appServlet'
Here is the WebConfig:
package com.springway.config;
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private Environment environment;
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
converters.add(new MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter());
public ViewResolver viewResolver() {
UrlBasedViewResolver viewResolver = new UrlBasedViewResolver();
return viewResolver;
public FreeMarkerConfigurer freeMarkerConfigurer() {
FreeMarkerConfigurer configurer = new FreeMarkerConfigurer();
return configurer;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd">
<!-- freemarker config -->
<bean id="freemarkerConfig" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer">
<property name="templateLoaderPath" value="/WEB-INF/freemarker/"/>
<property name="freemarkerSettings">
<prop key="number_format">0.######</prop>
<property name="freemarkerVariables">
<entry key="xml_escape" value-ref="fmXmlEscape"/>
<bean id="fmXmlEscape" class="freemarker.template.utility.XmlEscape"/>
View resolvers can also be configured with ResourceBundles or XML files. If you need
different view resolving based on Locale, you have to use the resource bundle resolver.
<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerViewResolver">
<property name="cache" value="true"/>
<property name="prefix" value=""/>
<property name="suffix" value=".ftl"/>
The controller :
#RequestMapping(value="/", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView home(Principal user) {
return new ModelAndView("/welcome.ftl");

I am struggling the same problem as yours. And I tried to turn on logging level "DEBUG" for "org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer". I found following message:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/freemarker/] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist
at org.springframework.web.context.support.ServletContextResource.getURL(ServletContextResource.java:154) ~[spring-web-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar:3.1.1.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.web.context.support.ServletContextResource.getFile(ServletContextResource.java:169) ~[spring-web-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar:3.1.1.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.ui.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurationFactory.getTemplateLoaderForPath(FreeMarkerConfigurationFactory.java:351) [spring-context-support-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar:3.1.1.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.ui.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurationFactory.createConfiguration(FreeMarkerConfigurationFactory.java:304) [spring-context-support-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar:3.1.1.RELEASE]
And a wired log from Jetty:
WARN org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - /freemarker/
I don't know what going on! So that I replaced the value of "templateLoaderPath" with another name, like "/WEB-INF/tmpl-freemarker/", then everything is workable!!
Next, I tried to use ServerContext.getResource() to test "/WEB-INF/freemarker/html.ftl". Here is the result:
Resource under /WEB-INF/freemarker/: null
My code of testing:
private ServletContext servletContext;
try {
logger.info("Resource under /WEB-INF/freemarker/: {}", servletContext.getResource("/WEB-INF/freemarker/html.ftl"));
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.info("Exception while getResource", e);
It seems ServletContext can't find out the resource under "/WEB-INF/freemarker/" correctly either. But I'm not sure the object of ServletContext of Spring is as same as one on normal environment of Java Servlet.
I'm using FreeMarker 2.3.19, Springframework 3.1.1.RELEASE, and jetty-maven-plugin 7.4.5.v20110725 of Maven.

public class WebConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
public FreeMarkerViewResolver viewResolver() {
FreeMarkerViewResolver freeMarkerViewResolver = new FreeMarkerViewResolver();
return freeMarkerViewResolver;
public FreeMarkerConfigurer freemarkerConfig() {
FreeMarkerConfigurer freeMarkerConfigurer = new FreeMarkerConfigurer();
Properties settings = new Properties();
settings.setProperty("number_format", "0.######");
Map variables = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put("xml_escape", new XmlEscape());
return freeMarkerConfigurer;

You might have done wrong import
import org.springframework.web.portlet.ModelAndView;
instead of do this
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;


Can't resolve a Locale

I have a problem with Locale's. I'm trying to do a simple thing where I can choose english or german.
So I have two property files called
messages_en and
So far these files have a single line:
contactbook = Contact Book
contactbook = Adressbuch
Now in my JSP view I have this :
<spring:message code="contactbook"/>
The idea is that the message in the view changes depending on which locale we're using. Now the locale itself should be changed with this line:
If I remove the everything works great but of course it's not locale specified. So the rest of the view is good.
In my dispatcher-servlet.xml file I have this:
<bean id="localeResolver"
<property name="defaultLocale" value="en" />
<bean id="localeChangeInterceptor"
<property name="paramName" value="language" />
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.support.ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping" >
<property name="interceptors">
<ref bean="localeChangeInterceptor" />
Again, without it everything works well. There's something wrong with my understanding here. The localeChangeInterceptor stops any change done to the locale and the ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping does what? I keep on looking at my controller and wondering should I add something to it but it seems to me that all these lines in the dispatcher should be enough.
The exception I get is
No message found under code 'contactbook' for locale 'en'
Despite a myriad of examples out there I keep on failing to understand or resolve the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need configure a ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource.
look at java doc Here.
<bean id="messageSource" class="org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource">
<!--classpath of your messages-->
<property name="basename" value="classpath:/i18n/messages" />
<property name="useCodeAsDefaultMessage" value="true" />
<property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8" />
If you need working example of JavaConfig SpringMVC app I can help you with my code. I've been developing the same kind of simple app. Here is configuration of SpringMVC:
public class WebMvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
#Bean(name = "viewResolver")
public InternalResourceViewResolver getViewResolver(){
InternalResourceViewResolver resolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
resolver.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
return resolver;
#Bean(name = "messageSource")
public ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource getReloadableResourceBundle(){
ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource resourceBundle = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource();
return resourceBundle;
#Bean(name = "localeResolver")
public SessionLocaleResolver getSessionLocaleResolver(){
SessionLocaleResolver resolver = new SessionLocaleResolver();
return resolver;
#Bean(name = "localeChangeInterceptor")
public LocaleChangeInterceptor getLocaleChangeInterceptor(){
LocaleChangeInterceptor interceptor = new LocaleChangeInterceptor();
return interceptor;
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
public void configureDefaultServletHandling(DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) {
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
Also if it won't solve your problem and your config will be working fine, just try to put line spacer before the very first message in every .message file in your message bundle. (It helped me once when I've been getting the same exception you got and I don't know why, just saying ;P )

Spring Instantiation using a none-static factory method

I have got a situation where I would like to create bean2 in Spring config:
<bean id="bean1" class="...">
<property name="..." ref="..." />
bean2 = bean1.foo()
Would appreciate any help,
You can use instance factory method. See corresponding chapter in Spring documentation.
<bean id="bean2" factory-bean="bean1" factory-method="foo"/>
If you are using annotations you can use:
public class AppConfig {
public Bean1 getBean1(){
return Bean1.getInstance();
public Bean2 getBean2() {
return this.getBean1().newBean2(); //in your example is this.getBean1().foo();

Getting an EhCache instance with Spring... intelligently

I need to get a specific EhCache instance by name and I'd prefer to autowire if possible. Given the following automatically configured controller, how can I autowire in the cache instance I'm looking for?
public class MyUniqueService {
<beans ...>
<ctx:component-scan base-package="my.controllers"/>
<mvc:annotation-driven />
How do I configure EhCache in my application context? I don't see any log messages from EhCache about it loading the ehcache.xml file in my /WEB-INF/ directory. How do I make it load it?
How can I integrate EhCache with my Spring application to have it load the ehcache.xml file from my /WEB-INF/ directory and autowire a cache by a given name into my MyUniqueService controller?
First you need to create a Ehcache CacheManager singleton in you app context like this:
<bean id="myEhCacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean">
<property name="configLocation" value="classpath:my-ehcache.xml"/>
Here configLocation is set to load from classpath or use value="/WEB-INF/my-ehcache.xml".
In your controller simply inject the CacheManager instance:
public class MyUniqueService {
private CacheManager cacheManager;
Alternatively, if you'd like to go the "entirely autowired" route, do:
<bean class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheCacheManager">
<property name="cacheManager">
<bean class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean">
<property name="configLocation" value="/WEB-INF/ehcache.xml"/>
Setup your class like so:
public class MyUniqueService {
private org.springframework.cache.CacheManager cacheManager;
public org.springframework.cache.Cache getUniqueObjectCache() {
return cacheManager.getCache("uniqueObjectCache");
uniqueObjectCache corresponds to this cache instance in your ehcache.xml cache definition:
<cache name="uniqueObjectCache"
There isn't a way to inject an actual cache instance, but as shown above, you can inject a cache manager and use it to get the cache you're interested in.
Assuming you have cacheManager defined:
<bean id="cacheManager"
<property name="configLocation" value="classpath:/ehcache.xml"/>
You can get/inject specific cache like this:
private Cache myCache;
See also examples how to use Spring EL inside the #Value() http://www.mkyong.com/spring3/spring-el-method-invocation-example/ if you are interested.
You can also use autowire if the context can find a bean with the correct class. Here is how I configured my xml
<bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean">
<property name="configLocation">
<bean id="cache" class="net.sf.ehcache.Cache" factory-bean="cacheManager" factory-method="getCache">
<constructor-arg value="CacheNameHere" />
And my java class
private net.sf.ehcache.Cache cache;
This setup works for me.
Indeed! Or if you want to use a java config class:
private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
EhCacheCacheManager ehCacheCacheManager = new EhCacheCacheManager();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create an EhCacheManagerFactoryBean", e);
return ehCacheCacheManager;
public FactoryBean<net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager> ehcacheCacheManager() {
EhCacheManagerFactoryBean bean = new EhCacheManagerFactoryBean();
return bean;

How to use velocity 1.7 with Spring

I am using velocity 1.7 withe spring 3.1 framework for sending email. velocity is used for email templates.
Below is the configuration
<bean id="velocityEngine"
<property name="velocityProperties">
<prop key="resource.loader">class</prop>
<prop key="class.resource.loader.class">
and below is my code
public class EmailUtils {
private static VelocityEngine velocityEngine;
public static void sendMail(String subject, Map data, String template,
String toName, String toAddress) {
HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail();
try {
System.out.println(template +" template");
System.out.println(data +" data ");
System.out.println(velocityEngine +" velocityEngine ");
String message = VelocityEngineUtils.mergeTemplateIntoString(
velocityEngine, template, data);
System.out.println(message +" message message ");
email.addTo(toAddress, toName);
email.setFrom(fromAddress, fromName);
} catch (EmailException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
When I run the application I get following error.
at org.springframework.ui.velocity.VelocityEngineUtils.mergeTemplate(VelocityEngineUtils.java:58)
as the velocity engine is null.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:mvc="http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.1.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-3.1.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc/spring-mvc-3.1.xsd">
<bean id="velocityEngine"
<property name="velocityProperties">
<prop key="resource.loader">class</prop>
<prop key="class.resource.loader.class">
Please help me. Is there any other configuration that I need to do?
I had the same issue when using . I could have solved it in the following way:
public class ApplicationConfiguration {
public VelocityEngine getVelocityEngine() throws VelocityException, IOException{
VelocityEngineFactory factory = new VelocityEngineFactory();
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("resource.loader", "class");
props.put("class.resource.loader.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader");
return factory.createVelocityEngine();
But instead - because I was using velocity templates for my views and had already declared a VelocityConfigurer, so I instead Autowired in my declaration of VelocityConfigurer and called getVelocityEngine() on that.
I did discover that, if it's being autowired into #Service-s or #Component-s and you've declared in a shared applicationContext.xml file, then the xml declaration had to be in that shared applicationContext.xml as well rather than the xxx-servlet.xml config.
I think this is because applicationContext.xml is shared amongst all servlets in the application, so it has to be fully processed before the xxx-servlet.xml files are.
Alternatively, you could enable spring bean factory debugging and see if it's having any issues instantiating it:
I think you cannot use #Autowired with a static field. You can work around this with a non-static setter:
public void setVelocityEngine(VelocityEngine ve) {
EmailUtils.velocityEngine = ve;
or in another way but I would strongly recommend turning EmailUtils into a non-static bean. Spring handles non-static components much better (no ugly hacks needed), it will be possible to swap implementations and your code will stick to DI philosphy.
This is my attempt, I initialize the "velocityEngine" bean manually via ClassPathXmlApplicationContext:
Spring application-context.xml
<bean id="velocityEngine" class="org.springframework.ui.velocity.VelocityEngineFactoryBean">
<property name="velocityProperties">
This is my template_text.vm, put it in the classpath, same level as application-context.xml.
Dear $userName,
You have made the following request on $userTime.
#if( $isFileMissing )
Missing file(s) found in home directory:
#foreach( $missingFile in $missingFiles )
- $missingFile
Best regards,
This is the Java code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String[] springConfig = {"application-context.xml"};
org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext context = new org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(springConfig);
java.util.Map<String, Object> model = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("userName", "John Low");
model.put("userTime", "2015-10-28 23:59:59");
model.put("isFileMissing", true);
model.put("missingFiles", new String[] {"line 1", "line 2", "line 3"});
String text = org.springframework.ui.velocity.VelocityEngineUtils.mergeTemplateIntoString((VelocityEngine)context.getBean("velocityEngine"), "/template_text.vm", "UTF-8", model);
The output:
Dear John Low,
You have made the following request on 2015-10-28 23:59:59.
Missing file(s) found in home directory:
- file 1
- file AAA
- line 3
Best regards,
I had the same issue when I was upgrading our project to Java 11 + Spring Boot 2.1.8. I could have solved it in the following way:
public class AppConfig {
public VelocityEngine velocityEngine() throws Exception {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("input.encoding", "UTF-8");
properties.setProperty("output.encoding", "UTF-8");
properties.setProperty("resource.loader", "class");
properties.setProperty("class.resource.loader.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader");
VelocityEngine velocityEngine = new VelocityEngine(properties);
return velocityEngine;

Inject a file resource into Spring bean

What is a good way to inject some file resource into Spring bean ?
Now i autowire ServletContext and use like below. Is more elegant way to do that in Spring MVC ?
public class SomeController {
private ServletContext servletContext;
public ModelAndView texts() {
InputStream in = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/file.txt");
// ...
Something like this:
public class SomeController {
private Resource resource;
public void setResource(Resource resource) {
this.resource = resource;
public ModelAndView texts() {
InputStream in = resource.getInputStream();
// ...
In your bean definition:
<bean id="..." class="x.y.SomeController">
<property name="resource" value="/WEB-INF/file.txt"/>
This will create a ServletContextResource using the /WEB-INF/file.txt path, and inject that into your controller.
Note you can't use component-scanning to detect your controller using this technique, you need an explicit bean definition.
Or just use the #Value annotation.
For single file:
private Resource about;
For multiple files:
private Resource[] abouts;
What do you intend to use the resource for? In you example you don't do anything with it.
From it's name, however, it looks like you are trying to load internationalisation / localisation messages - for which you can you a MessageSource.
If you define some beans (possibly in a separate messages-context.xml) similar to this:
<bean id="messageSource"
<property name="basenames">
<bean id="localeChangeInterceptor"
<property name="paramName" value="lang" />
<bean id="localeResolver"
<property name="defaultLocale" value="en_GB" />
Spring will load your resource bundle when you application starts. You can then autowire the MessageSource into your controller and use it to get localised messages:
public class SomeController {
private MessageSource messageSource;
public ModelAndView texts(Locale locale) {
String localisedMessage = messageSource.getMessage("my.message.key", new Object[]{}, locale)
/* do something with localised message here */
return new ModelAndView("texts");
NB. adding Locale as a parameter to your controller method will cause Spring to magically wire it in - that's all you need to do.
You can also then access the messages in your resource bundle in your JSPs using:
<spring:message code="my.message.key" />
Which is my preferred way to do it - just seems cleaner.
